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The role of philosophy of education has become seriously blurred with constant cries for practical and immediate answers. The nature of the discipline is such that when practical solutions are demanded of it, it loses its vitality. Philosophy is an intellectual and contemplative exercise; it is a true activity of leisure, one which needs to be enjoyed for its own sake. This intellectual and contemplative activity is of service to the practical concerns of education because choice, action, and judgment — the concerns of the practical realm —depend upon intellectual knowledge. Philosophy of education is, therefore, an essential discipline in the education of the student-teacher.  相似文献   

This article interacts with a recent article by Denise Cush and Catherine Robinson in which they call for a new dialogue between religious studies in universities and religious education, and identify a number of developments in religious studies that have implications for the practice of religious education in schools. Cush and Robinson are representative of an influential body of opinion among religious educators that looks to religious studies for inspiration. It is argued that they, along with others, fail to appreciate the difference between the aims of religious studies and those of religious education and that this unrecognised difference leads them both to engage uncritically and superficially with the history of post-confessional religious education and to fail to recognise that the roots of some of the weaknesses in contemporary religious education can be traced to the influence of religious studies over it. Showing that religious education has (and is required to have) a different set of aims from religious studies (though some aims may be held in common) alerts us to its distinctive nature, and this in turn facilitates a clearer understanding of its role in schools, which can serve both to direct and to evaluate educational outcomes.  相似文献   

The discipline of neuroscience draws from the fields of neurology, psychology, physiology and biology, but is best understood in the wider world as 'brain science'. Of particular interest for education is the development of techniques for 'imaging' the brain as it performs different cognitive functions. Cognitive neuroimaging has already led to advances in understanding some of the basic functions involved in learning and raised implications for education and special education in particular. For example, neuroimaging has enabled scientists to study the very complex processes underpinning speech and language, thinking and reasoning, reading and mathematics. In this article, Professor Usha Goswami of the University of Cambridge Faculty of Education first reviews basic information on brain development. She provides a brief introduction to the tools used in neuroimaging then considers recent findings from neuroscience that seem relevant to educational questions. Professor Goswami uses this review to suggest particular ways in which neuroscience research could inform special education. In its closing sections, this article provides authoritative perspectives on some of the 'neuromyths' that seem to have taken root in the popular imagination and argues for increased dialogue, in the future, between the disciplines of neuroscience and education.  相似文献   

在实施科教兴国、人才强国的战略布局中,提倡"全人教育,德育为先"的育人理念刻不容缓。构建"3+2互动式"教学模式,使思政课在多层次、多渠道、多类型的教学模式中,全面体现现代教育理念的价值所在。  相似文献   

任志宏  王华 《成人教育》2007,(11):54-56
教育诚信是我国高等学校办学发展的根本,更是提升成人高等教育办学水平的重要依据。成人高等教育要实现新的跨越式发展,除了正视其在办学中存在的诚信问题,剖析其产生的原因外,关键是要加强教育诚信建设,成人高等教育事业才能得到健康和可持续发展。  相似文献   

The study of pseudoscience and the paranormal is an important but neglected aspect of science education. Given the widespread acceptance of pseudoscientific and paranormal beliefs, science educators need to take seriously the problem of how these can be combated. I propose teaching science students to critically evaluate the claims of pseudoscience and the paranormal, something that can be accomplished in a variety of ways.  相似文献   

闲暇·闲暇教育与素质教育   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
随着社会的进步,生产力的飞速发展,导致人的劳动工作时间缩短,人们生活方式和价值观念的改变,闲暇时间的占有和利用日益引起人们的关注,闲暇教育也就应运而生,这为提高人的素质,全面推进素质教育提供了良好的条件,因此,闲暇教育、素质教育已成为人们关注和研究的重要课题之一。本拟就以马克思关于人的全面发展及教育价值观为理论基础,对闲暇、闲暇教育在促进学生整体素质的提高和发展方面作些探讨。  相似文献   

季欣 《高教论坛》2020,(5):87-91
三全育人指导下的研究生以劳育德体系建立实施,将有效解决研究生教育管理中所出现的导学关系和研究生教育实效问题。高校应围绕立德树人的根本要求,在厘清导师学术权力和完善研究生劳动教育的评价机制基础上,通过加强学校院系对研究生劳动教育的全程管理、拓宽以劳育德的育人资源、构建以劳育德的评价体系等,建立完善研究生以劳育德教育培养体系,实现为党育人为国育才的教育初心和使命。  相似文献   


