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运用文献资料、专家访谈等方法对马拉松项目竞技能力特点进行分析与重构。(1)马拉松项目整体特点是:马拉松是以有氧代谢为主的体能主导类长距离竞速项目,体能是核心、技战术是重点、心智是辅助。(2)马拉松项目的体能特点为:力量耐力、专项耐力、速度耐力和基础耐力是马拉松项目的主导体能运动素质。各耐力素质训练适宜区域为:5-15 km;30-35 km;20-30 km;40-50km。(3)马拉松项目技术特点:身体重心起伏小,前脚掌外侧着地过渡到全脚掌,没有扒地动作,前摆大腿不能抬起太高;上坡步长缩短、步频加快;下坡步长适当加大。(4)马拉松战术特点:熟悉路线与对手是首要;依5 km公里分段、按"时间储备"定目标是关键;半程保、大半程加、后6km冲刺是关键;一定阶段摆脱对手、拉开距离、独立控制与把握节奏是核心。  相似文献   

迟化 《中华武术》2009,(11):22-23
2009年7月26日,笔者有幸亲身体验并观察了旧金山马拉松赛的全过程。比赛共设5个项目:全程马拉松;前半程马拉松(标准路段);后半程马拉松(多坡路段);5公里及累计马拉松。笔者参加的是前半程马拉松标准路段。关于旧金山马拉松的历史说法不一,比较正式的始于2005年。虽然其没有波士顿马拉松那么悠久,但是其独特的地理位置,  相似文献   

系统梳理与分析国内外冰球项目的比赛特征、体能需求及其测试方法。研究发现:1)冰球比赛中运动员需要进行4~10次上场轮换,每次上场时间为30~90 s,上场比赛期间需要交替进行低、中、高强度运动,在长时间中低强度滑行过程中需要频繁穿插多方向爆发式移动;2)冰球是一项高强度间歇性团体球类项目,比赛的整体负荷较高,运动员需要具备较高的力量、爆发力、速度、灵敏、无氧耐力和有氧耐力等体能素质;3)建议使用陆上深蹲最大力量测试反映力量素质,使用陆上下肢水平与垂直爆发力测试反映爆发力素质,使用陆上与冰上冲刺测试反映速度素质,使用陆上与冰上5-10-5折返跑、冰上S形绕弯测试反映灵敏素质,使用冰上重复冲刺滑行测试反映无氧耐力素质,使用冰上30-15间歇折返滑行测试反映有氧耐力素质。  相似文献   

钟少婷  张显魁  韩春远 《精武》2012,(9):32-32,34
通过对400米运动员能量代谢特点和影响运动成绩的关键段落的理论剖析,提出具有专项针对性的速度耐力突破训练方法。结果表明:(1)400米跑前半程主要是无氧非乳酸系统,后半程主要是无氧糖元酵解系统的供能,运动员的速度是核心、速度耐力是关键、高强度的有氧能力是基础;(2)400米速度耐力训练应重点选择在200-300米左右段落的次极限强度和极限强度的间歇训练法或重复训练法。  相似文献   

一、体能训练内容分析 根据有关的研究报道,帆板运动属于体能主导耐力型项目,该运动以有氧耐力为主要供能方式。开放摇帆限制后,对运动员的体能提出了更高的要求,良好的体能基础是技术实现的保障。通过对目前训练及比赛的分析,笔者认为帆板项目专项体能主要构成因素应包括:专项耐力(力量耐力、心肺耐力、速度耐力),速度(单个摇帆过程动作速度、摇帆频率),  相似文献   

目的通过对2017年六大满贯马拉松的成绩数据进行统计分析,探究男运动员在马拉松中的最佳速度分配模式。方法文献资料法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法,对2017年世界六大满贯马拉松男运动员前20名成绩进行横向纵向比较。结果与结论 1)世界六大满贯马拉松男子运动员的速度分配模式主要有"M"、"W"、"И"、"~"性4种模式;2)男子运动员在全程马拉松速度分配上,前半程的平均速度高于后半程的平均速度,且前半程平均速度占全程速度的51.1%,后半程平均速度占全程速度的48.9%;3)30km、40km速度的分配在马拉松全程的成绩中是至关重要的环节。  相似文献   

