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How can you have experts from over 15 different countries working together on a theme, the professionalisation of teachers, when one of the terms, and the root word ‐‐ profession ‐‐ does not have the same meaning everywhere? Such was the difficulty facing this third ATEE thematic seminar that we had proposed. The original presentation text below allowed us to resolve the difficulty, by organising the experts’ work around the different meanings of the word professionalisation. Four meanings were picked out according to whether the word professionalisation applied:...(i) to the individual, who masters the activity better and better and thus meets the norms of professionalism; (it) to the group of individuals who, carrying out the same activity, improve their status by obtaining a monopoly over it; (iii) to the knowledge put into practice which is the most closely tied to practice and the most effective; (iv) to the training, orientated more towards the activity in terms of its content as well as its teacher trainers, some of whom are practitioners of the given activity. To clarify the different mechanisms at work in each case, we had recourse to pedagogy, history, sociology, and anthropology. These conceptual distinctions were proposed to help in the writing of 12 national case studies, to solicit four keynote papers and to determine the themes of the workshops.  相似文献   

The author analyses the current situation of teacher education in Portugal. The structure of the education system is described, as is the training of teachers for the compulsory secondary cycle, special education, technical and vocational education and Higher education. The author then goes on to recall the changes which took place during the 70s and the context of discussion and reform of that time.

Changes in the school population have brought about an imbalance between pupil numbers and the availability of properly trained teachers. Untrained teachers have been recruited on a massive scale. Special measures have had to be taken in respect of teacher education, particularly for Secondary level. The article focuses on a recent and innovatory change model originally based on an inservice training model.

Despite current developments, it is the view of the author that a great deal remains to be done.  相似文献   

The publication by the French Ministry of Education of the findings of a survey designed to assess achievement of students at the end of elementary school (age 11) was the opportunity for educational specialists to construct a classification of the skills required for each of the exercises administered to the children in French, Mathematics, and the other objects. This classification reflected the aims stated in the Official Instructions on Education as regards knowledge and know-how for this age group. The present study was designed to test the validity of this classification, through an analisis of the consistency of success on exercises within a given subject and across subjects. The results show that although the classification is relatively pertinent for exercises within a given subject, this is not the case on an interdisciplinary level. The resulting structure shows the presence of a general factor, and content factors linked to each area of study. The discussion is centered on the feasability of a formative evaluation test based on an analytical diagnosis of skills in the young child.  相似文献   

Résumé Toute généralisation de l'expression vie associative devrait être évitée en raison de la spécificité historique du terme dans chaque pays. Le libellé vie associative ne peut garantir à lui seul le niveau de participation et de démocratie d'un syndicat, d'une coopérative, d'une association, etc... Toute association devrait permettre à l'individu de s'épanouir et ne devrait pas lui faire perdre ses caractéristiques culturelles, intellectuelles et scientifiques. Créativité et initiative collective sont exprimées non seulement par l'individu, mais aussi par les groupes structurés et non-structurés.En ce qui concerne le contenu de l'orientation pour l'éducation des adultes, il devrait être riche en informations sur les rapports de production, le marché du travail, l'organisation du travail qui conditionnent si lourdement la vie des adultes.L'orientation professionnelle des adultes comprend l'information technico-professionnelle, économique, sociologique et culturelle.Il est nécessaire que l'orientation s'adresse non seulement aux éduqués, mais surtout aux institutions éducatives et aux éducateurs: la reproduction de l'éducation des adultes est souvent plus problématique que la reproduction de l'école. L'orientation proposée implique le maximum a) d'informations, b) de mobilité à l'intérieur des différentes associations, c) de possibilités de connaître, interpréter et agir sur le monde extérieur et met à jour la spécificité de certaines associations telles que les associations de parents d'élèves, les syndicats de catégorie et les associations des usagers.
The expression associative living should not be applied too widely because of the different historical components of its context in each country. The level of participation and democracy in trade-unions, cooperatives, associations etc. is not to be found in the term associative living alone. Any association should enable the individual to realize himself but not to lose his cultural, intellectual and scientific characteristics. Creativity and collective initiative are not only expressed by the individual, but also by structured and unstructured groups.The content of counseling for adult education should be rich in information concerning relations of production, the work market and the organization of work, which have such strong end-effects in the lives of adults.Adult vocational guidance requires information on technical occupations, economic, sociological and cultural matters.Counseling necessarily applies not only to learners but even more to educational agencies and educators: the perpetuation of adult education looks more of a problem than the perpetuation of school. The proposed guidance implies the maximum of a) information, b) mobility within the different associations, c) possibilities of knowing, interpreting and acting on the external world and brings out the special characteristics of guidance within parent associations, professional trade-unions and users' associations.

