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This article uses theoretical concepts from self-efficacy theory, goal theory, expectancy value, and intrinsic motivation theory as a way to organize the vast and largely atheoretical literature on academic cheating. Specifically, it draws on 3 particular questions that students encounter when deciding whether to cheat: (a) What is my purpose?, (b) Can I do this task?, and (c) What are the costs associated with cheating? This article reviews both experimental and nonexperimental evidence related to each of these questions and offers suggestions for future research and instructional practices that will lessen the likelihood of cheating.  相似文献   


The purpose of this study was to answer the following two questions: (1) Do significant differences exist in high-school learning experience, interests, self-efficacy, and career aspirations between male and female science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) students? (2) Can high-school learning experiences, interests, and self-efficacy significantly predict career aspirations, and do differences exist between male and female STEM students? This study highlighted the gender gap between male and female university students who had already chosen STEM majors with similar academic ability. A total of 407 first-year students were surveyed at a 4-year research university in Taiwan. For the data analysis, a t-test and multiple regression analysis were used, and the findings indicated that male STEM students had greater family support than their female counterparts. The variable of task value could significantly predict STEM career aspirations for both male and female students, whereas the variable of STEM course self-efficacy could only significantly predict that of male students. In conclusion, the findings highlighted that the motivation of task value was a vital factor for predicting STEM career aspirations, whereas the factor of family support was the main gap between male and female STEM students in terms of their high-school learning experiences.  相似文献   

信息两面论是大卫.J.查默斯(D.J.Chalmers)于1994年提出的一个旨在用非还原论方法解决意识之困难问题的新意识理论,主张信息是世界的根本特征,它具有物理和现象两个基本方面:信息的现象方面产生出心理意识现象,其物理方面则具体化于物理的神经加工活动之中。因此,信息两面论似可以不违科学规律地说明心理意识的产生与存在。然而,信息乃是一非独立的、无形质的意义性抽象东西,属于虚在的属性范畴;心理意识则是实在的主观现象,有具体可感的持存性,因而它不能以虚在的抽象信息为产生根据。又则,心理意识是有其活动主体的,但作为抽象意义的信息能够内含或产生出一种有支承能力的主体来吗?这是大可疑义的。再从科学机制上看,是大脑神经活动产生了心理意识现象,心理信息以心理现象为载体,它是神经活动信息的转换形式,而非神经信息的另一方面。所以,信息难能具有心物两面性。但查默斯的信息两面论以其对意识难题的深刻难解,从而也具有诸多的启发意义。  相似文献   

The paper attempts to raise a few issues relating to the task of defining and operationalizing literacy and literacy development across communities with diverse socio-economic profiles. In particular, the following concerns are raised: (1) Can literacy development be assessed using one set of domains, given that the domains of literacy practices vary across cultures? (2) Does the acquisition of literacy skills mean the same thing to people across different communities? (3) Does illiteracy have the same consequences for people in different communities? (4) Is the process of literacy acquisition and development the same across diverse communities? The paper underscores the importance of considering the diverse socio-economic patterns in different communities in trying to determine present levels of literacy development and in proposing programs to increase levels of literacy skill. It also proposes using the level of community (in addition to the macro-level of nation-state and the micro-level of individual) in analyzing matters relating to literacy development.  相似文献   

In preparation for an experiment to investigate the effectiveness of teaching conservation principles, we showed a large number of Grade 8 students two cubes of exactly the same size but with very different masses, and two other cubes of very different sizes but with the same mass (confirmed using scales). Students were then asked to predict the extent of the water level rise which would occur if each cube of each pair were to be placed in similar beakers of water and submerged. Initially almost all predicted on the basis of mass being the significant factor. A teaching sequence followed in which students interacted with different objects and measured water displacement. Following this they were retested on the same task and many now predicted that the rise of water level would depend only on the volume of the object being submerged. On the other hand some still stated that only mass would be important, and others believed a balance between the two would be the determining factor.  相似文献   

Can extended opportunities for self-assessment over time help students develop the capacity to make better judgements about their work? Using evidence gathered through students' voluntary self-assessment of their performance with respect to assessment tasks in two different disciplines at two Australian universities, the paper focuses on the effects of sequences of units of study and the use of different types of assessment task (written, oral, analysis, and project) in the development of student judgement. Convergence between student criteria-based gradings of their own performance in units of study and those allocated by tutors was analysed to explore the calibration of students' judgement over time. First, it seeks to replicate analyses from an earlier smaller-scale study to confirm that students' judgements can be calibrated through continuing opportunities for self-assessment and feedback. Second, it extends the analysis to coherently designed sequences of units of study and explores the effects of different types of assessment. It finds that disruptive patterns of assessment within a sequence of subjects can reduce convergence between student and tutor judgements.  相似文献   

