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In June 2004, a grand photo exhibition entitled Humanistic China: A Documentary Perspective was held in the National Art Museum of China (NAMOC). The exhibition, co-presented by NAMOC and Guangdong Museum of Art andthemed on “humanistic China, individualistic China”, displayed 592 choice works which were selected from more than 100,000 photos shot by some 1,000 photographers in the past half century.  相似文献   

第四届中国国际画廊博览会即将开幕;陌生人约会:中国当代艺术展;中国惟一四合院美术馆将建成;俄罗斯“严峻现实主义”大师萨拉索夫作品展;当代中国工笔画精品展。[第一段]  相似文献   

“Flower and Dust: Zhang Yaohui's Traveling Solo Exhibition”, organized by China International Exhibition Agency, was displayed in National Art Museum of China in Beijing from June 13 to 20.  相似文献   

Woodprint is pronounced“Shiangba”in the Tibetan language.Shiangba features its own distinctive style,which makes it different from other forms of woodprint.Not long ago,an exhibition on Shiangba works was held in the National Art Museum of China(NAMOC),  相似文献   

MoMA,是纽约现代艺术博物馆英全称的字头缩写,即简称。熟悉它的人叫惯了,懒得说全名Museum of Modern Art。MoMA,在了解现当代艺术的人群中,声名显赫,如雷贯耳,但要以为那里是整天飘着香水脂粉气的有钱人的去处,或尽是长头发奇装异服先锋艺术家在那里碰头,那可错了,MoMA早已是很世俗的地方。  相似文献   

An exhibition on rubbings from Han Dynasty painting masterpieces, entitled “A Vigorous Art”, was held in May in the Military Museum of Chinese People’s Revolution in Beijing. The masterful exhibits illustrated the vigorous and bold aspect of the Chinese culture, demonstrating no traces of feminism, frailty or conservativeness.  相似文献   

美术馆是国家社会文化建设中视觉艺术发展必不可少的重要一环,它与喧闹的艺术博览会、商业运作的画廊与拍卖会目的不同,具有更深的学术超然性。当代的城市美术馆不仅是单纯的艺术品展示场所,也具有典藏保存、研究整理以及社教休闲等功能,同时兼具都会发展、文化创意等多边作用,更成为美化环境、带动地方观光产业及社区活力的人文生态演练场所。但是,以往传统美术馆设立和经营的理念,经常陷入“大就是好”的歧途。在大多经典名作名花有主、新作价值尚未获得共识的情况下,那些历史较短的美术馆即使有钱也未必能够收藏到著名艺术家的代表性作品。  相似文献   

On June 6, Xi'an Qujiang Cultural Tourism Co., Ltd. held a ceremony to release its new book “Evaluation and Research: Habitat Setting of Qujiang New Area” at Overseas Chinese Art Gallery in Xi'an. This book is the second collection of View Point Series of Qujiang Cultural Tourism planned and compiled by Qujiang Institute of Cultural Tourism (QICT), following its first collection “Cultural and Historic Theme Attractions in China: Case Study and Analysis of Tourist Behaviors”.  相似文献   

以汇集全球知名画廊和艺术机构为特色的“艺术北京”博览会将于9月6~9日,在北京农业展览馆举办。今届博览会仍以“中国当代艺术”、“完整亚洲,关注全球”、“学术与商业并重”、“公共教育与社会责任”为核心,中外重要画廊代理的中国当代艺术家的作品仍是该展主要部分。除两岸三地代表画廊外,今届还邀请韩国、日本、印度、中东的重要画廊参展,由此打造其亚洲艺术重镇的基础。未来的“艺术北京”将努力维持中国画廊50%,亚洲画廊30%,欧美画廊20%的惯例。  相似文献   

于涛 《世界文化》2011,(7):26-27
于2010年年度在纽约现代艺术博物馆(The Museum of Modern Art)举行的抽象表现主义艺术作品展刚刚于今年4月下旬结束,由此人们对抽象主义艺术有了更多了解。  相似文献   

