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“学会共处”作为教育的四大支柱之一,已成为21世纪重要的学习需求。“学会共处”作为学前教育课程的新取向对“文明交往”的同伴共处、“和谐共处”的师幼互动的形成,“关关与共”的幼儿园文化的营造具有积极意义;其价值取向主要在于培养儿童的自我意识、他者意识、群体意识;“学会共处”作为学前教育课程的建设,以弹性的游戏课程的设计、基于教师指导的课程实施和以园本课程制度为依托的课程运行为主要方向。  相似文献   

On the basis of proposals contained in the 1996 report Learning: the Treasure Within by the International Commission on Education for the Twenty-first Century (established by UNESCO), the authors examine the influence and pertinence of its construct of education on the four pillars learning to know, learning to do, learning to be, and learning to live together 12 years later. Focusing on learning to live together, the article reviews the background against which the Delors report was published, synthesises the concepts and practices of learning to live together, and proposes some ways forward.  相似文献   

“三农问题”研究   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
“三农问题”不是中国特有的,但有中国特有的客观实际;“三农问题”是三农的各个方面的弱质性带来的,有其质的、历史的、社会的深刻原因;解决“三农问题”要从农村人口向城市转移入手,对宏观政治体制、经济管理体制进行改革,派遣大批“小康工作队”与广大农民“三同”,在实践中探讨、创造、建设农村小康社会。  相似文献   

This study examined three Afro-Caribbean immigrant teacher educators whose learning based on reflections about their experiences with teachers in the United States revealed how they developed knowledge beyond practice in their learning to know, do, be and live together with others. The educators' learning reflected the processes of observation, reflection, awareness, requesting student feedback in the moment, and the passing of time that resulted in adjustment to their body language, changes in their expectations of students, a modification in their communication, code-switching and sensitivity. Implications based on the study for the new kind of teacher educator are subsequently addressed.  相似文献   

"世界"在汉语中的意义大部分来自佛教。"世谓同居天地之间,界谓各有彼此之别"。"同居"指示出我们是一种"共在",指示出一种时间性的空间维度,即这种时间性不是空洞的、线性的物理时间,而是伽达默尔所说的丰盈的时间;同时,我们所同居、交道的这个"世"也有着界限。在"界限"的表层之下,涌动着生命本身的"共通感",那种"万物一体"的"仁"。伽达默尔想强调的则是,"世界"作为一种融合的共同基地,乃是人们可以"分际"和"交际"的基础。它不仅仅跟我们的语言、言谈有关,更重要的是,还跟我们的意义经验有关。  相似文献   

How L.A.T.E. it was, how L.A.T.E.   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The London Association for the Teaching of English is a subject group that was founded in 1947 to ‘provide a live forum for the exchange of ideas, and to undertake the practical study of problems connected with the teaching of English’. The early history of this Association, its influence on the development of English pedagogy and practice is the subject of my current PhD research. Within this work are key questions about the nature of subject English, the curriculum, and the ways in which members of a subject community work together to effect change. This article gives some background to the research project, and begins to point towards some potentially important questions about the subject and ways of working together. After two decades of top down, centralised government initiatives around English pedagogy, curriculum and assessment, and teachers’ professional development, these questions are worth addressing.  相似文献   

The argument of this article is that whilst humanity has evolved for millions of years as a single species, different groups have developed their own cultural differences as they live in different parts of the world, and we learn within our cultures. Research has demonstrated that we do learn differently, in East and West, since we are brought up in these different cultures. However, in lifelong learning, we do have to learn to live together. To be delivered in Seoul at the East–West Dialogue Conference October 2008.  相似文献   

湘桂黔省际边境区域是少数民族集中居住地和贫困县聚集地,经济发展水平非常落后。通过转变思想观念,加强区域间的合作,加快个体、民营经济的发展,构建绿色产业经济,壮大旅游产业等途径,从而加快区域内民族经济和县域经济的发展,其意义十分重大。  相似文献   

Recognition of anatomical landmarks in live animals (and humans) is key for clinical practice, but students often find it difficult to translate knowledge from dissection‐based anatomy onto the live animal and struggle to acquire this vital skill. The purpose of this study was to create and evaluate the use of an equine anatomy rug (“Anato‐Rug”) depicting topographical anatomy and key areas of lung, heart, and gastrointestinal auscultation, which could be used together with a live horse to aid learning of “live animal” anatomy. Over the course of 2 weeks, 38 third year veterinary students were randomly allocated into an experimental group, revising topographical anatomy from the “Anato‐Rug,” or a control group, learning topographical anatomy from a textbook. Immediately post activity, both groups underwent a test on live anatomy knowledge and were retested 1 week later. Both groups then completed a questionnaire to ascertain their perceptions of their learning experiences. Results showed that the experimental groups scored significantly higher than the control group at the first testing session, experienced more enjoyment during the activity and gained more confidence in identifying anatomical landmarks than the control group. There was not a significant difference in scores between groups at the second testing session. The findings indicate that the anatomy rug is an effective learning tool that aids understanding, confidence, and enjoyment in learning equine thorax and abdominal anatomy; however it was not better than traditional methods with regards to longer term memory recall. Anat SciEduc. © 2012 American Association of Anatomists.  相似文献   

