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Web-based homework (WBH) Technology can simplify the creation and grading of assignments as well as provide a feasible platform for assessment testing, but its effect on student learning in business statistics is unknown. This is particularly true of the latest software development of Web-based tutoring agents that dynamically evaluate individual students' skill level and purport to respond with appropriate, targeted teaching to improve learning efficiency. In this article, we compare traditional, textbook-based homework assignments with three systems of WBH for undergraduate business statistics courses: ALEKS, PH Grade Assist, and custom-made online quizzes in Blackboard. These systems represent a range of media from artificial intelligence–based tutoring to instructor-controlled objective testing. Using a common assessment test, we compare the performance of students taught with these different systems. Our study finds, as we anticipated, that student performance depends significantly upon teacher experience and student academic competence. Once these factors are controlled for, however, the technique used to deliver homework makes little difference in student success. In contrast to other published research, we do not find any advantage to automated tutoring and identify some limitations of this approach based on both instructor and student feedback.  相似文献   

浅谈师范教育中的弹性学习   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
师范教育的发展制约教育事业的发展,是整个教育事业发展的关键环节。师范教育应该积极创建弹性学习环境,促进学生弹性学习,发展认知弹性,从而培育出适合未来教育发展需要的新型合格教师。  相似文献   

应用型本科院校概率论与数理统计教学研究   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
对应用型本科院校如何进行概率论与数理统计教学以培养应用型高水平人才进行探索研究,提出应改变"重理论,轻应用"和"重概率,轻统计"的思想,并建议在概率论与数理统计教学中引入概率统计发展史教学、案例教学,融入数学建模思想,开展实验教学,培养学生的应用能力.  相似文献   

As universities extend their distance education offerings to reach more time‐ and place‐bound students, the degree to which online students are successful, as compared to their classroom counterparts, is of interest to accreditation review boards and others charged with assessment. Teaching faculty use information about the effectiveness of their instruction to evaluate and improve the learning experience. By comparing persistence and performance measures from the author's five semesters of online and traditional sections of a required undergraduate business statistics course, this paper provides evidence that while there are significant differences in persistence between the two cases, accomplishment of the learning objectives, as measured by the final grade in the course for those students who persist, is independent of the mode of instruction.  相似文献   

学习系统的形式化建模研究现状与评析   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:1  
学习系统的形式化建模目前主要有两种思路:从学习资源的角度建模和结合过程、资源的学习系统建模,对于前者该文介绍了一些国际/国内组织或机构关于学习对象元数据标准的研究成果;对于后者该文重点介绍了ITT(Instruction Transaction Theory)、教育建模语言和IMS学习设计规范的研究思想,对于有关的研究成果该文都做了相应的评述。  相似文献   

教育领域一直以评价和采用交互创新技术为先驱,这些交互创新技术为教育技术专家探索计算机辅助的教学提供了实践的土壤"。替代性世界"(Alternative worlds)是完全实时的、高保真的、用户高度介入的学习环境。其特点是具有丰富的环境、丰富的接口、操作驱动和有效应用于教与学"。替代性世界"在混合式学习中可以冲破传统教育屏障,拓展教师和学习者角色,为学习者提供时间和空间的便利,实现终身学习"。替代性世界"学习环境是一个新的研究领域,它为专注于人机交互、社会网络和虚拟现实的教育技术专家开拓了新方向和新空间。  相似文献   

Modern software practices call for the active involvement of business people in the software process. Therefore, programming has become an indispensable part of the information systems component of the core curriculum at business schools. In this paper, we present a model‐based approach to teaching introduction to programming to general business students. The theoretical underpinnings of the new approach are metaphor, abstraction, modeling, Bloom's classification of cognitive skills, and active learning. We employ models to introduce the basic programming constructs and their semantics. To this end, we use statecharts to model object's state and the environment model of evaluation as a virtual machine interpreting the programs written in JavaScript. The adoption of this approach helps learners build a sound mental model of the notion of computation process. Scholastic performance, student evaluations, our experiential observations, and a multiple regression statistical test prove that the proposed ideas improve the course significantly.  相似文献   

