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中文“情报”有传统概念与非传统概念之区别。非传统概念“情报”实为“信息”之误称,应更正为“信息”;而传统概念情报,没有误称问题,不能乱改。“情报学”因其研究的“情报”属非传统概念,当然要改。  相似文献   

通过对中国科学院沪区生命科学图书情报队伍的分析,认为现有人员结构难以适应业务发展的需要,提出应通过引进、培养研究生和加强在职教育,促进队伍建设  相似文献   

从“情报”与“自信”的概念出作,对情报学与信息学的名称及其关系等问题进行了研究,指出“情报学”不等于“信息学”,它是信息科学体系的一个分支科学。  相似文献   

�й���ѧԺ�����鱨ϵͳ�ۺ�����   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
为发挥中国科学院文献情报系统在“知识创新工程”中的作用,提出中国科学院文献情报系统综合评估的指导思想、原则和方法,确定了综合评估的内容、量化指标和评分标准。  相似文献   

以国外一些公司企业的发展为例,说明技术情报服务的操作规程及有关人员应具备的才能。  相似文献   

分四部分对近年来的情报系统理论研究的主要内容——①情报系统基础理论的研究;②情报系统耗散结构理论的研究;③情报系统理论的开发研究;④专门情报系统和情报用户的研究,进行了概括和归纳。  相似文献   

阑述竞争情报的概念和特征,论述增设竞争情报课程的必要性和重要性。  相似文献   

对网络环境下所级文献情报机构所面临的主要任务与工作重点作了阐述。  相似文献   

《The Reference Librarian》2013,54(29):145-157
A recent survey revealed that very few libraries were doing any significant weeding in their reference collections. Yet weeding the reference collection may have as great an impact on the library as a whole as weeding the general collection. This article discusses some of the author's experiences weeding the reference collection at Georgia State University and the ways in which general weeding concerns, such as planning for staffing, establishing criteria, and formulating selection policies, may be applied to the reference collection. Reference materials differ in nature and use from materials in the general collection, and this article analyses the impact these differences have on the weeding effort.  相似文献   

在上世纪80年代中期,作为国外电视产业的重要指标之一,收视率被引进中国。20年来,收视率一直伴随着众多电视节目的发展和变化,成为我国电视业改革和发展的一项重要参考指标。虽然没有人否认收视率的重要性,但越来越多的人发现,人们对收视率的认识运用出现了偏差,收视率的作用和  相似文献   

??It is argued that theory is the Spirit of practices Only the theory constantly brings forth new ideas and makes cantinuative progress can it promote the development of practice. In turn??prao- tire shnuld give lenient attitude to theory and promote its development. The development trends of the documentation and information and archives are bound to incorporate with each other and be unified without definite divi5ian in the future.  相似文献   

我国文献学研究的特点与前景展望   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
结合20世纪至今我国文献学的发展,从研究视角的变化、大文献学观的形成、专科文献学和专题研究的发展三方面,总结了我国文献学研究的三个特点,并对文献学今后的发展提出了一些建议。  相似文献   

Bishop Museum has been the focus of attention in Hawaiì and the mainland for its changes in direction from a traditional natural history museum to an entrepreneurial science learning center. Attention has focused on how well the museum, in changing its direction, serves its communities, especially its the Native Hawaiian community, and whether it should be undertaking contract research projects and contract public programs in partnership with hotels and other commercial businesses. The author, involved in a key role in several projects representing this change in direction, discusses controversial projects associated with repatriation, contract archaeology, and exhibits. The projects are described within the context of the museum's history as a Hawaiian institution. The controversies are then examined in terms of how the museum managed them and in so doing, how it met its mission of education and service. As we enter the twenty-first century, our ability to work with the community, especially the Native Hawaiian community, and remain financially viable will determine how we fare.  相似文献   

本届学术研究委员会由15个专业委员会共208名委员组成。其工作目标是:繁荣学术研究,促进事业发展;引领专业学术方向;加强学风建设;培养人才,壮大队伍;促进理论与实际结合;建立科学工作机制。本届学术研究委员会的重点工作:开展学科和事业理论及实践研究;拓展研究空间,扩大学术影响;办好专业学术会议。  相似文献   

No abstract available for this article.  相似文献   

杨浦:近代上海工业的摇篮   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杨浦位于上海市区的东北部,东、南面濒临黄浦江,横贯整个上海的黄浦江在此拐了最后一个弯后,与长江合流,浩浩荡荡汇入大海.沿江杨树浦路一带,上海开埠后划为租界之地,形成杨树浦工业区.如果要追寻中国城市近代工业史,那么上海便是一个典型,而以杨树浦为代表的浦江两岸的工业码头区,则是上海近代工业化的一个缩影,是上海近代工业发展最早、最集中的地带,也是上海最大的工业码头区.上海之所以能成为远东第一大都市和全国最大的经济中心,位于上海东北角的杨浦功不可没.可以说,杨浦是上海乃至中国近代工业的发源地,并在很大程度上促进了上海城市的建设和发展.对杨浦近代工业的崛起作一历史考察,于今日上海工业和城市发展颇有裨益.  相似文献   


This paper explores the changing role of the information professional in a dynamic environment in which technology, resources, information needs, and user expectations change very rapidly. The author's conclusion is that while some of the roles of traditional librarians may be disappearing, there are plenty of opportunities for proactive information professionals in the new information environment. There are new services, new expertise, and new job titles. Businesspeople recognize that technology is not everything; the human factor, a person to select, filter, and analyze information, is critical. Information brokers and library fee-based service staff stand at the forefront of this new environment, because they are already used to employing and continually improving these vital skills.  相似文献   

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