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This essay examines the relationship between nationalism and soccer in contemporary Spain. Firstly, it pays close attention to the roles of the national team and the rivalry between Real Madrid and FC Barcelona in articulating conflictual social agendas. Secondly, it compares how Spanish and Catalan media utilize the Spanish soccer team success to articulate clashing forms of nationalism. It scrutinizes a wide range of journalistic interventions as well as the TV coverage of the national soccer team in the Spanish and Catalan media to determine how they constantly re-articulate the role of soccer in defining the distinguishing characteristics of the nation. Lastly, it studies a series of soccer-related cultural and social practices such as street rallies, gatherings and celebrations in order to determine their role within contemporary nationalism in Spain.  相似文献   

本文采用文献资料法、逻辑分析和对比研究等方法,从文化的角度去分析、论证西班牙足球鼎盛的原因,从中看出一个民族的文化及其文化特征制约下的民族性格对其足球事业的发展乃至足球文化的形成和发展都起到非常重要的作用。要发展或形成先进的足球文化,除了要结合各民族的文化、习性、特征外,还要注意融合、吸收世界上各种优秀的足球文化。  相似文献   

郑原  索伟 《湖北体育科技》2012,31(6):630-631
近几年西班牙足球队的巨大成功获得广泛的关注与赞誉,并对世界足球的格局与发展产生重大影响。它的成功来自于通过对足球规律的深刻认识,形成自己独特的足球理念。研究和学习这些理念对于处于低潮期的中国足球将带来了许多重要启示。  相似文献   


National playing styles are part of national identities. During the 1940s, a series of defeats questioned the virtue of the Spanish playing style, known as the Spanish Fury, characterized by improvisation, genius, courage and enthusiasm. Isolated from international football trends, Spain has despised the use of man-marking and tactical discipline. Analysis of both official documents and the Spanish press would show that Francoism was sympathetic to the fury’s discourse, being close to the regime’s narrative itself, but needed victories to gain internal support and international recognition in a critical moment of diplomatic pressure and isolation. Therefore, the dictatorship forced the football authorities to undergo a modernization process, which involved abandoning the traditional discourse of the fury, at least momentarily.  相似文献   

In 1948, the American Military Government worked with Swiss soccer officials to organise Germany's first post-war international matches, three simultaneous German–Swiss intercity games. The American occupation authorities viewed these games as part of their broader efforts to help teach Germans about democracy, as a way for the international community to begin the process of reaccepting Germany and as a way to raise funds for charitable purposes tied to the reconstruction efforts. These games received tremendous popular support in Germany and Switzerland from football officials, the general public and the press. These German–Swiss games also facilitated Germany's return to the international community by forcing one of the most powerful international sport federations to address Germany's exclusion. Through a combination of materials from military governments, football federations and the press, this article examines how states used the internationalism of sport to obtain diplomatic aims. With these three intercity matches, football provided a venue for Germans to participate in relations with other countries while Germany itself remained excluded from the traditional international relations of diplomats.  相似文献   

在乌克兰,舍甫琴科这个姓氏可说是人尽皆知,因为它出了两个响当当的人物:一个是一百多年前的著名诗人塔拉斯·舍甫琴科,他的作品影响深远,他也被认为是近代乌克兰文学和现代乌克兰语的奠基者;另一个则是现在AC米兰的前锋安德里·舍甫琴科,他成为了乌克兰足球的一个传奇。舍甫琴科绰号是乌克兰核弹头,这个来自核泄露地区的前锋,在足球场上的威力就如同核弹一样,其攻击力和危险系数都势不可挡。但在骨子里,他却与塔拉斯·舍甫琴科一样,透露着一股倔强的诗人气质。  相似文献   

《Sport in History》2013,33(2):293-317
This article provides a brief overview of the history of Hungarian football from the beginning to the years of post-Communist transition. In relying on both sport and more general historical Hungarian and English sources, it explores the political, cultural and social conditions that have had an impact on the development of Hungarian football throughout its history. The chief aim of this article is to draw attention to those historical periods and aspects of Hungarian football, which have not been extensively researched. In doing this, the development of Hungarian football will be outlined and links made with broader historical and social processes. Also, an attempt will be made to explain the ways these processes shaped and used football for various political purposes, from as early as the turn of the nineteenth century.  相似文献   