铁人三项运动归属为体能主导类耐力性项群。该项目以耐力为基础,以速度耐力为核心,以速度为突破,这是铁人三项的项目特征。本文从运动员的身体形态、生理机能、运动素质等几方面来考虑铁人三项运动员的选材。  相似文献   

郑光 《中华武术》2023,(1):45-47
<正>长跑项目包括5000米、10000米,还有各种距离的公路跑,包括半程、全程马拉松等。“耐力是基础,速度耐力是核心,力量耐力是保证”三者是影响长跑成绩的关键,长时间持续的肌肉活动要求跑步时尽量减少能量消耗,维持一定跑速并根据比赛情况具备加速跑的能力。正确掌握技术与合理分配体力,要做到跑得轻松协调、重心移动平稳、直线性强、有良好的节奏,提高肌肉用力与放松交替的能力,跑的距离愈长这些因素就愈显得重要。  相似文献   

花样游泳是一项具有艺术表现、技能和体能的运动项目,按照项群理论划分属于技能主导类表现难美性项群。随着项目的不断发展,花样游泳动作出现了频率更快以及难度系数更高的技术动作,通过对专项体能特点的深入研究,分析花样游泳项目的专项体能特征,并总结出适合花样游泳运动员的专项体能训练。通过文献资料法和专家访谈法进行研究得出结论:本项目为有氧和无氧能力相结合的运动。力量、速度、耐力、柔韧及协调灵敏是花样游泳运动员必须具备的运动素质,并且力量素质是该项目重要的运动素质,力量素质中核心力量为主导。但训练计划缺乏对专项特征的针对性,想提高运动员的动作完成质量,必须要有针对性的体能训练方法。因此,需将专项特点与体能训练高度结合。  相似文献   

体能与技能的关系、运动项目的主要供能系统及其对运动素质的特殊要求、一般体能与专项体能的关系是我国羽毛球界经常争论的三大问题。本文首先通过理论分析 ,提出了体能与技能的“能量”统一论观点 ;以充实的资料论证无氧代谢是羽毛球制胜的主导供能系统 ,并针对羽毛球专项特点 ,将力量、速度、耐力三大基本素质的关系归纳为 :速度是关键、力量是基础、耐力是保证 ;同时认为一般身体训练对任何运动员都是必须的 ,但前提是应将一般体能训练定义为与专项是有一定联系的 ,至少在局部是相关的。其次 ,以理论分析结果为依据 ,通过体能训练实践 ,提出了一套有效改善羽毛球运动员体能状况新思路和新模式  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyze differences in the rate of subjectively perceived exertion for half marathon runners versus ultramarathon runners measured with the Borg scale (6–20); therefore, 21 half marathon runners (mean age 34.3 ± 7.3 years, height 177 ± 7 cm and body weight 72 ± 8.1 kg) and 16 ultramarathon runners (39.8 years, 176.1 ± 7 cm and 69.1 ± 8.2 kg) participating in the Mountainman Race in Melchseefrutt (Obwalden, Switzerland) were asked to specify the perceived exertion with the Borg scale (6–20) for the first part of the race, the second part of the race and the total race. Half marathon runners and ultramarathon runners indicated values of 14.2 and 14.7, respectively for the first part of the race, which were in the same range measured with the Borg scale (6–20). A different pattern could be detected for the second part of the race with values of 16.3 for half marathon runners and 18.6 for ultramarathon runners. The rate of total perceived exertion was higher with 17.6 for ultramarathon runners versus 15.7 for half marathon runners, whereby differences between perceived exertion in the second part of the race and the total race in the ultramarathon did not show significant differences in contrast to the half marathon, where significant differences could be detected. These findings can be embedded in previously conducted analyses for a 100 km race indicating an exponential increase of stress parameters after 75 km (e.g. creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase and transaminases) resulting from an acute phase reaction. Parallel analyses of biological parameters (e.g. heart rate, creatine kinase, lactate dehydrogenase and transaminases) could give further hints concerning the principal validity of the Borg scale (6–20) for ultramarathon races.  相似文献   


