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School-based management (SBM) is a potentially valuable reform mechanism in urban school districts in which each school serves a unique mix of students drawn from a heterogeneous population. Because SBM usually relies on leadership councils that function as the decision-making bodies for individual schools, its effectiveness as a reform mechanism ultimately depends on the quality of these councils. This research explores how council decision-making quality is affected by five dimensions of council diversity. Results indicate that diversity in terms of council member roles and tenure in the district is related to council decision-making quality, while ethnic and gender diversity and diversity in council experience are unrelated to decision processes. Potential explanations for these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

School-based management (SBM) is a standard feature of many current reforms. While previous research found that poorly designed and poorly implemented SBM had few positive effects, recent research suggests that SBM can improve instructional programs and produce higher levels of student learning. This article synthesizes research findings from major studies of SBM to identify the core elements of a successful SBM strategy. By comparing schools that successfully used SBM with schools that struggled to implement SBM, we generate 8 elements of schooling that were associated with successful SBM. In brief, these elements address vision, decision-making authority, power, knowledge and skills, information, rewards, leadership, and resources.  相似文献   


The main aim of this research is to evaluate the use of Influence in Agile Management at schools by the school administration, which is used with the purpose of increasing success and quality of schools. It is evaluated, within this context, that obtaining opinions of teachers from two different educational institutions would contribute to the improvement of the educational sector. This research aims at underlining which type of influence method used by the school administration would be more beneficial. Semi-structured interview, which is one of the types of qualitative approach, has been used in this research and 18 teachers were interviewed from two different educational institutions. According to the results of the semi-structured interview, teachers have expressed that they do not undertake the desired role in the decision-making process on the changes to be made at schools. They added that they are taking part in the decision-making process at low profiles, but they would like to take more active roles. Moreover, it has been observed that there is no initiative or plan to include teachers to the decision-making process and there is no training to the teachers on this issue even in universal values and disability.  相似文献   

School-based management (SBM) with devolution of authority and responsibility to school level decision-makers has become the most prominent feature of public school management systems in most countries around the world. This article provides the global trends and current developments in SBM in Indonesia with an emphasis on how SBM has created partnership and participatory decision-making processes in school level. The data reported here are on the basis of an empirical survey involving 504 school council members from Ngada Flores followed by 42 interviews with all relevant stakeholders.  相似文献   

This paper adopts a qualitative approach to study the perceptions of six secondary teachers from two schools with a similar background and history of school‐based management (SBM). The study aims to explore the views of the teachers in the following areas: changes in school administration and the structure of the school under SBM; changes in the role of teachers and the activities of the Parent–Teacher Associations; the challenges facing principals; and teachers' worries and concerns under SBM. The study is significant as it supplements the limited number of researches on the roles of teachers and principals under SBM in Hong Kong. As serving teachers now play increasingly important roles in schools and work closely with their principals in administrative and educational matters, they can provide invaluable insights into the new era of change.  相似文献   

教师的教学决策行为是影响教学质量的深层因素,对整个教学活动流程具有导向性作用。文章借鉴"专家—新手"比较范式,采用滞后序列分析法,以90名教师为研究样本,重点比较了骨干教师与新手教师在教学决策行为上的差异,结果发现:在静态决策行为方面,骨干教师更关注认知类决策,而新手教师更关注程序性决策;在动态决策行为方面,骨干教师的决策策略比新手教师更均衡多样、目标更聚焦。此外,文章还综合两类教师的动静决策行为特点,给出了相应的启示和建议,以期为新手教师成长为优秀骨干教师提供实践指导,并为发展新手教师的教学决策能力提供外在的"结果态"参照。  相似文献   

我国高等教育管理的规范化和国际化   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
管理人才的政治素质、知识水平和科学管理能力,对于学校的发展起着举足轻重的作用。现代高等教育管理已由传统经验决策发展到科学决策;并引入市场竞争机制,接收民主管理和监督,吸引与激励教师和其他教育工作者及受教育者关心和参与教育管理;同时依法进行教育管理,使我国高等教育管理走向规范化和国际化。  相似文献   

普通中小学教师参与决策研究综述   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
教育决策的科学化、民主化是学校管理中一个永恒的研究课题。杜威指出民主作为一种政治制度的核心就是参与的精神。具体到学校中,教师参与就成为民主的象征和标志之一。要顺应要求,满足教师的需要,教师应参与学校的决策。目前关于教师参与是什么,谁来参与,应参与哪些决策,影响教师参与的因素有哪些,埃德姆·布雷杰斯等许多研究者作了非常详细的研究,各自有不同的观点,这些研究和观点对今后的探讨有启示意义。  相似文献   

