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根据海德格尔的观点,是(存在)的含义问题,即我们如(是)其所是地理解事物时事物是什么或怎么样的意义问题,总是以我们有能力解释事物在理解中能够明确地如(是)其所是为前提的。既然海氏的现象学本体论旨在探讨我们如何能够如其所是地理解事物的普遍条件所具有的意义,而翻译史上的翻獉译獉忠獉实獉这一理解现象就是这样一个有关"獉如其獉所獉獉是"的理解问题,那么,獉翻獉译忠獉实獉就应该能够在海德格尔的现獉象獉学獉本獉体獉论獉框架内给出分析;并且我们相信,这种分析,正如海氏现象学本体论所承诺的那样,是最本体的存在论分析。  相似文献   

目前IT的制作行业,由于处于起步阶段,在价格标准上尚有很多不完善的地方。本文以多媒体制作为例,讨论了专业公司或者制作人员对价格制订方面应注意的问题。  相似文献   

This article considers how professional knowledge should be assessed. It is maintained that the assessment of professional know‐how raises distinctive issues from the assessment of know‐how more generally. Intellectualist arguments which suggest that someone's giving an account of how to F should suffice for attributing to them knowledge of how to F are set out. The arguments fail to show that there is no necessary distinction between two kinds of know‐how, namely the ability to F and knowing that w is a way to F, such that the latter is more fundamental. The consequences of this failure for our understanding of professional assessment are then considered. The issue of the assessment of tacit knowledge is then addressed. It is concluded that there is no context‐dependent codifiable or articulable propositional knowledge of how to F which could be substituted for being able to F and that therefore tacit knowledge can only be assessed in performance. The parallel with Gettier cases is reviewed and it is concluded that the provenance of accounts of and justifications for the attribution of know‐how are not matters of indifference to its assessment. Finally, the question of evaluability or what Ryle would have called the applicability of intelligence epithets is discussed in relation to its relevance to our procedures for assessing practical knowledge. Once again, it is concluded that excellent performance is necessary to attribute excellence in know‐how. However, the ability to give an account of how and why an agent would do something in hypothetical circumstances is also very important for the assessment of professional knowledge.  相似文献   

新闻道德既有一般职业道德的共性,又有其独特的个性,从新闻职业劳动的特点以及与其他事业的比较中可知:产生的时间晚、被关注的程度高、受“史德”的影响深以及普遍性与阶段性并 新闻职业道德独具的特点。  相似文献   

Interest is increasingly being taken in educational sites which extend or which are located beyond the school. These include sites associated with developing information and communications technologies and mass media organizations as well as institutions of longer standing, such as museums, galleries and so forth. In this article we shall deploy a sociological framework originally developed for the analysis of school texts to such non-school sites. Our focus will include considerations of heritage and conservation sites in the form of castles and zoos. We contend that in operating in terms of both pedagogic and exchange relations, such sites may have something to teach as well as something to learn from schooling.  相似文献   

茶文化是指整个茶事活动发展过程中全部物质财富和精神财富的总和。狭义的茶文化则是指广义茶文化中的"精神财富"部分。审美意蕴就是审美对象里面所包含的理性内涵。茶文化的审美意蕴是茶德精神的审美性内容和形象性表达。雅包括了正规、标准、规范及正直之意,是我们对美好、高尚而不粗俗的一种愿望和精神追求。中国茶是天然、健康的饮品,但最能表达它的显著特色是其具有超乎一切之上的人间情味和艺术韵味。  相似文献   

Industry begins to feel it can contribute more to joint effects with higher education now that its voice is being heard on broad issues about higher education's priorities. Companies consulted by the Council for Industry and Higher Education lay stress on higher education's teaching function and on the need for broad education, training versatile minds. Universities should not be diverted from curiosity-led research work by over-much concentration on applied work. Companies particularly value collaboration ventures but will gladly pay market prices for specific contracts that offer something intellectually special.
Examples are given of initiatives taken by companies and of companies now beginning to adopt overall policies towards higher education.  相似文献   

言语行为理论认为言即行,说话与理解都是一种言语行为。计算机是对人大脑的模拟,因此自然语言的计算机处理也应是对人类言语行为的一种模拟。目前的自然语言处理系统大多是基于人类语言的句法、语义理论之上的。言语行为理论的提出为自然语言处理的研究提供了全新的视角:自然语言处理实质上是一种言语行为,自然语言处理的研究要想有所突破,必须从句法、语义的理论上升到语用的理论。  相似文献   

社会转型与化建构二之间存在着整体性,相悖性及互动性,化的是化衍生交融的过程,其核心是价值取向,价值取向的认同是化建构的基础,而人们对化的理解方式则是化建构的前提,因此,转型时期对化的理解应采取这样一种方式,即变异质化的不可通约性为可通约性,变化的冲突对立论为化的融合整体论。  相似文献   

在出土的众多汉画中,玉兔是不可缺少的内容,其形态为奔跑和捣药。无论玉兔的哪种形态,都在讲述着人类的故事。它虽为神话,但不是人类的凭空杜撰,而是人类生活需求和心理愿望的折射,兔事实为人事。  相似文献   

