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李明德 《科学学研究》2003,21(6):619-625
拉丁美洲于19世纪初获得政治独立后,该地区的科学技术进入一个重建时期。此后拉美的科学技术具有欧洲和美国的某些共性,同时又存在着地区差异。独立后的拉美科学技术仍可分为两个时期:拉美各国步入早期资本主义发展时期,资本主义的发展刺激了拉美生产技术的提高,此时科学也在拉美出现了明显的进步;工业化初期和进口替代工业化时期,此时现代科学技术在该地区立足并开始扩展,特别是随着经济的好转和教育水平的逐渐提高,拉美的科学技术正在进一步融入国际科学技术进步的大潮中。  相似文献   

就经济美元化的基本涵义进行阐释,并着重分析拉美国家美元化形成的原因和探讨经济美元化的现实影响。  相似文献   

This article discusses how political factors influence the outcome of improvisations. Improvisations are unexpected actions rooted on intuition and aimed at solving particular crisis. It is argued that the effectiveness of an act of improvisation is greatly influenced by political factors. Those performing the improvisation require being in a position of power,and the discourse that follows the improvisation has political connotations. The argument is developed through the discussion of concepts of power and improvisation and through the analysis of a case study. The case study concerns the outsourcing of the administrative information systems of the two largest hospitals of a Latin American country. The contributions of the article are twofold: (1) It identifies the relationship between power and improvisations and (2) it draws practical lessons on how to manage outsourcing.  相似文献   

This paper presents a North-South technology gap model which combines the Schumpeterian approach to technical and structural change with the Keynesian perspective on effective demand and the Balance-of-Payments (BOP) constraint as drivers of growth. Three are the contributions of the paper. First, it develops a model in which the technology gap, relative productivity and relative wages co-evolve and may generate different paths of convergence or divergence between South and North depending on the parameters of the model. Second, the parameters of the model are associated with different types of policies, which allows for discussing how these policies may change the growth path. Finally, the model is used to discuss the contrasting experiences of Asia and Latin America since 1970. Convergence in Asia and divergence in Latin America have been extensively debated topics in the literature on comparative economic development, which highlights the crucial role of industrial policy. It is argued that the results of the technology gap model are consistent with the findings of this literature and helps understand the forces behind convergence and divergence.  相似文献   

We examine the effect of national political institutions on patent application rates. The expected future value of a patent, like any other form of property, depends at least partially on certainty about the future. In circumstances where policy stability is greatest, and hence political uncertainty least, one should expect more aggressive pursuit of intellectual property rights. We test these ideas using a 27 year panel of Latin American and Caribbean nations, estimating US patent applications and domestic patent applications by local inventors for each observation, and holding other economic and technological inputs to innovation constant. Our principal finding is that political stability matters to patenting. For US patent applications institutional system tenure, regardless of system type, increases patent applications. For domestic patent applications, institutional stability has either a weakly negative or insignificant effect, a result we attribute to generally escalating local patenting standards over time. The type of government influences both US and domestic patent applications rates, with a veto-players institutional coding better predicting marginal patenting rates than regime type.  相似文献   

The influential Berkeley theoretical physicist Geoffrey Chew renounced the reigning approach to the study of subatomic particles in the early 1960s. The standard approach relied on a rigid division between elementary and composite particles. Partly on the basis of his new interpretation of Feynman diagrams, Chew called instead for a "nuclear democracy" that would erase this division, treating all nuclear particles on an equal footing. In developing his rival approach, which came to dominate studies of the strong nuclear force throughout the 1960s, Chew drew on intellectual resources culled from his own political activities and his attempts to reform how graduate students in physics would be trained.  相似文献   

拉美地区有33个国家和12个未独立地区,它们均属发展中国家,开展对其科技合作具有重要的战略意义。本文从现实出发,就如何开展与拉美国家的科技合作提出自己的思考和建议。  相似文献   

文章结合湖南文理学院物理专业教学的实际情况,调研了国内外高校相关专业的各类课程设置,从研究的意义、研究的内容和目标、具体实施方案和可行性分析三个方面对地方高校物理学专业教学环节中课程设置进行了探索和研究。  相似文献   

