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微结构与领域知识的融合研究,可以有针对性的引导数字图书馆知识发现过程,使知识发现过程更加细化,模式解释与知识评价也更趋合理。本文拟对此进行研究,希望能为图书馆同行提供参考。  相似文献   

对知识图谱技术在图书馆资源智慧发现和服务中的应用进行研究,借助知识图谱的智慧数据特性挖掘图书馆资源,分别对利用知识图谱技术的资源组织、揭示、发现与服务进行讨论,阐述知识图谱赋能图书馆智慧发现和服务的构建思路、原则、创新性、关键路径和意义。知识图谱赋能的资源发现和服务为智慧图书馆建设提供了行之有效的思路。  相似文献   

Web知识服务的数据采掘研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
信息的服务内容发生了变化。知识发现不同于信息检索。知识发现的结果能反映信息之间的关系,使之形成有机的知识体,将传统的数据挖掘技术和网络结合起来为知识服务提供物质技术保障。个人、企业、网站从因特网提供的信息资源中,根据各自不同的目的和特点,抽取有关数据并且从中发现数据中隐含的规则和知识;从而更进一步地获取数据。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]数据驱动环境下,探讨数字图书馆知识发现平台的数据驱动机制和优化方案有利于从方法论认识层面为其供给侧改革提供理论支持。[方法/过程]借助系统动力学方法,通过仿真呈现数字图书馆知识发现的数据驱动的动力形成机制;从绩效优化视角,运用粒计算方法为其驱动优化提供可行方案。[结果/结论]影响数字图书馆知识发现的数据驱动因素主要包括数据维度、语义关联维度、可视化维度和价值维度,从维度的形成和绩效作用关系看,数字图书馆知识发现的数据驱动是一个螺旋式发展的动态系统,其绩效优化的关键点就在于数据的知识价值开发程度,经实证研究,将知识粒度作为实现其优化的切入点能较好地提升数字图书馆知识发现的数据驱动效果。  相似文献   

科技图书的部分作者由于专业的局限 ,文字水平相对较低 ,其书稿中表述不准确的例子随处可见。就我所审读加工的书稿看 ,不准确之处很多 ,归纳起来有以下几个方面 :一是知识方面的不准确。我在审读一部医学科普书稿时 ,原稿对“月经”是这样描述的 :“在医学上 ,它的名字叫‘例假’。”这就错了 ,“例假”是语言中的婉辞———日常生活中对一些不便或不愿直说的事物使用的一种代称 ,不是医学名称。原稿中还提到“原发性痛经”与“继发性痛经” ,把初潮时痛经称为“原发性” ,而以后的痛经称为“继发性”。这又错了。在医学上 ,是把盆腔生殖器…  相似文献   

知识构建的基本原理研究(下)——知识构建的技术支撑   总被引:3,自引:1,他引:2  
知识构建需要一定的技术支撑。在支撑技术中,语义Web技术能为知识构建提供知识组织管理,网格技术能为知识构建奠定知识集成环境,基于这两种技术优势互补的语义网格可为知识构建提供知识空间优化的语义互联策略和智能整合策略。  相似文献   

[目的/意义]基于知识图谱的口述历史档案资源知识发现是知识发现在数字人文领域的新尝试,为资源细粒度关联、语义化查询、个性化探索提供新路径。[方法/过程]以南京师范大学抗战老兵口述资料中心数据为数据源构建抗战老兵口述历史档案资源知识图谱,基于图谱实例,从项目整体概况、事件主题关系、社会网络关系、时空网络关系等层面开展多维知识发现研究。[结果/结论]以知识图谱为代表的数字人文技术方法为知识发现研究提供有力的工具支撑,为人文资源深度开发注入了全新动能。  相似文献   

在目前非相关文献知识发现的开放式发现模式的基础上作进一步的共现发现,即通过三个文献集的分析能够推导出一种潜在的新关系,这种新关系是通过单独分析一个或两个文献集所无法获得的。通过在激光显示领域的实证研究,发现了一条“从实际需求出发—实现这一应用的技术系统—提高这一系统性能的方法—为该方法提供理论支撑的理论”的潜在关联链条,验证了基于非相关文献的三阶知识发现方法可以以研究目标和具体问题为导向,为研究活动提供服务。图4。表4。参考文献9。  相似文献   

