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The present study examines the language development of N = 48 children with specific language impairments. All pupils were primary students in their first year. They all were tested with the standardized test (SET 5-10). N = 24 children received special tuition. All other children participated in the common tutoring structures of teaching in Mecklenburg-Western Pomerania. The results of this study show a moderate but significant progress in language development for both groups.  相似文献   

Indicators of social background belong to the standard set of instruments for empirical research in education. Construction of valid ranking scales and category systems for social background depends on a differentiated surveying of the occupation and vocational activity of parents. Coding such details using standard procedures is a complex process. This contribution investigates the intercoder-reliability of occupational codes according to ISCO-88 and the indicators for socio-economic status (ISEI) based on these codes using a random sample of 300 graduates surveyed on the occupation of their father and mother. To this aim, we compared a double-coding by professional coders and a double-coding by the research team. The results show a match of around 50 percent between the two coding groups. The validity of the index of socio-economic status based on the data was, however, very good. The correlation between ISEI-values based on the coding from the different coders was very high. The predication of family background did not vary between the coding of the different coding groups.  相似文献   

This article deals with playing a musical instrument as an important form of music related activities in the development and socialization of children and youth. The authors discuss aspects of arts education and reflect concepts of interest. They focus on the musical socialization and its contexts of today, so the question, which children and young persons are playing an instrument as well as a systematic analysis of places where adolescents are playing music. The self-organized and non-goal oriented learning processes in music activities are focused, reflecting theories of social inequalities. The results of the empirical findings show differences related to social class in playing an instrument and its choice, but not in places where music is done. Especially if adolescents play an instrument with corresponding interest, intensity, forms of activities and motifs of playing do not differ by social background.  相似文献   

Keyword: Education Economics and Quality of Schooling. With reference to an earlier keyword article from the same author, this contribution looks at recent developments in education economics. The focus is a critical review of the field‘s contribution to research on the necessary conditions for high quality schooling. Of particular interest at the moment are the institutional framework conditions in a school system, which set incentives for performance. These are judged to be better than resource-based strategies of quality assurance. The empirical basis is provided by estimates of production functions using data from international school performance studies. This article will point out the limited validity of evidence gained through these studies and the – in sum – contradictory empirical findings. For this reason, political recommendations on the basis of this approach should be more reserved.  相似文献   

Children and adolescents of families with immigrant background are less successful in the German education systems than those without immigrant background. These differences can largely be explained by deficits in the language of instruction, indicating a lack of learning opportunities in the second language. The present paper investigates how it is possible to reduce language disparities before children enter school on the one hand and during the course of schooling on the other hand. This is being done by presenting the current state of research on the acquisition of a second language. In particular, recent findings on the influence of the quantity and quality of early childhood education on the language acquisition of children are summarized. Furthermore, findings on the effectiveness of attending all-day schools and of current programs for language instruction are presented. Finally, potential avenues for further development of language instruction as well as for future research are discussed.  相似文献   

The introduction of educational standards in Germany forced teachers to change their perspective in order to achieve competence-oriented teaching. The initial representative surveys throughout Germany indicated that a short time after the introduction of the educational standards, teachers in various school forms were still very slow to implement the idea of competence-oriented teaching in their everyday school life. This article presents the effects of a newly developed intervention programme in which mathematics teachers familiarised themselves with educational standards for the first time. The teacher data and the performance data of the pupils of the schools participating in the project are compared in a longitudinal study with the data of schools which were not included in the intervention programme. The results indicate that after the intervention programme has run for one year, mathematics teachers in the project schools are more competence-oriented in their teaching and reflect more intensively on the concept of the educational standards than mathematics teachers in the comparison schools.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung Im Rahmen dieses Beitrags m?chte ich die Vielschichtigkeit von erziehungswissenschaftlich motivierter Forschung am Beispiel der Wirkungsweise von Geschlechterrollenstereotypen auf die Gewaltsozialisation m?nnlicher Jugendlicher aufzeigen und dabei auf die Notwendigkeit verweisen, dieser theoretischen Komplexit?t mit einer ebenso hohen empirischen und statistischen Komplexit?t zu begegnen. Strukturgleichungsmodelle werden als geeignete Rechenweisen dargestellt und darin die Thematik der Kausalit?t als eine postulierte Verbindung zwischen Ursache und Wirkung diskutiert. Die Akzeptanz des Prinzips ‚keine Ver?nderung ohne Ursache‘ bildet den Grundsatz einer probabilistischen Kausalit?t und dieser stellt die Grundkonzeption einer empirischen Erziehungswissenschaft dar, die statistisches Anwendungsfeld und Theoriesprache miteinander zu verweben weiss.
Summary An educational science perspective on complexity and causality in the field of socialization to violence This contribution will demonstrate the complexity of educational research. This will be achieved using the example of the effect of young me’s stereotypes for gender roles on their socialization to violence in social contexts. It argues that theoretical complexity must be complimented by an equally high empirical and statistical complexity. structural equitation models are presented as an appropriate method of computation and causality is discussed as a postulated link between cause and effect. The acceptance of the principle „no change without cause“ is the fundamental basis of the concept of probability-bound causality, which, in turn, is the key to an empirical educational science that can interweave the statistical field of application with theoretical discourse.

