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古文字是考察远古文化的化石,它涵盖着十分丰富的历史文化信息。通过古文字分析可以证明远古先民对水和洪水有着深刻的认识,先民生活中,鱼和蜃是常见的;交通方面,桥梁和舟船是十分重要的。从而证明远古先民是倚水而居的。  相似文献   


The reforms on the modern university academy system that preserve certain elements of China’s ancient traditional academies have currently encountered a series of difficulties. The crux of the problem is that living and educational spaces were integrated in the traditional academy, while modern school education institution has separated the two. So the modern university academy system only inherits the spatial form of the traditional academy. To resolve these difficulties requires creatively preserving the spirit rather than the form of the traditional academy, systemically innovating in institutions such as the advisor system, general education curriculum, and association activities, and also exploring mechanisms for academies to coordinate with professional schools and university student affairs.  相似文献   

当前,很多教师的生存状态是倦怠的、被动的和疏离的.倦怠的生存表现为对工作情感耗竭,对学生冷漠迁怒,对自己消极评价;被动的生存表现为在教学过程中、事务工作中和自我发展中的被动;疏离的生存表现为与教学过程的疏离、与学生的疏离和与生活世界的疏离.透视异化的教师生存状态,对于教师回归生存之本真状态具有重要意义.  相似文献   

白井石羊,僻在边陲,终还是礼义传家,尽忠尽孝。志书所载,两代孝子,于不同的社会背景下,完成了人类美的善行。  相似文献   

The Jewish world, like the world civilization that hosts it, is awash in new technologies. Appropriately, there is a great deal of attention paid to how to improve the Jewish world and Jewish identity through technology. Paradoxically there is a paucity of literature characterizing the relationship of Jews and Judaism to technology. This article examines this relationship through a portrait of a 3-year Covenant-Jewish Education Center of Cleveland project entitled Text Me: Ancient Jewish Wisdom Meets Contemporary Technology. Seven areas of future research are suggested out of the exploration of these two sources.  相似文献   

岳麓书院之所以能改制为湖南大学,三度成立的湖南大学筹备处起了关键作用。第一次,虽然就书院办大学之计划“议定而事未卒行”,但印入脑海,与日俱深,功莫大焉。第二次,改书院为大学推行四年多时间,讨论中国书院与欧洲大学文科的类同,解决思想认识问题,实际接收并保有岳麓书院积存的田产、山场、契约、图书、仪器、化学药品、标本、金石什物等,留作日后大学之基础。既存文脉于动乱之中,又保财产于强权之世,是其最大的贡献,难能可贵。第三次,将岳麓书院所有一切产业查明接收,变为湖南大学校产,就书院改办大学的夙愿最终达成。  相似文献   


Ecological sustainability can be considered the primary goal of higher education development, as it provides an ontological way to think about what it means for higher education’s long-term development. Given the widespread concern of ecological sustainability, it’s urgent to interpret and deconstruct ecological sustainability in Chinese higher education from indigenous and original perspectives. By drawing on the wisdom from Chinese ancient education philosophy which provides unique enlightenment for ecological sustainability, this paper discusses the harmonization of ecological sustainability and higher education development. In the light of the connotation of contemporary ecological sustainability and the new development of Chinese higher education, the paper also constructs a dynamic model of ecologically sustainable development in Chinese higher education. The aim is to initiate more philosophical dialogues between ancient and modern education, and to provide a new way of conceptualizing Chinese ancient education philosophy in the postmodern times.  相似文献   

With increasing numbers of students learning science through a second language in many school contexts, there is a need for research to focus on the impact language has on students’ understanding of science concepts. Like other countries, Brunei has adopted a bilingual system of education that incorporates two languages in imparting its curriculum. For the first three years of school, Brunei children are taught in Malay and then for the remainder of their education, instruction is in English. This research is concerned with the influence that this bilingual education system has on children’s learning of science. The purpose was to document the patterns of Brunei students’ developing understandings of the concepts of living and non-living things and examine the impact in the change in language as the medium of instruction. A cross-sectional case study design was used in one primary school. Data collection included an interview (n = 75), which consisted of forced-response and semi-structured interview questions, a categorisation task and classroom observation. Data were analysed quantitatively and qualitatively. The results indicate that the transition from Malay to English as the language of instruction from Primary 4 onwards restricted the students’ ability to express their understandings about living things, to discuss related scientific concepts and to interpret and analyse scientific questions. From a social constructivist perspective these language factors will potentially impact on the students’ cognitive development by limiting the expected growth of the students’ understandings of the concepts of living and non-living things. A paper accepted by Research in Science Education, August, 2006.  相似文献   

从法律文化的角度对《唐律疏议》进行文本解读,指出其包含了中国传统法律文化的两个基本特征,即由礼所实现的道德法与实在法之间的统一性和古代律学在法律方法论上对于内部解释与外部解释的兼顾。  相似文献   

The current study aimed to explore how cultural contexts influence the attitudes of mothers raising children with disabilities. Semi-structured in-depth interviews of seven immigrant Korean mothers regarding their personal experiences within the complexities of the special education system in the United States were analysed to identify factors that help mothers to thrive in the face of numerous challenges they encountered when working with professionals from different cultural and linguistic backgrounds. Narratives revealed that support groups, parent–professional relationships and cultural norms served as motivational factors that encouraged mothers to take initiative in proactively seeking ways to meet the needs of their children. Findings highlight the importance of a professional’s genuine attitude and open-mindedness when approaching culturally and linguistically diverse families.  相似文献   

由性理转向经史:明清之际学术的新趋向   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在16、17世纪,中国大多数学仍然恪守理学道德心性的思辨体系,但有少数学却转而根据实证标准从事经史典籍中的事实性考辨。在顾炎武之前,归有光、唐顺之、钱谦益以及陈第、方以智的学术取向,都与明代的性理之学迥异。这表明,在乾嘉学派形成以前,已经有一批优秀的学在从事经学、天、小学、地理以及数学方面的实证性研究,由他们那里发轫出来的学术意识与研究方法,恰是清儒考据学重要的来源之一。  相似文献   

骈文是最具东方色彩的文体之一,其文体意识的产生有其民族文化的背景,对偶是骈文最显著的文化意识,也是骈文“丽”的特点产生的基础。  相似文献   

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