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This article attempts to structure student assessment practices in the classroom. Informed by fourth generation evaluation, it discusses a pedagogy based on a recursive framework of writing, assessment, and reflection activities that move students toward productive praxis. Implemented over three semesters at a land grant university in the U.S., this pedagogy moves away from teacher-centered assessment and evaluation of student writing, and pushes students to do these things for themselves. It promotes a classroom in which students take control of all writing assignments, their instructions, assessment criteria, and the practices and reflective activities that go along with their writing. It encourages a community of writers that are implicated in each others’ writing and assessment practices, and gets them to critically engage with these practices. The article offers theoretical justifications and qualitative data from three semesters and suggests conclusions based on them.  相似文献   

This article discusses the community-based vocational rehabilitation (CBVR) of persons with disabilities. In 1991, a pilot project was instituted by the International Labour Organisation and the United Nations Development Programme in conjunction with Oyo State Government in Nigeria. The aim was to facilitate the reintegration of persons with disabilities into their communities after a vocational rehabilitation programme. This project has resulted in the successful training of about 155 individuals with disabilities since its inception and a number of the trainees have benefited from a revolving loan scheme. The initial seven areas of vocational training have, over the years, expanded to 24. Recently, the project has been introduced to six other states in Nigeria. Various problem-solving strategies have been employed in the course of the project as the need arose and the community-based vocational rehabilitation programme has proved to be a success in Nigeria so far. In this paper, Eunice Alade, associate professor in the Department of Special Education, Kenyatta University, Kenya, provides an evaluation of an innovative alternative approach to vocational rehabilitation for people with disabilities. She discusses some of the problems experienced in Nigeria and offers suggestions about how to sustain the work. Her ideas will be of direct interest to those seeking to promote social inclusion in developing countries and elsewhere around the world.  相似文献   

新世纪以来,随着经济迅速发展、基础交通设施建设与社会体制的完善,流动人口数量大幅度增加。可以说,流动人口已经成为社会经济发展不可逃避的事实,这也是对我国社会长期稳定发展的巨大考验。本文从目前城市流动人口社区化管理现状出发,分析存在的问题与原因,并对其解决途径做出研究,以便为流动人口社区化管理贡献力量。  相似文献   

知识社区既能作为社区成员知识管理的工具,也能够为学习者提供基于网络的虚拟学习环境。针对传统学习社区和知识管理的分离研究,本文基于Web2.0环境对二者进行综合研究,提出了网络知识社区的应用框架,并讨论了知识社区组成的三大子社区:知识管理子社区、知识学习子社区和个人信息管理子社区。  相似文献   

Sans résuméCette équipe comprenait six membres du Départment de Mathématique:Mademoiselle Anne ScherpereelMessieurs Pierre Buisson, Bernard Kittel, François Pluvinage.Psychologues:Mademoiselle Catherine BlochMonsieur Raymond Duval.  相似文献   

社区矫正缘起于英国,盛行于欧美国家。我国近年来也开始探索社区矫正并开始试点,作为一种非监禁化的刑罚执行方法,它也应该受到人民检察院的检察监督。社区矫正检察监督的主要内容在于社区矫正措施和程序的合法性。  相似文献   

社区矫正作为一种刑罚执行的方式,越来越受到我国的重视。尽管我国从2003年起先后在北京、上海、广州等地开展社区矫正的试点,取得了一定的成绩,但是基础理论研究还显不足。文章从社区矫正的定义、性质和适用对象三个方面进行了分析,希望对指导实践有所裨益。  相似文献   

在社区这一基础上,能够看到其对自然资源管理的有效性,因此结合目前政府与市场的不足,引入社区的概念将对农业生态补偿(甚至生态补偿)产生积极意义。以社区为基础的农业生态补偿机制,要求将各方资源放在有非政府组织(NGO)指导、由各方监督的社区平台上进行配置,其运行要求相应的支撑保障体系,包括法律体系、绿色核算体系、融资体系、组织管理体系等。同时,该机制认为将社区作为最小的补偿客体,能有效降低各种交易成本,集中资源解决社区公共问题,增强补偿客体争取合理权益的能力,以及降低生态治理等成本等等。最后,本文也指出了社区理念引入存在的几个需要进一步解决的问题。  相似文献   

Results are reported in this paper from a study aimed at evaluating significant competencies in final-year students of some engineering programmes in Chile. The study was carried out by a group of eight universities that were interested in exploring ways to assess learning outcomes such as those demanded by the recent Chilean accreditation system. The authors actively participated in all stages of the study, contributing directly to the design, application and results evaluation of some tests. A sample of 150 students was tested, under conditions that guaranteed the comparability of results. In this paper the authors present results relating to the evaluation of effective communication. The study was backed up by a conceptual model and some hypotheses that are explained and discussed in this work.  相似文献   

在信息技术渗透到社会各个领域的今天,学校现代教育技术的充分利用,全方位的信息化网络教育已是基础教育改革和发展的重要内容。信息技术对中小学德育工作同样起到很大促进作用,不仅扩大了德育空间,而且丰富了德育教材及资料的形式、促进了德育手段的现代化、加速了德育主体的个性化等等。学校德育工作如何借助现代教育技术突破瓶颈,体现德育内化和学生自育的过程,求得新的发展空间,增强德育的针对性和实效性,德育信息化已成为当前需要探索的重要课题。  相似文献   

