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论教育过程中的非线性关系   总被引:5,自引:1,他引:5  
赵友元 《教育探索》2001,(12):53-54
章从五个方面论述了教育过程中的内部诸要素之间显现出的各种不确定的非线性关系的形成机制及其表现。章认为,由于教育过程中的非线性关系的存在,教育有目的有意识的教育行为并非必然导致真正意义上的教育发生;也很难寻找和构建一个能保证或契合受教育的认识发展的固定不变的知识体系;也无法准确地预测某种教育意图的必然结果;教育活动只是为受教育身心发展提供某些可能的条件,并处于不断的发展变化之中;教育过程是连续性和非连续性形式的统一。  相似文献   

在社会剧烈变革与教育体制改革的大背景下,高等师范教育在21世纪初同样面临着新的转型。具体来讲,一是由数量型向质量型转变;二是由封闭型向开放型转变;三是由师范到向师范与学术并重型转变;四是由基础型向综合型转变;五是由混合型向分段型转变;六是由政府独资型向社会共建型转变。这种转型既是由师范教育本身所具有的内在机理决定的,也是由师范教育所面临的外部环境使其然。因此,在转型过程中,要不断更新观念,创新体制,切合高师教育实际,顺应时代发展潮流。  相似文献   

本论述了高校要进一步深入开展大学生化素质教育,首先要处理好四对关系。即专业教育与化素质教育的关系;思想道德教育与化素质教育的关系;第一课堂与第二课堂的关系;化素质教育与科专业建设的关系。其次要做好三个转变。即教育观念、教育思想的转变;教育体制的转变;教学管理制度和教学模式的转变。  相似文献   

论高等职业教育教学重心的转变   总被引:5,自引:0,他引:5  
高等职业教育的本质特征主要体现在其培养目标上,那就是为社会培养大量的应用型、实用型人才。为此,高职教育的教学重心应向以下几方面转变;1、从传统教育思想向现代教育思想转变;2、从注重理论教学向注重实践教学转变;3、从学科的单一化向学科的综合化转变;4、从单一专业教育向与人教育相融合转变;5、从单一的教学中心技术传播中心转变。  相似文献   

高校教育如何适应不断变化发展的知识经济的需求,是摆在高校教育工作者面前的一项紧迫而又具有战略意义的新课题。学生学习方式的转变是目前高校教育教学改革的重要任务之一,因而教师在教育教学中必须实现教育观念和教学方式的转变。围绕学习方式的转变,教师要做课程的开发者;要尊重每一位学生的个性和需求;要探索全新的真正满足学生自主学习需求的教学方式;要确立以促进发展为本的评价理念和评价方式;要实现教师自身素质的完善和提升。  相似文献   

论现代高等教育理念创新   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
现代高等教育理念创新的具体内容主要包括以下五个方面的内容:第一,教育价值理念要从适应论到超越论飞跃;第二,教育质量观念要从一元化向多元化转变;第三,教育本土化理念要向教育国际化转变;第四,要树立以创造、创新与创业为特征的“三创教育”理念;第五,要树立教育产业及其经营管理理念。只有理念创新,才能更好地促进现代高等教育健康、持续的发展。  相似文献   

一、坚持用科学发展观审视当前教育和教育科学所面临的新形势 2006年是全面实施“十一五”规划的第一年。就湖南教育而言,也是湖南教育及教育科研实现新的跨越的五年。在今后五年里,湖南的教育发展将进一步面临三个重大转变和三个战略重点。三个重大转变即九年义务教育由基本普及阶段进一步向高质量、高水平的巩固提高阶段转变,高等教育由精英教育阶段进一步向大众化发展阶段转变,体制改革实现由单一向多元、广度向深度进一步转变。  相似文献   

本文从研究的实际出发,针对开展心理素质教育中的理论和实际问题,提出五个方面的思考:一、学校的办学指导思想确立心理健康教育的地位;二、建立心理素质教育专门的机构;三、提高教师心理学水平和应用心理学知识的能力;四、实施心理健康教育的课题研究;五、全方位、多渠道实施心理素质教育。  相似文献   

在当前我国高职教育中,强化学生的就业、择业教育是一项最为紧迫的任务.为此,必须充分认识在职业教育中加强就业、择业教育的现实意义,真正把职业教育转变到以服务为宗旨、以就业为导向的正确轨道上来,切实转变角色,把握好市场经济条件下高职院校实施就业、择业教育的各项基本要求,将择业、就业教育真正落到实处.  相似文献   

在当前推行素质教育、转变教育观念的过程中,我们应坚持教育目的、教育内容、教育方法的价值原则,突出学生主体需要,使教育真正成为对人的身心发展有意识的直接影响的过程。  相似文献   

教育教学过程中的言行会引起教育教学的反应和效果,称之为教育教学效应.研究教育教学的效应,对我们改进教育教学工作有积极的作用和意义.  相似文献   

Construction education is context-laden, navigating and reflecting the byzantine influences of period, place and person. Despite considerable rhetoric, in UK higher education and construction studies in particular the importance of contextualized teaching is being devalued. Over the past decade a growing number of new teaching staff to university lecturing has limited or no industrial experience of the construction sector. This paper explores the rise of the career academic in construction education and implications for teaching standards and student learning. Whilst career academics exhibit research skills and afford funding possibilities that universities find appealing, pedagogical studies suggest that experience-led, contextualized teaching offer students enhanced educational value. Policy-making and pedagogical strategies that continue to value research at the expense of teaching excellence coupled with recruitment of career academics as opposed to industry professionals present new challenges for construction education, teaching and student learning.  相似文献   

