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本研究通过对319名新闻从业者的问卷调查,探究了新闻从业者群体的职业认知危机现状及其影响效果.研究发现,当前新闻从业者在职业认知领域普遍存在着专业认同危机和自我认知危机,其中专业认同危机表现为:在媒体功能认同、职业行为规范认同和专业素养面向认同方面均出现“理想”与“现实”的差异;自我认知危机表现为职业价值认知和职业技能...  相似文献   

胡晓娟 《青年记者》2016,(31):23-24
职业认知是从业者对所从事职业相关功能、意义、规范的理解与认知,是职业意识成长和职业认同的基础.①形成职业认知的关键在于,从业者对于职业本质与功能的逐渐明晰以及自身在社会中角色与位置的准确定位,这也是职业同一性的形成过程.② 新闻人的职业认知,一是对职业角色的认知,即对新闻业与新闻从业者应该是什么的职业意识自觉.二是职业道德层面的认知.然而,新闻行业的现实困境致使新闻从业者产生自我认同危机,出现了自我贬损的倾向.  相似文献   

表达的客观性——渗透于西方消息写作中的职业精神。从意识形态层面看,所谓“客观性报道”只是一种神话,因为以马克思主义观点分析,新闻是客观事实的“主观映象”,是“观念的东西”,体现着记者对客观事实的认识过程、结果及情感态度。一句话,新闻具有意识的品质。在新闻报道中,是意识选择了事实,意识判断了事实的价值。其实,在西方新  相似文献   

兰州大学新闻与传播学院樊亚平的新著《中国新闻从业者职业认同研究(1815-1927)》日前由人民出版社正式出版发行。该书是国内新闻学界以中国早期"记者"职业心灵史和职业认同发育  相似文献   

西方消息写作的特点   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
消息作为一种新闻文体,最早成熟于西方新闻界。按照西方新闻史学家的说法,它直接与电报电话业务的展开、自由竞争市场的形成等因素相关联。在我看来,它更主要的是与西方社会不断增长的信息需求、西方记者信息意识的不断增强相关联。因为新闻文体的产生与发展,既是属于时代的,又是属于记者自身的,既是政治、经济、文化心理等多重因素作用的结果,又是记者的主体创造的结果。  相似文献   

在世界经济全球化和我国社会主义市场经济的背景下,由于受政治体制、历史传统以及社会环境等方面的影响,中西方在新闻教育上产生了诸多差异。由于我国的新闻教育发展艰难和西方主宰国际传播秩序的原因,使得我国经常遭遇由于中西方文化隔阂而产生的偏见,并对西方媒体的误读无能为力。因此,为了培养未来新闻人在新闻传播上的客观公正的职业理念,改变西方媒体主宰国际传播秩序的格局,促进文化的多元性发展,我国必须对新闻进行"教改",对西方新闻教育"取其精华,去其糟粕",探索适合国情的新闻教育道路,不断推进中国文化的发展和传播。  相似文献   

本文主要梳理了中国报人的文人论政精神与西方新闻专业主义在中国融合践行的历史脉络,指出两者在历史演进中的区隔与认同;认为扎根于中国的历史传统思考现实问题,是更具合理性和可操作性的路径,当下中国的新闻业正处于转型时期,新闻工作者的职业信仰面临多重考验,廓清中国报人的历史传统以及西方新闻专业主义对中国报人的影响,对于夯实和发展我国主流新闻观、树立新时期职业信仰有着重要的参考价值.  相似文献   

中西方新闻报道在新闻客观性方面存在着差异。西方新闻更倾向于负面报道,中国新闻则以正面报道为主。这主要是中西方新闻传播思维、传播体制及文化观念等方面的不同导致的。本文从中西方国家的新闻传播体制的差异出发,分析了不同新闻传播体制对新闻报道的不同影响。  相似文献   

五、文体观念的影响作为语言秩序和思维格式的文体一直与记者如影相随,记者选择文体,文体也选择记者。别林斯基说:“文体是思想的浮雕性、可感性;在文体里表现着整个的人;文体和个性、性格一样,永远是独创的”。所以,在两种文化精神和社会环境中成长的中西方记者在文体的选择上是不尽相同的,他们各自都在新闻实践中确定了自己的新闻文体观念,从而直接影响新闻思维的过程和结果。  相似文献   

在日常生活和工作学习中,新闻时有发生,如何能快速捕捉到新闻线索,这需要记者具备较强的新闻敏感性。新闻敏感是指记者寻找、捕捉、判定新闻价值的自觉意识,是一种职业敏感,也是一种顿悟性思维活动,是记者应具备的基本素质。现如今,信息爆炸时代,新闻竞争意识、新闻策划、新闻线索来源等,这些都离不开新闻敏感,新闻敏感对记者的综合素质有着决定性的影响,在某种程度  相似文献   

