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俄罗斯高校教师发展特点及启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
在近二十年来的变革与实践中,俄罗斯高校教师发展体系逐渐形成集权管理为主,组织机构多样化,培训内容现代化等特点,为提高高校教师质量与俄罗斯高等教育发展提供了重要保障.同时,俄罗斯高校教师发展仍存在专项经费不足,组织机构质量不高,忽视教师个人发展等问题,其成功经验与存在的问题启示我国高校教师培训工作应加强政策与资金的双重保...  相似文献   

大学教师管理制度有效性是指制度能有效规范、引导大学教师的角色行为并为大学教师的发展提供支持,最终达到保证、促进大学组织功能的实现和大学教师自身发展的效果。大学学术型教育组织的组织特性、大学教师的劳动特点和需求特点会制约着大学教师管理制度有效性的实现。保证大学教师管理制度的有效性,需在制度设计中优先保证教育性、学术性目标的实现;要重视大学教师对制度的认知与选择,赋予大学教师制定管理制度的权力;保持制度的伦理性、公正合理性、正义性;保证大学组织和大学教师的共同发展。  相似文献   

Predicting faculty job satisfaction in university departments   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
This study attempts to examine the relationships between several dimensions of organizational climate and faculty job satisfaction in university departments which offer Ph.D. degrees. The three dimensions of organizational climate examined are: power perception, the perceived organizational goals, and the assessment of rewards. The major findings of the study are:(1) Nonresearch perceived organizational goals are by and large weakly related to job satisfaction in both the physical and social sciences. (2) Power perception is a strong determinant of job satisfaction in the social sciences and considerably less dominant in the physical sciences. (3) The assessment of rewards is the strongest predictor of faculty job satisfaction in both the physical and social sciences. The major conclusion of the study is that the organizational climate is one of the keys to understanding faculty job satisfaction. The policy implications of these findings are discussed.  相似文献   

论大学教师的教学责任   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
随着大学功能的扩展,大学教师的责任出现多元化趋势。由于重科研、轻教学的制度与政策导向,大学教师作为研究者的责任不断强化的同时,教学失责问题也不断凸显。实践证明,通过扩展学术的内涵、推动教学学术运动是大学化解教学与科研冲突的有效途径。我国大学教师失责问题是多种因素影响的结果,当务之急是要通过改善大学发展环境、改革教师评价制度、建立有效的管理体制等方面的制度创新来提升大学教师的教学责任。  相似文献   

探究真理是大学的使命,大学教师需要学术自由,大学自治是学术自由的制度保障,教师因此获得管理大学的权利。教师的管理权范围涉及大学的所有事务,考量管理效率、教师以学术为中心、教师对高校管理作用的发挥这三种因素,应该在大学内建立教师和行政人员分工协作的管理体制。建立相关委员会,教师通过参与委员会行使管理大学的职能,委员会具有政策制定权,学校行政部门行使执行权。应该加强制度建设,落实教师的管理权。  相似文献   

This study demonstrates the usefulness of the Markov modeling technique for analysis of alternative faculty personnel policies at a university. The necessary faculty flow model and transition matrix are developed with limited resources and only two years of time-series data. By making adjustments to the input vector (those entering the university) and the transition matrix, faculty personnel policy decisions are simulated and their outcomes, in terms of important faculty characteristics, are determined. Six hiring and retirement policies at a major university are assessed utilizing this procedure. The results that are presented provide an illustration of the nature of the information which can be obtained from this procedure.  相似文献   

大学教师:大学文化的守护者   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
大学教师是大学文化传承与发展的守护者。大学教师不同的大学精神选择对大学文化的守护和传承产生不同的影响和作用,以知识为志业的知识人抉择守护着大学文化,以政治为志业的政治人抉择偏离了大学文化,徘徊于知识人与政治人之间的冲突性角色知觉到了大学的本真文化精神。为守护大学文化,大学教师应该回归本位,实现知识人与政治人角色的整合性认同。  相似文献   

我国高校教师绩效评估的探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校教师的重要性现今已经得到人们的充分肯定,高校教师绩效评估也因此逐步受到人们的重视。但我国的高校教师绩效评估现在还存在诸多的问题,需要采取一系列的措施进行改革,使我国高校教师绩效评估能够具有科学性和公平性,能够使教师的积极性充分的调动起来。  相似文献   

