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英语中经常可以见到两个由and连接起来的词组,它们的结构往往相对稳定,并表示一个完整的意思,这种固定词组叫做成对词。如果构成这种词组的两个词是反义词,那末这种词组就叫成对反义词。如:(through)thick and thin(不顾艰难险阻、在任何情况下),day and night(日日夜夜),ups and downs(起落、盛衰)等等。本文将对英语成对反义词作一初步的研究。 为了了解成对反义词这种固定词组的特点及用法,我们有必要了解反义词的定义。《韦勃斯特同义词词典》(Webster's Dictionary of Synonyms)是一本英语同义词和反义词的专门词典。该词典的编者在对英语反义词进行了分析、归纳和总结以后对反义词下的定义是:Anantonym is a word so opposed in meaning to another word,its equal breadth or range of application  相似文献   

姜经志 《初中生必读》2022,(9):41-42+44
<正>英语中有些词组是由一对反义词构成的,这些词组具有鲜明的对比和强烈的感情色彩。学习和运用这些反义词,对识记单词、理解词义、扩大词汇量以及丰富表达手段都大有裨益。现将常见的反义词连用归纳如下,供同学们学习和参考。  相似文献   

1.day and night 日日夜夜My brother coughed day and night.我的弟弟日夜地咳嗽。2.here and there到处,处处People could hear song here and there人们到处都能听到歌声。3.up and down上上下下Ann uses a lift to go up and down.安用电梯上上下下。  相似文献   

同学们都知道,白天用英语说是"day";晚上是"night"了,可是你知道"日日夜夜"怎样说吗?那就是"day and night"。  相似文献   

同学们,你们己经学过单词白天(day)和晚上(night)了,可是你们知道怎样说“日日夜夜”吗?那就是“day and night”。在西方一些国家,人们有这样一个习惯:如果一个上白班的人(a dayman)每天(every day)都上一整天(all day long)的班,那么当夜幕降临时,他就可以去夜总会(night club)享受一下夜生活(night life),痛痛快快地玩一个晚上,甚至可以彻夜不归(have a night out)。  相似文献   

同学们都知道,白天用英语说是“day”;晚上是“night”了,可是你知道“日日夜夜”怎样说吗?那就是“day and night”。[第一段]  相似文献   

Spring starts when the day and night are the samelength. The weather gets warmer and sunnier. Treesand plants start to grow. Many animals have theirbabies in spring.  相似文献   

Hippos live inAfrica, They spend the day keeping cool in the lakes and rivers. They leave the water at night to eat grasses and plants. Although they are very big and heavy, they are good swimmers.  相似文献   

Owls are nocturnal birds of prey. They sleep during the day and hunt at night.They catch live frogs,toads and mice to eat.Owls swallow their prey whole.  相似文献   

1. It's round and it's bright.In the day it hangs in the sky and gives out light.But nobody can see it at night .What is it?  相似文献   

The earth goes round the sun, spinning like a top in its axis with thenorth pole at one end and the south pole at the other. The Arctic is covered with ice and snow all the year round.There it isday for nearly half of the year and night for the other half.While it is day inthe Arctic,it is night in the Antarctic.  相似文献   

night and day 夜以继日 year in and year out 一年到头 full of beans 精力充沛 not all roses 不尽完美  相似文献   

初中教材中,我们经常碰到这样的短语、句子: Read and understand day and night. And after that I got the flu. What may cause headache? And when should we go to see doctor?  相似文献   

Sun[sΛn]1.It's round and it's bright. In the day it hangs in the sky and gives out light. But nobody can see it at night. What is it?  相似文献   

①back and forth来来回回,往复The swing moved back and forth.秋千来回摆动。2.black and white白纸黑字This is your handwriting in black andwhite.You can't deny it.这是你的笔迹,白纸黑字,不容抵赖。③day and night日日夜夜He worked day and night.他日夜工作。4.(every)now and then有时,时时We visit our aunt now and then.我们有时去看望姑妈。⑤(go through)fire and water赴汤蹈火He said he would go through fire and water for her他说愿意为她赴汤蹈火。6.here and there到处.四处I saw flowers here and there.我看见到处都是花。⑦neither here and there题外话的。与主题无关的He talked for two hours,but his remarks were neither here and there.  相似文献   

石金涛 《中学生英语》2013,(14):16-18,48
一、完形填空When I was a child,my room liked to prepare food for dinner,every now and then. And I remember one night in 1 when she made dinner after a long,hard day at work. That Monday evening so long ago,my morn 2 a plate of eggs,sausage,and extremely burnt toast(土司) in front of my dad. I remember 3 to see if dad noticed! 4 all my dad did was reach for his toast,smile at my room,and ask me how my day was 5. I don’t remember what I told him that night, but I do remember watching him 6 butter and jelly(果冻) on that toast and eat every  相似文献   

day可用来表示"一天"。如:—What day is today?今天星期几?—Monday.星期一。可用来表示节日。如:New Year's Day is January 1st.新年是1月1日。可用来表示路程。如:New York is 11 days from here by ship.从这里到纽约坐船要11天。可用来表示"白天,白昼",与night相对。如:My uncle works at night and sleeps during the day.我叔叔晚上工作,白天睡觉。  相似文献   

说一说问号狗:Hi!My dear friends,do you brush your teeth everyday?大眼兔:Yes.I brush it twice a day,morning and night.  相似文献   

英语中的对偶词语,形式上严格对称。这些词语如用得好,可以使语言生色。现在举出一些例子,供同学们欣赏。1. back and forth或前或后,来来回回The tiger is pacing back and forth in the cage.They discussed it back and forth, without getting very far.2. backwards and forwards来回This train goes backwards and forwards between the two towns.3.black and white白纸黑字,书面的I want this agreement in black and white as soon as possible.4.day and night日日夜夜  相似文献   

Online Branches     
Many people dislike walking to the bank and standing in long lines. They are dissatisfied with their bank's limited hours, too. They want to do some banking at night, and on weekends. For such people, their problems may soon be over. Before long, they may be able to do their banking from their own home of the day, any day of the week.  相似文献   

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