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The authors examined whether perceptions of self‐esteem, coping self‐efficacy, and emotional intelligence could significantly predict the presence of depressive symptomatology among a sample of 146 Hispanic first‐year college students (53 men, 93 women). The results of a sequential multiple linear regression analysis indicated the 3 predictor variables contributed 43.3% of the variance noted in students’ reporting of depression symptoms through their Patient Health Questionnaire–9 (Spitzer et al., 1999) scores. The authors discuss implications for future research and provide recommendations for college counseling practice.  相似文献   

This comparative study explored the rates of depression and psychosocial correlates for 369 collegiate White and Black females. Women between the ages of 18 and 25 were recruited to participate in this anonymous online survey. Black females reported significantly greater amounts of depressive symptomatology (M = 24.61) in comparison to the White females (M = 15.68), (F (1,377) = 61.434, < .001). A series of Chi-square analyses indicated that Black women (52.3%) were also significantly more likely to meet criteria for major depression than White women (21.7%). These findings highlight the racial disparities in psychosocial health among college students.  相似文献   

为了探讨家庭亲密度与抑郁情绪的关系,以及孤独感在家庭亲密度与抑郁情绪间的作用机制,采用家庭环境量表、抑郁自评量表和孤独感量表对310名大学生进行随机调查。结果发现,身体健康状况差的大学生更容易产生抑郁情绪与孤独感,家庭关系破裂的大学生家庭亲密度较低;家庭亲密度与抑郁情绪之间存在显著负相关;孤独感与抑郁情绪之间存在显著正相关;家庭亲密度与孤独感之间存在负相关;家庭亲密度、孤独感对抑郁情绪均有显著的预测作用,且孤独感在家庭亲密度与抑郁情绪之间存在部分中介作用。研究认为,无论是直接调节抑郁情绪还是通过孤独感间接调节抑郁情绪,家庭亲密度对抑郁情绪都具有显著的效果。  相似文献   

This study examined the influence of acculturation and perception of the university environment on the depressive symptomatology of 228 Korean American undergraduates, with a focus on sex and generational differences. Perceptions of the university environment and perceived barriers were positive predictors of depressive symptomatology in respective regression equations by sex and generation. Study limitations and counseling practice implications are discussed.  相似文献   

探讨体育锻炼对大学生一般自我效能感的影响,验证锻炼动机的中介效应和性别的调节效应。研究采用体育活动等级量表(PARS-3)、体育锻炼动机量表(MPAM-R)、一般自我效能感量表(GSES)对1049名大学生(男579人,女470人)进行问卷调查。研究显示:体育锻炼、锻炼动机与一般自我效能感间两两显著正相关;回归分析表明体育锻炼对锻炼动机和一般自我效能感回归效应显著,并分别解释变异的1.3%和6.2%;锻炼动机在体育锻炼基础上对一般自我效能感回归效应显著,在体育锻炼解释一般自我效能感时具备部分中介效应,其效应占总效应值的14.1%;不同性别大学生在体育锻炼与一般自我效能感关系上存在差异。研究显示体育锻炼可以提升大学生的一般自我效能感,锻炼动机在其中起到了部分中介效应,性别在其中起到调节效应。  相似文献   

There is a growing number of students on college campuses with mental health problems and college counseling services are reporting significant increases in student demand for counseling. Depression, a mental illness consisting of profound sadness, fatigue, and irritability, as well as low motivation, poor academic performance, and suicidal behaviors, is one of the top presenting concerns for students who seek help. This study investigates the effectiveness of light therapy in a sample of 79 college students who suffer from depression. This study examines changes in overall depression scores and also assesses changes in sleep, appetite, pain, and concentration levels. Results showed significant improvements in overall depression scores as well as improved sleeping behaviors and decreases in somatic aches and pains, concentration difficulties, and appetite problems. These promising results suggest light therapy may be an effective and inexpensive means for reducing symptoms of young adult depression.  相似文献   

The purpose of this study was to examine the use of two student response methods within selected college lecture halls. Kinesiology majors from three universities were asked to respond to questions during two consecutive lectures, one using “clickers” and the other using hand-raising. Participation and comprehension rates were statistically significantly different following the use of the different response methods. Participant survey responses revealed insight into student participation, question presentation, perceived cognitive engagement, and overall learning in traditional lecture settings using the response methods.  相似文献   

采用小学生情绪调节问卷中文版(ERQ-CC)、艾森克人格量表中文儿童版(EPQ-Ck)和儿童抑郁量表中文版(CDI-C)对1381名小学生进行调查,考察小学生神经质与抑郁情绪的关系,及情绪调节的中介作用.结果发现:(1)小学女生认知重评使用率得分显著高于男生;六年级是小学生表达抑制策略发展的关键期;(2)神经质、表达抑制、抑郁情绪之间存在显著的正相关,认知重评与神经质、抑郁情绪间存在显著的负相关;(3)神经质、认知重评、表达抑制均能显著预测抑郁情绪,认知重评和表达抑制在神经质与抑郁情绪关系间起部分中介作用.本研究对于探索小学生抑郁发生发展机制具有一定的理论意义.  相似文献   

The Alcohol and Other Drug survey (adapted from D. Thombs, 1999) was administered to 235 undergraduates at a southeastern university to assess the influence that gender‐specific normative perceptions have on 2 substance abuse patterns. Multiple regression analyses confirmed that gender‐specific normative beliefs accounted for variance in alcohol use intensity and frequency of marijuana use beyond the variance accounted for by sociodemographic variables. Implications for college counselors are discussed.  相似文献   