ABSTRACT:  Throughout the western world a leading example of the educational reforms that have been implemented in the late twentieth and twenty-first century is School-Based Management (SBM), a system designed to improve educational outcome through staff teamwork and self-governance. This research set out to examine the efficacy of teamwork in ten SBM-designated Arab-Bedouin elementary schools in Israel. Two explicit issues were examined: (1) What impact did SBM have on the development of teamwork among the schools' staff? (2) Does the Arab-Bedouin social-cultural context influence implementation of teamwork in SBM schools? The research method consisted of a questionnaire to which 361 teachers/school principals replied, and a semi-structured interview with 30 of the respondents. Results of this study demonstrate that true teamwork does not exist in the schools studied, despite their SBM official status, primarily because the concept of teamwork clashes with the social/cultural norms of traditional Arab-Bedouin society and thus exacerbates conflicts among staff, which then impedes implementation of SBM. In conclusion, this research recommends that for SBM to enable traditional Arab-Bedouin society to benefit from managing its own schools, broad educational changes such as this must be introduced gradually, in a customised, culturally sensitive manner.  相似文献   

Following the international trend in education towards democracy and decentralization, the Hong Kong government introduced a school-based management (SBM) system about two decades ago. It is widely recognized in the literature that decentralization, empowering school level management and marginalizing the influence of the intermediate level of governance, can result in better deployment of school resources and better meet the demands of various stakeholders. However, in the unique historical and cultural context of Hong Kong, the advantages of decentralization claimed in the literature have yet to be fully realized. This paper discusses the contextual factors affecting the implementation of SBM in Hong Kong, and examines their impact on four major stakeholders, namely the government, the principals, the teachers, and the parents in the wake of reform.  相似文献   

课程事务中,具有课程专业智识并行使课程决策权的主体包括教育研究机构、教育专家学者及一线教师,他们既是独立的主体,亦是其他主体利益及诉求表达的代表者或中介者,而身份的多样性也为其权力的行使带来困境:教育研究机构在政治压力与社会期望的夹缝中生存,教育专家学者在自由理想与现实束缚间痛苦徘徊,一线教师则成为形式赋权与权力虚置间的尴尬存在。课程决策专业主体权力的保障,既是课程专业品质的保证,亦是维护课程公平的要求。为此,不仅需要相关部门加强制度建设,为其提供良好的课程决策环境,还需要专业主体自身坚实履行职责,巩固其专业权威。  相似文献   

For the past two decades, those involved in teacher training have encouraged teachers to incorporate evidence from research into a process of critical reflection to improve the quality of their decisions. Using research as part of a deliberative reflective process has been thought to enable teachers to learn from their practice. However, teachers’ decision-making has proven highly impervious to external influence. Teachers often resist reflective models that attempt to take their thinking to deeper, critical levels and are unlikely to use empirical evidence to inform their decisions. Given these conditions, this study seeks further insight into teachers’ pedagogical decision-making amidst the complex dynamics of ‘real-world’ educational contexts. Based on a systematic review of over three decades of decision research, a questionnaire was developed to investigate the decision process of 80 pre- and in-service teachers working in the post-compulsory sector. Data were analysed to uncover how these teachers made sense of the range of information that came into play when deciding how to resolve a pedagogical issue and the sources they used to inform their decision-making. If those involved in pre- and in-service teacher training could build upon teachers’ intrinsic decision processes, they could potentially support greater decision effectiveness.  相似文献   

Site‐based management (SBM) has received decidedly mixed reviews as a reform strategy. Although most scholars who have studied it note that this form of governance can be linked to some positive changes in culture or parent or teacher satisfaction, only a few have observed clear changes in student achievement that can be tied to site‐level autonomy and shared decision‐making within the school. The absence of learning effects may be due to problems in theories undergirding SBM, to weak or uneven implementation, or to methodological problems in evaluative studies. In this study, researchers set out, not to evaluate SBM, but rather to understand how it worked in a school that, by many criteria, could be considered a success. After engaging in a year long, intensive case study at one urban elementary school, the authors concluded that four commitments, deeply embedded in the minds of educators and, to a lesser extent, parents, drove successful reform at this site. The central and organizing commitment was a kind of “learning imperative.” Administrators and teachers were passionate and knowledgeable about learning and determined to do whatever it took to see that students and their families had optimal educational experiences. This imperative was buttressed and supported by three other “imperatives.” Educators viewed themselves as members of a community and felt an imperative to interact in supportive and respectful ways. Most teachers, all administrators, and a number of parents, responding to a leadership imperative, willingly and actively took responsibility for life at the school, and administrators and teachers were determined to be guided by a capacity‐building imperative which required that resources be aimed at promoting learning. Site‐based management facilitated the ability of persons at this site to act on these imperatives. It did not, however, influence the quality of decisions to any great degree.  相似文献   

