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正"师者,传道授业解惑也"。圣人的教育理念在今天这个时空中依然是那么的深入人心,它已经牢牢渗透于中华民族几千年的文明教化中。然而,时代不同,这种理念的内涵也在发生着质的改变。今天,我们面对的群体是高度信息化的学生,他们的知识面、他们的情趣、他们的理想和追求、他们的内心世界以及他们对教与学的要求和理解已经制约着、改变着传统的教学理念,甚至传统的教育方式与当今的教育对象之间已经在产生着不可回避的矛盾。  相似文献   

高等职业技术院校的学生是当代大学生群体中的一个重要组成部分,他们的心理健康教育应引起学校、社会的关注.本文通过对这一群体的心理问题成因的调查分析,提出了优化其心理健康教育的建议.  相似文献   

裕固族传统社会中的藏传佛教教育通过寺院教育、家庭教育和社会教育起到了文化传承、道德教化和群体凝聚的作用。随着现代教育的普及、大众传媒和通讯影响以及民族文化交流加深,传统的宗教教育功能发生了根本的变化。关注这一变化,积极探索现代化背景下民族文化的传承发展途径是实现民族文化现代调适的必要准备。  相似文献   

道德教化与法治教育是思想政治教育的重要内容和任务。对身处身心发育关键阶段的青少年群体来说,对其开展道德教化与法治教育,将二者有机融合,有利于将其培养成具有良好道德与法律意识的高素质人才。鉴于此,文章探讨了道德教化与法治教育耦合的必要性、短板,并给出深度耦合的策略和途径。  相似文献   

在社会分层的背景下,残疾人群体是获取资源最少的群体,又是离权力中心最远的群体,是弱势群体和边缘群体.在融合教育理念下,他们有平等接受各种教育和活动的权利,并从学校融合走向社区融合,最终实现社会融合.  相似文献   

随着时代的发展,我国高等教育的改革也呈现出了日新月异的新局面。学校的思想政治工作也面临着新的挑战,一些新群体随之产生。如何对高校学生中的这一特殊群体进行有效的思想政治教育,切实做好这部分学生工作,把他们培养成才,本文进行了相应的探讨。  相似文献   

宋代"乡先生"的教学满足了平民阶层接受教育的客观需要,他们以传播儒家伦理道德为己任,维系着儒家典籍的传承.乡先生的<诗经>教学侧重于<毛诗序>等前代经典的传授,是平民阶层<诗>学观念形成的主要推动者.同时他们也是宋代<诗经>学话语重建的积极参与人,由于有了这一群体的加入,使得宋代<诗>学研究风格的转变不再仅仅局限于少量重要学者身上,而是在一个更为广阔的范围内推动了宋代<诗>学风格的形成和发展.  相似文献   

社交网络与教育结合的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着Facebook、人人网的兴起,社交网络这一新兴互联网应用在世界范围内发展得如火如荼,而广大学生作为接受新知识和新事物的群体,对社交网络表现出极大兴趣.社交网络作为学生社交活动的新兴载体,对他们的思想观念、学习、生活、心理等方面都产生着影响.本文从协同教育及思想教育入手对学生、家长、老师在社交网络中的教育教学研究进行一定的阐述.  相似文献   

教育腐败指的是在教育活动中的行为主体选择搭便车消费教育这一公共物品,从而侵害教育公共性的行为,可分为教育行政腐败、学校管理腐败、学术腐败.其产生是由于部分群体成员在教育资源配置过程中,在监督和制衡薄弱的情况下,利用公权选择搭便车获得和消费教育资源.这种普遍存在的理性选择行为的后果是教育的公共性被践踏.  相似文献   

闫利雅 《文教资料》2009,(35):90-91
宋代私学的特性主要有半独立性、融合性、独特的“书院”经营制度及其对自然科学教育的忽视。宋代私学与官学相互辉映.同时保持着对政府的经济依赖性。隐现于山水之间宋代书院成就了一批批名师大儒.他们的学术活动以其自由学风、开放思想、求真务实、耿介正直的学术风骨影响与教化了世间的读书人。其“有教无类”的教育形式与官学的“贵族化”形成鲜明对比.对文化下移、平民子弟的学术理想有落实之地。  相似文献   

Educators require support as they move from classroom to higher education settings. This collaborative self-study provides insight into one such support space, a doctoral seminar titled Pedagogy of Teacher Education, and how our identities as educators and future teacher educators developed through participation in the course. Several important themes emerged as we negotiated and adopted new identities as educators, and future teacher educators and researchers. These themes include our development of a collaborative mindset, a teacher educator-researcher perspective, and a critical self-awareness. The findings draw on our professional and personal histories to explore the prominent features that influenced and shaped our identities as educators and future teacher educator-researchers. In sharing our development as educators and future teacher educators, this article provides insights into the ways in which doctoral students in education begin to develop their identities and pedagogies through guided support from more experienced teacher educators.  相似文献   

创新型教育、创新型人才培养呼唤创新型教育家。原创型教育家是教育家的最高级类型或形式,一般产生于历史大周期的巅峰或转型时代。按照中国现代教育的“一体化说”解释框架,在中国现代教育发生发展的第一时期即体系形成时期.堪称原创型教育家者主要有张之洞、康有为、蔡元培、黄炎培、晏阳初、梁漱溟、陶行知、陈鹤琴等,他们历时半个多世纪,大约算是三代教育家。中国近现代原创型教育家的根本使命在于构建中国特色现代教育体系,这个体系包含着现代教育中国化与传统教育现代化两个方面,其变革的广度、深度和复杂度.从历史和世界范围来看都是前所未有的,都是原创性的。由此,更加突显原创型教育家的重要和伟大。  相似文献   