运用现代教育理念,创造性地对师范美术教育专业进行改革。突出师范美术教育特点,构建适合儿童美术教育理念的专业建设,培养儿童美术教育职业化的教育者。  相似文献   

We have investigated how open attitudes, attribution beliefs, pedagogical knowledge, and pedagogical content knowledge were related to teaching performance among teacher interns. The participants were 72 teacher interns in Hong Kong, where large-scale education reform has been launched since 2000. Multiple methods (self-report, academic grades, and ratings from mentors and supervisors) were used to measure the interns' attribution beliefs, open attitudes, pedagogical knowledge, pedagogical content knowledge, and teaching performance. It was found that their openness to advice and challenges, effort attribution for failure, and pedagogical content knowledge were positively associated with their teaching performance in an era of education reform.  相似文献   

The study examines pedagogical approaches in using wikis in teaching and learning in teacher education colleges. It focuses on: instructors’ motivation for wiki-based teaching; course types; teaching methods; evaluation; content structure; characteristics of student collaboration and learning outcomes; involvement of instructors in the learning process. The study is based on semi-structured interviews with 11 teacher educators from six colleges of education in Israel. The authors discuss added value and challenges of wiki-based teaching, the impact of assessment on shaping the learning process, as well as general conclusions regarding wiki-based pedagogy.  相似文献   

教师专业化是教师教育改革的一面旗帜,教师教育并不能取代师范教育;师范教育专业化是教师专业发展的必然要求,师范院校在教师教育中的主体地位不能随意改变;高师院校在培养目标、培养模式、课程设置、教育环境、制度保障、办学模式等方面的改革,必须以促进教师专业化发展为方向。  相似文献   

This article compares teacher education in China with Canada, with the aim of fostering a cross-cultural dialogue between the two systems. Using case studies the article attempts to address the following questions: What can the two countries learn from each other? Can Canadian teacher education be a possible alternative model for China? Can Canada’s teacher education curriculum be used to enhance greater pedagogical preparation and more pre-service teaching practice for China? Is Canada’s move towards strengthening professionalism in teaching of value to China?  相似文献   

美国反思型教师教育的教学策略:评析与启示   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
美国反思型教师教育思潮将教学看作"反思性实践",并根据是否有利于促进师范生反思来选择教学策略;教师教育界围绕实习、实物分析、案例教学、行动研究、叙述探究五种常用的教学策略开展了大量的实践和研究。这提示我们,教师教育应加强教学策略的研究、更新教学观,并注重开发和利用本土教学策略。  相似文献   

工艺化抑或理论化--高师公共教育学教学价值取向探讨   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
当前高师公共教育学教学存在着价值取向不明的问题.在价值需求上,表现为教育学的价值虚张成教育科学和师范教育的价值,导致理想教学价值虚张与实际教学价值有限的矛盾;在价值主体上,表现为理想价值主体的丰富性与实际价值主体定位的狭隘性的矛盾.其原因在于教育学在发展成为教育科学的过程中丢失了自己、高师中教育课程设置的不合理性、专业绝对对口的思想和高师教育学教师的经历.当今社会的变革,要求高师毕业生从教书者转变为教育者、高师从教师的摇篮转变为人们受教育的场所、高师从规范转变为创造.因此,从价值需求和价值主体两个层面来考虑,当前高师公共教育学教学的价值主体应是全体大众,其教学应满足教育实践宏观普遍问题的理论需要.  相似文献   

As teacher educators, preparing student–teachers who are able to address diverse student needs is our main concern. It has been suggested in the literature that teachers who are adaptive to students’ needs are those who possess adequate pedagogical content knowledge or pedagogical understanding. However, it is not uncommon for teacher educators to find student–teachers with diverse pedagogical understandings even at the point of graduation from the teacher education programme. This paper aims to explain and analyse the development of pedagogical understanding among student–teachers in an initial teacher education programme. The findings are drawn from a study conducted at the Hong Kong Institute of Education where in-depth interviews were carried out during the four-year programme. The findings from the three selected cases provide an explanation for why some individual student–teachers show continuous development, whereas others remain confused in their pedagogical understanding throughout the teacher education programme. While acknowledging individual differences in pedagogical understanding, we attempt to explain such differences by investigating the relationship between different dimensions of the student–teachers’ learning such as the integration of pedagogical understanding with the teaching contexts, integration of feedback from lecturers and supporting teachers, and their focus of concern. The findings reveal that the three cases demonstrate different levels of pedagogical understanding and possess varying ‘senses of agency’. Of the three cases, the first one, Peggy has the strongest sense of agency. Despite influences related to classroom management, diverse learning ability among pupils, and the teaching methods which pupils were accustomed to previously, she actively introduced rhythmic movements into her lessons, developed pupils’ ability to learn gradually and achieved an impact on pupils’ learning which was also recognized by her supporting teacher. The analysis suggests that the second case, Lilian has a weaker sense of agency as she was severely limited by influences in the teaching context in her first teaching practice and resorted to teacher-centered teaching strategies. She improved later on in the programme and started to plan her own learning, drawing on the feedback she received as well as learning from other taught modules, from feedback from various sources, and from her pupils’ responses to her teaching and her own evaluation of her teaching. The third case, Stephanie remained confused throughout the programme and struggled with the implementation of student-centered teaching strategies. The ability to practice one’s own convictions and demonstrate an active sense of agency distinguishes the student–teacher who achieves better pedagogical understanding. Drawing on the findings, the paper concludes that it is crucial for teacher educators to identify ways to nurture a sense of agency among student–teachers. Implications for teacher education programmes are discussed, including providing opportunities for student–teachers to be able to articulate and integrate their pedagogical understandings, as well as negotiate how to accomplish their learning and teaching targets despite complex classroom situations.  相似文献   

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