While it is true that SBM shapes and charts the direction of school operations, it is interesting to discuss how a developing country like the Philippines is influenced by this reform strategy as a structural and procedural framework in managing its system of education, particularly, its basic education sector which through the years has been criticized for its alarming state as shown by its performance indicators rates. This paper purports to provide a panorama on how school-based management as a restructuring framework is viewed and interpreted by the basic education sector which constitutes the largest portion of the country’s educational system. Specifically, the eight key elements of successful SBM schools, namely: (1) an active vision; (2) meaningful decision-making authority; (3) distribution of power; (4) development and use of knowledge and skills; (5) collecting and communicating information; (6) rewards for progress; (7) shared leadership; and (8) cultivating resources, were used to serve the purpose of this discourse.  相似文献   

探究高校人力资源管理自然离不开绩效管理的命题,从高校人力资源分布与结构状况分析,教师的主体地位和作用不容置疑,高校绩效管理的核心就是教师绩效管理。高校教师绩效具有隐蔽性、异质性、滞后性的特点。高校教师绩效管理工作存在战略协同度不高、发展性功能弱化、绩效管理关键决策偏离人本选择等现实问题。应用OKR研究高校教师绩效管理工作,构建基于OKR的"思想、教学、研究、服务"四位一体绩效管理模型,按照时间轴和实施路径的要求设置目标并将目标关键成果落地执行,在分类管理与科学衡量的基础上有效地开展PDCA过程管理,能够有针对性地解决高校教师绩效管理所面临的现实问题。广东D高校运用OKR绩效管理模型开展教师绩效管理工作,经过三年的PDCA循环实践验证了OKR绩效管理模型的有效性。  相似文献   


This article explores how early-career teachers working in high-poverty schools in Australia account for their decision-making during critical classroom incidents. Classroom management solutions are problematized by investigating how two teachers take up particular positions, make decisions, and enact what they believe to be ‘quality teaching’ in context. Through a combination of interviews and observations of teachers ‘in situ’, we examine what these teachers do, why they do it, what informs their decisions, and how they reflect on their actions. The complexity of teachers’ work in schools located in high-poverty areas is highlighted. We argue that both early-career teachers prefer to position themselves within ‘pastoral’, in contrast to ‘disciplinarian’, discourses, as part of constituting the school as a site of possibility and teachers who advocate for youth growing up in poverty.  相似文献   

美国教师专业发展学校是一种多方合作办学的教师教育机构,师生的参与决策、相互沟通、教师领导和新颖的小组工作方式保证了学校的有效运转,改善了教师职前培训质量,促进了在职教师的专业发展。我国教师专业化发展应改造与提升现有师范学校的学科与知识结构,促进大学与中小学之间的密切合作;实施不同阶段的教师教育内容,促进教师专业发展的持续性;教学科研相结合,促进教师专业发展。  相似文献   

当前幼儿园教育科研中普遍存在选题盲目不清、教师科研素质较低、日常教学与科研难以协调、缺乏制度保障等问题。为推进幼儿园教科研工作,幼儿园在选题上应从微观入手,切合本园实际;应建立教研制度,形成科研常态;应构建二元一体模式,回归日常教育生活研究,从而为幼儿园发展提供动力与活力。  相似文献   

大数据视角下高职院校教学管理对于提高教学管理水平具有十分重要的意义。在明确利用大数据进行教学管理的意义和作用的基础上,通过建立教学管理中的大数据和模型,实现大数据在教学管理中帮助学生选课,对学生进行学业预警,对教师进行高效管理,提升学校决策能力的应用,以有效提高教学质量和教学管理水平。  相似文献   

Data-based decision-making has the potential to increase student achievement results. Data-based decision-making can be defined as teachers’ systematic analysis of data sources in order to study and adapt their educational practices for the purpose of maximizing learning results. Teachers must apply the findings from their data use to their personal teaching activities. Therefore, data-based decision-making may be influenced by individual teachers' psychological characteristics. The present study aimed to explore which psychological factors contribute to teachers’ data use in a Dutch primary school context. A questionnaire-based quantitative methodology was employed. We included the following psychological constructs: affective and instrumental attitudes, perceived control, social norms, self-efficacy, collective efficacy, and intentions regarding data use. Results of the path analysis showed that perceived control, instrumental attitude, and intention regarding data use all significantly influenced data use. Additionally, intention was found to be a mediator of the relation between affective attitude and data use. Interventions aimed at data-based decision-making should take these psychological factors into account to increase teachers’ implementation of data-based decision-making for instruction and, consequently, educational quality.  相似文献   

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