从“范式”的视角看质的研究之定位   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
"范式"是一个科学共同体成员所共有的东西,是由共有的信念、价值、技术等构成的整体。结合范式及其相配套的研究取径或方法,量的研究属于"实证主义"的范式,质的研究主要属于"解释主义"的范式,而"行动研究"则属于"批判理论"的范式。从研究的价值导向来看,"实证主义"及其量的研究和"解释主义"及其质的研究都可以归于"学术导向",其主要目的是"求真",了解和理解事情"是什么";而"批判理论"及其行动研究则归于"实践导向",其主要目的是"求善"、"求美",探讨并推进"应该是什么"。"定性研究"同时具有"思辨的"和"解释的"特征,"质的研究"则同时具有"解释的"和"实征的"的特征。量的研究既是"实征的",也是"实证的";而质的研究在研究的形态上是"实征的",但其哲学基础不是"实证的"。  相似文献   

回回包银是元代向散居全国的回回、也里可温、竹忽、答失蛮所征收的一种税收,虽是包银的一种,但实施的时间较晚,这与元朝实行特殊的政治、宗教政策及元中后期的财政形势有密切的关系。它的实行可以说在一定程度上有利于国家的财政收入,同时在政治上也起到了一定的作用。  相似文献   

以审美距离说分析王绩《野望》、王维《渭川田家》等作品,其中对田园风光的赞美和对田园生活的向往,是审美距离所致,其羡慕之情正好说明他们不能归去的处境或似归非归的状态。文人赞美的田园风光和田家生活,对于他们来说,只是一个可观赏却无法进入的世界。当文人在潜意识的距离中或以超功利性的眼光来打量农家生活时,感到的是它们与官场和宦游生活相比而独有的单纯和自然,而当真的投身其间时,便无法忍受其间的单调和艰苦。可见,文人诗歌中所表现的田园之美和田家之乐,大多具有乌托邦的性质。  相似文献   

This paper aims to highlight the significance of a particular aspect of magnitude processing, namely counting and subitizing or the rapid enumeration of small sets of items, for learning. Emphasis is laid on the historical roots and the conceptual framework as well as on studies on pre-verbal and school-age children. Evidence of the potential value of this research for the assessment of children at risk of mathematical learning disabilities, is presented. Inherent to its nature, subitizing relies on rapid, preverbal analogue magnitude comparisons being triggered. We will highlight the differences with counting, and the implications of shortcomings in counting and subitizing in children with mathematical learning disabilities for the automaticity of number magnitude processing. Furthermore we especially look in this paper at the varying assessment paradigms which are used in research with different age groups, something which has received insufficient attention in the past. Finally, we outline the challenges for future research on mathematical learning disabilities.  相似文献   

以袁宏道为领袖的公安派,旗帜鲜明地提出了“独抒性灵”的主张,这种迥异于传统文学价值观念的文学理论,既与晚明政教衰退、商业繁荣所滋生的放诞侈糜之风而促成的士人精神的世俗沉沦有关,又与袁宏道情欲自适、高雅自适、超越自适的人格特征有关,从而使公安派以极度伸扬本然生命的激情和彻底否定一切格套的勇气在一片喧闹声中掀起了文学革命运动。  相似文献   

本文描写“片”修饰视觉域具体名词的用法,并采用认知语言学的相关理论方法对这些用法进行了解释。除做个体量词外,“片”修饰的成分多具有无界性或个体间的同质性,“片”做个体量词时的非典型特征对促成这一功能有重要作用。是否用“片”还与事物在认知上形成的意象有关。  相似文献   

实施素质教育是我国教育发展的必然产物,是教育经过否定之否定的辩证发展之后实现的一次质的飞跃。素质教育应该辩证地吸取应试教育的合理成分,合理地界定教育中考试的内容、形式,正确处理做人教育与做事教育的关系,切实把思想道德教育放在素质教育的首位,培养出能够担当中华民族伟大复兴重任的栋梁之才。  相似文献   

人类社会发展面临的许多危机都与人文精神的失落有着密切的联系 ,人们也正在重新审视人文精神及其教育 ,因此以下内容值得思索 :1 人文精神现状与价值。 2 人文精神与教育。 3 人文精神教育的实施。  相似文献   

Broadly defined as teachers conferring and collaborating with other teachers, collegiality is becoming something of a new orthodoxy so far as educational policy makers are concerned. The implicit presumption behind such schemes as those of the ‘lead teacher’ programmes in the USA (and its derivatives in other countries) is that the team concept has the potential to unleash the kind of teacher creativity necessary to produce the kinds of educated labour required for economic recovery. This paper argues that this approach is flawed in that it takes scant account of teachers’ preparedness, or otherwise, to engage in the forms of contrivance and shallow participative pretence being suggested. Drawing on international literature the paper argues that as a policy option collegiality may appear to satisfy the requirement of accessing teachers’ knowledge and understanding, but it falls far short of being the effective mechanism touted in some quarters for educational and economic revitalisation.  相似文献   

钱钟书吸收各家幽默理论的长处而形成了自己较为合理的幽默理论体系 ,即在承认幽默主体具有高度的机敏和智慧并具备诱发幽默感的客体对象这两大前提条件下 ,从主体内心世界着眼 ,强调幽默是一种脾气、性格或心态 ,具体表现为具有高深修养的了悟世事人生的超越感或优越感和对人生、命运采用“一笑置之”的游戏或自嘲的态度。最理想而纯正的幽默表现为智者哲人的有会于心的微笑。幽默具有流动飘忽、变化不居的不确定性 ,不能固定为模式 ,因此不可摹仿和提倡。  相似文献   

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