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The aim of this article was to analyse the initiative FC Barcelona Peace Tour 2013, in Israel and Palestine. This research is based on lengthy interviews with people associated with the initiative and the use of primary sources, both institutional and journalistic. Secondary sources have also been used, such as journalistic accounts of the initiative. The article thus examines the nature of FC Barcelona Peace Tour 2013, which it defines as an exercise in sports diplomacy, inspired by civil society and articulated through the club. The article concludes that FC Barcelona has been able to act as a mediator between two opposed communities due to the universal values linked to its brand and its nature as a ‘civil religion’. This notwithstanding, the political problems that arose during the planning of the initiative highlight the geopolitical complexity of the Middle East and, by extension, the limits of sports diplomacy.  相似文献   

Relying on cultural transmission, social identity and self-categorization theories, this study uses an innovative two-part photo-pasting and survey method to investigate quantitatively and qualitatively non-fans’, fans’ and players’ assumptions about what positions black and white players should occupy in American football. Both white and black players and fans showed evidence of being cultural transmitters of racial ideologies associated with the quarterback position in American football. Overall, the respondent choices for quarterback diverged significantly from equality but not significantly from the reality of the National Football League. Players and fan and non-fan participants alike showed evidence of being cultural consumers and transmitters of racial ideologies associated with the quarterback position. Narrative reasons for player choices aligned with past literature about racial stereotypes. On most measures, the findings did not differ greatly among the institutions from which study participants were drawn, their diversity in geography, racial composition, ideology, athletic division and public–private status notwithstanding.  相似文献   

国家竞技体育的崛起与它的国民社会心态和政治诉求是紧紧联系在一起的。根据日本竞技体育崛起的过程,把它大致分为3个时期。在这3个时期,日本国民社会心态和政治诉求存在明显的特点。最后,根据日本国民社会心态和政治诉求的特点,得出中国竞技体育发展应考虑不同时期国民社会心态和政治诉求,不同群体间竞技体育认识上的分离与多元,必须要创新"中国模式"的3点启示。  相似文献   

???The current study examined the influence of social identity for individual perceptions of self-worth, commitment, and effort in school-based youth athletes. Using a prospective research design, 303 athletes (Mage = 14.89, SD = 1.77; 133 female) from 27 sport teams completed questionnaires at 2 time points (T1 – demographics, social identity; T2 – self-worth, commitment, effort) during an athletic season. Multilevel analyses indicated that at the individual level, the social identity dimension of in-group ties (IGT) predicted commitment (= 0.12, P = .006) and perceived effort (= 0.14, P = .008), whereas in-group affect (IGA) predicted commitment (= 0.25, P = .001) and self-worth (= 2.62, P = .006). At the team level, means for IGT predicted commitment (= 0.31, P < .001) and self-worth (= 4.76, P = .024). Overall, social identity accounted for variance at both levels, ranging from 4% (self-worth) to 15% (commitment). Identifying with a group to a greater extent was found to predict athlete perceptions of self-worth, commitment, and effort. More specifically, at the individual level, IGT predicted commitment and effort, and IGA predicted commitment and self-worth. At the team level, IGT predicted commitment and self-worth.  相似文献   


This article argues that the decision to award Qatar the World Cup in 2022 will have a lasting impact on the Gulf state. I suggest that hosting the 2022 World Cup is a central part of Qatar’s strategy to announce itself as a legitimate actor on the world stage, one unique amongst other Muslim and Arab nations. I contend that the World Cup is a vital part of this process because it allows Qatar a space that permits the emirate to address specific issues within its society in a manner which coexists with, rather than surrendering to, external values and norms. The article concludes by arguing that if Qatar 2022 is to justify FIFA’s decision to cross one of the last civilizational bridges left in global sport, it will have to demonstrate that the image and reform it presents to the rest of the world are genuine and lasting.  相似文献   

In an attempt to undermine the IOC Games of 1936, organisations linked to the international worker sport movement responded to an invitation from the Comité Organizador de la Olimpiada Popular (COOP) to take part in an alternative Olympics, the Olimpiada Popular, in Barcelona in July 1936. It is estimated that some 10,000 athletes and 25,000 visitors were in Barcelona to celebrate the Olimpiada. Following the Fascist rising, which began in Spanish Morocco on 17 July, and reached mainland Spain the following day, the games had to be abandoned, despite attempts by the organisers to go ahead with a truncated programme. This article will assess the importance of the Olimpiada Popular in the context of the worker sport movement during the inter-war years and its significance with regard to the international campaign to boycott the Berlin Olympics.  相似文献   

