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识字教学与儿童认知发展有密切的关系。探讨影响儿童识字的诸多因素,如儿童心理特征、汉字字音、字形、字义的特点等,总结一些识字教学方法的成功经验,对提高识别教学的效率,促进儿童认知水平的提高,都是很有益的。  相似文献   

通过开展实证研究,借助课堂观察和数据的采集分析,探求"随文识字"的有效性。实证结果表明,随文识字是顺应儿童认知心理和发展的最重要识字方法,它有利于提升学生的识字能力,巩固识字效率。  相似文献   

正根据多年对低年级小学生识字教学的探索、实践和分析表明,面对较大识字量,学生的遗忘率比较高,往往学了后面的生字,忘了前面学过的,复习前面的生字,又忘了后面的生字。如何培养低年级的识字能力,巩固提高识字效果,使学生喜欢学习汉字,有主动识字的愿望,是我们需要探索的问题。我们的教学对象是丰富多彩的,每个儿童都有自己的认知方式、特点,采取一种识字方法是不够科学的,会影响一批认知特点不同的儿童固有的内在潜力的发展,影响到教学过程的直接效果和儿童智力的发展。一年级上学期,儿童形象思维方法占主要  相似文献   

<正>识字是阅读的基础,识字教学在小学语文教学中起着举足轻重的作用。识字教学不仅仅是单纯地教学生认字,更需要我们在教学过程中引导学生掌握汉字的音、形、义之间的内在联系,即所谓的联系性识字。联系性识字在儿童已有经验的基础上,帮助儿童建立汉字音、形、义的多维联系,从而培养儿童主动识字的兴趣,提高儿童识字的效率,增强儿童热爱汉字的情感。那么,在日常教学中,教师应如何展开联系性识字教学呢?1.建立识字与儿童认知的联系。  相似文献   

王延芳  宋海琛 《学子》2014,(7):19-20
根据多年对低年级小学生识字教学的探索、实践和分析表明,面对较大识字量,学生的遗忘率比较高,往往学了后面的生字,忘了前面学过的,复习前面的生字,又忘了后面的生字。如何培养低年级的识字能力,巩固提高识字效果,使学生喜欢学习汉字,有主动识字的愿望,是我们需要探索的问题。我们的教学对象是丰富多彩的,每个儿童都有自己的认知方式、特点,采取一种识字方法是不够科学的,会影响一批认知特点不同的儿童固有的内在潜力的发展,影响到教学过程的直接效果和儿童智力的发展。一年级上学期,  相似文献   

一、问题与思考据中外科学家的研究实验表明,中国的汉字是“复脑文字”,让儿童学习汉字,对儿童潜能发展有促进作用。识字益智被越来越多的重视早期教育的家长认可,他们想方设法教孩子识字,有些幼儿园也参与到早期识字活动中来。那么是不是认识汉字越多,孩子的潜能开发就越好?建国五十多年来,识字教学流派几十种之多,教学目标大都集中于识字效率,也就是只重视认知目标,而忽视甚至排斥情感因素。然而科学家通过实验开始认识到,情绪对儿童识字、阅读等认知能力的提高起着重要作用,有必要给予更多关注。最新的研究成果说明:一个人的成功不仅取决…  相似文献   

在小学识字教学中,教师要结合儿童的认知特点和心理发展规律,激发他们的识字兴趣,本文对小学如何进行识字教学进行了探讨。  相似文献   

探索符合儿童身心发展规律的识字方法,遵循低年级儿童认知规律特点,让学生识字与情趣相结合,让他们在轻松的环境中愉快地识字,使他们喜欢识字,爱识字,逐步形成识字能力。把快乐引进课堂,调动孩子们的识字兴趣,让孩子们在兴趣中学习。  相似文献   

《义务教育语文课程标准》中指出:识字教学要将儿童熟识的语言因素作为主要材料,同时充分利用儿童的生活经验,注重教给识字方法,力求识用结合。传统的识字教学中,教师没有从学生的认知角度选择适合小学生的识字方式,而是让学生一遍遍地进行书写记忆,导致学生在识字时苦不堪言。新课标背景下,教师要采取适合学生认知发展的教学方式,增强识字教学的趣味性,调动学生识字的主观能动性,进而提高学生的识字效率。  相似文献   

随着现代认知心理学的发展,许多认知心理学家认为问题解决是认知科学研究的重要领域,是一个被多学科领域重视和研究的课题。通过对小学低年级识字教学中存在的问题的分析,试图探索将问题解决理念引入到儿童识字教学活动中,使教师能从儿童认知发展特点和兴趣出发运用多种教学方法进行识字教学,促使教师的“教”始终围绕学生的“学”而展开,从而为学生的终身可持续发展奠定基础。  相似文献   

