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This study explores the influence of self-assessment of vocabulary competence on a group of students’ oral fluency. Twenty-four young adult learners participated in a learning process that promoted their oral skills and vocabulary development. Self-assessment was mainly examined through the analysis of students’ learning logs, field notes and artefacts in the form of audio recordings. By contrasting and analysing data sources, and the results obtained from pre- and post-speaking tasks, through a mixed method design approach, it was found that when students self-assess, they are able to acknowledge their learning strengths and drawbacks. This practice enabled students to set learning commitments, use learning strategies that also allow them to raise awareness and take further actions, while self-monitoring them. Consequently, initial improvements in students’ oral fluency development were evinced through the implementation of a systematic cycle that applies self-assessment as a formative assessment source. Thus, the students entered a process in which they gradually become more able to self-monitor, judge and react towards their own gains in language and learning. Findings highlighted the value of goal setting as an essential component in self-assessment. Further longitudinal studies may well support the long-lasting effects of this strategy in similar educational contexts.  相似文献   

An increasing proportion of tertiary students are aged 25 and over, and many of these students choose to study at a distance in order to more easily combine their studies with their family and work commitments. Higher attrition rates and lower course completion rates for this group highlight the need for a greater understanding of their student experience. To explore whether age and mode of study impact on student engagement, satisfaction, learning and departure intention, data from the Australasian Survey of Student Engagement from 1116 first-year undergraduate students from a single New Zealand university were analysed. Results confirm the influence of student engagement on both student satisfaction and learning, in particular the importance of a supportive learning environment. The findings suggest that while older and distance students are less likely to engage in active learning strategies with their fellow students, they have a much greater capacity to integrate their learning with their work experience. The finding that these students are as satisfied as the more traditional-aged, on-campus students suggests that their experience is different, but not second-rate. Universities need to build on the strengths of these students as well as provide greater opportunities for them to form collaborative relationships with similar students. Limitations stemming from the timing of the survey and the inherent limitations of cross-sectional surveys suggest the need for more in-depth longitudinal work to understand the changing nature of engagement for these students and to explore why they engage differently with their studies.  相似文献   

In this article, we articulate five principles of curriculum design and illustrate their application in a third‐year undergraduate course for environmental and ecological scientists. In this way, we provide a practical framework for others wishing to enhance their students’ learning. To apply the five principles, we created a learning environment consisting of a broad range of learning resources and activities which were structured and sequenced with an integrated assessment strategy. The combined effect of this ensured alignment between the learning environment we created, the thinking approaches students used and the learning outcomes they achieved. More specifically, the assessment activities guided students by requiring them to recognise when their understanding was limited – and then to engage them in thinking approaches that would develop their understanding further. By providing a framework of thoughts, ideas and information, we sought to progressively enhance the sophistication of our learners’ thinking. Thus, the assessment required students to integrate, synthesise and construct their understandings in ways consistent with the discipline and the professional pathways on which they had embarked. We intend that this illustration will act as a guide to other academics to adopt the same principles in their teaching.  相似文献   


The manner in which students manage their learning activities in response to perceived task or course demands describes their 'learning orchestration'. This paper addresses relations between a student's learning orchestration and their learning outcome as a function of prior understanding in first year university biology courses. A cluster analysis of 272 Australian students revealed three different forms of learning orchestration - understanding, reproducing and disintegrated. In one cluster, students felt their environment was more supportive of deep approaches to learning and they adopted deeper approaches. They were the students who had the better prior understanding and they did best on measures of meaningful learning. However, less than one third of the students showed this coherent (and desirable) learning pattern. A second cluster of students showed a coherent but less desirable learning orchestration focused on more surface perceptions and approaches and they had significantly worse learning gains and achievement scores. The third cluster of students saw the learning environment as being more supportive of deep approaches, but, unlike the other groups, they did not adopt an approach consistent with their perception. We describe these students as having a disintegrated learning orchestration. A key finding is that the students with this orchestration also have very poor levels of prior knowledge and also have very poor achievement outcomes.  相似文献   

The development of students as lifelong, self-regulating learners is a valued outcome of higher education. To this end, the current project investigated how students in an undergraduate course experienced and responded to a teaching–learning environment where they were expected to take responsibility for their learning. The pedagogic environment of this course was grounded in strategies and activities associated with assessment for learning (AfL). As such, students were expected to participate in activities that provided them with opportunities to exercise control over their learning. Data gathering comprised individual semi-structured interviews and the collection of artefacts. Findings indicated goals helped students know where they were going; exemplars provided insights into what was expected and what constituted quality work; course activities elicited evidence of learning; dialogic interactions around these generated feedback about understandings and progress; the evaluation of exemplars developed evaluative knowledge, skill and expertise; peer review and feedback provided an authentic context for evaluation and monitoring of works-in-progress. It was concluded that, while each of the AfL strategies contributed to student self-regulation, the full impact of AfL as a catalyst for self-regulated learning was realised in the cumulative and recursive effect these strategies had on students’ thinking, actions and feelings.  相似文献   