This article proposes that Catherine Elgin and Nelson Goodman’s work on exemplification is relevant for discussions within moral philosophy and moral education. Generalizing Elgin and Goodman’s account of exemplification to also cover ethics, the article develops a two-factor account of moral exemplarity. According to this account, instantiation and expressivity are individually necessary and jointly sufficient conditions for someone or something to function as a moral exemplar. Applying this two-factor account of exemplarity to discussions within the philosophy of moral education the article then argues that it is the expressive aspect of moral exemplars, which explains and justifies the educational significance of such exemplars. The article concludes by discussing the similarities and differences between the expressivity account and the transparency criterion formulated by Michel Croce and Maria Silvia Vaccarezza in a recent paper.  相似文献   

This paper examines music education’s legitimation of values as a means of preparing students for entry into the new ‘knowledge society’ of the People’s Republic of China in a global age. It explores the ways in which values education relates to the teaching of both musical and non‐musical meanings in the dual context of nationalism and globalization, and discusses some problems that values education faces in school music classrooms. It examines the ways in which globalization has pressured values education into resolving the apparent contradiction between national identity and national unity in the ever‐changing play of Chinese history and politics. It concludes with a discussion of how music education might juggle three pairs of apparently contradictory relationships in the curriculum: between contemporary cultural and social values on the one hand, and traditional Chinese and Communist ideologies on the other; between collectivism and individualism; and between national and global cultures.  相似文献   

Doctor of psychological sciences. Member of the Academy of Pedagogical Sciences. Honorary member of the American Academy of Arts and Sciences. Founding director of the Institute of Mankind.  相似文献   

In science, and in the teaching of science, knowinghow is as important as knowingthat. The value of theoretical knowledge is limited, especially so in view of the rapid increase in available information. Methodological analysis of concrete problems should play a major role in teaching. Also, students should learn to contextualize problems in disciplines other than their major area of interest. Generalists are badly needed for this, in teaching and in research. However, current forms of interdisciplinary integration must be de-emphasized.  相似文献   

For five years, from 1995 until 2000, a group of eight educators and researchers met twice annually in Syracuse, NY, for the purpose of revising Bloom's Taxonomy. Based in part on the structure of educational objectives, in part on advances in cognitive psychology, and in part on numerous other attempts to classify educational objectives that were made since the publication of Bloom's Taxonomy, this group produced a two-dimensional table, known simply as the Taxonomy Table. The horizontal dimension was a modification of Bloom's Taxonomy, with verb forms replacing the noun forms of the original category labels: Remember, Understand, Apply, Analyze, Evaluate, and Create. The vertical dimension consisted of four types of knowledge: Factual Knowledge, Conceptual Knowledge, Procedural Knowledge, and Metacognitive Knowledge. The purposes of this article are to (1) describe the major differences between the original Taxonomy and the Taxonomy Table, (2) discuss ways in which the Taxonomy Table can be used to examine and ultimately improve the quality of assessment and instruction, and (3) explore how the Taxonomy Table can be used to provide more accurate estimates of curriculum alignment and opportunity to learn.  相似文献   

This essay endeavours to reframe current discussion of the relationship of religion to education by highlighting an often seriously neglected element of contemporary educational thought: the changing, post-secular understanding of childhood in the globalised age. Drawing upon recent ethnographies of childhood, and an older anthropological scholarship, the essay seeks to illuminate the place of religion and religious experience in the education of the young by interrogating prevailing and competing perceptions of childhood that often implicitly underpin the discussion of the relationship of the ‘post-secular’ to both liberal and critical-constructivist accounts of educational purpose. In rehabilitating this core concern with childhood, the essay also seeks to recover the ‘pre-secular’ child of folklore, myth, fairytale and romantic aesthetics in order to propose that current Western conceptions of the child are constitutively implicated in these living legacies.  相似文献   


Recent critics have suggested that character education (either in and of itself or certain instantiations of it) is overly individualised and, as a result, fails to engage adequately with the political. In this paper, I offer an account of character education which takes issue with such criticisms, and seeks to make clear connections between the moral and the political necessary for character formation and expression. Drawing on an Aristotelian understanding of the political, I argue that individuals are intimately connected with their social associations, which in contemporary plural, westernised democracies include the sort of engagement with the political advocated by critics of character education. Through a focus on civic virtue and deliberative engagement, it is argued that an Aristotelian-inspired account of character addresses the precise concerns, including recognising and challenging social injustices and deliberative engagement with difference, which critics suggest are lacking from character education.  相似文献   

高校思想政治教育不是一句空话,也不是可有可无的摆设,而是一种与学生管理教育工作相互贯通的、与学生自身的成长成才密不可分的实实在在的工程。高校辅导员是大学生日常行为的直接管理者,是大学生日常思想政治教育的主要实施者。高校辅导员,应当充分认识高校思想政治教育工作的意义所在,增强责任意识,立足社会需要,立足高校教育工作实际,紧跟时代变化,在日常思想教育工作实践中,不断开拓思想政治工作的新局面。  相似文献   

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