This opening article of the Special Issue makes an argument for parallel definitions of scientific literacy and mathematical literacy that have shared features: importance of general cognitive and metacognitive abilities and reasoning/thinking and discipline-specific language, habits-of-mind/emotional dispositions, and information communication technology strategies to prepare people for adult life and democratic citizenship. These frameworks provide potential insights into research and pedagogy. Furthermore, they provide guidelines for second-generation standards, curriculum development and assessment so as not to overlook or underemphasize the fundamental literacy component of mathematical and scientific literacy for all students, which can result in fuller participation in the public debate about science, mathematics, technology, society, and environment issues.  相似文献   

《Africa Education Review》2013,10(2):242-257

Reading proficiency is currently a great concern for South African educators. According to the literature on reading proficiency, reading difficulties stem from early literacy development and any improvement in these early literacy skills may help improve reading proficiency. It has, however also been found that South African learners who participated in this study do not meet the standards for their age group in terms of early literacy development.

Educators need to know what learners should have accomplished in terms of early literacy to support learners before they can commence with instruction in initial reading. Skills crucial for the development of literacy are underlying cognitive skills (i.e., the ability to learn deliberately), the development of symbolic representation, oral language, knowledge of literacy concepts, and behaviours and attitudes. This article looks at the skills required for early literacy development. An empirical investigation was undertaken to determine to what extent these skills were mastered by Grade R second-language (L2) learners. The empirical investigation related these skills to the sub-skills of the School Readiness Evaluation by Trained Testers (SETT) to determine the extent to which a group of Grade R learners have mastered the different skills of early literacy development. The findings paint a bleak picture, since most of the participants lack adequate proficiency regarding the skills of early literacy development.  相似文献   

论网络环境下自主学习者信息素养的新要求   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
学习者的信息素养是网络学习质量保证的重要因素,是进行网络学习的基础。网络信息技术的发展可以促进网络学习方式的不断变化,同时信息素养的内涵也在不断深化。文章从信息道德、信息意识、信息知识、信息能力、信息认知五个方面,探讨了在新的网络环境下自主学习者应该具备的信息素养的新的要求。  相似文献   

A measurement scale has been developed to assess secondary students’ energy literacy—a citizenship understanding of energy that includes cognitive as well as affective and behavioral items. Instrument development procedures followed psychometric principles from educational and social psychology research. Initial exploration of the measure yielded promising results: internal consistencies for the cognitive, affective, and behavioral subscales, measured by Cronbach's α, ranged from 0.75 to 0.83; average discrimination indices ranged from 0.27 to 0.46. The instrument's validity was supported with contrasted-groups and developmental-age progression comparisons, as well as factor analyses. The energy literacy questionnaire provides an opportunity to measure baseline levels of energy literacy and to assess broader impacts of educational interventions.  相似文献   

In this study, we aimed to determine the early cognitive and home environmental predictors of reading in Turkish-speaking children. A total of 362 children participated in the study. We monitored the children for 3 years and assessed the home environmental variables and cognitive skills in kindergarten, reading fluency at the end of the first grade, and reading comprehension at the end of the second grade. We found that home literacy environment and socioeconomic status predicted early literacy skills in kindergarten as they also predicted reading fluency and reading comprehension through early literacy in later years. In addition, we found that phonological awareness, letter knowledge, and rapid naming predicted reading fluency, while language and verbal working memory predicted reading comprehension. The results of the study showed us that it is important to consider reading and reading comprehension in Turkish-speaking children holistically, together with cognitive skills and home environmental variables.  相似文献   

This article discusses the potential significance of name writing skills in addressing many important questions about the development of early literacy skills. Young children are inherently interested in producing their own names in print. Furthermore, young children appear to construct their understandings of name writing skills in a predictable, sequential pattern. Questions raised include whether the development of name writing skills mirrors the development of other important cognitive skills, the potential of name writing skills to offer insight as to how young children learn important literacy concepts, the use of name writing as a developmental indicator for children that may be at risk for reading difficulties, and the potential for structured activities using name writing to facilitate the development of emergent literacy skills.  相似文献   

建国初期识字课本是伴随着扫盲运动的发展而发展,识字课本既沿袭了传统识字教材的特点,保证系统连贯、循序渐进,又结合成人教育的特点,注重精简、快速、实效;在扫除文盲和提高国民整体素质等方面发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

建国初期识字课本是伴随着扫盲运动的发展而发展,识字课本既沿袭了传统识字教材的特点,保证系统连贯、循序渐进,又结合成人教育的特点,注重精简、快速、实效;在扫除文盲和提高国民整体素质等方面发挥了重要作用。  相似文献   

职业素养是个体职业生涯发展的基础,分为显性素养和隐性素养2个部分。当前职业教育人才培养过程中存在重视显性素养,轻视隐性素养的现象,这不利于个体的长期职业生涯发展。构建职业素养融合培养新模式,改变落后的职业教育理念,有利于大学生综合素养的提升,符合后现代主义职业教育的特点,也符合新时代对职业院校人才培养的要求。  相似文献   

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