The aim of this study was to analyse the pacing strategies adopted by elite male and female marathon runners when setting every world record since 1998. For data analysis, the total distance of the marathon was divided into eight sections of 5?km and a final section of 2.195?km, and the relative average speed of each section was calculated individually. Female athletes maintained similar speeds in the first and second half of the marathon (ES?=?0.22, small effect, p?=?0.705), whereas male athletes increased their speed as the marathon progressed (ES?=?1.18, moderate effect, p?=?0.011). However, no differences were observed between men and women in either the first (ES?=?0.56, small effect, p?=?0.290), or in the second half of the marathon (ES?=?0.60, moderate effect, p?=?0.266). When comparing the women’s world records (1998–2003) vs. men’s records (1998–2018) by sections, we observed differences at the beginning of the race (second section, ES?=?0.89, moderate effect) and at the end (last section, ES?=?0.87, moderate effect). The pace variations during the race were similar between male athletes and that of women with male pacemakers (1.53%?±?0.60 vs. 1.68%?±?0.84, respectively). However, a trend towards higher pace variations during the race in the female records with female pacemakers was observed (2.28%?±?0.95). This study shows how male and female marathon records in the last 20 years have been set using different pacing strategies. While men used a negative strategy (faster finishing), women used a less uniform pacing strategy.  相似文献   

当今中长跑运动竞争日趋激烈,合理的节奏能使运动员充分发挥竞技能力,有效地运用战术节奏能发挥自己的优势并抑制对手的发挥。本文通过对大量文献资料的分析及个人经验,得出中长跑运动节奏和战术运用与中长跑运动员的训练紧密联系起来,即中长跑运动的身体训练、专项训练、战术训练同步进行,能够收到良好的训练效果。  相似文献   


Although the biomechanical properties of the various types of running foot strike (rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot) have been studied extensively in the laboratory, only a few studies have attempted to quantify the frequency of running foot strike variants among runners in competitive road races. We classified the left and right foot strike patterns of 936 distance runners, most of whom would be considered of recreational or sub-elite ability, at the 10 km point of a half-marathon/marathon road race. We classified 88.9% of runners at the 10 km point as rearfoot strikers, 3.4% as midfoot strikers, 1.8% as forefoot strikers, and 5.9% of runners exhibited discrete foot strike asymmetry. Rearfoot striking was more common among our sample of mostly recreational distance runners than has been previously reported for samples of faster runners. We also compared foot strike patterns of 286 individual marathon runners between the 10 km and 32 km race locations and observed increased frequency of rearfoot striking at 32 km. A large percentage of runners switched from midfoot and forefoot foot strikes at 10 km to rearfoot strikes at 32 km. The frequency of discrete foot strike asymmetry declined from the 10 km to the 32 km location. Among marathon runners, we found no significant relationship between foot strike patterns and race times.  相似文献   

Although the biomechanical properties of the various types of running foot strike (rearfoot, midfoot, and forefoot) have been studied extensively in the laboratory, only a few studies have attempted to quantify the frequency of running foot strike variants among runners in competitive road races. We classified the left and right foot strike patterns of 936 distance runners, most of whom would be considered of recreational or sub-elite ability, at the 10 km point of a half-marathon/marathon road race. We classified 88.9% of runners at the 10 km point as rearfoot strikers, 3.4% as midfoot strikers, 1.8% as forefoot strikers, and 5.9% of runners exhibited discrete foot strike asymmetry. Rearfoot striking was more common among our sample of mostly recreational distance runners than has been previously reported for samples of faster runners. We also compared foot strike patterns of 286 individual marathon runners between the 10 km and 32 km race locations and observed increased frequency of rearfoot striking at 32 km. A large percentage of runners switched from midfoot and forefoot foot strikes at 10 km to rearfoot strikes at 32 km. The frequency of discrete foot strike asymmetry declined from the 10 km to the 32 km location. Among marathon runners, we found no significant relationship between foot strike patterns and race times.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to analyse the influence of the pacing strategy adopted by elite marathon runners when setting every marathon world record in the last 50 years. We divided former marathon record holders into two groups: classic athletes (record holders between 1967 and 1988) and contemporaneous athletes (record holders between 1988 and 2018). The total distance of the marathon was divided into 8 sections of 5?km and 1 last section of 2.195?km, and the relative average speed of each section was calculated individually. On average athletes were slightly faster in the first half-marathon than in the second one, where they slowed down progressively (ES?=?0.28, small effect). However, when comparing classic vs. contemporaneous athletes, we observed that classic athletes started significantly faster (p?相似文献   