教师是大学生健康成长成才的指导者和引路人,抓好师德教育,是实现大学生思想政治教育效果的关键。加强新时期师德建设应把握好师德的特点,有针对性地开展工作。  相似文献   

教师评议会是美国大学普遍设置的全校范围内教师参与大学治理的机构,东北大学是其中一个颇具特色的案例。透过该校校内各个群体对教师评议会的看法,理想状态下教师评议会的运作机制应是教师与行政人员之间既存在一定的建设性冲突,又互相合作。为此,我们需要重新认识教师评议会在美国大学治理中的作用及其在治理结构中扮演的角色,在现代大学制度建设过程中重视协调教师与行政人员之间的关系。  相似文献   

The international mobility of faculty is increasing worldwide. Although studies have considered the experiences of academics abroad, less is known about faculty-exchange programs with policy objectives. This study helps to fill this gap by analyzing a nationwide structured faculty exchange program established by Carnegie Mellon University and Portuguese universities to bring change to Portuguese higher education. The findings are based on interviews with Portuguese program participants, whose motivation to participate and experiences with the program, in addition to the influence of their experience abroad on their home institution, were explored. We find that, although the alignment of individual motivations with institutional interests is important to such programs, the complex transposition of individual experiences to the institutional level may be impeded by cultural resistance as well as resource and organizational constraints. Our exploration of the features that determine the success or failure of these experiences provides insights for policymakers seeking to implement faculty-mobility programs in the future.  相似文献   

This study explores the role of several family-related factors in faculty research productivity for a large, nationally representative sample of university faculty members. The role of marriage, children, and aging parents is examined after controlling for other personal and environmental factors, such as age, rank, department, and intrinsic motivations to conduct research, that previous research has shown to influence research productivity. Analyses are conducted on a sample of 8,544 full-time teaching faculty (2,384 women and 6,160 men) at 57 universities nationwide. Results show that factors affecting faculty research productivity are nearly identical for men and women, and family-related variables, such as having dependent children, exhibit little or no effects on research productivity.  相似文献   

Legal status collective bargaining between faculty associations and university administrations has affected university governance and, on the whole, has done so positively by democratizing most of the procedures used to determine the terms and conditions of faculty employment. To the extent that matters hitherto within the mandates of academic senates have been removed to the collective bargaining regime, senates have been somewhat weakened. The greatest danger to democracy on the campus probably lies in the bureaucratization of faculty associations, thus leaving them open to the partial paralysis of creeping legalism.  相似文献   

数以万计的大学教师发展问题亟待解决,这也是当前提高高等教育质量和建设高等教育强国面临的艰巨任务。引入教学学术理论,从教学学术的视角研究大学教师发展将具有重要意义。教育者、研究者和学习者角色的统一融合体就应该是大学教师最核心和最重要的角色,这样的角色定位有利于大学教师的发展。好的教学还应意味着,教师既是学者又是学生,因此应该加强教师与学生之间的交流,形成一个师生学习共同体。教师与教师之间的学习共同体和教师与学生之间的学习共同体都可以促进大学教师的发展,大学教师的发展也都需要这些学习共同体的熏陶和培养。每位教师都必须坚持忠诚的最高标准,既要重视教师职业道德修养也要加强学术道德修养。  相似文献   

美国大学教师的学术自由权利:历史的视角   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
美国大学教师的学术自由权利经历了"学院时代"与"大学时代"两大历史时期的发展。美国大学教师学术自由权利的争取过程,同时也是赋予学术自由权利以认识论和政治论意义的过程。历史证明,学术自由权利是保障大学教师从事知识创新与探索活动的基本权利,是保护教学与研究工作免受各种不合理干扰和限制的必要权利,是赋予大学教师适当社会地位和必要经济保障的重要权利,也是一项与学术责任相伴生的有限权利。  相似文献   