通过基于本体的知识图谱构建,对南朝陵墓石刻信息资源进行知识组织与知识服务研究,能提升受众的沉浸性与互动性,促进语义化进程,推动文化遗产的传播与利用。首先,基于需求分析,从基础信息、视觉特征、文化内涵三重角度分析特征概念,完成南朝陵墓石刻本体模型构建;其次,以丹阳陵墓石刻作为研究实例完成知识获取与知识融合,并借助Neo4j图数据库完成知识图谱构建;最后,通过知识可视化展示与知识发现,体现知识图谱在开发石刻信息资源中的优势。研究发现,知识图谱在降低知识门槛、展示文化内涵、提升信息资源与受众之间互动性等方面效果明显。本研究为南朝陵墓石刻信息资源开发和利用提供了新思路,也为石刻资源的传承与保护提供了新的视角。  相似文献   

知识构建是由信息构建发展而来的,它肯定并继承了信息构建的思想,并在此基础上形成知识发现、知识组织、知识标引、知识导航和知识检索的内容体系.从广义上看,知识发现既包括人工智能领域的显性知识发现,也包括以专家地图或知识地图为代表的隐性知识发现.  相似文献   

The goal of this content analysis was to identify commonly used content and design features of academic health sciences library home pages. After developing a checklist, data were collected from 135 academic health sciences library home pages. The core components of these library home pages included a contact phone number, a contact email address, an Ask-a-Librarian feature, the physical address listed, a feedback/suggestions link, subject guides, a discovery tool or database-specific search box, multimedia, social media, a site search option, a responsive web design, and a copyright year or update date.  相似文献   

Discovery tools have been widely adopted by academic libraries, yet little information exists that connects common practices regarding discovery tool implementation, maintenance, assessment, and staffing with conventions for research and instruction. The authors surveyed heads of reference and instruction departments in research and land-grant university libraries. The survey results revealed common practices with discovery tools among academic libraries. This study also draws connections between operational, instructional, and assessment practices and perceptions that participants have of the success of their discovery tool. Participants who indicated successful implementation of their discovery tool hailed from institutions that made significant commitments to the operations, maintenance, and acceptance of their discovery tool. Participants who indicated an unsuccessful implementation, or who were unsure about the success of their implementation, did not make lasting commitments to the technical maintenance, operations, and acceptance of their discovery tool.  相似文献   

A core goal of librarians is to maximize usage of the content to which their libraries subscribe. Webscale or resource discovery systems offer a single search box for library users to access subscribed content. This article examines usage data at the University of Huddersfield to show how resource discovery has helped to increase the usage of publisher content that has been made available to discovery vendors, and considers the implications for publishers who are yet to do this. The article concludes that resource discovery systems have effectively levelled the playing field, allowing small to medium‐sized publishers to make content discoverable to users, and encourages publishers who do not have their content indexed in resource discovery systems to speak to discovery service vendors in order to do so at the earliest opportunity.  相似文献   

All businesses are subject to legal action. When a suit involves allegations of fraud, information contained in electronic documents may form the core of the suit, as it did during a number of successful suits against businesses in the early 2000s. Of equal importance, companies have been punished for intentionally destroying or spoiling or not disclosing electronic documents. This paper discusses how Federal legislation affects electronic discovery, and what professors and students need to know about electronic discovery. It also contains suggestions for how to integrate knowledge about e-discovery into a business information literacy curriculum.  相似文献   

Within the next few years, traditional online public access catalogs will be replaced by more robust and interconnected discovery layers that can serve as primary public interfaces to simultaneously search many separate collections of resources. Librarians have envisioned this type of discovery tool since the 1980s, and research shows that discovery layer functionality and features have already resolved, or will soon remedy, many of the known issues with the traditional online public access catalog. The authors of this article review the literature on discovery, focusing on the evolution from the traditional online public access catalog to newer discovery interfaces, and summarize what has been published regarding the selection and evaluation of these new tools. Based on this review, emerging trends in the acquisition of discovery layers are described, including: the amount of time libraries devote to selection and evaluation, the staff involved and their areas of expertise, which discovery tools were selected to review, the evaluation methods used, and the features and functionality evaluated. The authors conclude with a discussion of the opportunities and concerns for libraries and their patrons related to discovery efforts, and provide direction for future research. While discovery layers are still developing, they show great promise in increasing the use and usability of library resources.  相似文献   