To succeed at post-secondary education, it’s essential that students develop an understanding of their own knowledge and learning processes. This metacognition of learning, or ‘meta-learning’, helps students to become more effective learners, as they become more aware of their self-regulatory processes and recognise the effectiveness of their study strategies. To increase biomedical science students’ self-awareness, we have designed and implemented meta-learning assessment tasks across our biomedical science courses. Most students reported that meta-learning tasks had a positive impact on their learning, as they prompted self-regulatory processes of forethought and self-reflection. We found that students were equally likely to change or not change their study strategies across subsequent semesters. Those students that did not change were generally high achievers, believing their study approaches were most effective, but their performance did not improve across semesters. In contrast, students who adapted, mostly by modifying how they appraised and rearranged records or improved planning and time management, performed less well overall but significantly improved their performance across semesters. Meta-learning tasks may prompt students to become more self-reflective and independent learners by affecting their approach to learning, enabling them to reflect on their study strategies, adapt and improve performance, and may enable the development of lifelong learning skills.  相似文献   

A characteristic shared by the majority of adult students is that they are undertaking part‐time study. For these adult learners one of the major difficulties is how to find time for their study. This paper reports the coping mechanisms that part‐time adult students adopt to meet the additional demands that study puts on their existing commitments to work, family and social lives. Data were collected from 53 part‐time students in eight universities in Hong Kong through semi‐structured interviews. A model featuring three coping mechanisms (sacrifice, support and negotiation of arrangements) within four domains (self, work, family and social life) was used for the analysis. Whether or not these coping mechanisms are operationalized to a sufficient extent can have a significant impact upon the students' progress with their courses. The analytical grid provides a framework for counselling and advising adult learners. Part‐time adult students can also use the model to evaluate their own situations and determine which coping mechanisms will work for them to deal with time management issues.  相似文献   

This article outlines a collaborative study between higher education institutions in Australia, which qualitatively explored the online learning experience for undergraduate and postgraduate students. The project adopted a narrative inquiry approach and encouraged students to story their experiences of this virtual environment, providing a snapshot of how learning is experienced by those undertaking online studies. The study explores what impacted upon students’ engagement in this environment and how different facets of their learning experience made a qualitative difference to how individuals enacted engagement. Drawing upon Sharon Pittaway’s engagement framework, the article seeks to foreground student voice as the learners define their engagement in learning, the strategies they employed to assist this process and how engagement was enacted at an individual level. The students’ reflections presented in this article can be used to inform teaching and learning strategies designed to improve engagement in the online environment within the higher education sector.  相似文献   


Detailed enquiry into the learning process requires in‐depth case studies of individual learners, which involves the ‘subjects’ in considerable time commitments, and the risk of exposing their personal limitations as learners. Case studies into learning can be informative for the researcher, but could also be threatening to the researched. The present article considers a research project where a key principle was that the ‘research subjects’ should feel that they were benefiting from being involved in the research. The students who committed time to the project were considered to be colearners. The core of the article is a dialogue constructed around one colearner's comments, as a narrative device to illustrate the frustrations and rewards of being the ‘subject’ of the research process. The extent to which the composed text can be considered to represent the authentic voice of the colearner is discussed.  相似文献   

Resilience is understood to be the ability to adapt positively in the face of adversity. In relation to new students on a distance learning module, this can mean how they adapt and make sense of the demands of their chosen study to enable them to persist in their studies. This article reports a small-scale study involving semi-structured telephone interviews with students on a level 1 distance learning module at the UK Open University. Students identified the challenges they experienced such as carving out time to study alongside other commitments, as well as developing their academic writing. Students also identified factors that enabled them to adapt to these challenges and be successful in continuing to study. Students rated highly the support they received from tutors in the form of tailored, detailed feedback on their assignments. Other factors that enabled students to persist in their studies were time management, self-belief and motivation.  相似文献   


