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ed. forum 1 : Why won't my son go to school? Q. At 8:30 every morning my nine-year-old son says: I don't want to go to school today. There is no obvious reason. I think he would just prefer to stay at home and do as he please. I tell him that he has to go to school, he argues, and we both end up annoyed (2). How can I handle it better?  相似文献   

It is almost known to all that smoking is bad for people’s health.Smoking can lead to heart disease,cancers and so on.There are 2.5 millions1people dying from smoking every year.Still,many people find it difficult to stop smoking.One reason is that smoking usually become2a habit,which is not easy to be given up.Another reason is the effect of nicotine,which is contained in tobacco.Measures has3been taken to help people reduce the harm of smoking.In many cities,  相似文献   

[原句1] I think there will be more pollution. (P.3) [考点] There_______a football match tomorrow. (2004四川眉山) A.has B.is going to have C.are going to be D.is going to be [解析]选D。一般将来时用在there be句型中时,be going to或will之后的动词原形只能用be,而不能用have,也就是说要用there is (are)going to be…/there will be…而不用there is(are)going to have…/there will have…[原句2]It seems that everyone loves to bow!(P.8)  相似文献   

1.-Mum,I'm going to visit my aunt. What about a week?-A week is too long. Try to be back in a of days.A. number B. dozen C. couple D. score2.-Don't look down upon Bob. He has his own advantages.-Oh, yes. others are weak, he is strong.A.Where B.When C.Though D.If3.-It's said that "Traffic" is an exciting film.-I it yet. I hope to see it soon.A. didn't see B. hadn't seen C. don't see D. haven't seen  相似文献   

Ⅰ.单项选择1.I prefer watching TV to______music every day.A.listen to B.listen C.listening to D.listening2.I’d like to trek______the jungle.A.through B.across C.over D.on3.My money is not the only thing______is missing.A.which B.that C.who D.whose4.I hate people______talk much but do little.A.who B.that C.which D.whose5.Do you know what______?A.his favorite song is B.is his favorite songC.his favorite song D.his most favorite song is6.I like the music that I can sing______.A.with al…  相似文献   

What Is Shyness?     
People often talk as if shyness is a disease or mental condition that can be cured. I prefer to think of it as an emotional disability. It's something we are born with and something we carry with us in our entire life. There are too many people, however, …  相似文献   

Dear Friends,If this planet is to survive, it is imperative(必需的,必要的) that we find pathsto peace. It seems obvious that among persons and nations of good will, peace wouldbe an easy destination to reach. Yet our world has had a history of war and violencefrom the beginning to the present. Why war and not peace? What are the impedi-ments(障碍) to peace? I hope that we can try to deal with some of these questions in futurecolumns. They are many and complex.  相似文献   

两道中考题是这样的:1.Could you show us_____a bike?(山东济南)A.how to mend B.what to buyC.where to go D.how many to buy2.There are so many beautiful presents inthe shop that I don’t know_____.(重庆)A.which one to chooseB.to choose which oneC.which to choose oneD.to choose one which  相似文献   

[知识与技能]阅读下列对话,注意与旅行相关的语句:(1)A:Where are you going for your vacation? 你去哪儿度假?B:I’d like to go to Taiyuan. How about you? 我想去太原,你呢?A:I haven’t decided, but I prefer Datong. 我还没决定,不过我想去大同。B:I went there last summer. It’s worth seeing. 去年夏天我去过,值得一看。(2)A:Excuse me,could you tell me where it is on the map? 对不起,你能告诉我它在地图上是什么位置?B:Oh,It’s here.This is Wuyi Road. 噢,在这儿,这是五一路。A:Co…  相似文献   

测试时间:120分钟总分:100分! I. 语言知识应用( 共15小题, 每小题1分, 满分15分) ( )1. In this village, many people are cutting down the trees. So there are trees than before. A. few B. fewer C. little ( )2. I like music. I want to be a singer. I wish my dream can . A. come down B. come up C. come true ( )3. In winter, many people like to go on the ice. A. swim B. swimming C. skating ( )4. When my father met my mother the first time, he fell in love her. A. to B. with C. before ( )5. I twent…  相似文献   

Nowadays, drug taking has been a serious social problem. According to the data gathered by the World Health Organization, there are about 300 million drug addicts in the world, and 66% of them are teenagers.Why do so many people take drugs? I think the main reason is that they know little about narcotics. And most of them are very curious about strange things, especially the youth. They try to taking drugs just for fun at the beginning, and then they will addict to heroin soon. In the end, they will  相似文献   

句法复习,常考话题 I. 历年真题 1. — There is some soup on the table, isn’t ______? — No, I think that’s water. (2006 武汉市) A. there B. it C. that D. one 2. — When can I find Jack? — He ______ the post office. (2006 孝感市) A. has been to B. had been to C. has gone to D. had gone to 3. — How about going for a walk outside? — ______. (2006 江西) A. I would be B. I like C. I do D. I’d like to 4. — What does the lady look like? — ______(. 2006 浙江) A. She’s fine and well B.…  相似文献   