While many libraries are making use of digital components in reading programs, there is little research examining the the perceived value of those components by consumers. Children and their parents value the Dare to Explore (DtE) summer reading programme at Auckland Libraries, New Zealand, as a whole but the perceived value of the digital components was not evident. There was either insufficient valued content or participants were not fully aware of what was available via the digital components to be appreciative of its value. Data were collected through interviews with 6 families (6 parents and 10 children), who participated in the DtE 2016/17 programme. The Sheth-Newman-Gross theory of consumption values was applied to frame the inquiries of this study. The findings offer valuable insights for libraries interested in incorporating digital components into existing or future programming. They may also provide useful observations relevant to adult and teen programming.  相似文献   

The College of St. Benedict and St. John's University Library have used WorldCat Local as a discovery tool since 2008. After four years of use and numerous anecdotes about the difficulties encountered with this product, a committee was formed to test the tool's usability and effectiveness. Seven female and six male students were asked to find appropriate materials within WorldCat Local for a mock research assignment. The students’ research and thought processes were recorded and studied. The recordings were analyzed by the committee, and the search strategies as well as the materials selected by the students were evaluated and scored. Although the sample size limits generalizability, the videos provided an in-depth look into the students’ research processes and their evaluation of what they found. Students generally fared well when asked to identify suitable books for their research topic, but they encountered many difficulties interpreting article records and identifying appropriate articles. Some WorldCat Local interface features appeared to be either the source of student problems or were not used effectively. Anyone wanting to replicate this study in his or her own evaluation of a discovery tool will want to be aware of the issues encountered in this evaluation of WorldCat Local.  相似文献   

关联数据在图书馆中的应用研究综述*   总被引:14,自引:0,他引:14  
简要介绍关联数据产生和发展的背景、关联数据的定义、基本原则及应用框架,从资源发现服务、数据融合与语义检索服务、学术研究和学术交流作用、跨机构的关联数据的开放与复用等方面分析关联数据驱动的图书馆Web应用现状,最后对图书馆应用关联数据提出几点建议。  相似文献   

The goal of this article is to understand the reasons why known-item search queries entered in a discovery system return zero hits. We analyze a sample of 708 known-item queries and classify them into four categories of zero hits with regard to whether the item is held by the library and whether the query is formulated correctly: (1) item in stock, but query incorrect, (2) item not in stock, (3) item in stock, but incomplete or erroneous metadata, (4) query is ambiguous or not understandable. The main reasons for zero hits are caused by acquisition and erroneous search queries. We discuss possible solutions for known-item queries resulting in zero hits from the side of the system and show that 30% of zero hits could easily be avoided by applying automatic spelling correction. We argue that libraries can improve their discovery systems or online catalogs by applying strategies to avoid or cope with zero hits inspired by web search engines and commercial search web sites.  相似文献   

Web-scale discovery service systems and platforms are continuing to evolve and become more commonly adopted in academic libraries. Functioning as more than next-generation catalogs due to their volume and associated Web services, they invite strategic inquiry and launch libraries into deeper questioning and continuous critical thinking concerning discovery system best practices. This article explores emerging library discovery positions and discovery requirements gleaned through position postings from Autocat, Code4Lib, ERIL-L, and NGC4Lib listserv e-mails, from February 2012 through July 2014, along with a 2013 scan of Association of Research Library (ARL) staff directories’ Web sites. As seen through the lens of recent discovery position postings and names of discovery positions at ARL libraries, staffing solutions suggest strategic oversight and deep understanding of discovery systems, metadata, and users. This study of 36 discovery positions reveals directors or managers as comprising the highest number with ten (28 percent), systems with eight (22 percent), cataloging and metadata with seven (19 percent), acquisitions or electronic resources with five (14 percent), user experiences with three (8 percent), access services with two (6 percent), and general technical services with one (3 percent). These emerging discovery positions traverse both traditional technical and public services functions, with the majority, 26 (72 percent), from large research-level institutions.  相似文献   

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