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英语中有些句子形式上是否定的,但是内容含义上却是肯定的。一、cannot wait后跟不定式,意为“急于做”,表示强调的肯定。例如: I couldn’t wait to see her.我非常渴望见到她。I cannot wait to read the book.我非常渴望读到这本书。二、cannot/couldn’t+too意为“越……越……,非常,无论怎样……也不过分”。在此结构中,cannot也可改用can hardly,scarcely,never,impossible;too也可改用over,enough等。例如:  相似文献   

英语中有些句子在形式上是否定的,但是在意义上却是肯定的。现将这种常见的句式结构归纳如下:1.cannot wait+不定式,意为“急于做”,表示强烈的肯定。例如:I couldn tw aitto see her.我渴望见到她。I cannotw aitto read the book.我非常渴望读到这本书。hoolardenfnglish2.cannot/couldn t...+too意为“越……越……”、“非常”、“无论怎样……也不过分”。在此结构中,可用can hardly,can scarcely,cannever,can im possible等替代cannot;也可用over,enough等替代too。例如:Y ou cannotbe too careful.你越小心越好。W e can hardly p…  相似文献   

1.First things first 重要的事情先来 A: I've already had so many plans for the summer holiday! 我已经制定了好多项暑假计划啦! B: Me too, I cannot wait for the summer to come. 我也是.简直迫不及待要等暑假来临了.  相似文献   

黄雪玲 《中学生英语》2000,(5):24-24,32
Computer programmer David Jones earned 35,000 dollars a year designing new computer games,yet he cannot find a bank prepared to let him have a check card. ,Instead, he had been told to wait another two years until he is 18.  相似文献   

The process of aging is a perfect example for Professor Qian Zhongshu's metaphor of a besieged fortress-people outside want to go in while those inside want to get out. Indeed, when we are young, we cannot wait to grow up; but when we get older, we desperately want to be young again.  相似文献   

I'm going to clean the pasture spring.I'll only stop to rake the leaves away(And wait to watch the water clear,I may),I shon't be gone long.—You come too.  相似文献   

I'm going out to clean the pasture spring;I’ll only stop to rake the leaves away(And wait to watch the water clear,I may);I shan’t be gone long.——You come too.  相似文献   

冯敏娟 《中学生英语》2002,(18):28-31,32
I.单项填空:从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳答案。1.Liu Ying told me__for her at home. A.waits B.wait C.to wait D.waiting2.We kept ____the ball to each other,and they began to get angry.  相似文献   

Road Trip Rhythm     
One of the three things I cannot resist~1 loving is the rhythm of songs. Now I have to rephrase~2 it.What I cannot resist is the rhythmic songs played in running vehicles. This winter break,I went to California to visit some of my friends.Trying  相似文献   

I gave you life,but cannot live it for you. I can give you directions,but I cannot be there to lead you  相似文献   

Jokes and Humour     
1.They Never Stop 他们从不停下来Mum:Billy,I’ve told you again and again not to interrupt when adults are talking. You should wait till they finish.Billy:I have tried to do as you told  相似文献   

2. Hearing this, theshop-owner rushed to himwith a bowl of dry noodlesand threw the noodles onthe table, "Be quiek,"saidthe shop-owner. "I have toclean the bowl and thetable, I don't want to wait."  相似文献   

原文My fellows in Wuhan invited me there to enjoy a happy National Day and I could not agree more. It proved a glorious journey:a three-hour bus ride,a train to Wuchang station,I could not wait to visit the spots and my friends.  相似文献   

Don't wait for a smile,to be nice.Don't wait to be loved,to love.Don't wait to be lonely,to recognize the value of a friend.Don't wait for the best job,to begin to work.  相似文献   

一、否定形式表肯定意思的表达1.Can not(hardly,never)...too(over,enough) You can’t be too careful while driving.开车时越小心越好。We can hardly wait to see her.我们渴望见到她。2.否定词but在否定词后面,but都含否定意义,所以和前面的否定词构成双重否定,表肯定。  相似文献   

先看下面一道高考试题: (江苏2006.25)-Are you going to have a holidaythis year? -I' d love to. I can't wait to leave this place A. off B. out C. behind D. over  相似文献   

1. Many people watch the news on television themseleves the trou- ble of reading the newspaper. A. save B. to save C. saving D. saved 2. —Why did you return to the shop? —I left my friend there. A. waiting B. to wait C. wait D. waits 3. The car burns more fuel, but all things into consideration. ItCs still a good car. A. taken B. having taken C. taking D. to take 4. When I went in, he was lying on the floor at the ceiling. A. to stare B. stared C. was staring D. staring 5. —Do you h…  相似文献   

Mrs Brown:I want to goshopping.Would you like to go with me? Mr Brown:I'd like to,but I'm afraid I'll fall asleep. Mrs Brown:Well,you can wait for me in the car. Mr Brown:Good idea! I can have a good sleep in the car while you are shopping.  相似文献   

Dear son,孩子:The day that you see me old and I am already not,have patience and try to understand me...哪天你看到我日渐老去,身体也不好了,请耐着性子试着了解我……If I get dirty when eating...if I cannot dress...have patience.Remember the hours I spent teaching it to you.如果我吃得脏兮兮……如果我不会穿衣服……有耐性一点……你记得我曾花多久时间教会你这些事吗?If,when I speak to you,I repeat the same things thousand and one times...do not interrupt me...listen to me.如果,和你说话时,我一再重复…  相似文献   

Ⅰ.词语运用。 A)根据句意和首字母完成句子 1. It is p____ to wait in line. 2. I like traveling, so I want to be a tour g____. 3. Mr King will get a____ when someone disturbs his sleep. 4. So much c____ makes everyone doesnEt like to talk with her. 5. ——Wi  相似文献   

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