The aim of this paper is to analyse the different ways in which journalists negotiate representations of their professional and personal identity on social media platforms. We argue that the differing representations of personal and professional identity on social media correspond to the professional, organisational and institutional tensions that have emerged in this new space. Using qualitative interviews with various journalists and editorial staff from Australian media organisations across television, radio, print and online publications, we indicate that journalists present their personal and professional identity on social media in three different ways. The first group create public, professional social media accounts, but also create secondary, private accounts that are only accessible to personal networks. The second group either choose, or are required by their media organisation, to only have a professional presence on social media; that is, they have public accounts that are only associated with their media organisation and display only their professional activities. The last group merge a professional and personal identity on their social media sites, showing aspects of their personal and their professional lives on publically available accounts.  相似文献   

[目的/意义] 专业认同会影响学生专业学习的积极性和专业人才的成长与发展。通过对专业认同现状的调研,有助于发现影响学生专业认同度的因素,提出针对性的措施,从而更好地推进人才培养。[方法/过程] 以湘潭大学图书馆学专业本科生为样本,采用问卷调查的方式,对其专业认同现状及影响因素进行调查分析。[结果/结论] 结果表明:湘潭大学图书馆学专业本科生对专业的行为认同高于情感、认知认同;情感认同上存在性别差异;专业认同上存在年级差异;专业调剂影响专业认同;入学前对专业的了解程度影响专业认同;对社会价值与社会地位的认知存在差异等。  相似文献   

为了节省有限的建设经费,很多图书馆的业务外包范围不断扩大,图书馆的主业务和非主业务内容均被涉及。委托管理是一种具有管理和服务成本控制优势的管理模式,它逐渐引起了政府和高校管理者的兴趣,他们可能将它运用到图书馆的管理工作中去,这客观上促使图书馆员职业危机的产生,图书馆员将面临再次被边缘化的危险。  相似文献   

Rhetorical analysis of radio talk shows in Baton Rouge, Louisiana, home of the Louisiana State University “Fighting Tigers” college football team, revealed that the talk shows gave Tiger fans opportunities to share creative interpretations of events. This helped them cope with moments of perceived crisis when the team lost, and solidified their identity as tied to regional pride and the values of work, race, and masculinity. The talk shows also promoted fantasies about college athletics, essentially designating the university's athletic tradition as the most important activity on campus. In this sense, radio sports talk helps blur the line between amateur and professional sports and oversimplifies the complex mission of higher education.  相似文献   

As digital technologies have practically annihilated entry barriers in the field of journalism, the industry has seen the rise of many digitally native news media startups. Many of these startups are hyperlocal media, usually started by former journalists or concerned residents to provide news to their neighborhoods. Little research exists on entrepreneurship and news media and even less research exists on how these former journalists and/or concerned residents step into these new work roles and make sense of their new responsibilities. This paper explores these individuals’ work-role transition and professional identity negotiation. Analyses of in-depth interviews revealed the respondents tried to make sense of their work in relation to their professional identity by melding their responsibilities with their image of who they are. Thus, they create holistic, positive, professional identities that are more reflective of their new work and roles yet not too different from their idea of who they are as professionals.  相似文献   

高职高专学报:历史·现状·未来   总被引:21,自引:4,他引:17  
刘自俭  胡菲  田振东 《编辑学报》2004,16(5):331-333
高职高专学报数量众多,门类齐全,覆盖面广,发展态势强,顺应客观需求而存在,多数文理兼备,突出地域和专业特色,不断追求提高质量.高职高专学报将长期存在,稳步发展.  相似文献   


This study examines whether professional journalists reason differently about moral problems when primed with their professional identity. This between-subjects experiment (N?=?171) used the Defining Issues Test, a much-used and validated instrument that measures moral reasoning. The results show identity priming does not affect how journalists apply ethics. The study also found that journalists score far lower in moral reasoning than they did 13 years ago. These results are interpreted through the lens of social identity theory.  相似文献   

图书馆员的职业素养是衡量图书馆服务成效的关键要素。文章在剖析图书馆员生存危机的现状与特点的基础上,重点分析了图书馆员出现生存危机的成因,并提出解决生存危机的对策。  相似文献   

以职业能力培养为核心的RIMPA,是文件信息管理领域的典范协会。文章采用描述性研究方法,对其职能定位、业务执行、团队建设进行论述;从职业教育模块、职业进修项目、职业宣传渠道、职业培育环境等四个维度,厘清其职业培育体系结构。同时,结合我国档案机构改革现状以及职业培养实践,得出建议性启示:灵活开展继续教育,探索职业资格认证;聚焦职业能力提升,优化精细化培养模式;依据能力标准框架,稳步提升职业认同感;抓住机构改革机遇,激活社会化联培活力。  相似文献   

In the field of archives, professional identity is constructed around the twin notions of archivists as trusted custodians and archival institutions as trusted repositories. This essay examines the historical links between professional identity and trust and the ways in which those links are being attenuated and reconfigured in the digital world. It argues that new information and communication technologies and shifting currents of thinking inside and outside the field of archives are challenging and transforming the archival understanding of the relationship between trust and professional identity.  相似文献   

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