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A:嘿,你知道他的爱好吗? B:是的,我知道。A:快告诉我。小声点,有人采了。B:别担心,是一只小猫。A:好了,继续说。B:他喜欢看报纸、看电视和收集外国邮票。  相似文献   

My Hobby     
I’m Gina.I like go1to a movie on weekends,and I also likebasketball.My favorite is play2piano3for the reason that it is verygraceful(优美).Now I&m in the piano club.  相似文献   

My Hobby     
Hi!eveyone!My name is Ma Linjing.I am a middle school student.My hobby is drawing pictures.  相似文献   

My Hobby     
Hi! Everyone! My name is Li Hexiang. I have art English name: Stevenson White Lee. You can call me “Steven”. I am a middle school student. I like a lot of things.  相似文献   

<正>我非常喜欢画画。小时候我画花和动物,现在我读中学了,我仍然热爱画画。上个月,妈妈问我:你喜欢画画吗,莎莉?我的英文名是莎莉。是的,我喜欢。你想要更多的彩色铅笔吗?是的,当然啦。上个周末,我和妈妈去购物。她给我买了新的彩铅。我很喜欢,并且画了几张新的画。  相似文献   

My Hobby     
<正>Different people have different hobbies.My hobby is singing.It’s a great hobby!It’s fun and makes me feel proud.All my teachers and classmates think I have a real gift for singing.My music teacher encourages me to keep singing and sing more wonderful songs.Singing can relieve my tiredness,and can help me improve my accent.Singing makes me  相似文献   

My Hobby     
<正>Everyone has his(her)hobby.So do I.My hobby is reading books.Books give me a lot of knowledge.I can always learn something new from books.Sometimes I forget to eat and sleep while reading.I love reading novels.My favorite novel is Harry Potter.It was written by an English writer named J.K.Rowling.I think it is very exciting.Harry is a brave boy.He isn’t afraid whenever he meets with difficulties.I can learn from him.I also like the book How the Steel Was Tem-  相似文献   

My Hobby     
<正>Just as many middle school students like pop music, I love table tennis. It’s one of the most popular sports in China, and you can see people playing it everywhere in China. It is also our national ball, you know. Table tennis is not only my favorite, but also part of my life.I began to play table tennis at age of ~((1))nine.  相似文献   

My Hobby   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
I have a lot of hobbies,one of them is drawing.  相似文献   

Hobby Time     
柏余:业余时间里,你都做些什么?有人喜欢打篮球,有人喜欢游泳,有人喜欢唱歌……来看看老外朋友都有些怎样的爱好吧!  相似文献   

动机、兴趣、爱好三者相互联系而又相互促进。本文从数学教学的角度,探讨了如何纯洁学生学习动机,激发学 生学习兴趣,培养学生的爱好。  相似文献   

喝酒是欧美大学生活的重头戏之一,同中国的行酒令一样,欧美也有很多经典的饮酒游戏,五花八门,难度各异,绝对是活跃气氛,增进感情的催化剂。当然不一定非得在酒桌上才能享用这些有趣的小游戏,果汁也一样!  相似文献   

梁启超的"趣味"与王国维的"嗜好"有一个共同的思路:"借思想文化作为解决问题的途径。"梁启超试图通过培养国民良好趣味,把个体发展与民族、国家的蓬勃兴旺统一起来,王国维则试图通过培养国民良好嗜好来从根本上治理鸦片泛滥的社会问题。梁启超的"趣味"与王国维的"嗜好"都兼有"启蒙"与"审美"的双重意蕴。  相似文献   

《哈利波特》折射出的西方人的魔幻情结   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
骑着扫帚飞,学习魔法口诀,家里有个小精灵,这些存在于人们幻想的魔法世界中的情节,随着《哈利波特》系列小说的发行一次次成为书迷们讨论的焦点话题。西方人为什么对魔幻小说如此痴迷?其原因主要是受希腊神话的影响、宗教的原因和现实社会的需求等共同因素决定的。  相似文献   

《水浒传》是元末明初的著名英雄传奇小说,其文多有激情杀人之叙述和血腥场景之描绘,作者醉心此道盖有特殊原因,一是蒙元灭宋,汉民族心灵受到严重创伤,故向往尚武勇决之士。蒙元一代乃儒风沦丧,市井文化上升为风范。故以杀戮取得正义乃为民间对英雄的解读。《水浒传》中人物均为市井社会中人。激情杀人是市民社会受众欣赏的一种固有文化现象。施氏所著乃山东地域小说,齐鲁自古民风多习武,性情多彪悍。故写出乡曲之风与迎合市井趣味二者结合,遂形成醉心杀人故事的叙述心态。二是元末以来动乱之杀戮,这些痛苦记忆深印明初人心,并形成一个激情时代。这是小说嗜好的一种独有的暴力美学的叙述视点和描绘方式的根源。,此种暴力叙述在文化价值上既有反抗不公消除民族性格弱点之效,亦开滥杀嗜好之消极影响。  相似文献   

Restricting public employees' free exercise rights or the State to maintain neutrality toward religion has been longstanding precedent in the United States. It has certainly been the case in US public schools beginning in the 1940s and affirmed through the courts over and again through much of the 20th century. The aftermath of 2 recent Supreme Court decisions challenges this long-held precedent, however, as it has led to several instances in which public employees have requested religious exemptions from their professional obligations (e.g., Kentucky court clerk Kim Davis' refusal to grant marriage certificates to same-sex couples). This article provides a foundational framework for exploring the recent reconceptualization of religious freedom and its possible implications for public schools and the larger project of advancing a liberal, pluralist democracy were teachers to refuse to fulfill central elements of their job on the basis of religious objections.  相似文献   

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