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本研究在调查研究的基础上,提出"坚持寓思想政治教育于专业教学",通过"理论学习与实践训练融合、案例学习与技能培养融合、校外教学与校内教学融合、线上学习与线下学习融合"的"一个坚持、四个融合"培养模式;构建新时代下,符合社会需求和师范生身心发展特点的,创新型生物学师范生的培养模式。  相似文献   

国家九年义务教育阶段各科课程标准的研制工作已经进入修订、审查阶段,将于今年暑假前后陆续公布。本人作为国家初中生物学课程标准与教材研制项目组成员之一,参与了《初中生物学课程标准》(征求意见稿)(以下简称标准)研制的部分工作。本文仅就标准的特点和对教学的启示,谈一些个人看法,供大家参考。  相似文献   

浅谈"分子生物学实验"国家精品课程的建设   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
文章总结了国家精品课程“本科分子生物学实验“建设改革的经验及成果.介绍了其教学理念、完整的课程内容和体系、教学研究小组的建设及运行模式、自编教材成果、突出“研究型特色“的教学方式及配套的教学环境和制度等.  相似文献   

应国强 《生物学教学》2005,30(11):13-14
1中学生物学教学中的“引导发现式”计算机辅助教学 1.1主要特点“引导发现式”计算机辅助教学(CAI)的主要特点是:以问题解决为中心,注重教会学生怎样学习。采用认知理论中“同化”或“顺应”的方法,将新知识纳人到学生已有认知结构的同时,掌握认知策略,学会学习方法,培养学生探究性思维和科学态度。而CAI课件(教师)的引导贯穿教学过程的始终,学前导兴趣,学中导思路,学后导结论。  相似文献   

This is a review of Integrating Concepts in Biology, an innovative electronic textbook intended for either or both semesters of a typical introductory biology sequence. The e-book is an excellent example of effective pedagogy informed by recent educational scholarship.Integrating Concepts in Biology (ICB) is the apt title of this groundbreaking electronic textbook (see Supplemental Material). The target audience is students seeking an introduction to biology. It is structured to focus student attention on key concepts underlying biology at all levels of organization. In contrast to the current encyclopedic model of an introductory textbook, this e-book makes effective use of electronically linked text and online resources, selects examples to explore in depth, and offers students means to deepen their understanding. It explicitly uses current ideas about student learning, supported by evidence of best practices, to help students develop as biologically literate thinkers. The authors are colleagues at Davidson College: biologists A. Malcolm Campbell (cellular and molecular biology) and Christopher J. Paradise (ecology) and mathematician/computer scientist/bioinformaticist Laurie J. Heyer. They share a common passion for innovative pedagogy and multidisciplinarity, and ICB is their laudable effort to address many of the widely recognized problems evident in introductory biology texts and introductory courses and explored in recent reports such as BIO2010 (National Research Council [NRC], 2003 ) and Vision and Change in Undergraduate Biology Education (American Association for the Advancement of Science, 2011 ).  相似文献   

We use three data sources to build a rationale for why intensive interventions are necessary for students with pervasive reading disabilities: current data on the performance of students with disabilities on reading achievement measures over time, observation studies on students with reading disabilities in general and special education classrooms, and findings from intensive intervention studies for students with reading disabilities. Results of these data sources indicate that students with disabilities are not making progress in reading at the same rate as students without disabilities, reading instruction for students with reading disabilities is comprised of excessive amounts of low level tasks, and findings from intensive intervention studies suggest positive impacts for students with reading disabilities. We argue that students with reading disabilities require ongoing intensive interventions that are likely to require schools to change the contexts and practices for these students.  相似文献   

1课程——教学事件的展开课程在本质上是一种教学事件。美国教育心理学家加涅将所有构成教学的事件称为教学事件。教学事件是一个个教学活动及其教学活动的展开过程,教学事件的展开恰恰就是课程的实施。构成教学事件的主  相似文献   

To examine how well biology majors have achieved the necessary foundation in evolution, numerous studies have examined how students learn natural selection. However, no studies to date have examined how students learn developmental aspects of evolution (evo-devo). Although evo-devo plays an increasing role in undergraduate biology curricula, we find that instruction often addresses development cursorily, with most of the treatment embedded within instruction on evolution. Based on results of surveys and interviews with students, we suggest that teaching core concepts (CCs) within a framework that integrates supporting concepts (SCs) from both evolutionary and developmental biology can improve evo-devo instruction. We articulate CCs, SCs, and foundational concepts (FCs) that provide an integrative framework to help students master evo-devo concepts and to help educators address specific conceptual difficulties their students have with evo-devo. We then identify the difficulties that undergraduates have with these concepts. Most of these difficulties are of two types: those that are ubiquitous among students in all areas of biology and those that stem from an inadequate understanding of FCs from developmental, cell, and molecular biology.  相似文献   

高等师范生物专业应着眼于农村基础教育和地方经济的发展,培养“一专多能”的素质型教师,构建生物特设课程体系,该课程体系可包括四个子体系:经济植物栽培体系;经济动物饲养体系;农副产品增值与加工体系;农村卫生与环境体系.  相似文献   