This article considers the value of flexibility and free choice in learning, and examines the increasing recognition of the evolving and wide range of appropriate environments for learning, such as the workplace, the home, the community, and the virtual world. This ‘Lifeplace Learning’ is compared to the requirements and visions of the European Qualifications Framework and it is shown how this concept is ideally placed to satisfy, not only the European vision of freeing and equalising learning and qualification recognition, but also the goals of including more people in education, allowing for flexible and apposite learning, and the development of graduates who are ‘fit for purpose’. A model of Lifeplace Learning is described that is based on the utilisation of any chosen life place environment for learning, combined with learner negotiated objectives, enabling formal, informal and non-formal learning to be recognised through assessment, and by the awarding of credit where this is appropriate. The model has, at its core, the development of competence in independent judgement, critical thinking, personal autonomy and reflective practice. It is concluded that, as traditional learning models deprive learners of a personal, autonomous and negotiated approach to learning (without which learners fail to develop critical competence in exercising independent judgment and critical thought considered essential and core to personal and professional development) and as Europe is striving to increase the recognition of many types of learning and ease transitions across national boundaries, this model could be an effective way forward to resolve the former and achieve the latter.  相似文献   

利用开放教育资源推进终身学习   总被引:8,自引:0,他引:8  
2001年,麻省理工学院(MIT)启动了“开放课件“(OCW)计划.这是一项耗时多年、规模浩大的工程.该项目依托互联网,旨在免费提供麻省理工学院全部的电子课程材料.休利特基金会(the William and Flora Hewlett Foundation)慷慨解囊资助了目前几乎所有的开放课件计划和项目,已成为开放教育资源运动中的决定性因素.另一个具有决定性的因素就是联合国教科文组织(UNESCO),是它敏锐意识到了开放教育资源的重大意义,尤其是对发展中国家而言,所以成功推动了开放教育资源运动的发展.2006年,由休利特基金会资助的欧洲开放教育资源三大计划掀起了开放教育资源运动的新浪潮.互联网上免费提供专为自主学习设计的优质学习材料,而非大学教师的传统教学材料,体现了开放教育资源的额外附加值.本文阐述了欧洲三大计划及其特征,这些计划都是以开放和灵活的方式推进终身学习,也是达成里斯本战略目标中关于提高劳动力教育水平的必要条件.三大计划的另一个有待探讨的问题是,开放教育资源这一革命性的运动改变了潜在的商业和市场模式,但是开放教育资源的可持续性发展问题却成了人们的关注点.同时,这三个项目的一些具体特征也受到了特别的关注:英国的计划课程规模相对较大,过程中的基础和重点放在技术、非正规协作学习、社区的研究和评价方面;荷兰的计划致力于正规和非正规学习的衔接、国家有关政府额外拨款资助的政策,及相应的效果测量;欧洲远程教育大学协会的计划则针对提升欧洲高等教育普及率、促进多种语言和文化多样性的发展,以及各个国家教育体系在互相承认方面应采取的共同措施.总之,我们正在目睹一个教育范式的转变,这需要我们在谨慎思考的同时,大胆采取相应的行动.  相似文献   

While statistics is an essential topic for business students, many students experience barriers to successful learning due to anxiety, motivation, or difficulty with quantitative understanding. This research examines the use of online videos with an effort to explore the relationship between student characteristics, video usage, and course performance measures. In addition, the study examines student perceptions of the supplemental resources in an effort to examine the efficacy related to student learning and performance. This study seeks to confirm previous research regarding the benefit of supplemental video resources and extend the knowledge base by understanding the impact for various types of students (e.g., level of course, level of previous academic performance, etc.). The study found that the use of the video resources varies based on students’ previous math performance and the difficulty of the material. Student ratings indicate that the videos were helpful in learning the content and that they provided an important resource when students needed additional tools to master the material. Analysis of the results provides implications for understanding how different students use online videos and offers recommendations for educators and researchers about how to enhance student success in difficult statistics coursework.  相似文献   

该文通过对职业教育培养模式中存在的问题及其成因进行分析,根据教学系统设计原理和弹性学习的相关原理,构建了一个弹性学习过程模式,藉此模式给出了职业教育中现存问题的解决策略,以期能够促进职业教育的良性发展。  相似文献   

本文以概率论与数理统计的教学实践为基础,从加强教材建设、激发学习兴趣、采用多种教学方法、引进多媒体教学等四个方面,对《概率论与数理统计》课程的教学提出了几点建议,以此提高教学质量。  相似文献   