Republica Internationale FC is a socialist football club that is part of a broader international network of like-minded alternative grassroots clubs. Collectively the members play and campaign worldwide on a variety of issues in a variety of settings. This article reveals how the club has struggled to define and sustain itself more than 30 years. It explores what socialist football is, how the club was conceived and nurtured, how it is organized and how the international network was cultivated. It spans the clubs operations from the Sunday League mundane to the international spectaculars. It tracks how the club has adapted to confront many social and political challenges. It examines external and internal ideological conflict, the club's successes and setbacks, and how gender transforms the club. The article critically evaluates the club's credibility. It offers an insight into how leftist culture can flourish and be sustained in grassroots sport.  相似文献   

比较西方社会学的"冲突理论"、马克思主义的"经济决定论"以及我国目前主流的社会阶层划分理论,认为我国学者从社会资源配置的视角,以社会权利、经济权利与数量等来作为划分社会阶层的标准比较适合我国目前国情。以此标准划分的山东省4城市各社会阶层人群的体育参与存在着明显不同的活动边界和价值认同。通过Logistic逐步回归分析表明,影响社会各阶层体育参与向上流动的主要因素依次是:经济条件、职业(或岗位)、教育水平、工作业绩、社会关系、国家政策等。随着山东经济、财政收入及居民可支配收入的发展与提高,中、下社会阶层人群体育参与的向上流动具有广阔的发展空间。  相似文献   

When Muhammad Ali died in June 2016, he was remembered by the media as a hero in the fight for racial equality. Tributes for the great boxer were meaningful in many respects, but they were also incomplete, sanitised and misleading. This paper aims to re-complicate our understanding of Ali's portrayals in the media by analysing newspaper discourse in the years immediately following his conversation to the Nation of Islam. Specifically, this investigation compares and contrasts the complex ways that black and white journalists used both his birth name (Cassius Clay) and his adopted name (Muhammad Ali) as a way of signalling their attitudes toward him. Close reading of newspaper articles published between March 1964 and September 1967 reveals that black journalists rejected Ali's adopted name and identity almost as comprehensively as their white colleagues. This aspect of Ali's legacy has been largely forgotten by the contemporary media, which calls us to consider the cultural construction of social memory, particularly when it revolves around sporting icons.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the career planning of university student athletes and relationships between their career planning and athletic and student role identities. Two retrospective in-depth interviews were held with four male and four female university student athletes. Participants entered university with vague or nonexistent career objectives and invested heavily in their athletic roles. In the latter years of their college career, the participants discarded their sport career ambitions and allowed the student role to become more prominent in their identity hierarchies. The current findings support Brown and Hartley's (1998) suggestion that student athletes may invest in both the athlete and student role identities simultaneously and that investing in the latter may permit the exploration of nonsport career options.  相似文献   

Robert J. Lake 《Sport in Society》2017,20(11):1745-1764
Tim Henman was inarguably the best English player, and the most popular and socially significant British player, since Fred Perry. Throughout his career, media constructions of him fluctuated from being heralded as a potential Wimbledon champion, to a weak, underachieving perennial loser. Throughout his career, and despite the constant transition of dominant narratives, Henman’s quintessential ‘Englishness’ remained a key component, expressed through his image, appearance, ostensible personality/character and playing style. His ‘Englishness’ was especially apparent against the backdrop of the Wimbledon Championships, which used Henman’s success in its marketing of ‘tennis in an English garden’. This paper assesses the shifting meanings behind, and values of, Henman’s sustained image, and examines how changes in the narratives of Henman as a player reflected broader shifts in English identity. It is argued that Henman played a significant role in how Englishness was constructed, both in Britain and abroad, during the 1990s and 2000s.  相似文献   

Sean F. Brown 《Sport in Society》2018,21(10):1581-1591

Examinations of motives for benefactors and beneficiaries in social capital exchanges typically examines motives of benefactors, leaving those of recipients unexamined. Based on 18 months of fieldwork in a youth baseball league in the American Southwest, I propose in this paper that, in some cases, the motives of beneficiaries are in fact more complicated and interesting to interrogate than the motives of benefactors. I provide a detailed look at one of these types of exchanges in particular that was typical within the Valley City Little League, that of childcare. Based on this work, I propose that social capital researchers will do well to advance the overall concept by placing a greater emphasis on recipient motives.  相似文献   