There is evidence that many students leave university without effective learning strategies and skills that would facilitate their learning in the future. For example, they can complete their university courses without developing information skills or a love of learning, with only a limited repertoire of learning strategies, and with no intention of engaging in further learning. While these findings indicate a need for universities to review the structure of courses and the way that they are taught and assessed, it is not necessary to wait for this to happen. Within existing course structures, universities can help prepare students for lifelong learning by teaching them learning strategies. This is best done if the strategies are taught by university teachers in the context of their regular coursework. We have confirmed in our research and professional development projects that this can be done. In an experimental study, we investigated the effects of explicidy teaching students learning strategies in the context of their regular coursework. This research indicated that students who were taught learning strategies in the context of their regular coursework used them effectively and achieved better results than students who were taught in the conventional way. In a professional development project, we taught university teachers from a variety of subject areas to teach learning strategies to students in their own courses. These teachers were successful in helping students develop a repertoire of effective learning strategies and display greater commitment to their learning.  相似文献   


English: This study aims to examine the learners’ mental models of television in actual media classroom activity by which knowledge was constructed. It aims to clarify the formation of the Thai learners’ mental models of television related to their learning achievements using the topic of Pythagoras’ theorem in nindi‐grade mathematics as a case study. A qualitative approach was used to investigate the effects of using instructional television, especially as they facilitate learners in the construction of mental models for understanding the learning content. The findings revealed the learners’ mental models, which they constructed while learning through watching television. Specifically, they revealed how media capabilities and the instructional designs that employ them interact with the learners and the task characteristics to influence the formation of the learners’ mental models and their learning achievement.  相似文献   

Thai Distance English Learners and Learner Autonomy   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
The study reported here represents an attempt to explore learner autonomy in a distance education setting in Thailand. Autonomy is a key element in learning a language at a distance and is reflected in the number and quality of learning strategies students employ. Data for this study were collected using a questionnaire sent to students country-wide, ThinkAloud protocols and interviews. Using a number of criteria which emerged from the study, students were grouped into two kinds of language learner: self sufficient language learners, who were able to follow the course but displayed a limited degree of learner autonomy, and dynamic distance language learners, who were more proactive in their approach to learning. The outcomes from this study were used to draw conclusions about recommendations for future distance language course development and to develop theoretical work by the author relating to autonomous learning of languages at a distance  相似文献   

The learning processes of Australian tertiary students were examined in a longitudinal study which replicated that of Watkins and Hattie (1985). In accord with the earlier study, older students and Arts students were more likely to adopt deeper level approaches to learning. In addition it was once again those who most utilised surface level strategies, who disliked their learning environment and/or who had “pathological” learning problems who tended to perform least favourably in their first year courses. However, unlike the earlier study, it appeared that students who remained at ANU to complete their course did tend to change to less superficial learning strategies.  相似文献   


Grounded on the notion of observational learning in social cognitive learning theory, this study evaluated the effectiveness of repeated self-assessment on English-as-a-foreign-language learners’ oral performance and the perceptions of the students and the instructor of this practice. Ninety-seven students from three classes in a Taiwanese college participated in this study. The classes experienced five trials of self-assessment in which they used cell phones to record their oral responses. Instead of simply rating their own recordings, the students were provided questions to guide their examination of key components of their own talk. The results show that the students’ oral performance and evaluation abilities both improved over time, and they highly valued opportunities to detect their errors and observe their real learning outcomes. The findings suggest that self-assessment bridged the gap between repeated practice and English learning by allowing the students to reflect upon their performance, find their weaknesses, adjust their following talk, and recognize their learning outcomes.  相似文献   

“自主学习”是一种适合成人英语学习者的学习方式,同时也是一种教育理念,要让成人英语自主学习落到实处,产生实效,教师必须培养学生的自主学习意识,激发学生正确的学习动机,对其进行学习策略培训,提高其学习效能感,并创造自主学习环境,以帮助和促进成人英语学习者有效地开展自主学习.  相似文献   

This paper looks at a qualitative case study of distance learning at Universiti Utara Malaysia as described by a small group of distance learners as they progress through their courses at the institution. It concerns the learners – it is their story, their experience, their perspective. In particular, this thematic report looks at learning support in distance learning as it surfaced as one of the central findings of this research. This is an issue that arose from discussions with the students, rather than being predetermined by the research design. Conclusions have been drawn regarding the role of learning support to facilitate distance learning at Universiti Utara Malaysia. The concept of need and support is important as it relates to the different requirements from support into action that enables the learners to connect with their teachers, the course content and with other learners.  相似文献   

本文调查了远程学习者的英语学习现状、英语学习动机及策略。调查发现他们的学习目的明确.以“工具型”为主。在英语学习过程中,他们最大的英语学习困难是词汇和语法;元认知策略使用较多。但具体的语言学习策略使用较少;远程学习者对自己的学习缺乏监控。因此,本文提出充分利用网络资源,加强面授课教学,培养远程学习者良好的英语学习策略。  相似文献   

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