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识字是整个小学阶段语文教学的关键,是学习各种知识的必由之路.如何有效进行识字教学呢?文章认为,应让孩子们在玩中学;反复书写提高识字效率;大量拓展学生阅读识字途径;及时肯定学生等.  相似文献   

高等数学是大学理工科的一门公共课,也是一门工具课,学好该课是学好其专业课的前提。大学与中学不同,学生要学习理论知识,更要学习研究方法,努力提高自身的创造能力,这样才能在将来的工作中应对自如。文章对学生的创造性进行了分析,提出培养学生创造性的一些策略方法:要求学生注重对数学知识形成过程的学习,引导学生提出问题、发现问题。  相似文献   

今天,我们向苏霍姆林斯基学什么   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
今天我们学习苏霍姆林斯基的教育思想,并不是使其成为学校包装或炒作的工具,而是切实在理论和实践中实现苏霍姆林斯基教育思想的中国化。我们应深入学习苏霍姆林斯基对孩子的爱,对教育事业的执着;独立思考、勇于坚持真理的高尚品格;以人为本的教育理念以及实事求是的科研精神,而我们最应该学习的是他自始至终对教育的纯净、朴素的信念。  相似文献   

In nontraditional education we believe that learning how to learn should be the major objective. Helping students learn how to learn should be a major teaching objective and a major teaching skill. This skill involves helping a student recognize that learning involves personal change and that no one is so knowledgeable and so skilled that he or she need not learn. One of the major problems in learning how to learn for educators is being able to play a concurrent role—that of an evaluator and that of an academic advisor. Inherent in this double role is the concept that an evaluator should provide a learning experience that is planned as an integral and continuous part of a student's education. Evaluation processes, both in planning and implementation, should be consistent with knowledge, values, and goals of nontraditional education. Their basis should be a theory of adult learning.  相似文献   

中国现当代文学教学模式的转变   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
为更好地激发学生的学习兴趣,培养学生的创新能力和研究能力,在现当代文学课的教学中,应实现由注重知识传授到注重能力培养的教学模式的转变,变“教学生学“为“教学生会学“,从而造就创新人才.  相似文献   

坚持体育锻炼已是人人皆知的好习惯,但是在锻炼中间一些错误的方式方法,不仅会让运动效果大打折扣,如果方法不当,还可起到相反的作用,影响到身体健康。这不仅相悖于人们参加体育活动的初衷,而且还要承受不必要的痛苦,给自己、家人和学校带来负面影响。拥有了健康的身体才能更好地去学习,创造生活、享受生活。为了健康,我们应该积极地养成一个良好的健身习惯。在体育教学中教会学生运动技能很重要,使学生拥有一个正确的健身习惯更为重要。  相似文献   

教学活动的主体是学生,教师不仅要提高教学水平,更要充分发挥学生的主体作用。在中学英语教学中,教师应注重学生学习能力的培养,帮助其掌握科学的学习方法,从而提高外语教学的效率和学生的学习水平。  相似文献   

在数学课堂中,创设情境的目的是为了让学生在教师的引导下,像科学家一样,通过自己主动地探究和学习,发现事物变化的因果关系及其内在联系;而不是为了营造表面热闹的“作秀”。应该根据孩子们已有的知识经验和生活实际,创设恰当的教学情境,帮助学生理解与掌握数学的内容,激发学生学习的热情,培养浓厚的学习兴趣,促成学生智力因素和非智力因素的发展。  相似文献   

开好“思想道德修养”课,充分发挥它的思想政治教育功能,必须从大学生最关注、最渴望寻求答案的问题入手,只有与大学生产生共鸣,才能收到实效。要根据大学生的成长需求构建教学内容体系。教师在组织教学内容时,既要有理论阐述,又要有现实分析,用典型事例教育则更有说服力。在教学过程中,思想道德修养课教师和学生要建立起一种民主平等、彼此尊重、相互学习、共同提高的师生关系,广泛调动学生接受思想道德教育的积极性和主动性,提高学生自我教育的能力。  相似文献   

为增进学生的思维而对话,应成为课堂教学的终极追求。教育哲学、语言学、心理学和教育学等多个理论视角,共同诠释了对话是课堂学习之本质、增进深层次思维是课堂对话之根本这两个重要命题。要改进当前课堂教学对话中的问题,重在关注学生思维,倡导教师主控型对话走向师生互动型对话、封闭式对话走向开放式对话,创设自由宽松的课堂对话环境,提供对话策略指导师生学会对话。  相似文献   

初一教材中有关物理、化学的知识,对初一学生是完全陌生的,如果教师在教学中不去合理恰当地引导处理这些内容,势必给生物的教与学带来障碍。在讲课过程中注意尽可能活化理化知识,加强学生能力的培养。在介绍专业性理化知识时,力图通俗简洁,尽量不用专业术语来解释。加强实验,突破难点,强化实验“注意事项”。在课外适当拓展学习生物学必备的理化基础知识。  相似文献   