旨在探讨母亲教养方式与大学生社交焦虑的关系,并考察自尊的中介作用,以期根据研究结果提出一些缓解大学生社交焦虑的对策。通过问卷法对273名大学生进行调查。结果表明,母亲负性教养方式可通过自尊的中介作用间接地影响大学生的社交焦虑。据此提出建议,除了改善家庭教养方式之外,学校和教师还可以有意识地帮助学生提高自尊,以减少其社交焦虑,帮助大学生更好地适应社会生活。  相似文献   

The chapter examines the effects of gender identity formation on the depressive configurations of men and women. It is proposed that the separation-individuation processes in males and females differ significantly and, in conjection with gender identity development, contribute to dramatic differences in males' and females' orientations toward relatedness, autonomy, separation, and their internal and external object worlds. Clinical vignettes are included as a means of illustrating the contrasting manifestations of man's and women's struggles with separation-individuation.  相似文献   

The authors examined student reactions to an activity in computer science, psychology, women's studies, and education courses. The reciprocal interview involves the instructor gathering information about the students, followed by students collectively asking questions of the instructor. The interview aims to make students more comfortable in interactions with the instructor by soliciting student input. Student responses indicated they enjoyed the activity and recommend faculty use it in various courses. Participants also reported the interview process helped create a more comfortable classroom environment and helped clarify instructors' expectations of students.  相似文献   

助学贷款对贫困大学生大学生而言为信用贷款,是检测大学生诚信的一把有力的标尺.通过对调查问卷统计结果的分析,来检验助学贷款对大学生诚信认可度是否具有影响力.最后得出结论:(1)助学贷款对大学生诚信认可度具有统计学意义上的显著影响;(2)受贷学生的诚信认可度高于非受贷学生;(3)应加强大学生诚信教育.  相似文献   

目的探究自尊在大学生完美主义与自恋关系中所起的中介作用。方法对321名福建师范大学福清分校的在校大学生进行多维完美主义量表(CFMPS)、自尊量表(SES和自恋人格问卷测评,并采用SPSS 13.0软件进行统计分析。结果 (1)高、低自恋组的完美主义倾向差异显著(r=-7.751);(2)完美主义、自恋和自尊三者间两两相关显著(r=0.384、r=-0.275、r=0.305);(3)完美主义对自恋、自尊有显著的预测作用(β=1.336、β=0.486);(4)自尊在完美主义与自恋之间起中介作用。结论大学生的完美主义与自恋之间显著相关,自尊在完美主义与自恋之间起中介作用。  相似文献   

为了了解应激与内、外在目标对大学生抑郁症状的预测作用,通过对599名大学生的抑郁、焦虑、日常生活应激与内、外在目标进行问卷测评,发现大学生日常生活应激与第一次抑郁和第二次抑郁均存在显著相关,在控制了第一次抑郁与焦虑得分后,日常应激对抑郁水平的变化具有显著的正向预测作用,内在目标以及应激与内在目标的交互作用则均对抑郁水平的变化具有显著的负向预测作用。由此可见,内在目标在应激—抑郁关系中起着调节效应,本结果支持抑郁的目标定向易感性—应激模型。  相似文献   

为验证心理幸福感在心理压力影响学习倦怠的过程中所起的中介作用,采用问卷对474名大学生的学习倦怠、心理压力、心理幸福感情况进行调查,结果发现:心理压力中的学习压力维度对学习倦怠有显著的正向预测作用;心理幸福感中的生活目标感维度在学习压力影响学习倦怠的过程中起中介作用.  相似文献   

旨于探讨大学生依恋类型和自尊对抑郁的影响,并提出应对抑郁的策略。运用抑郁自评量表、亲密关系体验问卷和自尊量表,随机抽查260名在校大学生,从而得出结论:性别对依恋类型、自尊水平及抑郁分数有不同程度的影响,依恋类型对抑郁情绪有一定的作用,自尊水平越高,个体的抑郁情绪越少。可以通过心理健康指导和能力建设两个方面直接或间接地减少大学生抑郁情绪。  相似文献   

Although it is commonly believed that college counseling positively affects student retention and further, that there are convincing data and evidence to support such a belief, an extensive literature search found no objective evidence at all on the relationship of a counseling center's conventional one-to-one counseling and therapy activities with short-term student retention. Two program evaluations which attempt to relate one-to-one individual counseling and psychotherapy to student retention rates at an urban regional state university are discussed. Changes in attendance rates, such as dropping out or retuning between quarters are the criteria used to evaluate program effects for both studies. The first study searched for discernible statistically significant effects. Three-quarters of comparisons of upperclassmen found conceivable retention advantages of students receiving counseling center services over a base-rate group. Yet the freshmen results suggest that counseling may be associates with student attrition, not retention. The second study investigated the relationship between retention and possibly relevant presenting problems and demographic variables of students undergoing individual counseling. No attendance differences among counseled students were found due to age, gender, or presenting problem. Following a discussion of the results, suggentions for future research are presented. A longitudinal, quasi-experimental controlled study of the impact counseling on student retention is clearly needed.  相似文献   

为了探讨心理控制源在父母教养方式与人际信任之间的中介作用,采用人际信任量表(ITS)、内在—外在心理控制源量表(I-E)和父母教养方式评价量表(EMBU)对大学生进行调查,并使用Process插件进行中介效应检验。结果显示:父母消极教养方式与人际信任、心理控制源均呈显著正相关;人际信任与心理控制源呈显著正相关;心理控制源在父母消极教养方式与大学生人际信任间的中介效应显著。结论:父母消极教养方式不仅会直接影响大学生的人际信任,还会通过心理控制源对大学生的人际信任产生间接影响。  相似文献   

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