This article describes and assesses “Research Circles” as a mechanism for enhancing faculty collegiality and research. Recently established on our campus, these circles, composed of three to four faculty members, have had a particularly powerful effect on the new faculty members' adjustment to their tenure track positions, especially since they entered a context that might otherwise have been challenging: a new interdisciplinary upper-division campus with high expectations for teaching excellence. Based on the end-of-year evaluations, journals, and focus groups, the co-authors described themes that emerged from their participation in these circles. Circle participation not only facilitated faculty writing throughout their first year, but it also fostered the development of an interdisciplinary community which nurtured creativity and risk taking in writing. All authors are currently teaching in Interdisciplinary Arts and Sciences (IAS) at The University of Washington, Bothell (UWB). Except for Diane Gillespie, Professor and Associate Director of IAS, all other authors are Assistant Professors in IAS. Diane Gillespie received her Ph.D. in cultural and psychological studies in education from The University of Nebraska, Lincoln. Her interests include critical pedagogy, narrative psychology, and cultural diversity. Nives Dolšak received a joint Ph.D. in public policy and political science from Indiana University. Her interests include public policy, environmental policy, and international relations. Bruce Kochis, received his Ph.D. in Slavic languages & literatures at the University of Michigan. He focuses on global human rights policy, discourse analysis, and political theory. Ron Krabill received his Ph.D. in sociology and historical studies from New School for Social Research. His interests include comparative media, politics and social movements with a special emphasis on South Africa, as well as the study of peace, conflict, social justice, and human rights. Kari Lerum received her Ph.D. in sociology from The University of Washington. Her interests include culture, organizations, sexuality, qualitative methods, and visual studies. Anne Peterson received her Ph.D. from Washington University. Her interests include urban politics and policy and the distribution of natural resources at the local level. Elizabeth Thomas received her Ph.D. in psychology from The University of Illinois at Urbana—Champaign. Her interests include community-based resources for adolescent development, cultural psychology, and the social context of learning.  相似文献   

在社会主义市场经济的新形势下,我国社会的经济、政治、文化等各个领域都产生了新问题、新要求、新任务。作为地方大学,如何顺应市场经济,加强师资队伍建设,解决师资队伍存在的主客观矛盾,本文就如何解决这些矛盾,稳定和优化师资队伍,结合工作实践进行了探讨和思考。  相似文献   

This study examined both direct and indirect associations of faculty burnout with psychosocial work environments, using the job resources-demands framework. A sample of 2,229 faculty members (57.1% male) throughout public universities in the Czech Republic completed a questionnaire comprising measures of burnout and psychosocial work environment characteristics from the Copenhagen Psychosocial Questionnaire II. We formulated a structural model that hypothesised a positive effect of job demands (quantitative demands, work-family conflict (WFC), job insecurity) and a negative effect of job resources (influence, social community, role clarity) on burnout. Results showed that the strongest predictor of burnout was WFC, which had a direct positive effect on burnout and mediated the positive effect of quantitative demands on burnout. Further, a small direct negative effect of age and an indirect positive effect of involvement in research grants and administrative paperwork on burnout were observed. The findings indicate that university management can most effectively address burnout in academic staff not only by implementing policies that reduce WFC, workload and administrative paperwork, but also by providing more job resources to younger faculty and faculty involved in grant-based projects.  相似文献   

There seems to be a presumption that the quality of worklife on college and university campuses has declined for faculty and administrative staff. What is not known is how generally true this is perceived to be, to what extent the quality of worklife varies by campus, and for what reasons it varies. Most importantly, it is not clear what impact the quality of worklife of faculty and staff members has on their performance or retention. The following article reviews the recent empirical literature devoted to this topic and offers a framework that conceptualizes these studies in three groups: those that describe and explore differences in the quality of worklife, those that determine the impact of worklife on attitudes, and those that attempt to explain behavioral outcomes. The implications of this work for practice and policy on college and university campuses is discussed. The author argues that campus leaders who want to improve the performance and retention of faculty and administrative staff must identify and address the particular issues that matter to those employed on their campuses.  相似文献   

劳动主体、雇佣主体、劳动内容、劳动客体构成了大学教师劳动关系结构的核心要素。从核心要素来看,印度卓越大学教师劳动关系存在着既成矛盾,主要表现为失衡与冲突。为扭转教师劳动关系的困厄,印度卓越大学建立了政府、市场、学术权力、中介组织多维度的治理结构。印度通过法律和政策等手段促进劳动关系契约化、学校和教师行为法制化、劳动关系和谐化发展,对于显性调节劳动关系、隐性消弭劳动关系的冲突失衡发挥了重要作用,这对我国一流大学教师劳动关系和谐发展具有借鉴意义。  相似文献   

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