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地图是国家版图的主要表现形式,是国家主权和领土完整的象征,体现了国家在主权方面的意志和在国际社会中的政治、外交立场。近年来,社会各领域对地图的需求越来越大。我国每年出版地图2000多种,印数达3亿多册(幅)。但是,在地图编制和使用过程中,却出现了许多带有严重政治性问题的地图产品,如将中国版图随意变形,或者漏绘我国重要岛屿,或者错绘国界线,更有甚者,把台湾表示为独立国家。这些"问题地图"不仅损害了消费者  相似文献   

最近,国务院批转外交部、国家测绘局关于重申绘制中国全图和广东省地图时必须包括南海诸岛的请示的文件中指出,近几年来在一些报刊插图以及用于电影电视、橱窗展览和商业广告上的中国示意图中,不时出现对我国疆域和国界线的错误画法,其中最突出的是漏绘我国南海诸岛.这种地图有的甚至还刊登在外国的刊物上.此类地图虽然只占少数,但问题严重,应该引起我  相似文献   

罗玲  宋晓林  张世奎 《编辑学报》2015,27(5):437-440
插图是科技期刊的重要组成部分,中国地图是科技论文中典型且常见的插图类型.中国地图的绘制在注意规范性和科学性的同时,更要注意可能影响国家利益的重大政治性问题.总结科技期刊中中国地图的常见问题,主要包括领土缺失,界线错误,香港、澳门特别行政区和台湾省相关问题等.指明常见错误并分析其原因,提出处理对策和绘图的注意事项;同时,对作者、编辑部和出版管理部门提出相应建议.  相似文献   

编制出版中国地图必须遵循的九项原则   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
地图具有科学性、艺术性,还有很强的政治性。为了保证地图的出版质量,维护国家的主权、安全和利益,提高地图为经济建设、社会发展和人民生活服务的效用,在编制出版中国地图时应遵循以下九大原则:从事测绘活动的单位必须取得相应的测绘资质,地图在出版、展示前必须报送国家测绘地理信息管理等部门审核批准,地图内容必须遵守国家的保密法律法规,必须保持中国图形的完整,必须保证中国国界线的正确,必须维护祖国的和平统一,必须注意我国重要岛屿的表示,必须正确表示我国首都和省级行政区域界线,必须正确表示香港、澳门特别行政区。  相似文献   

国家测绘局从1997年1月1日起施行《地图审核管理办法》。该《办法》对在电视、报刊、广告中使用地图作了相应规定,归纳为以下几点:一、使用绘有国界线的地图,跨省、自治区、直辖市行政区域的地图,台湾、香港、澳门地区地图,历史地图、世界地困、对事宣传地图,要送国家测绘局审核。二、使用省、自治区、直辖市行政区域的地方性地图,送使用单位所在省、自治区、直辖市人民政府管理测绘工作部门审核。三、图书、报刊、影视、广告标牌等中使用的地图(含示意性地图),是使用中国地图出版社最新编制出版的系列比例尺标准地理底图填绘专题…  相似文献   

地图是图书编辑过程中经常遇到的,也是最容易出错的地方,错误主要表现在地图的漏绘、错绘以及地名的错标.这是未按规定履行送审程序和不规范的二次加工处理导致的.图书编辑一定要按照国家相关规定严格履行地图的送审程序,并谨慎处理地图的二次加工,切实保护地图的著作权.  相似文献   

随着新的中小学国家课程标准的颁布,许多机构、出版部门纷纷加入到课程标准实验教科书的编制中。《历史》、《地理》等教科书及其配套图书中需大量使用地图,而许多编写者和出版者以前从未编写、出版过含有地图的教学图书,对教学图书中使用地图的认识不到位,致使出现错误,甚至出现政治性问题。笔者在这里就教学图书中使用地图需要注意的几个问题进行阐述,以供参考。一、使用地图要精益求精地图能容纳和储存的信息量十分巨大,是空间信息的理想载体,它可以确立事物的正确空间图像,并建立事物间的相关关系,组成整体、全局的概念。它在表达各种专…  相似文献   

