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我们除了正式的姓名之外,往往还有"别名",城市也一样哦!下面的城市趣味别名,你知道几个?1.New York(纽约)——Big Apple(大苹果城)2.Washington(华盛顿)——the city of snow(雪城)3.Venice(威尼斯)——the city of water(水城)4.Jerusalem(耶路撒冷)——the holy city(圣城)5.Wellington(惠灵顿)——the city ofwind(风城)6.Athens(雅典)——the city ofjasmines(茉莉花城)7.London(伦敦)——the city offog(雾都)  相似文献   

Chongqing(重庆)——the city of fog(雾城) the city of hills(山城)Guangzhou(广州)——the city of spikes(穗城) the city of flowers(花城)Lasa(拉萨)——the city of the sun (日光城、太阳城)  相似文献   

1.Chongqing (重庆)- the city of fog (雾城) the city of hills(山城)2.Guangzhou (广州)-the city of spikes (穗城) the city of flowers (花城)3 .Wuhan (武汉)- the city of rivers (江城) the hot city(热城)4.Jinan (济南) -the city of springs(泉城)  相似文献   

1.London(伦敦):the city of fog雾城2.Washington(华盛顿):the city of snow雪城  相似文献   

Once two mice (老鼠) were good friends. One lived in the city, the other lived in the country (乡村). After many years, the city mouse came to see the country mouse. The country mouse took him to his house in a field. He gave him the nicest food that he could find. The city mouse said,  相似文献   

The Music City———Vienna(音乐之都———维也纳)Vienna is the capitalofAustria.Music isthe soulofthe city.Mozart, Beethoven andStrauss allcalled ithome.维也纳是奥地利的首都,音乐是这座城市的灵魂。莫扎特、贝多芬和施特劳斯都称它为家。The Danube flows through the city.Withoutthe river,Vienna couldnotbe a pearlofEurope.Blue Danubeis one ofthe m ostfam ous waltzesin the world.多瑙河穿城而过。如果没有多瑙河的话,维也纳也不可能成为欧洲的一颗明珠。《蓝色多瑙河》是享誉世界的华尔兹舞曲之一。Vienna h…  相似文献   

Excellent Fists     
A man who had been tothe imperial city(京城)always talked about howgood the capital city was. One evening the manwas strolling(散步)with hisfather under a bright moon.Suddenly somebody said,“How nice the moon is tonight!  相似文献   

<正>一、教学内容分析本课为模块7第一单元内容,新单词多,信息量大。要求学生能听说Washington D.C. is the capital of the USA.和New York is in the east./San Francisco in the west.并初步运用于情景交际中。二、教学目标(一)知识目标:1.会认和会读east,west,call,speak,also,country,project,city等生词。2.能听懂和会读出以下句子:  相似文献   

(A)Indianapolis(印第安纳波利斯) Indianapolis is the capital and largest city of Indiana, U.S.A. with a population of 744,000. It is one of the largest cities in the world that cannot be reached by water. However,Indianapolis is a city through which many railways, roads, buses and planes  相似文献   

(1)Q:Which city is the capital of England?英国的首都是哪一个城市? A:London.伦敦。(2)Q:In which country lies the River Nile?尼罗河是在哪一个国家? A:Egypt.埃及。(3)Q:Which city is the capital of France?法国的首都是哪一个城市?  相似文献   

The Statue(雕像)of the Happy Prince stood high above the city.It was coveredall over with thin leaves of gold.For the eyes it had two bright blue jewels(宝石),and there was a large red lewel on the top of its sword(剑). One night a little Swallow(麻雀)flew over the city.His friends had gone to Egypt(埃及)but he had stayed behind and he had to find a place to stay at night.Then hesaw the statue.  相似文献   

徐春所 《新高考》2007,(Z2):98-101
(一)最近江城市民就“老城区古建筑保护”进行了热烈的讨论,请根据下表提供的内容,客观介绍讨论的情况,并谈谈你自己的看法。Recently people in Jiangcheng have had a heated dis-cussion about the protection of the old city.Most people approve of the idea of pulling down the old buildings.One possible version:Recently peopleinJiangcheng have had a heated dis-cussion about the protection of the old city.Most peopleapprove of the idea of pulling down the old buildings.They believe the old buildings are to…  相似文献   

正Wuhan is a city with both an ancient history and a thriving present.Historic relics excavated from ancient tombs tell the city’s long history dating back 3,500years.In the period of Pre-Qin(770-221 BC),this was the land of the State of Chu(one of the seven warring states before Qin,in China’s first feudal dynasty)and was  相似文献   

INTRODUCTION The serious environmental pollution and theenergy crisis all over the world has caused the de-velopment of the lower pollution and lower energyconsumption automobile to become major researchgoal. An engine using compressed natural gas(CNG) as fuel has outstanding advantages of higherefficiency and lower pollution. The CNG/dieselDFE for the city bus could also obviously reducethe pollution of the city air, especially for the bigcities. So the research on the combustion…  相似文献   

Motto(箴言真谛)“The old prince gave away all his beautiful juwels,”the angel thought“.Butit made him even more beautiful.”(天使心想:“这个以前的王子施舍了他所有珍贵耀眼的珠宝,但这使他变得更加美丽高尚。)Questions(边想边读)·What can make you feel happy?·Why did the Happy Prince give all his jewels to the poor?·Do you like the prince?Why or why not?Reading(阅读欣赏)An angel was flying through a city.It was an ugly place.Still,theangel was looking carefully at everything she passed.She …  相似文献   

Canade(加拿大):the country of mapie leaves(枫叶之国)Colombia(哥伦比亚):the country of gold(黄金之国)Japan(日本):thecountryofcherry blossom(樱花之国)Singapore(新加坡):the country of gardens(花园之国)Switzerland(瑞士):the country of clocks andwatches(钟表之国)The Netherlands(荷兰):the country of freshflowers(鲜花之国)Detroit(底特律):thecityofautomobiles(汽车城)London(伦敦):the city of fog(雾城)Munich(慕尼黑):the city of beer(啤酒城)Oxford(牛津):the city of universities(大学城)Venice(威尼斯):t…  相似文献   

Unit 8 I'll help clean up the city parks.1.I'll help clean up the city parks.(P60)我将帮助打扫市区公园。clean up意为(把……)打扫干净,是动词+副词构成的短语动词,若宾语是代词,需将代词放在clean和up之间。例如:Look at the rubbish over there,clean it up at once.瞧那儿的脏东  相似文献   

(A) Are the lives of city kids the same as those in villages? In lots ofways, they are very different. But what are the differences?  相似文献   

一、词语例解1.endanger【用法】v.危害、危及(某人/某事物)(to expose to harm or danger);使遭到危险(cause danger to sb./sth.;put sb./sth.in danger) The polluted air in the city is badly en- dangering the health of the people.城市中被  相似文献   

An English student went to a city in the south of America to study there. He walked around the city to look for a warm room to live in. One evening, he was walking along the street with a map in his hand. He saw a small board (木板) in the window of a house, the word "Room" was on it. " What a nice room this is! " he said. " The windows are in the  相似文献   

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