加快民族传统体育的开发与利用,促进湘西地区旅游经济的迅速发展,必须解决好如何在民族节日中展示与提升民族传统体育的问题。本文运用文献资料、专家访谈、实地调研等方法,在对湘西地区的民族节日和民族传统体育进行实地调查的基础上,对湘西地区民族节日中民族传统体育的展示与提升的问题进行理性思考并提出了一些相应的对策,旨在促进湘西及其同类少数民族地区民族传统体育资源的充分开发和利用。  相似文献   

This article examined the concepts of corporate social responsibility, corporate social responsiveness, and corporate citizenship (CSR1, CSR2, and CC, respectively) in relation to the activities reported by organizations in the sport industry. We expand on the idea that social involvement differs amongst sport organizations based on type, scope, direction, and target audiences. Therefore, in contrast to the majority of positivist models of social responsibility, we propose an integrated model of social involvement which notably includes the spatial (i.e., geographical) orientation of social involvement in sport. To begin distinguishing between the various forms of social involvement, we content analyzed the websites of nearly 100 sport entities to provide both typicality and a systematic variety of teams, leagues, and organizations to reveal general social involvement practices in the industry. We conclude that social involvement varies considerably in the sport industry and this variation can be partially explained by geographical reach, stakeholder influences, and business operations of the organizations. For example, multinational organizations are more likely to adopt CC activities than those operating in more localized context and the magnitude and scope of the social involvement tends to reflect the profile and size of the organization.  相似文献   

This article contributes to the historiographical debate concerning the nature and evolution of an Australian national identity. It does so through the case study of cricket and, in particular, cricketing relations with Britain. It argues that the movement of cultural traffic – that is the two-way transmission of people, ideas and sports – between metropole and colony was central to the formation, definition and evolution of an Australian cricketing identity. Furthermore, it suggests that this sporting national identity acted as a rehearsal for a broader Australian identity.  相似文献   

魏晋南北朝时期的战乱引发了大规模的移民运动,移民使中原文化与周边各民族的文化有了一次大融合。各内迁民族的文化给中华传统文化注入了新鲜血液,同时对中华文明的整体提升具有积极意义。文章运用文献资料法、比较法对此进行了分析探讨,结论表明:民族传统体育在这样时代背景下有了很大的发展,并呈现出有别于其它历史时期的独特景观。  相似文献   

基于文学、哲学、政治的视角,通过文献资料法、历史研究法、功能分析法等研究方法,对民族传统体育的历史发展过程进行全面的解读,从而对民族传统体育的文化基础有更为清晰的认识。研究表明,文学是民族传统体育文化的传播媒介,哲学是民族传统体育文化的内在思想根基,政治是民族传统体育文化的外在制度保障。  相似文献   

中国社会体育现状及其对策分析   总被引:13,自引:1,他引:13  
分析国家体育总局1997年中国成年人体质监测公报,认为转变思想观念、增加政府投入和加快体育产业进程是改变社会体育落后面貌的主要对策.  相似文献   

Physical activity experiences may contribute to psychological and social wellbeing among breast cancer survivors. The main purpose of the current study was to qualitatively explore the development of social relationships, social support, and posttraumatic growth among breast cancer survivors participating in a dragon boat program over 19 months. Guided by interpretative phenomenological analysis (Smith, Flowers, & Larkin, 2009), semistructured interviews were conducted with 17 breast cancer survivors on five occasions over their first two seasons of dragon boating. Narrative accounts were developed for each participant, and four profiles emerged describing processes of social and posttraumatic growth development over time: "developing a feisty spirit of survivorship," "I don't want it to be just about me," "it's not about the pink it's about the paddling," and "hard to get close." Profiles were discussed in terms of developing social relationships and support, providing support to others, physicality and athleticism, and negative interactions and experiences.  相似文献   

论民族传统体育文化的变迁、转型与未来走向   总被引:6,自引:1,他引:5  
历史发展表明,民族传统体育文化的变迁、转型和未来发展趋势,已经构成了当代社会体育文化的基本发展主题之一。本文认为,民族传统体育的发展,关键是要找到民族传统体育文化在面对未来的发展变化中新的生长点,以此去培育文化新质,使民族传统体育文化在这种新质的培育过程中得到改造和变迁,促成传统与新质的相互吸收、融会和整合,并在转型中促进民族传统体育文化由传统向未来发展的演变。  相似文献   

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