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Young children's preferences for conflict management strategies were assessed with hypothetical puppet interviews. A total of 48 children enrolled in a university nursery school were each presented 12 vignettes depicting common peer conflicts. Vignettes varied as a function of conflict issue (roles and possessions) and peer friendship status (friends and nonfriends). Three conflict resolution strategies were contrasted: negotiation, power assertion, and disengagement. The results indicated an overwhelming preference for negotiation. In contrast, power assertion was the least desirable means of resolving disputes. No differences emerged as a function of conflict issue or friendship status. Neither were there differences according to the age or sex of the subject. The findings indicate that young children evince a similar preference for resolving conflicts through negotiation and cooperation as has been reported in studies of older children and adolescents.  相似文献   

同伴冲突是幼儿社会性发展中的一种正常现象,幼儿心理理论的发展影响幼儿同伴冲突解决策略。通过实地观察和访谈,揭示了幼儿根据彼此的角色与地位、情绪与意图、以往的互动经验选择策略解决冲突,同时为教师提升幼儿同伴冲突解决策略的能力提出了相应建议。  相似文献   

本研究通过问卷调查与故事情景测查,对114名47.85~71.09个月的儿童在同伴冲突场景中使用的解决策略及其心理理论水平进行了研究.通过分析和对比,本研究发现使用协商、猜拳等策略的儿童心理理论水平较高,而使用控制和求助第三者策略的儿童心理理论水平较低.儿童对谦让策略的使用与其心理理论水平不相一致;无论是从同伴冲突解决策略家长问卷还是从对儿童的实际冲突解决策略测查来看,在解决冲突时,家长和儿童都倾向于选择"谦让""协商"策略;在儿童同伴冲突解决策略研究中,使用家长问卷调查的方法和通过故事场景对儿童进行实际测查的方法会得到不同的结果.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: There were two main aims: first, to illuminate the difference between abused children's general popularity with classmates and success in close friendships; second, to examine the specific interactional qualities of abused children's friendships and their links to loneliness. METHOD: Thirty-five severely abused children and 43 matched, nonabused children were compared on peer-rated sociometric status, self-reported loneliness, and observed and self-reported friendship quality. RESULTS: Abused children were not rated significantly lower sociometrically, nor did they differ significantly from control children on several measures of friendship quality, such as resolving conflicts and helping each other. However, abused children were observed to be more negative and less proactive in their interactions. They also reported their friendships as being more conflictual, and as higher on betrayal and lower on caring. Only observational friendship variables predicted loneliness. CONCLUSIONS: The results challenge the assumption that abused children's peer relationships are uniformly more maladaptive than nonabused children's, and point to the possible benefits of structured interventions for "normalizing" their friendship interactions. The pattern of difficulties exhibited by abused children (e.g., conflict) provides foci for more specific interventions. Multi-method assessments are necessary and the multi-dimensional nature of children's social adjustment is important to understand.  相似文献   

To explore relations between maternal disciplinary styles, children's expectations of the outcomes of social strategies, and children's peer status, 144 mothers and their first- (N = 59) and fourth- (N = 85) grade children (ages = 70-86 months and 116-129 months, respectively) participated in home interviews prior to the beginning of the school year. Measures of children's sociometric status were obtained in classrooms after the school year began. Results indicated that children of mothers who were more power assertive in their disciplinary styles tended to be less accepted by peers and tended to expect successful outcomes for unfriendly-assertive methods for resolving peer conflict (e.g., threatening to hit another child). In addition, children who expected unfriendly-assertive strategies to lead to self-oriented gains were less accepted by peers. Moreover, maternal disciplinary styles and outcome expectations for unfriendly-assertive strategies were found to make separate and independent contribution to peer status.  相似文献   

Disagreements between school-aged children were examined as a function of friendship status. 66 same-sex dyads were selected, including equal numbers of "best friends" and nonfriends, who were then observed while playing a board game (a closed-field situation). Conflicts occurred more frequently among friends than among nonfriends and lasted longer. Friends did not talk more during their conflicts than nonfriends, but assertions were used selectively according to friendship and sex: With friends, girls used assertions accompanied by rationales more frequently than boys whereas boys used assertions without rationales more frequently than girls. These sex differences were not evident during conflicts between nonfriends. Results are discussed in relation to the social constraints intrinsic to closed-field competitive conditions as these apply to friendship relations in middle childhood.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate young children's conflict emotions during peer disputes. Twenty-seven 4- to 5-year-old children participated in four 15- minute sessions in which groups of 3 children played with table toys. Videotapes of these sessions were used to identify all conflicts and conflict roles (initiator, recipient, and observer) and all conflict-related displays of facial emotions (using the AFFEX coding system). Results indicated that initiators', recipients' and observers' emotions differed in the conflict and postconflict periods, but that there were no initial preconflict differences. Overall, conflict initiators almost exclusively expressed happiness, whereas conflict recipients expressed mostly sadness and anger. In addition, children's conflict emotions were related to the frequency with which they initiated and received conflicts. Children who expressed higher percentages of negative emotions as conflict recipients both initiated and received more conflicts, and children who expressed more happiness when initiating conflicts also initiated more conflicts. These findings have implications for how young children develop methods of conflict resolution, and how they form concepts about sociomoral emotions.  相似文献   