大学生非婚同居已成为普遍现象,非婚同居的原因是复杂的。非婚同居是大学生行使性权利的具体表现形式,具有正当性。然而,大学生在非婚同居的价值追求上,与学校、家长和新闻媒体之间存在冲突。对于因非婚同居引起的纠纷,要根据纠纷的性质,区分不同情况进行救济。  相似文献   

本文根据有关史实对清代滇东南[1]的民族构成、民族分布和民族关系作了总括性的论述,指出到清末在滇东南基本形成了以壮族为主体的、以汉族为大多数的大杂居、小聚居的多民族分布格局;在民族关系上,滇东南各族关系融洽,经济联系紧密,商品交换频繁。在语言、风俗习惯方面,各族相互影响和交融。滇东南各族互相往来,结成了深厚的友谊。  相似文献   

电视新闻出镜记者的非语言符号传播,是出现频率不亚于语言符号却往往被业内人士忽视的一种传播行为。在出镜记者的现场报道中,非语言符号起到了补充、丰富语言符号的作用,并和语言符号交融在一起,实现新闻事件信息的有效传播。  相似文献   

~~商山四皓后裔源流@郝臣杰$商洛市档案局!陕西商洛726000~~~~①周术《周氏宗谱》. ②唐秉《唐氏宗谱);崔广《崔氏宗谱》. ③吴实《吴氏宗谱》.  相似文献   

Citizenship education, defined as learning to live together, requires agreement on certain common principles. One central purpose of a state education system is the transmission of common normative standards such as the human rights and fundamental freedoms that underpin liberal democratic societies. The paper identifies the conceptual roots of the Universal Declaration of Human Rights (UDHR) in the sociological concept of utopia and Enlightenment cosmopolitanism. In the UDHR, the vision of freedoms that may promote human flourishing provides a precise way of conceptualising limits on state power. Whilst human rights is not a general theory, the concept has the hugely beneficial property of enabling people whose value systems are diverse and apparently incompatible, nonetheless to recognise and accept common standards and principles that make living in society possible. The implications of this are that human rights education is rightfully recognised as an essential component of citizenship education.  相似文献   

运用《中学生应激源量表》和《多维学生生活满意度量表》对431名初中生的心理应激和一般生活满意度进行测量,考察初中生心理应激状况及其与一般生活满意度的关系。结果发现:(1)男生承受来自教师、家庭环境、同学朋友、社会文化四个方面的压力高于女生。初中生的学习压力呈现出随年级的升高而增加的趋势。(2)生活在关系很融洽家庭中的学生的学习压力和自我身心压力在三种家庭关系状况的学生中最低,家庭关系不融洽的学生承受来自家庭环境的压力高于家庭关系很融洽的学生。生活在单亲家庭中的学生承受来自父母管教方式和自我身心两方面的压力高于生活在几代同堂和核心家庭中的学生。(3)初中生在父母管教方式、同学朋友、社会文化、自我身心四个方面的心理应激对一般生活满意度具有显著的负向预测作用。  相似文献   

In 1994, South Africa moved away from its cruel and divided past to a future where its citizens would learn together, work together and grow together. In short we had to learn what it meant to live together by unlearning the ideas introduced by apartheid that permeated every aspect of our society. This required a new Constitution, brave and exemplary leadership by Nelson Mandela and others and a Truth and Reconciliation Commission led by Desmond Tutu.
None of these efforts, as important as they may have been, could ever be sufficient to sustain change. Ordinary people who have no positional authority are those who will sustain change. Roughly one quarter of the South African population is at school and these are people who will take the message of reconciliation into the future.
In this article we describe attempts to redefine what is good. In particular what kind of teacher, learner and curriculum we will need to form the basis of a transformed and admirable society, one in which we will know how to live together.  相似文献   

理解就是理解者与对象之间的一种对话过程。对话实质上是一种致力于相互理解、相互合作,致力于和睦相处、共享共生和共同创造的过程。教学活动在本质上是一种理解与对话的过程。理解与对话彰显出师生一种幸福的生存方式,教学需要理解与对话。通过理解与对话促进师生共同追求幸福生活,不断提升生命质量,促使师生共享共生。  相似文献   

针对《电器控制与PLC》课程的特点,选用Flash5作为主要工具,开发了此课程的辅助教学软件,具有操作简单、生动、直观等特点.  相似文献   

新疆玛纳斯县清水河乡是哈萨克民族乡,团庄村是其中汉族、哈萨克族混居之所。这里定居的哈萨克族和汉族在生产生活方式上互为影响,但各自又保留着不同的习俗。团庄村哈萨克族记忆着自己祖先有关部落、符号、印记等,也巧妙地把游牧和农耕两种经济方式和文化样式融为一体,反映了新时期游牧生活的特点。  相似文献   

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