Rituals in Primary School Age – Performativity, mimesis and interculturality. Rituals and ritualization play a central role in the upbringing, education and socialization of children at primary school age. They structure children’s lives and support their integration into the social order in a constructive manner. Rituals shape transitions between fields of socialization and institutions, and facilitate social learning, which is important both in lessons and more generally at school. Due to their performativity, pedagogic processes act just like rituals and ritualization in all fields of social action. How children stage (or perform) their behaviour and actions, whether alone or together with adults, can be seen as the performativity of actions. Important aspects of cultural learning at primary school age occur as mimetic processes. In this, pictures, schemes, the expectations of others, of social situations, occurrences and actions are incorporated into an individual’s “world” of mental pictures. This practical knowledge enables children to learn and act together, to live and to exist. In view of Globalization and Europeanization, upbringing and education have become an intercultural task, for which rituals, ritualization, pedagogic and social gestures, the performativity of social practices and mimetic forms of learning play an important role. Ethnography and qualitative methods are appropriate for investigating rituals and ritualization, the performativity of pedagogic practices, of mimetic processes and intercultural education processes. Amongst the most important methods, which are complementary and, where possible, should be combined, are participative observation, video-supported observation, video performance and photograph analysis, interviews and group discussions. With the help of this method-mix, attempts can be made to capture complex and methodologically transparent research results.  相似文献   

Zusammenfassung In einer Stichprobe von 2630 Jugendlichen achter Klassen aus Gymnasien, Real-, Gesamt-und Hauptschulen in Ost-und Westberlin wurde im Jahr 2001 die Akzeptanz von Geschlechterrollenorientierungen (traditionell vs. partnerschaftlich) erfasst und ihr Zusammenhang mit Ma?en der Ich-St?rke (positives Bild von sich selbst, psychische Stabilit?t, produktiver Umgang mit Erfolg und Misserfolg) untersucht. Dem partnerschaftlichen Konzept wurde in h?herem Ma?e zugestimmt als dem traditionellen. Dabei ergaben sich Geschlechts-, Ost/West-sowie Schulartunterschiede in der partnerschaftlichen sowie traditionellen Orientierung. Weibliche Jugendliche waren weniger traditionell eingestellt als m?nnliche. Ostberliner Schüler/innen waren weniger traditionell orientiert als Westberliner und Gymnasiast/inn/en hatten eine niedrigere traditionelle Orientierung als Gesamt-, Real-und Hauptschüler/innen. Je h?her der Bildungsstand (gemessen an der Schulform und dem Bildungsniveau der Mutter), desto h?her war die Akzeptanz der Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter. Die Jugendlichen wurden nach dem Grad ihrer traditionellen Orientierung in drei Cluster eingeteilt und hinsichtlich der Auspr?gung von Ma?en der Ich-St?rke miteinander verglichen. Dabei zeigte sich, dass Jugendliche mit hoher traditioneller Orientierung ein niedrigeres Selbstwertgefühl, sowie eine h?here Leistungsangst, mehr Furcht vor Misserfolg und in h?herem Ma?e selbstwertmindernde Attributionen ?u?erten als Jugendliche mittlerer und niedriger traditioneller Orientierung. Jugendliche, die in h?herem Ausma? über die pers?nliche Ressource der Ich-St?rke verfügen, traten h?ufiger für die Gleichberechtigung der Geschlechter ein. Summary Sex-role-orientation and its Relationship to Egostrength in Adolescents from East and West Berlin A sample of 2630 adolescents from grade 8 attending different types of secondary school in East and West Berlin was assessed in 2001. The aim was twofold: to ascertain their acceptance of gender-role orientation (i.e. traditional norms vs. equality in gender relations) and to link it to degrees of ego-strength (high self-concept, psychological stability, ability to deal with success or failure in a constructive manner). The concept of equality in gender relations was found to be more prevalent among females, pupils in East Berlin and those pupils attending grammar schools. The higher the education level of the pupils (measured according to the school attended and the education level of their mothers), the greater the acceptance of gender equality. The adolescents were classified in three clusters according to the degree of traditional orientation and then compared. Results showed that adolescents with a high traditional orientation displayed lower self-concept, a higher level of test anxiety, greater fear of failure and higher attribution of failure to lack of ability than those adolescents with moderate and low traditional orientation. Those displaying a greater range of characteristics related to ego-strength supported gender equality more frequently.   相似文献   