中国与拉美和加勒比同为维护世界和平与发展的重要力量,同是彼此的重要合作伙伴,在落实《2030年可持续发展议程》(简称"2030议程")上有着共同的责任和广泛的合作空间。文章首先分析了拉美和加勒比千年发展目标的落实情况;进而基于可持续发展目标指数(SDG Index)及其指示板(SDG Dashboards),重点分析了拉美和加勒比实现17项可持续发展目标(SDGs)的机遇和挑战;随后分析了拉美和加勒比落实2030议程的政策和措施;最后提出了基于2030议程的中国-拉美和加勒比可持续发展合作的政策建议。  相似文献   

《Research Policy》2023,52(6):104759
We analyse the effect of country-specific regulatory changes consistent with mandates included in the Trade Related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (TRIPS) agreement on patenting activities in Latin America (LA) with the aim of contributing to the ongoing debate on patent regimes, innovation and development. TRIPS implied tight negotiations between developed and developing countries. By analysing national legislation on IPR in 36 countries, we build a variable that captures when each country exhibits “the spirit of TRIPS”, which may occur before or after signing TRIPS. We follow two goals: i) to assess whether the impact of changing regulation was different in LA in contrast to developed countries; ii) to analyse specifically the impact on patent activities of residents and non-residents in LA in contrast to developed countries. Our results show that regulatory changes aligned with TRIPS increased patent activities in LA more than in developed countries, but only by non-residents. This is consistent with the political economy argument stating that the international agenda on intellectual property rights was pushed by large multinational corporations headquartered in developed countries as part of their globalisation strategies. Our results are also consistent with the economics of innovation literature that suggests that stronger patent regimes only have positive effects on innovation after some national income threshold is attained.  相似文献   

新课标初中物理实验教学实例设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
王娇  谢清连 《大众科技》2014,(6):199-200
物理学是自然科学的基础,科学实验在物理学发展史上占有重要地位。初中物理实验在培养学生理解推理、实验探究、分析综合的能力等方面有着重要作用。这篇文章基于新课改初中物理课本中的实验,结合自己的教学经验与成果,对课本实验和自制教具实验进行了较系统的研究。通过文章的介绍,希望在正确、合理的运用实验教学来提高学生学习物理兴趣的方面有所帮助。  相似文献   

This study contributes to the debate on the role of openness to international markets for the diffusion of compliance with international standards in developing countries. Relying upon aggregated data for 1995-2005, as well as upon firm-level and secondary data from the Chilean salmon farming industry, the determinants of ISO 9000 and ISO 14001 diffusion at country, industry, and firm level, in Latin American are analysed. Our evidence suggests that openness to international markets acts at different levels. At both the country and industry level, it creates awareness and access to new knowledge therefore providing economic incentives or penalisations for evaluating certification. This effect competes and complements the deliberated efforts and policies in explaining diffusion of certification. At firm level, however, openness to international markets alone does not provide sufficient opportunities to acquire the knowledge required to comply with these standards. In this case, standards’ compliance depends on firm's capability to use relational and search assets, as well as on national and industrial efforts and policies to spread standards’ usage.  相似文献   

在近代科学400年突飞猛进中,物理学起到了巨大作用,于是在自然科学中,建立起大物理学观。大物理学观认为:(1)自然科学根本目的是探索事物运动的简单性。分析方法是科学研究的根本的方法。生命现象可以  相似文献   

高中物理翻转课堂教学模式设计研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教学改革的推进和新课程改革的发展,高中物理教学也得以不断创新和完善。翻转课堂,作为一种新兴的教学模式,实现了传统课堂到创新性课堂的转变。文章结合高中物理教学实际情况,从培养学生的自学能力、问题解决能力及教师的能力素养等方面研究翻转课堂教学模式在高中物理教学中的应用。  相似文献   

Amit Hagar 《Metascience》2014,23(3):475-484

在新课改中学物理教学过程中,教师根据教学内容,有目的设置适当的生活情境、问题情境、实验情境、多媒体情境与幽默语言情境,能够引发学生情感体验,培养学生学习物理的兴趣和提高其创新思维,对融洽师生关系,优化课堂教学具有很好的效果。  相似文献   

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