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方明  马龙 《信息系统工程》2012,(1):34-36,58
针对传统油气生产设备维护维修系统体系模型结构上存在的弊端,结合软件体系结构的概念,并利用多智能体(multi-agent)的技术,给出了一个基于多智能体的油气生产企业设备维护维修系统体系结构以及油气生产设备状态维护维修模型。该模型从企业信息系统软件体系结构和设备维护维修工作流程两方面结合考虑,能有效提高设企业备维护维修系统的安全性、可维护性、自适应性和信息的共享性。  相似文献   

<正>基建档案既是基本建设的历史和现状的文献记载,也是基建维护维修、改扩建等的重要依据。随着医院规模和硬件水平的不断提升,医院基建档案的管理也越来越体现出它的重要性,基建档案管理的好坏直接关系到医院整体建设,改进和维护的速度、成本,甚至建筑安全的大事,是医院基建管理  相似文献   

目前国内广电系统、影视公司的数字化摄录设备多是索尼、松下两大公司的产品,此类设备的维护、维修成为广大技术维护人员的重要工作。松下公司的25M数字摄录设备推出的早,使用的也早,其故障具有一定的典型性,下面笔者结合赣榆电视台日常维护、维修的实践,对松下D V C P R O(25M)摄录一体机、录像机常见故障给出分析及解决办法,供同行参考。故障现象1:A J-D250录像机运行中突然出现只有按出仓键有用,其他功能键失灵,并且表现为出带后磁带无法再加载或既使能加载又自动退带,其内部磁鼓飞转的现象,面板计数器显示屏显示错误代码为“-d-”…  相似文献   

何雨溪 《今传媒》2015,(2):115-116
随着我国电视播放事业的不断发展,研究电视台技术维修措施对推动我国电视播放事业的进步具有重要意义。本文首先介绍了电视台网络的日常维护,分析了现阶段电视设备经常出现哪些故障及措施,探讨了电视台硬件系统的维护,研究了电视台设备的技术维修。  相似文献   

展品是科技馆从事科学传播的重要载体,展品是否完好运行关系到观众的参观体验,也关系到依托展品而开展的科学辅导、展览教育活动的实施。展品互动性强、故障率高,解决展品故障问题的及时维修、解决展品使用寿命和减少故障率问题的维护保养是实体科技馆面临的重要课题。本文依据“使用与满足”理论,提出以观众为中心确立科技馆展品的评价标准和“不给观众短斤少两”的展品维修理念;科技辅导员是展品维修业务的直接用户。以此为基础组织展品维修维护团队,构建以满足用户需求为导向的、涉及展品维修维护业务流程、评价标准、评价体系、评价结果应用以及维修物资保障等内容的展品维修维护管理体系。  相似文献   

近年我国广播电视进行了大规模的固态化、数字化改造,广播事业得到了飞速发展,在新时期如何搞好设备维修工作和台站的技术维护管理工作成为重要课题,本文用10KWDX机和3KWPDM机的故障处理为例,介绍各种维修方法在固态化发射机的维修中的灵活运用,并阐述如何搞好技术维护管理工作。  相似文献   

喻丽 《图书情报工作》2014,58(14):63-70
分析国内高校特色文献资源建设及共享现状,归纳指出其存在缺乏统筹规划与规范、特色文献信息价值缺失、资金投入乏力资源维护后劲不足、联合共建共享协同机制缺失等影响发展的主要问题。提出建立印本资源的分布式合作储存模式、完善特色资源建设共享的组织与制度保障机制、建立监督和绩效评价体系、创造和提升文献信息价值以及建立特色文献建设协同机制等举措。  相似文献   

近几年,DAM数字中波发射机正以其高效率、高质量、高稳定性的优点逐步取代老式电子管发射机。先进的设备必然要有新的维护技术来保障其正常运行。新设备复杂的电子线路,对每一个广播技术维护人员来说,都面临着一个新的考验。学习和掌握新设备的原理和维修技术是每个维修人员的当务之急。下面是近几年本人在数字发射机实际维修当中所总结的几点经验与体会,在此与同行共探榷。  相似文献   

刘伟荣 《大观周刊》2012,(51):178-179
计算机是由硬件和软件合二为一的产品,两者缺一则不可以使用;也可以说,两者之一发生故障也会影响正常使用。所以,对计算机的维护和维修,不但要懂得硬件的相关知识,而且还要懂得软件的相关知识。因此,只有掌握硬件和软件的基本知识和技术,才能搞好计算机的维护和维修工作。  相似文献   

文章从图书馆数字化文献资源建设的方式,图书馆开放获取国内文献资源建设的总体规划,图书馆开放获取国内文献资源体系建设等方面,对图书馆开放获取国内文献资源体系建设进行了研究。  相似文献   

This study examines the extent to which an athlete’s race impacts the image repair process within media-filtered athlete transgressions by utilizing a 5 (race) × 3 (response strategy) factorial experiment and employing Benoit’s (1995) image repair typology. Reponses from a national sample of 215 participants revealed that, independent of race, the mortification strategy was more effective for repairing an athlete’s image compared to reducing offensiveness and evading responsibility strategies, supporting current image repair studies. This study also revealed that the athlete in the White condition was uniformly viewed as being less successful than four other racial conditions (Asian, Black, Hispanic, and Middle Eastern) in achieving image repair, a new result within this stream of image repair scholarship. Conclusions related to social identity theory and expectancy violation are rendered.  相似文献   