OK库是一个开源数据库,被用于支持广义SAT问题领域的研究和发展,该库可从下述网址获得:http://www.ok-sat-library.org..本文中我们讨论了这个数据库的发展历史、开发动机和组成架构,并概述了其当前的状况.文章解释了它与现有其它平台的差别:在我们看来,OK库的方法是"整体性"的,也即OK库不仅包含程序代码,也包括用于处理和评价实验(以及实验结果本身)的研究计划和方法.因此可以把OK库理解为IRE,即集成研究环境(但它并非只是构建一个单独的集成块,而是基于Unix/Linux传统的工具箱)."广义可满足性问题"被理解为SAT问题向CSP的推广,本文中讨论了其中的基本思路.作为结束,本文阐述了解决高级核心SAT的(我们所认为的)十个基本研究问题.  相似文献   

The large number of experimentally determined molecular structures has led to the development of a new semiotic system in the life sciences, with increasing use of accurate molecular representations. To determine how this change impacts students’ learning, we incorporated image tests into our introductory cell biology course. Groups of students used a single text dealing with signal transduction, which was supplemented with images made in one of three iconographic styles. Typically, we employed realistic renderings, using computer-generated Protein Data Bank (PDB) structures; realistic-schematic renderings, using shapes inspired by PDB structures; or schematic renderings, using simple geometric shapes to represent cellular components. The control group received a list of keywords. When students were asked to draw and describe the process in their own style and to reply to multiple-choice questions, the three iconographic approaches equally improved the overall outcome of the tests (relative to keywords). Students found the three approaches equally useful but, when asked to select a preferred style, they largely favored a realistic-schematic style. When students were asked to annotate “raw” realistic images, both keywords and schematic representations failed to prepare them for this task. We conclude that supplementary images facilitate the comprehension process and despite their visual clutter, realistic representations do not hinder learning in an introductory course.  相似文献   

表动作趋向的介词"向、往"是学汉语的韩国学生在使用方面偏误率较高的介词之一。本文对韩国学生使用"向、往"的情况进行了调查,分析干扰韩国学生掌握使用介词"向、往"的原因,并从本体和汉韩对比两个角度对"向、往"这两个介词做出较为细致的比较,从多个角度得出对韩国留学生进行介词"向、往"教学的一些启示。  相似文献   

以传承中国优秀传统文化为目标导向的学科融合教育是一种具有本土特色的STEAM教育(即C-STEAM)。就核心价值而言,C-STEAM具有培养学生核心素养的育人价值、传承优秀传统文化的载体价值、打造区域特色文化的社会价值。立足于此,该文进一步剖析了C-STEAM教育的培养途径,从培养方式(“重过程—重结果”)和能力发展(“低阶—高阶”)两个维度出发,构建了ETIC框架,进而区分出感受体验型、技艺训练型、探究学习型、创新创作型四种典型的C-STEAM项目模式。每一类项目均有独特的内涵、特征、教学策略和相关案例,不仅可以独立使用,也可以根据需要交叉组合和迭代应用。籍此为C-STEAM项目设计提供指导性思路,为构建系统合理的C-STEAM教育奠定基础。  相似文献   

一、单项选择题:本题包括26小题,每小题2分,共52分。每小题只有一个选项最符合题意。1.新陈代谢是指() A.生物体内的同化作用B.生物体内的能量代谢C.生物体内的异化作用D.生物体内全部有序的化学变化的总称2.光合作用包括光反应和暗反应两个阶段,下列参与暗反应必需的物质是  相似文献   

一、单项选择题:本题包括26小题,每小题2分,共计52分。每小题只有一个选项,符合题意。1.下列不属于植物体内蛋白质功能的是A.构成细胞膜的主要成分B.催化细胞内化学反应的酶C.供给细胞代谢的主要能源物质D.根细胞吸收矿质元素的载体2.植物通过蒸腾作用散失的水量达总吸水量的99%。对蒸腾作用意义的叙述不正确的是A.促进水分的吸收B.吸收无机盐的动力C.促进水分和无机盐的运输D.降收叶片的温度3.在葬菜胚的发育过程中,从周围组织中吸收并运送营养物质供球状胚发育的结构是A.胚芽B.胚轴C.胚根D.胚柄4.下列关于人体健康与营养物质关系…  相似文献   

Selecting a single psychotherapeutic orientation can be a challenge for counselor education students. The authors examined the relationship between counseling theory selection and personality variables of students enrolled in a counseling theories course. A discriminant function analysis was used to identify the personality traits that would determine theoretical orientation choice. No statistically significant results were found. Results indicated that students showed no personality‐based preference of theory. Additionally, no significant differences were found on selected subscales of the Myers—Briggs Type Indicator (I. B. Myers, M. H. McCaulley, N. L. Quenk, & A. L. Hammer, 1998) and the Self‐Directed Search (J. L. Holland, B. A. Fritzsche, & A. B. Powell, 1996; J. L. Holland, A. B. Powell, & B. A. Fritzsche, 1994).  相似文献   

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