Unit17 Great womenⅠ.单项填空1.It has often been said that life is difficult.A.as it is B.so it isC.as is it D.so as is2.Sandy could do nothing but to his teacher that he was wrong.A.admit B.admitted C.admitting D.to admit3.You do your homework before watching TV.A.are going to B.are about toC.are to D.will4.—What ever has him today?Tom has never been late for class.—But he hasnRt turned up yet,the meeting has been on for half anhour!A.happen to B.come aboutC.become of D.occurred5.…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词汇。 A)根据句意及首字母提示完成下列单词。 1. Jack got many p____ on his birthday. 2. That story was very i____; it made us laugh. 3. The man is very s____. He doesnEt do anything like others. 4. I r____ her letter yesterday morning. 5. There were so many nice things here that I couldnEt decide which one to c____ to give my mom as a birthday gift. B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。 1. I want to make ____(friend) with you. 2. What are those ____(child) doing over there? 3. LetEs listen to his…  相似文献   

Unit 7 Ⅰ.根据句意及首字母填单词 1.I don't like the place that is t . 2.“To be p ”is the sound of the people all over the world. 3.Fare important to both men and ani- mals.We should protect(保护 )them . 4.There are m any t in som e places ofgreat interest(名胜古迹 ). 5.There are many beautiful flowers on boths of the street. Ⅱ.单项选择 ( )1.—Where would you like to visit? —I hope to go to France . A .someday B.some day C.some days D .somedays ( )2.I'm sorry to you,butcan you tell me t…  相似文献   

Unit 5 Ⅰ. 单项选择 A. 课本知识 1. His bad health is a great for him to get a well-paid job. A. advantage B. error C. disadvantage D. fault 2. Listening to music has a calming on her. A. cause B. influence C. reason D. result 3. We are working hard to the lost time. A. make to B. make up for C. set up D. make into 4. Most children are excited about the of Children"s Day. A. come B. arrive C. appreciate D. approach 5. —I"m very with my own cooking. —It looks nice and smells delicious…  相似文献   

Unit 13 Healthy eatingⅠ.单项填空1.The reason his going to France was he got a new job there.A.for;because B.for;thatC.of;because D.of;that2.He had a fall yesterday.Today his right leg.A.still hurts B.is still hurtC.was hurt D.has been hurt3.The paper parcel a clean shirt,socks and a handkerchief.A.covered B.contained C.including D.owned4.My sister advised me that I the invitation.A.accepting B.accepted C.accept D.to accept5.I the boy to save money,but he would not listen to me.A.hope…  相似文献   

(满分:100分)Ⅰ.听力。(20分)A)听力辨图:根据你所听到的内容,选择相对应的图片。(共5小题,每小题1分)1._____2._____3._____4._____5._____B)情景反应:根据你所听到的句子,选择最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分)6.A.It’s on the desk.B.Yes,it is.C.I am Jim.7.A.No,he has.B.Yes,he does.C.Yes,he hasn’t.8.A.How are you?B.How do you do?C.I’m fine,thank you.9.A.Yes,I have.B.Yes,I do.C.Yes,there is.10.A.Yes,they are.B.Yes,he is.C.Yes,she is.C)对话理解:根据你所听到的对话及针对该对话提出的问题,选择能回答该问题的最佳答案。(共5小题,每小题1分)11.A.No,it isn’t.B.Yes,it’s.C.Yes,it is.12.A.Yes,it is.B.Yes,that is.C.It is.13.A.In the desk.B.Under the...  相似文献   

1.W e m etsuch a difficultproblem none ofus could work out.(work后面加it)A.that B.w hich C.and D.as2.This is one of the film s that greatly interested us.(one前面加the或only)A.has B.is C.are D.have3.Is this the m useum they are going to visit tom orrow?(去掉the)A.where B.that C.there D.the one4.H e s very tall,we allknow it.(去掉it)olenA.and B.that C.as D.this5.I saw the sam e film you lastw eek.(you后面加did)A.as B.w hich C.that D.×6.fail to finish the task should be criticized.(fail…  相似文献   

第Ⅰ卷(共70分) 一、听力理解(本题共20分,每小题1分) A)在下列每小题内,你将听到一个句子并看到供选择的四个句子。找出与你所听到的那个在意思上最接近的答案。 1. A. I lost my book,but I found it. B. My book is lost. C. Someone has found my book. D. I'll never lose my book. 2. A. He is hungry. B. He is glad. C. He is tired. D. He is sleepy. 3. A. I'll be back in twenty minutes. B. It's twenty minutes past five. C. It will take you twenty minutes to go there by bike. D. I have ridden a bike for twenty minutes. 4. A. They are old. B. They are old enough.  相似文献   

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