Adaptive teaching expertise is a critical component of quality teaching. University-based supervisors should employ specific supervision styles and discourse types during post-lesson observation conferences to help student teachers develop adaptive competencies such as, justifying decision-making, balancing experimentation and risk to pupils, and discussing instructional adaptations to address pupils' contextualized-needs. Findings from a sixteen-week, multiple-case study suggest that student teachers and supervisors (N = 6) do not use critical discourse to capitalize on opportunities to develop adaptive teaching expertise. If student teachers are expected to become adaptive experts, teacher educators must learn how to leverage discourse to promote development of adaptive teaching expertise.  相似文献   

要想达到将每个学生都教好、让每个学生都学好的教学目标,必须分析清楚学生的具体情况,对每类学生采取不同的教学措施.  相似文献   

个性化教育思想是一种"以人为本"的思想。从个性化教育的角度来对自学考试管理体制进行创新是指在自学考试管理中应"以生为本"。论文在个性化教育思想的指导下,基于现行自学考试管理体制存在的问题,指出自学考试管理体制首先应在管理理念上树立服务意识与高效意识,其次应该在法律层面上规范自学考试管理体制及提高自学考试的地位,再次应加强社会助学管理,提高自学考试的教学质量,最后在自学考试管理过程中,应充分地运用现代信息技术与网络技术来提高管理的效率与质量。  相似文献   

The very nature of the university-its ethos-is the surest touchstone for defining student misconduct and determining responses to it. Every important campus constituency should be involved in discussing how students are expected to conduct themselves, and should come away with a clear understanding of the guiding principles that underlie those expectations. Students should be encouraged to focus not on a lsit of do's and don'ts but on the principles that they need to grasp in order to determine for themsevles, in any setting, what is the right thing to do. While it is important to know what the usual kinds of student misconduct are, it is also true that each case will require its own analysis to determine the nature of the misconduct and who and what an appropriate response to it will involve. The mission of the university is to teach its students, and they may learn the most important lessons of all by grappling with matters of principle, moving from principle to practice, and developing the process the habit of thoughtful reflection on issues of importance.  相似文献   

In this article, we address four main questions, including: What is self-regulated learning for? What key strategies do students need to guide and direct their own learning process? What cues in the learning environment trigger self-regulation strategies? What can teachers do to help student to self-regulate their learning, motivation, and effort in the classroom? We illustrate that answers to these questions have changed over time and that changing conceptualizations of the self-regulation process have influenced the assessment tools that were used. We also point to changing classroom conditions as a factor that has affected the assessment of self-regulation. Finally, we formulate some questions that need to be tackled in research on self-regulation and introduce the articles and commentaries in the special issue that provide some cutting-edge work on the use of assessment to register self-regulation over time.  相似文献   

高中政治新课程课堂教学必须致力于激发和保持学生的主动性和积极性。为此一要奏好"源泉曲",提高课堂参与率,关注学生的最近发展区,创设有效教学情境,激发和保持学生学习的兴趣和动机,从而使学生"想学习";二要奏好"主题曲",提高学生的元学习能力,加强思维训练,培养学生收集处理信息的能力和团结合作的能力,从而使学生"会学习"。三要奏好"保障曲",培养健康的学习情感以及良好性格特征和意志品质,从而使学生"爱学习"。  相似文献   

In a small section collaborative learning environment where student work teams promote mutual learning about investments, students limit the opportunity to learn from other students if they are absent from class. Absenteeism not only denies the student the opportunity to learn from others but also denies other members of the student's work team the opportunity to learn from the absent student. Other team members' absenteeism should be costly for individual performance if collaborative learning fosters learning and retention. The research finds that while absenteeism is detrimental to the student's own performance, absenteeism of other team members from team activities has a significant negative effect on both individual exam and homework scores. The conclusions validate the benefits of active learning and of encouraging attendance in collaborative learning environments in all disciplines.  相似文献   

在机械制图教学过程中,培养学生的学习兴趣,使学生树立学好课程的信心,应坚持“以学生为本”的教学理念,全面提高学生读图、绘图的技能。  相似文献   

Faculty teaching in online environments are universally encouraged to incorporate a variety of student‐to‐student learning activities into their courses. Although there is a body of both theoretical and empirical work supporting this, adult professional students participating in an online MBA program at an urban business school reported being at best indifferent and often negative regarding these learning activities. A case study was performed to explore how pervasive this attitude was and the possible reasons for it. Through various sources of data and exploration, we discovered that common interactive modalities are not associated with either perceived learning or satisfaction. A content analysis of a data analysis course revealed that 64.5% of responses recalled student‐to‐student interactivities when responding to a “learned least from” query. We identified three possible reasons for these negative responses: time inefficiency, interaction dysfunction, and flexibility intrusion. We conclude that, although some working professional students probably do learn from student‐to‐student interactivity, the costs incurred may be too great. If working adult students present a different profile than those students typically represented in academic research and thus have different needs and expectations, we may need to rethink the design of online education delivered to them.  相似文献   

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