The imposing oil painting “Bonaparte Crossing the AIps at Grand-Saint- Bernard Pass” by French portraitist Jacques-Louis David, Antoine-Francois Dezarrois' chalcographic rendition of Leonardo da Vinci's mysterious “Mona Lisa”, and soul-stirring streetscapes of Paris over the last century captured by master photographers such as Henri Cartier-Bresson and Marc Riboud have been shipped to the National Art Museum of China in downtown Beijing, to the delight of art lovers.  相似文献   

旁观中国当代艺术界近年来开过的会议,最大的变化是以前的主题多是艺术批评理论的争辩,现在则转变为对艺术生态的议论——如艺术和媒体、艺术创作和市场的关系……之前,何香凝美术馆举办过中国当代艺术生态学术论坛;今年初,深圳再次出现类似的论坛——“第三届深圳美术馆论坛”暨“首届雅昌艺术论坛”。深圳美术馆两年一次的论坛,从2003年开始已举办两届;第三届则与雅昌企业集团合办。  相似文献   

From April 13 to 25, “Her Colorful Space: The 8th International Women Artists Exhibition for Beijing 2008” will take place in the National Art Museum of China. 146 women artists from 17 countries will display their latest creations from different perspectives and in various styles, which express their common aspirations for peace. The exhibition will be co-organized by the Chinese People's Association for Friendship with Foreign Countries,  相似文献   

2007年10月,纽约苏富比秋拍会上张晓刚的早期作品《创世篇·一个共和国的诞生》和《血缘:同志》,分别以2372.31万元和2071.635万元成交。当代艺术品拍卖市场的“疯狂”,刺激众多画廊纷纷开业,北京798、草场地、观音堂等地,聚集大大小小上千家画廊。记者在“2008艺术北京”采访中发现,急速发展的中国画廊业急功近利地追求经济利益的风气浓厚,一、二级市场次序颠倒,作为二级市场的艺术品拍卖公司“越俎代庖”,挤压着一级市场画廊的空间,加上国外画廊的纷纷进入,使许多画廊开业不久便“关门大吉”。  相似文献   

美国国家画廊于去年10月1日至今年1月6日为泰纳(Turner,1775~1851)这位伟大的风景画家做了一次完整全面的回顾展,主办者借调英国泰德美术馆86件精品,其他的则来自世界各地博物馆的收藏。共展出140件,一半油画,一半是水彩和素描,涵盖泰纳一生的创作,规模之大是其前所未有的。  相似文献   

“The Image of China: Exhibition of Contemporary Chinese Painting and sculpture” was recently on view at the National Art Museum of China, following its display at the Grand Palace in Paris this March, as an event celebrating the 50th anniversary of the establishment of China-France diplomatic ties. The exhibition displays contemporarv works by 61 Chinese ink painters and 21 sculptors, representing the greatest achievements o[ the Chinese art communitv and dynamics of contemporary China.  相似文献   

苏州两画廊申报“诚信画廊”;希克作品可能归还中国?;火炬北京传递纪念封发售;收藏价值凸显的当代陶艺;瑞士藏家意外买达·芬奇真迹;达·芬奇许多发明抄袭中国?;《平安兴隆》现盛世中国。  相似文献   

中国首度奖励出口文化产品;泰特美术馆参观者陷入“裂缝”;浙江良渚古城开始“四面开掘”;赵亮获电影节“金气球奖”;百余名摄影师反盗版  相似文献   

第26届“拱”之大展(ARCO)于今年2月在马德里登场,271家画廊来自30个国度,其中22家的亚洲画廊远远多于去年的14家。当2006年“拱”之大展在西方渐具影响并于全球化趋势中、在艺术潮流的推波助澜及艺术市场的巨大潜力背景下.亚洲连同拉丁美洲,共同建构起今年“拱”之大展国际化策略的重要轴心。参加今年“拱”之大展的韩国画廊15家,中国画廊5家及1家以色列画廊和1家首次参展的伊朗画廊。[第一段]  相似文献   

外资画廊布局中国 最近,一个名为“Pace北京”的画廊在798艺术区开业。作为纽约最重要、也是全球顶级画廊的佩斯·威尔斯滕,“Pace北京”是其北京分店。  相似文献   

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