Zusammenfassung Der Ausdruck Assoziativ-Leben darf nicht zu allgemein angewandt werden, weil seine historischen Voraussetzungen in jedem Lande verschieden sind. Das Niveau der Mitwirkung und Demokratie wird nicht allein durch Assoziativ-Leben bestimmt. Jede Vereinigung sollte es dem Einzelmenschen ermöglichen, sich zu verwirklichen, nicht aber, seine kulturelle, intellektuelle und wissenschaftliche Individualität zu verlieren. Kreativität und kollektive Initiative kommen jedoch nicht nur im Individuum, sondern auch in strukturierten und unstrukturierten Gruppen zum Ausdruck.Inhaltlich sollte die Erwachsenenberatung reich an Informationen über Produktionsverhältnisse, den Arbeitsmarkt und die Arbeitsorganisation sein, die so starke Auswirkungen auf das Leben der Erwachsenen haben.In der Berufsberatung für Erwachsene sind Informationen über technische Berufe und wirtschaftliche, soziologische und kulturelle Angelegenheiten von grosser Wichtigkeit.Die Beratung sollte sich nicht nur auf Teilnehmer, sonder in noch höherem Masse auf Bildungsstätten und Ausbilder erstrecken. In der Erwachsenenbildung stellt Verewigung des status quo ein noch schwerwiegenderes Problem dar als in der Schule. Empfohlen wird eine Beratung, die ein Maximum an a) Information, b) Beweglichkeit innerhalb der verschiedenen Verbände und c) Möglichkeiten, die Aussenwelt kennenzulernen, zu interpretieren und zu beeinflussen liefert. Zum Schluss werden die besonderen Merkmale der Beratung in Elternverbänden, Fachgewerkschaften und Verbrauchervereinigungen herausgestellt.

The author, drawing upon 37 years’ experience of the training of Secondary teachers in Belgium, offers a critical view of the present situation. His remarks bear upon training for the lower‐Secondary cycle, the system for which—though apparently simple— is in fact complex.

A 1981 reform extended the period of training to three years, but lower‐ and upper‐Secondary training, at University level, are still separate. A greater unity is desirable.

Three principles which should underpin all training are: a planned continuation into in‐service training, the development of practice‐oriented research, and (to allow of flexibility) a unit‐based approach. The length of study is important, since it has implications for maturation.

Finally, the author examines in turn each element in the range of skills, aptitudes and attitudes needed by the student teacher.  相似文献   

Teachers’ professional socialisation is a total process which develops or modifies teachers’ behaviour during their professional life. Institutional teacher training is understood to be an integrated part of this socialisation process. Teaching practice is another integrated systematic part of this process. The early years of teaching practice have fundamental importance in the integration of pedagogic and educational behaviour. This socialisation process occurs in different ways and to varying degrees among teachers, resulting in certain stages being reached in teaching practice. These ‘steps’ are influenced by at least two types of factors: (i) the nature of models teaching training transmitted during institutional teacher training; (ii) the social composition of students and the institutional styles existing in the teaching practice.  相似文献   

For over 20 years applied linguistics has especially been engaged in problems connected with foreign language acquisition and learning. It appears as an inter‐discipline of psychology, pedagogics, sociology and linguistics. Gradually it is finding itself a place among the subjects taught in the university, forming its own cadre, defining its field and its research methods, and presenting results in the field of language learning. The moment has come for it to consider participation in the training of language teachers.