This article reports on a study of the professional learning of Flemish teacher educators. In the first part, an exemplary survey was conducted in order to compile an inventory of the existing types of education initiatives for teacher educators in Flanders. An electronic survey was then conducted in order to identify the professional needs of teacher educators in Flanders. The third part of the study focused on how the professional learning of teacher educators can evolve throughout their careers. This topic was examined by organising focus groups with teacher educators at two international conferences for teacher educators. Flemish teacher educators devote considerable attention to professional learning, and they are able to meet their needs through the broad range of existing courses and programmes offered within the educational system. Nevertheless, there is still room for improvement in the alignment of professional learning with the needs and career stages of teacher educators.  相似文献   


This article focuses on teacher educators’ role and how it was enacted and experienced by teachers and leaders in a school-based development project. The arena for the teachers’ professional development was the school, and teacher educators at one teacher-education institution and three schools took part in the research. Teacher educators, teachers and school leaders were interviewed two years and two months after they formally took part in the project, for one year in a pilot program and afterward for three semesters. The findings show that the teacher educators enacted their roles differently, and that they realise that they should have collaborated more and coordinated their experiences from collaborations with teachers and leaders to learn from their experiences in school. The leaders and teachers were satisfied with the teacher educators’ lectures, but the teachers wanted more dialogue with teacher educators and felt that teacher educators should have helped them transform their knowledge into teaching actions in practice. Teacher educators taking part as supporters in teachers’ practice truly could infiltrate instruction and learning. The study demonstrates that culture, structure and content need to be coordinated to enhance school-based development.  相似文献   

Teacher educators’ approaches to teaching, and their experience of burnout and self-efficacy beliefs, are related to how they are able to facilitate student teachers’ learning. In this study, 115 Chinese teacher educators responded to a questionnaire in 2015. Based on the previous study investigating the teacher educators’ approaches to teaching, the present study explored how these approaches were related to their self-efficacy beliefs in teaching and burnout. Burnout was measured through inadequacy in teacher-student interaction and exhaustion subscales. The analyses revealed that a student-focused approach to teaching among teacher educators was positively related to their self-efficacy beliefs in teaching. Both student- and teacher-focused approaches to teaching were positively related to the educators’ experience of inadequacy in teacher-student interaction. However, the study revealed no relationship between teacher educators’ approaches to teaching and the experience of exhaustion. To prevent feelings of inadequate interaction with their students, pedagogical training should provide these teacher educators with efficient guidance on how to interact with student teachers. The present study provides new insights in the teacher educators’ adoption of the student- and teacher-focused approaches to teaching.  相似文献   

美国职业技术教师教育者的特征   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
本文旨在通过描述与评论美国高等学校职业技术教师教育者的外观基本情况和职业技术教师教育者在职业教师培养中喜欢运用的专业发展模式、教学途径、最常任教的课程及科目、自身所进行的专业发展活动等,期望使读者对美国职业技术教育师资培养培训与高等学校职业技术教师教育者的一般特征及整体素质有所了解.  相似文献   

The aim of the present study was to explore how Finnish university-based subject teacher educators perceived their professional identity. Several factors related to professional identity were analysed. Subject teacher educators are initially subject teachers who have proceeded to the doctorate level. They form a small academic group within a larger faculty milieu with only partial responsibility for a teacher education programme. The study is based on focus group interviews with 15 subject teacher educators at four of the eight universities that offer teacher education in Finland. The results reveal that these teacher educators have a strong and persistent self-ascribed identity of an educational nature. The close social interplay with other subject teacher educators within the faculty seems to contribute to a confident collective identity. However, the self-identity is not congruent with the other-ascribed identity, which varies depending on the other party’s institutional context. The subject teacher educators examined in this study wished to have research included to a higher extent in their identity as subject teacher educators.  相似文献   

This study deals with the quality requirements that are needed for teacher educators. The tasks teacher educators have to do and the competencies they should possess (a professional profile), according to their fellow teacher educators, were identified. On the basis of a literature search on tasks and competencies of teacher educators, we made a first overview of tasks and competencies. Next, we conducted a Delphi study in three rounds, during which we held open-ended interviews and sent out two rounds of questionnaires. The resulting profile consists of five task areas and four areas of competence. For university-based teacher educators, a sixth task area (carrying out research) has been added.  相似文献   

Taking into account the pressing need to understand more about what teacher educators’ professional development characterises, this article adopts a mixed method approach to explore Flemish (Dutch-speaking part of Belgium) teacher educators’ professional development needs and opportunities. Analysis results of a large-scale survey study with 611 teacher educators and analysis of five qualitative focus groups (with 24 teacher educators) are presented. The results confirm the lack of attention for teacher educators’ professional development in the Flemish teacher education system. Moreover, the findings indicate a structural need for participation in professional development activities that are linked to teacher educators’ own practices, organised as long-term sustainable professional development trajectories, and formally recognised. To conclude, a professional development agenda for research, policy and practices related to teacher educators’ professional development is discussed.  相似文献   

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