In this paper I explore the connection between workplace relationships and teacher development. Using a conceptual framework built on Brim and Wheeler's (1966) ideas on self-socialization and Erickson's (1963) theory of psychosocial development I draw on information gathered in year one of a 2-year qualitative study of teacher socialization to explore the following questions: With whom do beginning teachers form relationships in their new professional contexts? What is the nature of these relationships? What functions do they serve? Are some relationships more important at some times than others? How do certain relationships facilitate or constrain the various aspects of teacher development? Can facilitating relationships be contrived? Can contrived relationships be facilitating? And, finally, what role does context play in all of this?The focus on relationships grows out of a need to understand better the role of the “other” in the professional growth process. By examining information gathered through conversations with 13 new teachers I will uncover and explore some of the issues pertaining to professional relationship formation and development particularly in relation to teacher socialization and the psychosocial aspects of teacher development. These insights will be used as a basis for a discussion of formalized induction programs which feature forms of institutionally imposed collaborative arrangements. Drawing on some of the recent work on teacher culture and collegiality (Hargreaves, 1990; Little, 1990; Rosenholtz, 1987, 1989), Barth's (1990) ideas on school improvement through the creation of a “community of learners”, and on Noddings' (1986) and Gherke's (1987) notions on the building of caring and helping communities, I will discuss the limitations of some of the recent trends in professional development for new teachers. I will recommend an alternative approach to new teacher induction, one that takes into account the individuality of the teacher, the school culture, and the socialization process. In essence, I will argue for a “natural” and integrated approach to teacher induction.  相似文献   

价值研究上的实用主义倾向是持续百余年价值争论的根源。马克思的劳动价值论是一种抽象的分析工具,应该看做马克思经济理论的假设前提。事实上,马克思的价值分析和西方主流经济学的价格分析是互补的。我们应该从人类社会发展的角度重新认识马克思的价值理论,并以此为基础整合经济学体系。  相似文献   

Effective feedback presupposes that students understand the task on which feedback is given. But what about the teachers formulating and assessing the task? Do they always understand it as intended? And if so, feedback on what? The purpose of this study is to examine how university teachers individually understand tasks distributed to students. Does interpretation differ if the teachers themselves try to solve the task, discuss the solution with other teachers, as well as try to formulate better versions of the task? The theoretical framework rests upon a hermeneutic understanding of reality. There is thereby reason to doubt the possibility of information transfer and the understanding of feedback as a strict rational process. The empirical material was collected in connection with development work, and sections where the participants expressed uncertainty considering the interpretation of the task were transcribed. The empirical material shows that teachers interpret a task somewhat differently when examining it more carefully, on their own and together with other teachers. It also shows that the same teacher vacillates in their interpretation of a task when examined more thoroughly. Consequently feedback given to students also differs. The drift of meaning is probably quite minor, but still noteworthy.  相似文献   

This article examines ethical and philosophical considerations in theory translation, i.e. translating a theoretical framework from its original place to another national context. Critical race theory (CRT) was developed in the United States through significant struggle in order to analyze everyday racism. Marginalized groups have historically shared postcolonial critiques, conceptualizations of social justice, and methods for mass resistance across national borders. Through an analysis of the literature on CRT and contemporary India, this article explores whether CRT’s principles and methodology can be employed to research discrimination within India’s school system. Can CRT be sensitive to the differences in context and still retain its philosophical center? This analysis reveals that CRT may be particularly helpful in highlighting the educational discrimination experienced by Dalits via use of CRT’s social construction thesis to conceptualize caste and intersectionality to understand caste’s relationship to gender and class.  相似文献   


In the present world of further education, is academic leadership in danger of being sidelined and undermined? Can further education make progress without a clear academic purpose? This paper argues that such a purpose is essential and that it is the ‘departmental head’ who is critical in protecting academic leadership. Boyer's work on scholarship (Boyer, 1990) and Rogers’ theory of innovation and change (Rogers, 1983) are used to explore the nature, boundaries and application of academic leadership.  相似文献   

常见的胎紧测度序列例子概念过于抽象,形式比较复杂,理解相当困难,并且一般的书籍资料很少列举.采用一种形式新且易懂的方式构造胎紧测度序列,即在一维Borel概率测度空间这一熟悉背景下,通过建立平面几何图形及运用系列几何作图的技术性处理,将胎紧测度序列以具体化、直观化的图形形式展现出来,同时更清楚地体现了测度的实质含义及胎紧与非胎紧之间的本质区别.  相似文献   