赵琳  张莉  张广萌 《编辑学报》2022,34(1):7-10
在我国英文科技期刊"做大做强"的当下,政治性问题不容忽视.英文科技期刊作者政治背景和论文政治信息来源错综复杂,政治性问题隐而不显.本文从地图、涉港澳台、国际关系、保密等方面分析了英文科技期刊政治性问题表现形式,并提出防范举措,旨在强化政治性风险防控,提升编辑政治敏锐性,服务期刊高质量发展.  相似文献   

编辑要具有政治家思维   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
孙申 《编辑之友》2005,(3):44-45
编辑工作是政治性、思想性很强的工作,对于提供有益的精神养料,防止精神污染,负有重大的社会责任.因而,编辑的政治思想水平的高低至关重要.近些年来,分析一些新闻出版物中出现的政治思想错误,原因在于编辑的政治思想观念薄弱,不重视提高政治思维能力.尽管编辑工作也是科学性、专业性很强的工作,但其中的政治性、思想性却是万万不能忽略的.所以,笔者深感作为编辑应懂得政治家的谋略,要具有政治家思维,以防在政治方面犯这样那样的错误.  相似文献   

本文从历史教辅编辑政治敏感性的必要性、历史教辅书中容易出现政治性错误的内容,以及如何避免政治性错误这三个方面初步论述了历史教辅编辑具备政治敏感性的重要性,及避免政治性错误的方法.  相似文献   

This essay reconstitutes Benjamin Franklin's characteristic political style as a particular inflection of liberal irony, arguing for a way of speaking today that checks arrogance with humility and attempting to unlock the psychosocial economy of political enjoyment implicit in this rhetoric. To do so, the essay traverses four bodies of discourse (including recent political thinking about civic character, Franklin's oratory in 1787 at the constitutional convention, passages from his letters, and an excerpt from his autobiography) in order to extract strategies for managing situations in which democracy becomes prone to the enjoyments of terror and tyranny.  相似文献   

This study's purpose is twofold: to introduce a new format into existing political entertainment research (“serious” political talk shows) and to establish a more specific definition of entertainment in a political context. To do so, the authors rely on a two-process-model of entertainment experiences. A telephone survey (N = 230) was conducted to analyze the antecedents and consequences of eudaimonic and hedonic entertainment experiences and to look into politically relevant variables and their distribution among viewers and nonviewers of such talk shows. The results highlight the importance of introducing new entertainment concepts and their relations to other relevant political and motivational variables into the research of political entertainment. More specifically, the findings demonstrate how entertainment experiences contribute to viewers' feeling of being informed and point out several differences between viewers and nonviewers concerning their internal political efficacy and political interest. Finally, looking at political talk shows from an audience perspective extends previous content-based taxonomies.  相似文献   

Experts claim that the world is increasingly polarized by emerging social media platforms. The political actors amplify the polarization through their agents' user-generated content. The extreme political ideologies sway the people sitting on the fence on these social media platforms. Using tweets on a recent policy change on identity in India, the present study seeks to perform a scientific analysis of the polarization of the debates within ordinary citizens' groups from a theoretical lens. We further highlight some of the crucial trends that triggered these polarized discussions in general. Through the lens of Echo chambers and Herd behavior, this study provides valuable insights surrounding the influencers and individuals involved in this discussion where the polarization of preferences is witnessed. Proposing a novel design of a root-level influencer, this study establishes them as polarization actors on a social media platform (Twitter). Through various engagement metrics, we also identify the role of targeted communication (hashtags) and similarity in the users' discussion across the political domain as potential behavioral explanations for opinion polarization on Twitter.  相似文献   

王丽  詹洪春 《编辑学报》2013,25(2):112-114
在多媒体发展迅速和国内外学术期刊稿源竞争加剧的情势下,重视和发挥学术期刊的新闻属性,强化新闻报道是提升杂志知名度和吸引力、促进学术期刊新发展的有效途径之一;传播科学知识,提高国民科学素质是我国学术期刊不可推卸的责任,也有利于增强学术期刊的可读性。文章探讨强化学术期刊新闻报道和科普作用的必要性及措施,以期为学术期刊界带来一些有益的思考。  相似文献   