随着中国城市化进程加快,城市湿地生态环境面临着巨大的压力。应从管理、制度与经济角度探讨城市湿地生态环境的保护,基于社区的城市湿地生态环境保护是对公众参与城市湿地生态环境保护机制的拓展。现代经济社会对传统社区产生冲击,但通过社区建设可以充分发挥社区在城市湿地生态环境保护中的作用。  相似文献   

清代亳州的社会救助体系由中央政府实施的优老、蠲免,地方政府设立的善堂、仓储设施和民间义行构成。该体系集中中央政府、地方政府和民间力量,面向社会下层和弱势群体,以扶危济困为目的,取得了一定的社会效果。此外,由于灾荒较其他地区更为频繁,亳州地区社会救助设施的建立及其运行均体现出地域性特点。  相似文献   

This paper proposes measures to improve adolescent reproductive health programs through a sociocultural perspective. The measures include 1) identifying the problem and understand its nature within its cultural context; 2) assessing the sociocultural context to obtain a clear understanding of the cultural aspects that affect adolescent sexuality and pregnancy; 3) handling cultural biases and ensuring accuracy of information; 4) identifying the specific needs of adolescents and view their problems from their own perspective; 5) incorporating a true gender approach; 6) reaching out to young men; 7) involving adolescents in all stages of the programs; 8) communicating effectively with adolescents in all stages of the programs; 9) developing skills to avoid risks; 10) generating capacity to make informed decisions; 11) developing services that are accessible to adolescents; 12) sensitizing health personnel; 13) developing a multidisciplinary approach; and 14) creating an appropriate environment for the program. The brief explanation of each measure is presented.  相似文献   

The recruitment of sufficient numbers of suitably qualified teachers into headship is an international issue and to address this in Scotland alternative headship preparation programmes were trialled to provide greater flexibility in order to better match the individual development needs and circumstances of the aspirant head teachers. Drawing from the evaluation data of one of these programmes, the National Flexible Routes to Headship, the article analyses the key learning processes critical for the design of individualised leadership development programmes. The article begins with the policy context from which the proposal for the alternative headship preparation programmes emerged.  相似文献   

社区学习共同体开辟出一条全民终身学习、成人共同学习的新途径,是近年来在杭州获得蓬勃发展的一种社区教育的崭新实践形式。但蓬勃发展的同时,当前社区学习共同体遭遇到的成长生态建设等问题,可以从生态基础养护、"公共客厅"改造、"学联网"建设与个性化APP开发等方面给予破解。  相似文献   

Purpose: Participatory extension programmes are widely used to promote change in the agricultural sector, and an important question is how best to measure the effectiveness of such programmes after implementation. This study seeks to understand the current state of practice through a review of ex post evaluations of participatory extension programmes.

Design/methodology/approach: A systematic literature review of the peer-reviewed literature was undertaken to analyse the evaluations based on: (i) year of publication; (ii) location of the study; (iii) programme delivery; (iv) evaluation methods; (v) outcome variables; and (vi) inclusion of evaluation in initial programme design.

Findings: The review finds that almost all studies use an experimental or quasi-experimental research design (i.e. using a control group or counterfactual), but some studies do not account for endogeneity or selection bias. Furthermore, only a small number of the evaluations were planned as part of the original programme design, which causes difficulties in obtaining robust counterfactuals. The review also finds that relatively few evaluations, approximately 20%, measure the programme impact on environmental outcomes and only 15% of the evaluations have been undertaken for programmes in developed countries.

Practical implication: Limitations with current evaluation practice are identified, and recommendations are provided for improving practice, including better treatment of endogeneity, and the complementary use of qualitative data.

Theoretical implication: The review provides a contribution to the debate about the use of quantitative versus qualitative evaluation methods, by addressing the use of both quantitative and qualitative evaluation methods in a complementary way.

Originality/value: Despite their widespread implementation, this is the first systematic literature review for published evaluations of participatory extension programmes in the agricultural sector.  相似文献   

The Indonesian government has been struggling to improve the quality of teachers in its public and private schools. Several programmes of teacher education and teacher certification have been designed to enhance teacher quality. However, the programmes do not yet develop effective teachers. Supporting the government programmes, the Tanoto Foundation has facilitated teacher professional development programme since 2010, specifically in elementary schools in the provinces of Riau, Jambi, and North Sumatra. This paper first describes how the Tanoto Foundation has designed and implemented its teacher quality improvement programme for in-service teachers in remote schools in Indonesia and then uses this context to examine to what extent teachers benefited from these programmes. Reported findings broaden our understanding of how teachers can improve their quality via privately sponsored programmes.  相似文献   

The study demonstrates the effectiveness of personal growth workshops for trainee teachers. The experimental group of trainee teachers manifested significant improvements in self-esteem, personal warmth, and positive thinking, and became less anxious, more internal in locus of control, and reported fewer stress symptoms than the control group. These changes held over a long teaching practice a context that usually creates stress and lowered self-confidence. Such workshops would appear to be a necessary inclusion in professional training programmes to facilitate performance on the job and well-being in those whose duties involve them in a network of close human relationships with colleagues and clients.  相似文献   

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