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郜積意 《中国文化》2006,39(1):85-98
一、小引自劉歆與太常博士之爭始,至何休與鄭玄的《三傳》之分,漢代今、古文學之爭的主題發生了明顯 變化,即從爭立博士官向經義之爭轉變。變化的發 端,肇始於光武世范升和陳元的爭論,而白虎觀會 議《公羊》家李育以義難賈達,也屬於經義之分的範圍 (見下)。衹是兩次爭論的文獻基本亡佚,無法提供具 體的例證。至於何休、鄭玄關於《三傳》的分歧,雖然衹 存留零星史料,卻展示了經義之爭的具體面目,并為 人們理解東漢後期的經學之爭提供了進一步考察的  相似文献   

<正>一我观察到的西方某些学者研究"中国学"的三个新视点中国学术思想要走向世界,也许应对"海外中国学"有所了解。最近阅读了一些这方面的材料,有些想法,很想和大家讨论。但我不是研究"海外中国学"的专家,只是从我的专业(中国哲学)的角度关  相似文献   

On June 28, 2007, approved by the 31st World Heritage Committee held inChristchurch, New Zealand, Kaiping Diaolou and villages were inscribed in the World Heritage List and became the 35th world heritage in China. They were also the first Chinese world heritage that reflects the culture of overseas Chinese. In fact, as early as June 25, 2001,  相似文献   

《春秋》义例的形成及其影响   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
汉代今文家攻驳《左传》不传《春秋》,古文家为强化《左传》的传经性质,努力缔构左传家的义例体系,因此《左传》凡例成为春秋学的研究关注重点。《左传》凡例由《左传》作者采辑相关史料撰成,并成为左传家说解《春秋》大义的义例体系核心。如果从形式上追溯其产生来源,礼例是其直接渊源之一,律例则是秦汉厦其以后春秋家义例体系形成的重要影响因素。  相似文献   


Since its publication in 1986, Yoko Watkins’ So Far from the Bamboo Grove has been used as a textbook by some primary and middle schools in the US. The book is an autobiographical novel about the experiences of a Japanese girl named Yoko who returns to her home country with her mother and sister with an anti‐war and peace message. However, it became the center of attention and was referred to as the Yoko incident when, in January 2007, it became known to the Koreans that the book was being used as a textbook by American students and contained a story about Japanese women raped by Korean men at the end of Japanese colonial rule. It immediately incited outcries from the Korean media and online communities, complaining that any suggestion of the rape of Japanese women by Korean men at the end of Japanese colonial rule is a grave distortion of history and a reversal of the perpetrator and the victim. This paper analyzes how the memory structure of the Koreans regarding colonialism is based on a victim nationalism and how Korean feminism has intervened in the fragmentation and suture of national memory since the 1990s. Furthermore, the paper reveals how American multiculturalism turns a blind eye to, or even promotes, the clashing of collective identities in the age of globalization. The so called Yoko incident illustrates how the competition of East Asian countries for a historical position of ‘victim’ in a battle of memory in the US not only strengthens exclusive nationalism in the area but also connives in ‘Americanization of world justice’.  相似文献   

This paper develops a theoretical framework for examining the acculturation process of immigrants. Focusing on communication variables, it suggests five levels of analysis for assessing acculturation as a continuous rather than dichotomous variable: the speech act level, ritualistic communication, strategic communication, the organization of conversational discourse, and verbal information processing. Examples from research on Chinese communication are utilized to illustrate important differences between Chinese and Americans at each level of analysis. The use of this perspective offers the twofold promise of improving our understanding of “acculturation processes” in general as well as our understanding of the particular everyday communicative actions of immigrant groups. Research on Chinese communication patterns using this perspective will increase our knowledge of Chinese and American interrelations, in addition to providing insight aimed at developing better indices of acculturation of Chinese in the United States.  相似文献   

从长时段的历史观看,所谓“天下未乱蜀先乱,天下已治蜀后治”的流行说法,并不是四川一省所独有的历史景观,更不是四川历史上的治乱规律。历代四川的最高行政长官在治蜀时,除厉行中央方针、政策外,主要是凭借自己的政治智慧和聪明才智,在调查研究的基础上,结合四川的历史与现实,制定相应措施,励精图治,而把着力点大体放在吏治、法治、发展经济文化等几个主要方面。  相似文献   

Exhibition "Charm of Snow and Maple: Canada in Yuk-man Lars Eyes" Takes Place in China  相似文献   