本文运用营销管理理论对电视栏目品牌的概念、价值、形象识别系统进行了阐述.从准确定位、可持续的题材资源、风格化的主持人及内容建设等方面论述了电视品牌栏目的创建方法,对不同生长周期电视栏目的维护与创新也提出了一些看法.  相似文献   

The candidates for the Democratic presidential nomination in 2004 were united in attacking President George W. Bush. Their continued criticism, combined with news stories about such topics as the failure to find weapons of mass destruction in Iraq and job losses in the United States, steadily eroded the president's image. On February 8, 2004, President Bush appeared on Meet the Press to repair his reputation, exemplifying the problem of how an incumbent president can reply to such attacks while in the midst of a campaign for re-election. This essay applies the theory of image repair to this discourse to critically analyze and evaluate Bush's attempt to repair his image. Bush responded to two key accusations: justification for the war in Iraq and concerns about the economy (including jobs and the deficit). He tried to frame himself as a “war president” (transcendence) who should be evaluated on those grounds but failed to make this the most important problem for most voters. He employed denial, but the support for denials was often weak. He also relied heavily on defeasibility. However, Bush's use of the strategy of defeasibility raises doubts about whether he will be able to solve problems in a second term. Thus, President Bush's image repair effort was largely ineffectual.  相似文献   

图书馆整体形象设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
黄红 《晋图学刊》2005,(3):20-23,38
图书馆整体形象的营造与维护是对现代图书馆管理职能的强化,是图书馆日常工作的重要内容之一。人的感官系统所相关的视觉、听觉、触觉的形象设计与图书馆各项工作息息相关,好的设计给人们带来一种温馨、自然和舒适的感觉。图书馆是资讯流通的场所,图书馆办公用品、图书馆学报、橱窗宣传栏、礼貌语言以及背景音乐等设计看似简单,但要有一个新的创意的确不容易。本文分析与研究目前图书馆整体形象设计中的某些实务问题,并介绍了国内外优秀的成功设计经验。  相似文献   

The study advances a typology of antapologia (discursive reply to apologia) by examining Soviet responses to U.S. image repair during the 1960 U-2 incident. Following U.S. image repair, the Soviets used strategies designed to strengthen its persuasive attack on the United States as well as to weaken U.S. apologia.  相似文献   

This study examines some of the reconciliation and repair/maintenance strategies in the relational communication literature. These strategies were compared with Bell and Daly's (1984) affinity‐seeking strategies. It was concluded that Bell and Daly's strategies could identify many of the same relational strategies with less contextual confusion. It is argued that affiliation strategies represent a true multiphasic relational communication typology that applies to the range of repair/reconciliation contexts. The study then looks at the degree to which assertiveness, and responsiveness predicts the use/non‐use of affinity seeking strategies in the context of relational repair. The study indicates that self perceived assertiveness and responsive play a role in strategy selection as well. Finally, how others are perceived in terms of assertiveness and responsiveness was found to predict the types of strategies used and not used in relational repair contexts.  相似文献   

依据来源国效应,本研究选取索尼“问题相机”事件与柯达相机“质量门”事件,从形象修护的角度分析二者的危机回应策略,结果显示,与柯达相比,索尼更倾向于采取情感诉求性回应策略。  相似文献   

In October 2016, Donald Trump was in the midst of a hotly contested and sharply divisive presidential campaign. Days before the second presidential debate, The Washington Post posted a video of Trump “having extremely lewd conversation about women in 2005.” This video and the firestorm of criticism it provoked threatened to derail his presidential run. Mr. Trump and his wife Melania Trump offered several messages to repair his damaged image. This article analyzes and evaluates these image repair messages concerning Donald Trump’s “Access Hollywood” video. In such a divisive context, the defense had no hope of repairing Trump’s image with the general public (Trump lost the popular vote by 2.9 million). Even though he lost the popular vote, the business magnate won the Electoral College. We cannot say that the “Access Hollywood” video was solely responsible for Trump’s poor popular vote showing, but it is clear that this defense did not completely dispel the cloud surrounding him.  相似文献   

高校图书馆“网站”作为图书馆对外宣传的一个动态窗口,其质量的好坏直接影响到图书馆的形象。文章根据图书馆的特点,结合工作实践,探讨图书馆网站的设计、制作和维护的思路与方法。  相似文献   

NPR analyst Juan Williams appeared on The O'Reilly Factor and said that he gets “worried” and “nervous” when he sees people in Muslim dress on airplanes. Two days later NPR fired Williams and the day after that Williams issued a serious accusation against NPR: “I was fired for telling the truth.” Criticism of NPR mounted—arising particularly from conservative commentators—and CEO Vivian Schiller disseminated a statement defending her organization. This essay applies the theory of image repair discourse to NPR's CEO Vivian Schiller's apology for firing Williams. Two accusations were in play and they prompted two distinct defenses: Her reaction to accusations that NPR had not followed appropriate procedures for termination Williams employed the strategies of mortification and corrective action and her defense of the firing itself used transcendence, bolstering, and attack accuser. This essay evaluates this defense as a poor example of image repair.  相似文献   

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