在这个web2.0时代,网络成为我们生活的重心。不用理会家事国事天下事,只要看看各大网站特设的域名和飘红的链接,你就会明白,2008年很特殊。没错,北京奥运会要来了,这是一件大事,但却不是《足球俱乐部》的读者们及铁杆球迷们最为关心的。球迷的眼睛死死盯住了日历,手中的笔好一阵圈画,才理清了2008年的脉络:经历了夏季的军备竞赛,今年1月转会窗再开后K线图将如何波动;2月的非洲杯将严重影响不少英超和法甲球队的实力,它的我行我素和逆流而上是否值得观赏,需要亲眼见证;3月至5月,各大联赛一步步走向高潮,欧洲赛事更是豪门云集,每一轮过后都将是无数球迷心酸离场,当冠军悬念终于揭晓,你是否能够微笑面对呢?这还没完,6月才是真正的狂想曲,欧洲杯,久违了……离开欧洲足球的舞台,中国足球也将在今年披荆斩棘,经受考验。严峻的世界杯预选赛小组形势不容国家队有半点差池;国奥队在奥运会上的表现又将成为足协政绩评定的最大参照。猜想2008的过程,是《足球俱乐部》和读者一同思考的见证,也是《足球俱乐部》和读者15年来风雨同行的另一个坐标。作为读者们心中可爱的编辑,那个谁本期将带领读者一起畅想2008年的足坛盛事。  相似文献   

足球:一种审美的生命游戏   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在工业社会,科学技术的高度发达给人们的生活带来全面的异化,现代足球以游戏的方式来弥补异化劳动给人造成的损害。人们只有在审美的生命游戏中,才有可能将自己的人性恢复到完整的人的境地。  相似文献   

英国足球与英国文化   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
讨论了英国足球与英国社会文化间的关系,从英国足球运动风格、足球与民族意识、英国足球组织与国际足球组织的关系以及足球运动员及球迷的社会阶层几方面,分析了英国文化中显著的绅士文化、民族国家、岛国心态及阶级意识等特征.体育文化是社会亚文化的一部分,英国足球文化的产生、发展受社会文化的整体制约,同时折射了社会文化的特征.  相似文献   

从社会学的角度审视为何足球世界杯能吸引全世界的目光,在分析足球自身魅力之外,分别探讨:政治对足球能是且只能是调节助力作用;市场扩张作为足球发展不可否认也不容乐观的推动作用;社会心理如何不易察觉也悄无声息的影响足球发展;以及定期举行的世界杯将足球提升为一种世界宗教,在超越世俗生活的精神升华中,成为人们获得宗教体验的盛宴.  相似文献   

采用文献资料法和数理统计法,对第14届欧洲足球锦标赛8强球队比赛15项指标与比赛结果的相关性进行分析,结果显示:对比赛结果影响较大的指标为:进球、失球、射门、射正、越位、传球、突破、任意球、控球率等9项指标;对西班牙队与其他各队9项指标进行多重比较发现:进球、失球、射正、传球、控球率等5项指标是西班牙队夺冠的优势指标。  相似文献   

攻守转换速度对足球比赛的影响   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
通过对近两年欧洲和国内20场甲级足球联赛的观察、统计,结合有关文献,对攻守转换速度在比赛中的重要作用进行了分析讨论,指出它是影响足球比赛的重要因素,并对如何改进这一速度提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Sport is a practice, yet it is also a language conveying the representations of those who structure it and those who employ it. The contribution of numerous English lexical units to the lexicon of other languages in touch with United Kingdom participates in the diffusion of sport and its level of penetration in geographical spaces. France does not escape this phenomenon and its language borrows from its Anglo-Saxon neighbour. Anglicisms have been described in opprobrious terms for a long time by critics who consider them the sign of France's dependence on the British Empire. Through the analysis of five types of anglicisms (intact, truncated, gallicized, signified and signifier anglicism) and about 60 lexical units, we will identify the privileged forms of borrowings, their origins and the meaning to be attributed to them and thus show the role of sport in general and football in particular in linguistic and cultural diffusion.  相似文献   

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