李积庆 《寻根》2010,(2):15-19
<正>清末著名诗人、梅州人黄遵宪在《人境庐诗草·己亥杂诗》中写道:"筚路桃弧辗转迁,南来远过一千年。方言足证中原韵,礼俗犹留三代前。"黄遵宪以其客家人的身份、用诗的语言描述了客家人南迁辗转逾千年,依然保留中原语韵、固守古朴礼俗的事实。行走在赣闽粤客家地区间,所见所闻时常让人不禁发出"礼失求诸野"的感慨。而当我们细数留在客家礼俗  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to analyze the definitions of success and failure (achievement goals) and preferred means to goal attainment (achievement orientations) among male and female Anglo and Mexican-American high school students I athletes in sport and the classroom. Based on a recent conceptualization of achievement motivation, it was assumed that definitions of success and failure could be equated to personal characteristics, behaviors, or outcomes and reflect an emphasis on either effort or ability. Further, it was assumed that there are two major achievement orientations: In one, the means to goal attainment entail social comparison; in the second, goal attainment is processed according to mastery criteria. Results revealed cultural and sex differences in athletic goals. Anglo males were more likely to define sport success in terms of ability while Anglo females and Mexican-American athletes tended to equate athletic success to the demonstration of effort. The reverse was true for sport failure—Anglo males emphasized low effort while the other groups stressed low ability. Variations in preferred achievement orientations were also revealed. For example, in the athletic setting, females showed the least preference for sport success which reflected on the individual and involved social comparison. Males indicated the least preference for individual-oriented, social comparison-based athletic failure.  相似文献   

In the current research, we examined whether promoting an inclusive national ingroup that includes both immigrants and nonimmigrants would improve attitudes toward immigrants and immigration among members of receiving societies. We also determined whether one's nation of citizenship and individual differences in social dominance orientation would moderate the effects. Participants were 126 Canadian students and 282 German students, who completed a measure of social dominance orientation and were then asked to respond to a series of questions designed to heighten the salience of national identity (national identity), promote a national ingroup that includes immigrants (common national ingroup), or irrelevant questions (control). The dependent measures included attitudes toward immigrants and immigration, and subtle prejudice toward immigrants. Results revealed that the manipulation of a common national ingroup successfully promoted more positive attitudes toward immigrants and immigration among higher social dominance oriented Canadian participants, but tended to have detrimental effects on the attitudes of higher social dominance oriented German participants. Results are discussed in terms of the importance of considering the context in which groups are situated, as well as implications for developing strategies to promote harmony between immigrants and members of receiving societies.  相似文献   

The study assessed intergroup acceptance and perception of native Israeli and Russian immigrant students. Fifth- (n = 1,438) and eighth- (n = 851) grade Israeli and Russian students from integrated classes completed a battery of questionnaires, including social acceptance, self-esteem, and an intergroup perception scale which assessed the traits ascribed to the typical Israeli and the typical Russian. A symmetrical pattern of intergroup relations was obtained with each group reporting a higher social acceptance for ingroup-than for outgroup members. In addition, higher self-esteem Israelis revealed a greater outgroup acceptance, whereas higher self-esteem Russians revealed a greater ingroup acceptance. Pertaining to intergroup perception, students of both origins ascribed higher sociability to the typical Israeli than to the typical Russian and better manners to the typical Russian than to the typical Israeli. Members of each group attributed higher scholastic ability to the typical figure of their ingroup vs. their outgroup. Present findings were compared with research addressing immigrants from Middle-Eastern and Western origins. These were discussed in the framework of Taylor and McKirnan's (1984) five-stage model of intergroup relations.  相似文献   

This critique of acculturation research is anchored on an historical examination of the development of acculturation constructs and their operationalizations as psychometric scales. An historical search finds the origins of acculturation in derogatory beliefs about aboriginal and immigrant minorities, finds the old and continuing paradox that acculturation is presumed to improve mental health and to damage mental health, finds the near universal inter-twining of acculturation with mental health issues, and finds that nearly one century of such research has had little utility. Measurements of acculturation by bipolar scales since the 1940s and by unconstrained ipsative scales since the 1970s have confounded the research record. Measurements of acculturative stress by scales designed for mental health screening have confounded dependent and independent variables. More recent measures based on factor analytic sub-scales have confounded acculturative stress with acculturation and with other constructs. This review recommends (a) that acculturation be defined as second-culture acquisition, (b) that acculturative motivations, learning, and changes be conceived, measured, and sometimes studied independently of health issues, (c) that bilineal measures be used, (d) that acculturative stress be discontinued as an intervening variable, and (e) that SES and discrimination always be controlled by covariate methods.  相似文献   

Research indicates that ethnic majority group children show a consistent preference for their ethnic in-group, whereas the ethnic preferences of minority groups are less conclusive. The present study assessed the ethnic attitudes of 5–12-year-old children from an ethnic majority group (59 Anglo-Australian) and a minority group (60 Pacific Islander). Participants rated members of Anglo-Australian, Pacific Islander, and Aboriginal (indigenous Australian) groups. Results revealed that the majority group participants rated the in-group more positively than the two out-groups, with the indigenous out-group being rated less positively. In contrast, the ethnic minority participants rated the in-group and the ethnic majority out-group equally positively, while the Aboriginal out-group was also rated least positively. A preference for in-group neighbours was also displayed by both the ethnic majority and ethnic minority participants, with the Aboriginal out-group again being least preferred as neighbours. The results also revealed that these effects varied with age for the ethnic majority, but not the ethnic minority group participants. The results are discussed in relation to findings on children's ethnic attitudes and intercultural relations.  相似文献   

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