The author looks upon applied linguistics as an intermediary between the general psychological, pedagogical, methodological level of teaching and that of the special didactics of a language. In principle the contribution of the new discipline will be the teaching of everything the language teacher should know and be able to do, apart from what is required of every teacher and from what is specific for the teacher of a particular language.  相似文献   

In all parts of the world, the teaching of history, because of its important ideological dimension, tends to be influenced by social and political changes. The recent upheavals in South Africa have confronted the nation with so many new tasks that it is difficult to decide which of them should have priority. These tasks include the establishing of a new educational curriculum which, paradoxically, no longer includes the subject of history as such. Instead, history is subsumed under the human and social sciences. This article analyses the content of history text books from the primary level upwards and from the 1980s to the most recent publications. On this basis it attempts to assess the extent and limits of the changes within a political setting marked by a tension between the historic struggle for equality and justice and the constraints imposed by the functioning of a liberal economy within the context of the globalization of modern capitalism. The considerable changes in the content of these books seem to be based on two different theoretical models: the multicultural model embodied in the idea of the "rainbow nation"; and the notion of the universality of humanity, transcending the diversity of cultures and confirmed by the findings of archaeology. While these two models can be a basis on which to refute racial inequality, they are not used to combat other forms of inequality, in particular social inequality.  相似文献   

Résumé Les villes du Tiers-Monde sont des laboratoires du changement et de la formation. A partir de la situation de l'Afrique, on étudie ici les processus de socialisation des jeunes dans un environnement où se cotoient tradition et modernité. Les facteurs conduisant à l'exode, les différents circuits de prise en charge des migrants, la nécessité d'affronter la nouvelle vie dans un milieu complexe et souvent impitoyable, créent une situation et un processus d'apprentissage de la vie et du métier féconds d'initiatives et d'innovations. Cet entrainement à la vie est assuré par un réseau informel tissé par des nouvelles interactions sociales et par l'action des masses média.
Third-World cities constitute quasi-laboratories for the study of change and learning. The present article takes the African situation of merging traditional and modern elements as its starting point and analyzes young people's socialization processes in this context. As a consequence of the activities of migrant organizations, the more general circumstances leading to migration and the fact that people are faced with a new lifestyle in a complex and often merciless environment, an atmosphere is created where learning for life and vocational training abound with initiative and innovation. This learning for life is borne by the informal fabric of new social interactions and the influence of the mass media.

Zusammenfassung Städte der Dritten Welt stellen in gewisser Weise Forschungslaboratorien dar, in denen Veränderungen und Bildungsprozesse beobachtet werden können. Vor dem Hintergrund der gegenwärtigen Situation Afrikas werden im nachfolgenden Artikel Sozialisierungsprozesse von Jugendlichen in einem Umfeld untersucht, in dem Tradition und Moderne miteinander verschmelzen. Aus der Arbeit der diversen Hilfsorganisationen für Migranten, den allgemeinen Faktoren, die zu Migrationsbewegungen führen, und der Notwendigkeit für den Einzelnen, sich einem neuen Leben in einem komplexen und oft schonungslosen Milieu zu stellen, ergeben sich initiativ- und innovationsreiche Lernprozesse für Leben und Beruf des Einzelnen. Diese Bildung für das Leben wird durch die informelle Struktur neuer sozialer Interaktionen und durch die Einwirkung der Massenmedien gewährleistet.

Three experiments have been devoted to the application of the methodology developped by Anderson, N. H. (1981, 1982) in the framework of the Information Integration Theory to the problem of the mastery by children (14 old) of the relations between the notions of mass, volume and volumic mass. It appears that, having to judge of the mass values of diverses objects from given values of volume and volumic mass, a majority of pupils are able to take account of the positive link between the mass on the one part and the volume and the volumic mass on the other part but apply an additive type integration rule. However, a minority of pupils are able to apply a normatively correct multiplicative rule. Concerning the judgements of volume values from given mass and volumic mass values, and the judgements of volumic mass values from given mass and volume values, a majority of pupils apply a soustractive integration rule. In these two cases however the integration patterns are extremely variegated. The relation between the algebraic level of analysis of the judgement data and an information processing level of analysis of the same data is discussed. The use by teachers of the paradigm presented in the study with the aim of improving upon the current evaluation methods is proposed.  相似文献   

《24首钢琴前奏曲》是德彪西最具代表性和创造性的印象主义风格的作品,是印象主义音乐的精华。本文通过对钢琴前奏曲《月色满庭台》的主题动机、曲式、和声以及调式调性等方面的研究,力求探析德彪西创作技法的显著特征,并揭示出这些特征对其形成独特音乐风格的重要意义。  相似文献   

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