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“You are the sunshine of my life.” Has anyone eversaid that to you?Unfortunately,the words we usefor the ones we love are much more ordinary.Disappointingly ordinary,in fact.But—just asthey say the art of a good joke is in the telling—it all dependson who the magic words come from. The most common words we are darling,sweetheart,pet,dear,and love-certainly between couples who havebeen together for some time.For boyfriends and girlfriends,  相似文献   

诸葛亮挥泪斩马谡,不仅在文学名著《三国演义》中有生动描写,而且史学界也已成定论.但综观《三国志》有关记载,并进行深入剖析、辨证,不难发现马谡并不是被诸葛亮斩首,而是病死于狱中.这一千百年来的成论应予纠正.这对进一步研究诸葛亮亦有所裨益.  相似文献   

梁启超的“趣味主义”试图通过“无为而无不为”、“为而不有”的“不有之为”达成的生活艺术化,它以情感本能为基础、以社会责任为前提、以艺术审美为途径、以精神自由为目标,是生命自由的美学表达。  相似文献   

充满魅力的教学语言是调动学生学习积极性、保证良好教学效果的关键。生动性、启发性、真实性、激励性语言在《毛泽东思想概论》课教学中的运用,会产生良好的教学效果。  相似文献   

诸葛亮在平定南中叛乱过程中始终注重运用“心战”策略,并最终获得了南征的完全胜利。在大军开拔之前,他采纳马谡的“心战”之策,颁发三军,作为南征的作战指导方针。作战中,诸葛亮使用多种方法,展开“攻心战”;战后,诸葛亮又针对南中人不信任汉人的心理,采取各种措施予以心理安抚,获得巨大的心理效应;在平定南中叛乱中,诸葛亮还牢牢控制了“心战”的主动权。诸葛亮运用“心战”策略,不仅平定了南中叛乱,而且促进了南中的经济发展和社会安定,有力支援了蜀汉政权的北伐。  相似文献   

If you have theatrical leanings and find it easy to call on your child-self, you may want to join me in make-believe, as a Storylady (or Storyfella). I'll tell you about some typical pretending days at a children's museum. Soon you will know if you are cut out to be a storyteller. It will be a magic moment.Lora Taylor Gray has been Docent/teacher for many years at KIDSPACE Museum (a non-profit organization) in Pasadena, CA. She is a story lady, storyteller, playwrite for libraries, television, museums, schools.  相似文献   

罗贯中虽然极力在《三国演义》中美化刘备,丑化曹操,他的这种美化只表现在能够对人物形象产生重大影响的细节描述上,而没有对历史事件进行较大的更改。诸葛亮在刘备死后的专权独大以及对事物处理的高人一等必然会导致其心理上的唯我独尊,难以容人。研读文本可发现,马谡、魏延、廖立这三人都是自认为很有能力(事实也证明其并非庸才)而爱发狂言。而诸葛亮对这种人的态度也是一以贯之:坚决打击。然而,所有这些错误都被罗贯中以生花妙笔或掩盖(如廖立)或美饰(如马谡),甚至成为证明诸葛亮智慧过人的"事实"(如魏延),而且这些内容随着《三国演义》的盛行而逐渐被人信以为真,诸葛亮也就成了近乎完美的神人,直至逐渐演变成为一种迷信。  相似文献   

论梁启超的历史编纂学思想   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
回顾20世纪中国史学,不能不提梁启超的史学。学界对梁启超史学的研究已经取得了丰硕的成果,但很少有人论及其历史编纂学思想。实际上,梁启超的历史编纂学思想是十分丰富的,对旧史的批判蕴含着梁启超的历史编纂学思想,对新史的设想则直接反映了梁启超的历史编纂学思想;对史籍的划分和史体的评述,反映了梁启超对史书编纂形式的认识,也蕴含着史学家丰富的编纂思想;关于史学求真与致用治史目的的认识、关于通史与专史研究与撰述之思想以及赋予"史家四长"的新意义和新的阐释等等,都深刻体现着梁启超丰富的历史编纂学思想。  相似文献   

How can you align instruction, learning, and assessment in an educationally sound way? How can you define and measure competence in mathematics? What areas of competence do you need to specify and how? How can one evaluate the validity and consequences of using a particular assessment instrument or technique?  相似文献   

Tutors Talking     
What do form tutors say about tutoring? For this special edition of the journal, focusing on tutors, I contacted some experienced tutors for some insights into the role. I asked them to respond to four questions.  What do you enjoy about being a form tutor?  What, in your experience, are the most significant problems you face in your role as form tutor?  What do you think your students get from you as a form tutor?  What advice would you give to a new teacher who is taking on the role of form tutor?Their positive and engaging responses reinforce how the care they give to the young people is a significant part of their work as teachers.  相似文献   

A family had a picnic at the beach. Ninety years later you come along and begin to dig in the very same spot. What might you find? What would it tell you about the people? Strange questions? Not for the third-graders participating in the Archeology Club!  相似文献   

赵明 《英语辅导》2001,(7):19-19
It was Friday afternoon. A school meeting was held on the playground. Lily, my deskmate, looked very excited Because she for the first time had won the first place in the final examina tion. But before this she was thought not to be clever. She often asked foolish questions that madeher classmates laugh at her.  相似文献   

西方语系本身的辩证性内涵及其矛盾运动旨在超越日常语言而塑造理想语言,但其语言系统的倒谓功能具有神奇的魔法,它能把自己想要表达的东西反过来变成被表达的东西,这样就形成了一种语言学悖论;而近现代语言学转向的根本目的就在于,弄清语言究竟能否通达认识对象、被认识的对象是真的存在抑或只是某种语言的构造;后现代语言学对这一悖论采取了颠覆一切的解构措施,这不仅没能对之解蔽反而走向了更大的迷茫。  相似文献   

马楚是五代军阀马殷在湖南建立的割据政权,但它能认清自己面临的不利形势,对外采取臣服中原朝廷的策略,对内实行“养士息民”的政策,使经济和化均出现了短暂的繁荣。  相似文献   

Are you happy?do you want to be happy?can you always keep happy?here are some ways to make yourself happy.  相似文献   

朱劲  李下 《中学生英语》2002,(20):17-17
Are you happy? Do you want to be happy?Can you always he happy? Here are rome ways to make yourself happy.  相似文献   

Date with Death     
Have you ever heard about a popular movie called date with an angel? It must be sweet and lovely. But have you ever imagine about dating with death? What is your feeling when you have a chance to talk with death? Excited or afraid? I believe that many people definitely do not think about this question and neither do I.  相似文献   

Where were you in 1963, when this article was first published? What are the two kinds of information you can get from achievement tests? What is a‘triterion level?”  相似文献   

Early Childhood Education Journal - Do you feel that science is sifficult to understand and hard to teach? Do you designate only a small amount of time for a science period? Are you afraid of the...  相似文献   

张小惠 《初中生》2007,(35):27-28
Hello,how are you? B:Very well,thank you.How are you? A:Fine! B:Good!  相似文献   

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