政府购买教育服务何以可能   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
我国政府购买教育服务的试行和有效实践,需要在理论上对教育服务何以可"购买"、政府何以要"购买"、政府在何处"购买"以及如何购买等问题进行深入思考,并形成科学的认识与判断,以帮助我们更清晰地认识政府购买教育服务所需的理论环境、政策环境和市场环境,为政府购买教育服务实践提供相应的理论支持与实践指导.  相似文献   

Presented are variables and conditions for design of a computer‐based adaptive instructional system. The design strategy uses Bayes’ theory of conditional probability to determine an instructional sequence according to individual student characteristics and needs. The adaptive strategy uses prior estimates based on student pretask and on‐task performance in an algorithm that makes selections of instructional sequence from a table of generated values. The computer system provides a dynamic environment which updates each students on‐task learning progress and modifies the instructional sequence accordingly. The purpose of this adaptive strategy is to improve the effectiveness of the learning environment, resulting in reductions in student learning time while improving task acquisition.  相似文献   

A student is learning to speak BritishEnglish.He wonders:Can I communicatewith Americans? Can they understand me?Learners of English often ask:What are the  相似文献   

随着素质教育的深入,掌握抽象的数学概念已成为数学教学中需要探究的课题。数学模块是根据需要所制成的具有一定 几何形状并能拼装的模型模板。运用数学模块帮助学生理解抽象数学概念的优质主要表现为:(1)使抽象的数学概念形象直观化;(2)让学生经历数学知识的形成与应用过程;(3)注重了数学知识间的联系与综合,有助于提高学生解决问题的能力;(4)有利于教师对学生数学学习过程的评价。  相似文献   

Can young children visualize the solution to a difficult spatial problem? Forty‐eight 3‐year‐olds were tested in a spatial reasoning paradigm in which they were asked to predict the path of a ball moving through 1 of 3 intertwined tubes. One group of children was asked to visualize the ball rolling down the tube before they made their predictions, a second group was given identical instructions without being asked to use visual imagery, and a third group was given no instructions. Children in the visualization condition performed significantly better than those in the other conditions, suggesting that encouraging young children to use visual imagery may help them to reason through difficult problems.  相似文献   

Tested was the effect of two persuasive messages presented by a credible communicator on the attitudes toward energy conservation of 180 preservice elementary teachers. The study asked the following questions: (1) Can attitudes toward energy conservation be positively changed with a brief, belief-laden communication? (2) Do positive attitude gains between pre- and post-tests, if any, dissipate within three weeks following the treatment? (3) Do the integrated and the nonintegrated communications affect energy attitudes of three subgroups (abstract, concrete differentiator and concrete thinkers) of the sample differently? The important finding was that both experimental treatments, integrated and nonintegrated, were equally effective and significantly more effective in attitude change than the control. Secondly, the finding that neither experimental treatment dissipated in effect, at least for three weeks, suggests some duration of brief treatment periods. And finally, the attitude changes are as likely to occur when concrete differentiators are presented with a nonintegrated as an integrated treatment, but abstract thinkers exposed to the integrated treatment and concrete thinkers exposed to the nonintegrated treatment sustain a changed attitude to a greater degree than other combinations of treatment and cognitive processing styles.  相似文献   

This article will discuss my often challenging transition from radical political poet to full time poet teacher in a Roman Catholic secondary school. Can the counter‐cultural art form of spoken word education thrive within the institution of school? By looking at classroom and after school experience, student poems and relevant theory, the paper will consider the opportunities and complications of using spoken word education to stage marginalised voices.  相似文献   

In the context of an educational or clinical intervention, we often ask questions such as “How does this intervention influence the task behavior of autistic children?” or “How does working memory influence inhibition of immediate responses?” What do we mean by the word influence here? In this article, we introduce the framework of complex dynamic systems (CDS) to disentangle the meaning of words such as influence, and to discuss the issue of education and intervention as something that takes place in the form of complex, real‐time, situated processes. What are the applied implications of such a CDS framework? Can we use it to improve education? Five general principles—process laws—are introduced, which can be used to guide the way we formulate research questions and methods, and the way we use the results of such research. In addition, we briefly discuss a project in progress, in which we ourselves attempt to apply the process laws that govern educational activities. Finally, we report about a discussion about the usability of the process laws, both in educational research and in the classroom, as was held during our workshop at the Mind, Brain, and Education Conference, November 2014.  相似文献   

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