The aim of this study was to investigate young children's conflict emotions during peer disputes. Twenty-seven 4- to 5-year-old children participated in four 15- minute sessions in which groups of 3 children played with table toys. Videotapes of these sessions were used to identify all conflicts and conflict roles (initiator, recipient, and observer) and all conflict-related displays of facial emotions (using the AFFEX coding system). Results indicated that initiators', recipients' and observers' emotions differed in the conflict and postconflict periods, but that there were no initial preconflict differences. Overall, conflict initiators almost exclusively expressed happiness, whereas conflict recipients expressed mostly sadness and anger. In addition, children's conflict emotions were related to the frequency with which they initiated and received conflicts. Children who expressed higher percentages of negative emotions as conflict recipients both initiated and received more conflicts, and children who expressed more happiness when initiating conflicts also initiated more conflicts. These findings have implications for how young children develop methods of conflict resolution, and how they form concepts about sociomoral emotions.  相似文献   

The current study was designed to address two major purposes. The first goal was to investigate the joint influence of children's sociometric status and sex on their conflict behavior, and the second goal was to explore the similarities and differences in children's conflict behavior across two contexts, specifically conflicts arising during interactions with mothers and with peers. Forty-two first-graders were videotaped playing with their mothers and then with an unfamiliar peer partner. Conflict behavior occurring in the mother-child context was quite different from that occurring between children, reflecting the contrast between the vertical and horizontal nature of these relationships. Most striking were the large number of sociometric status and sex differences in conflict behavior found across both contexts. Further, it appears that effective conflict behavior may differ for boys and girls. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

A growing, sizable proportion of school children do not live in conventional family environments. Among these, internationally adopted children have gained increasing visibility in recent years. While other areas of their behavior have been widely explored, little is known about adopted children's social competence and their integration into peer groups. This study, involving 148 children between 4 and 8 years of age, compared 40 internationally adopted children with 50 children who were residing in institutions for children and 58 community comparison children. Social competence, problems with peers and friendship relationships were assessed using SSRS and SDQ, with both parents/caretakers and teachers as the informants. The sociometric status of the children and their friendship relationships were obtained through their teachers’ reports. The results showed statistically significant differences between children living in institutions (more problems with peers, poorer social skills and sociometric status) and those in family environments, whether adopted and non-adopted. Also, the results suggest some minor differences between the adopted and the comparison children, the former with greater visibility and the latter with higher sociometric status in the peer group.  相似文献   

The current study investigated how teachers would intervene in hypothetical conflicts experienced by students in the classroom and how informal labeling of students and affect relate to teachers' hypothetical interventions. Thirty-one teachers from various early childhood learning centers were recruited for participation. Teachers were presented with 3 hypothetical situations depicting children involved in peer conflicts. They were asked to rate the child who had initiated the conflict according to lists of positive and negative characteristics, as well as to rate how much positive and negative affect was elicited from the situation. Next, teachers recorded how they would intervene in each conflict, with responses coded as either mediation or cessation. Results suggested that teachers tended to use more cessation than mediation in dealing with classroom conflict and that interventions varied depending on the described behavioral background of the child presented. Labeling and affect also varied among the 3 different child characterizations of easy, difficult, and ambiguous. Findings lend support to a relationship between both labeling and affect with teachers' negotiation interventions. Understanding the implications of this study in the context of its limitations is highlighted.  相似文献   

The current study was designed to address two major purposes. The first goal was to investigate the joint influence of children's sociometric status and sex on their conflict behavior, and the second goal was to explore the similarities and differences in children's conflict behavior across two contexts, specifically conflicts arising during interactions with mothers and with peers. Forty-two first-graders were videotaped playing with their mothers and then with an unfamiliar peer partner. Conflict behavior occurring in the mother–child context was quite different from that occurring between children, reflecting the contrast between the vertical and horizontal nature of these relationships. Most striking were the large number of sociometric status and sex differences in conflict behavior found across both contexts. Further, it appears that effective conflict behavior may differ for boys and girls. Implications for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