论青少年网球单打接发球战术   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
杜佳亮 《福建体育科技》2007,26(4):32-33,38
在接发球的准备中,实施计划中应采取的具体战略,以及对付各种发球后不同打法选手的回球线路,这一切是应予作出准备、估计和正确判断的。为争取场上主动、打击对方士气、施加压力,牢牢地控制场上局面,破掉对方发球局,而采用一切手段,灵活运用各项击球技术,给对方以最大的困难。  相似文献   

We tested the hypothesis that changes in serum cartilage oligomeric matrix protein (COMP), tumour necrosis factor α (TNF-α), interleukin-6 (IL-6) and high-sensitivity C-reactive protein (hsCRP) concentration after regular endurance training and running a marathon race depend on body mass index (BMI) and/or on marathon performance. Blood samples were collected from 45 runners of varying BMI and running experience before and after a 10-week marathon training programme and before, immediately and 24 h after a marathon race. Serum biomarker concentrations, BMI and marathon finishing time were measured. The mean (95% confidence interval (CI)) changes from before to immediately after the marathon were COMP: 4.09 U/L (3.39–4.79 U/L); TNF-α: ?1.17 mg/L (?2.58 to 0.25 mg/L); IL-6: 12.0 pg/mL (11.4–12.5 pg/mL); and hsCRP: ?0.08 pg/mL (?0.14 to ?0.3 pg/mL). The mean (95% CI) changes from immediately after to 24 h after the marathon were COMP: 0.35 U/L (?0.88 to 1.57 U/L); TNF-α: ?0.43 mg/L (?0.99 to 0.13 mg/L); IL-6: ?9.9 pg/mL (?10.5 to ?9.4 pg/mL); and hsCRP: 1.52 pg/mL (1.25–1.79 pg/mL). BMI did not affect changes in biomarker concentrations. Differences in marathon finishing time explained 32% of variability in changes in serum hsCRP and 28% of variability in changes in serum COMP during the 24 h recovery after the marathon race (P < 0.001). Slower marathon finishing time but not a higher BMI modulates increases in pro-inflammatory markers or cartilage markers following a marathon race.  相似文献   

This study describes pacing strategies adopted in an 86-km mass-participation cross-country marathon mountain bike race (the ‘Birkebeinerrittet’). Absolute (km·h?1) and relative speed (% average race speed) and speed coefficient of variation (%CV) in five race sections (15.1, 31.4, 52.3, 74.4 and 100% of total distance) were calculated for 8182 participants. Data were grouped and analysed according to race performance, age, sex and race experience. The highest average speed was observed in males (21.8?±?3.7?km/h), 16–24?yr olds (23.0?±?4.8?km/h) and those that had previously completed >4 Birkebeinerrittet races (22.5?±?3.4?km/h). Independent of these factors, the fastest performers exhibited faster speeds across all race sections, whilst their relative speed was higher in early and late climbing sections (Cohen's d?=?0.45–1.15) and slower in the final descending race section (d?=?0.64–0.98). Similar trends were observed in the quicker age, sex and race experience groups, who tended to have a higher average speed in earlier race sections and a lower average speed during the final race section compared to slower groups. In all comparisons, faster groups also had a lower %CV for speed than slower groups (fastest %CV?=?24.02%, slowest %CV?=?32.03%), indicating a lower variation in speed across the race. Pacing in a cross-country mountain bike marathon is related to performance, age, sex and race experience. Better performance appears to be associated with higher relative speed during climbing sections, resulting in a more consistent overall race speed.  相似文献   

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