在大数据环境下,科技文献等各类数据爆炸式增长,却难以提供快捷和有效的科技文献服务,究其原因,主要在于科技文献资源组织没有考虑科技文献用户阅读行为。分析国内外用户阅读行为,不仅要对科技文献用户阅读行为进行分析,更重要的是对科技文献阅读用户行为知识进行组织和分析,才能为科技文献服务提供支撑。文章以提高科技文献知识服务的效率为目标,以科技文献用户阅读行为为研究对象,从知识组织角度分析科技文献用户阅读行为知识,借助大数据分析方法,对用户阅读行为知识组织的准备、获取、关联分析以及服务等组织过程,总体架构科技文献阅读行为知识组织模型,并把用户阅读行为分析融入到科技文献的知识组织和服务过程中,将用户阅读行为信息升华为用户知识需求,最终指导知识提供部门为用户提供有效的科技文献知识服务。  相似文献   

布莱兹·帕斯卡于1642年发明了一种机械式计算机,它是世界上第一台获得专利的计算机。帕斯卡独创了跳锤装置,使该机器可以自动进位,又发明了补码机制,使计算机在齿轮只能单向转动的情况下,仍能进行减法运算。帕斯卡正确预见到,在未来的机器发明中,科学理论将扮演越来越重要的作用。本文基于17—18世纪的早期文献,详细讨论了帕斯卡计算机的研发经过、机械结构、操作方法,阐明了其历史意义。  相似文献   

As the use of popular music in political campaigns has skyrocketed, so have complaints by musical artists who do not want their songs associated with candidates they do not support. Recently, musical artists have asserted that this constitutes trademark infringement by falsely suggesting that they endorse a candidate. Relying on court decisions and statutes, this article analyzes song-based performer trademarks and whether campaign's uses of music constitute infringement. Ultimately, this article concludes that typically musical compositions and sound recordings cannot be used as performer trademarks and, in any event, political uses would not amount to infringement.  相似文献   

托卡马克装置是一种实现可控核聚变的大型科学实验装置,被认为是最有潜力和希望获取新能源的方式之一。本文对中国科学技术馆展出的中国首台托卡马克实验装置CT-6进行介绍,从其历史背景、技术参数、构造原理和研发过程等方面,逐一揭示其中的细节以及不为大众知悉的研发故事,总结分析CT-6取得成功的原因,结合CT-6展示挖掘大科学装置在博物馆科普展览方面的重要作用,为研究中国可控核聚变早期发展历程和相关大科学装置展示提供参考。  相似文献   

This study explored citizens' political involvement, their attention to candidates ' issue stands or personal qualities, and their evaluations of the relevance of different sources of information to political decision making. A telephone survey of a random sample (N = 420) of registered voters in a Southwestern city indicated that involvement did not associate with evaluations of the relevance of newspapers or television news to political decision making and negatively associated with evaluations of the relevance of advertising to political decision making. In addition, respondents ' attention to candidates 'personal qualities positively associated with evaluations of advertising relevance to political decision making, whereas their attention to candidates ' issue stands positively associated with their evaluations of the relevance of interpersonal communication to political decision making. These results suggest that involved voters receive little benefit from political advertisements, whereas voters who attend to candidate images find them informative. Interpersonal communication is an especially important source of election information for highly involved voters and for voters who attend to candidate issues.  相似文献   

This paper aims to investigate the level of civility of Indonesians' political discussions on Facebook. Civility, which has always been an important concept in online political discussion, is particularly significant when there is diversity of opinions and disputation. While previous studies have focused more upon factors such as anonymity's role and its relevance to civility, this paper proposes two further important factors: (1) diversity of opinion and disagreement in discussion and (2) the cultural context of the country and how it determines civility and politeness in online debate. Qualitative content analysis of Indonesians' political discussions on Facebook revealed that polarized political views and the people's politeness culture were two significant factors underpinning the high level of civility in political discussion.  相似文献   

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