In a laboratory setting, 48 sibling dyads age 4 and 6 or 6 and 8 years negotiated the division of six toys. Findings revealed that, in general, children reached divisions while using a preponderance of constructive problem-solving strategies, rather than contentious tactics. The degree of conflict of interests and the quality of sibling relationships predicted the children's use of problem-solving and contentious negotiation strategies, and was related to the types of resolutions achieved. Dyads experiencing low conflict of interests resolved their differences quickly. High conflict of interests coupled with positive relationships and constructive negotiation resulted in longer negotiations and creative, agreeable resolutions. High conflict of interests coupled with more negative relationships and destructive negotiations resulted in children's failures to reach agreement. Developmental differences indicated that older siblings within the pairs took the lead in negotiation, and benefited slightly more from the divisions. Furthermore, children in older dyads were more sophisticated and other oriented in their negotiations.  相似文献   

In accord with increasing recognition of the situation specificity of childhood social behaviors, individual and contextual differences in children's responses to potential peer conflict were examined (hostile attribution, behavioral strategies, and affective reactions; N = 367, 9-12 years, 197 girls). Situational cues from 2 sources, the antagonist and a witnessing best friend, were designed to suggest the antagonist's intentions. Multilevel modeling indicated that children's responses generally varied more according to cues from the antagonist than friend, but the latter also affected responses, especially when conflicting with other situational information. Cognitive and affective responses were also influenced by gender, social goals, friendship quality, and self-efficacy for peer interaction. Findings provide theoretical insight on the context of peer conflict.  相似文献   

This study examined developmental differences in two dimensions of attachment security (parental availability and child dependency on parents) in late childhood (N = 274) and early adolescence (N = 267) and their association with peer relations. Children's perceptions of mother's availability and boys' perceptions of father's availability did not differ as a function of age. Dependency on parents, however, decreased with age. Findings highlight the importance of distinguishing between parental availability and reliance on parental help when measuring attachment developmentally. Children's reports of positive friendship qualities and lack of conflict in their best friendships were related to attachment to both mother and father, whereas the presence of a reciprocated friendship and popularity were not. Father availability was a particularly important predictor of lower conflict with best friends. Findings indicate that the quality of parent-child attachment generalizes primarily to the quality of children's close peer relations.  相似文献   

合作型写作已在大学英语写作课堂中越来越受到重视和认可。通过对合写者间的互动对话进行定量和定性分析,探寻合写时合作者关注的主要问题有哪些以及解决这些问题的主要策略。研究结果表明,写作内容层面和语言层面的问题是合作者讨论关注的重点,这一点与写作者个体写作时的情况类似。面对合写时的认知冲突,合写者往往通过讨论协商,重建思维,解决分歧。同时,同伴间的互动往往促成"集体性语言建架"的形成,有利于同伴间的互相学习。  相似文献   

教育政策执行实质上是利益相关者进行“秩序协商”的过程,它是由“利益冲突”“博弈互动”“达成均势”等一系列链条有机组合的循环过程,Colebatch的二维政策分析框架为剖析随迁子女教育财政责任分担政策再造过程中的秩序协商提供了理论视角。从垂直维度来看,中央政府与地方政府、流入地各级政府之间围绕事权与财权的划分展开互动与协商;从水平维度来看,随迁子女家庭与城市居民家庭、公办学校与民办学校之间的“讨价还价”也在一定程度上影响着随迁子女的学校选择行为。随迁子女义务教育财政责任分担政策再造中的秩序协商兼具“强制性”与“诱致性”的双重特征,“算计取向”催生了个体追求利益的自发性,协商主体的多元化和利益表达的显性化更增添了冲突的复杂性。因此,国家以“管制取向”逻辑对个体行为进行调控,促使“算计”思维向“合适”思维的转变,将利益冲突转化为和谐的秩序协商,保障了“均势”的达成。  相似文献   

This article examines social integration of deaf children in inclusive settings in The Netherlands. Eighteen Grade 1-5 deaf children and their 344 hearing classmates completed 2 sociometric tasks, peer ratings and peer nomination, to measure peer acceptance, social competence, and friendship relations. Deaf and hearing children were found to be similar in their peer acceptance and friendship relations, but differences occurred in social competence. Deaf children scored lower than hearing children on prosocial behavior and higher on socially withdrawn behavior. Structural equation modeling showed peer acceptance, social competence, and friendship relations to be stable over time, and the structure of interrelations between variables at 2 measurements were found to be the same for deaf and hearing participants.  相似文献   

Previous studies have demonstrated that children's goals are associated with their success in peer relationships. The current study extends earlier findings by examining changes in children's goals during hypothetical conflicts. Participants were 252 children ages 9 to 12 years old (133 boys, 119 girls). As predicted, children's goals changed significantly when they encountered obstacles to conflict resolution, and these changes were predictive of their subsequent strategy choices. Both aggressive- and submissive-rejected children were more likely to evidence antisocial changes in their goals, including an increased desire to retaliate. They also showed reluctance to forego instrumental objectives. Other findings highlighted the need to investigate the combinations of goals children pursue as predictors of their strategies and the quality of their peer relationships.  相似文献   

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