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1.in front of和in the front of 这两个短语尽管只相差一个the,但含义却不 相同。in front of(=before)意为"在……前面",是 指在某个地方的外部的前面;而in the front of意 为"在……前部",即在某个范围之内的前部。例 如: There is a tree in front of the classroom.在 教室的前面有一棵树。(树在教室外面)  相似文献   

想表示在……的前面,除了单词before以外,还有很多短语,如:in front of,in the front of,at the front of,你知道它们的区别吗?in front of表示“在……的前面”,指某一范围以外的前面。  相似文献   

1.in front of和in the front of这两个短语尽管只相差一个the,但含义却不相同。in front of(=before)意为“在……前面”,是指在某个地方的外部的前面;而in the front of意为“在……前部”,即在某个范围之内的前部。例如:  相似文献   

笑寒 《今日中学生》2004,(11):18-19
1.房前有棵大树。A.There’s a big tree in front of the house.B.There’s a big tree before the house.C.There stands a big tree in front of the house.D.A big tree is standing before the house.2.上周我收到了朋友的来信。  相似文献   

冠词实属虚词,在英语中数量最少,然而,它在句中的作用却不可忽视。在同一结构中,有无冠词,意思大不一样。请看下面例句:1.in front of(在……前面);in the frontof(在……前部)1)There iS a tall tree in front of the class-room.教室的前面有一棵高高的大树。2)He is standing in the front of the class-room.他站在教室的前部。2.in future(今后);in the future(将来)1)Don’t be so stupid future.今后不要  相似文献   

在英语教学中,我们经常会发现学生的英语表达不地道,有很多中文式英语(Chinglish),比如“房子前有一棵树”这句话应为“There is a tree in front of the house”,或用倒装“In front of the house stands a tree”,而我们的学生很容易说成“In front of the house has a tree”这样的句子。  相似文献   

1.in front of在……(外)的前面VS in the front of 在……(内)的前面There’s a garden in front of the classroom.教室(外)的前面有一个花园。There’s a blackboard in the front of the classroom.教室(内)的前方有块黑板。2.in charge of掌管,负责VS in the charge of在……负责之下An experienced worker is in charge of the project.一位经验丰富的工人负责这个项目。The project is in the charge of an experienced worker.这个项目由一位经验丰富的工人来负责。  相似文献   

1.in the tree/on the tree 这两个短语都有“在树上”的意思。in表示“在某范围内”,说鸟、猴子、松鼠、猫等隐藏于树叶之中,用in the tree。如:Is there a cat in the tree?树上有猫吗?Look!Some monkeys are playing in the tree.看!一些猴子在树上玩。on的意思是“在某物之上”(表  相似文献   

1.德国有多少人口?[误]How many populations are there in Germany?[正]What’s the population of Germany?[析]英语中问“多少……?”常用“How many ……?”或“How much……?”。但问“某国、省、州、市等的人口数量”时,常常用“What is the population of 地名?”来表达。2 这个词可以放在句首.  相似文献   

1.教室的前面有一张讲桌。【误】There is a teacher’s desk in front of the classroom.【正】There is a teacher’s desk in the front of the classroom.【析】in front of指在某物或某个范围之外的前面;in the front of指在某物或某个范围之内的前部。“讲桌”应在教室内,故用in the front of。  相似文献   

[接上期]Is Slang Only Used By The Lower Classes?“Absolutely not!”Itellmy internationalstudents. There is universal slang that is used by everyone. However, there are many subcategories of slang used by specific groups. Slang can be seen as a family tree with universal slang at the top representing words that are not only used consistently in the media, but by virtually everyone.  相似文献   

1.I was standing in front of thelibrary.in front of的意思是“在……的前面”,是指在某个范围之外的前面;而in the frontof的意思是“在……的前部”,是指在某个范围之内的前部。例如:There are some apple trees in front ofthe house.这栋房子前面有一些苹果树。(苹果树在房子外面)He is sitting in the front of the bus.他正坐在公共汽车的前部。(坐在公共汽车里面)【中考题】The boy sitting Tina was sotall that she couldn’t see the film clearly.(2005安徽省)A.behind B.in front ofC.beside D.next to【解析】选B。从句意来判断,应用infront of,意思是“在……的前面”;而behind的意思是“在……的后面”,beside的意思是“在……旁边”,next to的意思是“紧靠”。2.While the boy was walking downthe street...  相似文献   

如果你把所学过的介词和介词短语,按照意义进行分类对比,便能轻松地记住和正确地使用它们。 A.表示空间位置关系 1.表示“在……前面”:1)at the front of 2)in front of 这两个短语的差别是:atthe front of 所指的是在某一空间范围以内的前面。而in frontof所指的是在某一空间范围以外的前面。试比较: There is a blackboard atthe front of the classroom.教室前面有一块黑板。(黑板在教室  相似文献   

in front of意为"在……前面",表示在某事物外部(不与其接壤)的前面。例如: The restaurant is in front of the post office.饭店在邮局的前面。in the front of意思也为"在……前面",表示在某物体的内部(与其接壤)的前面。例如:  相似文献   

这两个短语都有“在树上”的意思。in表示“在某范围内”,说鸟、猴子、松鼠、猫等隐藏于树叶之中,用in the tree。如:Is there a cat in the tree?树上有猫吗?Look!Some monkeys are playing in the tree.看!一些猴子在树上玩。on的意思是“在某物之上”(表示接触),如果说.苹果、香蕉、梨等长在树上,则用on the treeo如:There are many apples on the tree.树上有许多苹果。  相似文献   

A very rich man bought a farm and paid more than it was worth(有……价值的)because a very old tree was growing there and it was said that it was 300years old.When he was back in the city,many of the people did not believethe tree was that old,so the new owner called his steward(管家)to check thetree’s age.  相似文献   

Motorbike and I     
My friends and I always find an excuse to ride a motorbike. I personally think it is one of the funniest things to do in Guilin.The first time I did it I had to admit I was a little bit nervous. I had never been on a motorbike before and I always thought there was a big possibility of failing off the bike, for the road was too bumpy.  相似文献   

50.in charge of主管/负责/照料……1)John was in charge of the company while the manager was on holiday. 约翰在经理度假期间负责公司工作。2)The nurse is in charge of the patients.那位护士在照料那些病人。3)Who is in charge of the money for safekeeping?谁负责保管这笔钱?[注]in charge意为“负责(人),主管”。例如:Who is in charge here?谁是这儿的主管?[辨析]in charge of意为“负责……;照管……;监督……”,in the chargeof意为“由……看管;由……监督”。试比较:  相似文献   

英语中,同一个词或词组,有 the 无 the 其含义大不相同。请看下面几组句子,并注意它们在意义上的不同。1.①in front 在…前面。There is a pond in front of the church.教堂前面有个池塘。②in the front of 在最前面的位置。  相似文献   

at play在玩;at the play在看戏。behind time迟到;behind the times落在时代后。by day在白天;by the day按日计算。by sea乘船;by the sea在海边。in front of在……(外面的)前面;in the front of在……(内部的)前面。in charge of看护,负责;in the charge of由……看护,由……负责。  相似文献   

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