The purpose of this article is to explore the key features of flexible learning environments (FLEs). Key principles associated with FLEs are explained. Underlying tenets and support mechanisms necessary for the implementation of FLEs are described. Similarities and differences in traditional learning and FLEs are explored. Finally, strategies and techniques for becoming a successful learner and facilitator in FLEs are presented.Initial ideas for this paper were generated after viewing a presentation created by Marie Jasinski, MindMedia, Douglas Mawson Institute, Adelaide, Australia ().Janette Hill is an Associate Professor in the Department of Educational Psychology and Instructional Technology at The University of Georgia, Athens. She received her Ph.D. from The Florida State University in Instructional Systems. Dr. Hill's research focuses on online learning with adults, specifically exploring issues related to building community and connections with others in virtual environments. Dr. Hill can be reached at janette@uga.edu.  相似文献   

中国在线教育“质量革命”已经到来,以学习者视角的在线学习分析与评估至关重要。该研究基于“学习预备—学习过程—学习结果”的3P分析框架,构建了学习者信息素养、在线学习投入、深度学习动机与策略,以及在线学习绩效各要素之间的在线学习影响因素关系模型,并采用结构方程模型法分析其作用关系和影响效应。研究表明,学习者信息素养对其在线学习投入、在线学习绩效、深度学习动机和策略均具有直接正向影响;在线学习投入对在线学习绩效具有直接正向影响;在线学习绩效对深度学习动机和策略具有直接正向影响;在线学习投入是信息素养与在线学习绩效的中介变量,但未达到关键程度;在线学习绩效是信息素养到深度学习动机和策略的关键中介变量,且对深度学习动机影响力大于深度学习策略。最后,文章提出优化学习者在线学习效果的相关研究建议。  相似文献   

科学评价大学生学习成效是高等教育实现由规模扩张转向内涵发展的关键理论和实践问题.首先构建了以知识学习、能力提升、性格完善为评价维度的大学生学习成效评价指标体系,首次将区间数理论和改进AHP模型引入大学生学习成效评价研究,建立大学生学习成效评价模型,并利用某个大学经济学专业学生学习成效调查的基础数据进行实证研究.实证研究表明,评价模型可以有效应用于大学生学习成效的评价,对大学生学习成效的系统分析具有较高的敏感性、诊断性和科学性,可以为大学生学习成效评价实践提供合理的考核与计量标准.  相似文献   

This article discusses the theory and practice of constructivism and suggests a way to move from the theory into the practice of it.  相似文献   

混合学习的新视野:构建组织的学习与绩效体系   总被引:1,自引:1,他引:0  
组织的学习与绩效体系是组织保持并提高创造力和适应力的源泉,对于组织战略的制定和实施起着重要的支持作用。通过引入工作场所学习的概念拓展了组织中混合学习的内涵,然后基于新的混合学习,构建了组织的学习与绩效体系,该体系包括知识管理、绩效支持、在线培训等。最后从绩效技术的视角审视了该学习与绩效体系的有效性和局限性。  相似文献   

学习设计:信息时代提高学习绩效的关键   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
一方面,信息的快速增长以及不断缩减的知识半衰期使终身学习成为一种生存理念;另一方面,信息时代为人们提供了丰富的学习资源和多样化的通讯交流手段。教学设计只能为人们整个学习经历中的一小部分服务;而学习设计是提高学习者学习质量和学习绩效的保证,因此学习设计概念的提出势在必行。本文从学习设计概念的界定和理论的基本假设入手,阐述学习设计的理论基础以及相关术语,文章着重论述学习设计的一般模式。  相似文献   

In this study, structural equation modeling is applied to examine the determinants of students' satisfaction and their perceived learning outcomes in the context of university online courses. Independent variables included in the study are course structure, instructor feedback, self‐motivation, learning style, interaction, and instructor facilitation as potential determinants of online learning. A total of 397 valid unduplicated responses from students who have completed at least one online course at a university in the Midwest were used to examine the structural model. The results indicated that all of the antecedent variables significantly affect students' satisfaction. Of the six antecedent variables hypothesized to affect the perceived learning outcomes, only instructor feedback and learning style are significant. The structural model results also reveal that user satisfaction is a significant predictor of learning outcomes. The findings suggest online education can be a superior mode of instruction if it is targeted to learners with specific learning styles (visual and read/write learning styles) and with timely, meaningful instructor feedback of various types.  相似文献   

针对讲听式学习的弊端,合作活动学习作为教育硕士课程的一种新的教学样式得以创生,并形成了学生经验驱动型、学科经验驱动型和教师经验驱动型三种具体类型。经过实践探索,合作活动学习效果显著,具有增强学生的研究意识与能力、促进学生的学习投入以及活跃和拓展学生的思维等优势。  相似文献   

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