Using student ratings to assess instructional quality of schools should fulfill three requirements: (1) an appropriate level of inter-rater agreement within schools, (2) systematic variance of student ratings between schools, (3) an adequate reliability level of aggregated student ratings. Using international PISA-data (2000–2012; 81 countries, over 55,300 schools, over 1.3 million 15-year olds) this study investigated how these requirements were met regarding indicators of instructional quality (classroom management, cognitive activation, individual learning support). We computed the interrater agreement index rWG(J), as well as the intraclass correlations ICC(1) and ICC(2). Our results showed that (1) student ratings demonstrated a moderate or strong level of agreement for most indicators of instructional quality and (2) instructional quality assessed by students varied systematically between schools. Yet, (3) reliability of aggregated student ratings was not sufficient in many countries. We discuss these results regarding conventions to evaluate agreement, variability, and reliability of student ratings at the school level.  相似文献   

This contribution reports on an investigation into the importance of supporting first language for the command of first and second language skills using a quasi-experimental longitudinal study of migrant children in kindergarten. For two years the development of both first and second language skills was coordinated through the treatment of the same topics and stories during lessons. Furthermore, parents were asked to read their children a story or play an audio book in the first language three times a week. This extensive intervention neither had statistically significant effects on the development of language competency in the first nor the second language, German. The transfer effects between first and second language expected by the interdependency hypothesis of Cummins were only in evidence to a very limited extent.  相似文献   

This article contains a review of recent research on the topic of language development in an educational research perspective. The contribution is focussed on research which was carried out in the German education system. The starting point of such research was the insight that mastery of a language is of core importance for educational success as well as for participation in a society. The research which is presented in this review article strives to identify factors that are relevant for the development of different language abilities during an education biography. The article starts with an overview of international and national research traditions which build the ground for the investigation of language development in an educational research perspective. A second part of the article deals with research projects that aimed to unveil factors which are influential for differential language development during a school career. In the third part of the article, an outlook on recent research is presented which deals with the question how language development can be fostered and supported by educational institutions. In Germany, such projects are just beginning. They mainly derive from the evaluation of model projects or other practical experiments; only very few experimental intervention studies have been carried out.  相似文献   

Gegenstand des Beitrags ist die soziale Identit?tsentwicklung Jugendlicher im Spannungsfeld zwischen supranationalen, nationalen/ethnischen, regionalen, lokalen und religi?sen Konzepten. Hierfür wurde eine repr?sentative Querschnittstudie reanalysiert, wobei die Analysestichprobe 2.187 deutsche und türke Jugendliche zwischen 14 und 19 Jahren umfasst. Es konnte für die deutschen Jugendlichen eine dreidimensionale Identit?tsstruktur mit einer national-subnationalen, einer supranationalen und einer religi?sen Identit?tsdimension bestimmt werden. Hingegen wird die ebenfalls dreidimensionale Identit?tsstruktur der türkischen Jugendlichen durch eine ethnischreligi?se, eine sozial-r?umliche und eine r?umlichadministrative Dimension charakterisiert. Trotz dieser differenten Strukturen weisen beide Gruppen in Hinsicht auf einzelne Identit?tsaspekte ?hnliche Alters-, Geschlechts-, Bildungs- und Wohndauerunterschiede auf.  相似文献   

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