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残疾儿童随班就读现状及发展趋势   总被引:19,自引:0,他引:19  
残疾儿童随班就读是我国特殊教育的一种主体形式 ,本文总结了随班就读工作取得的成绩和经验 ,对当前随班就读工作存在的问题进行了分析并提出改进的建议 ,在此基础上对随班就读的发展趋势进行了预测分析。  相似文献   

从2007年9月起,为推进长宁区初中随班就读工作,区特教中心分别派遣了3名特教教师到3所随班就读初中,为初中从事随班就读工作的教师提供咨询与支持,并对校内的随班就读学生开展资源教学。同时,3所学校也各设有兼职的资源教师1名,对校内的随班就读学生进行资源教学。因此,长宁区3所初中的随班就读学生接受了普特两位教师的资源教学辅导,实行了一种"双资源教师"的模式。一、普特合作对初中随班就读  相似文献   

采用自编随班就读教师问卷对黑龙江省30所小学的33名随班就读教师的基本情况、特教知识与技能掌握情况、教学工作和专业支持等现状进行了调查。结果表明:黑龙江省随班就读小学教师的学历结构合理,教龄结构不尽合理;黑龙江省随班就读小学教师特殊教育专业知识不足;黑龙江省随班就读小学教师对随读生的教学与普通生没有差异;黑龙江省随班就读小学教师获得的专业支持较少。  相似文献   

本研究利用自编的《随班就读任职教师职业适应问卷》以及修订的《小学教师社会支持量表》对437名小学随班就读任职教师进行了调查研究,同时探讨随班就读任职教师职业适应和社会支持的关系.本研究得出以下结论:随班就读任职教师的职业适应水平与其社会支持有着较强的共变关系,社会支持高低不同的教师在职业适应水平上存在显著差异;整体来看,校长支持、同事支持以及情感支持和讯息支持对随班就读任职教师职业适应的预测力较强,而家人支持、家长支持以及工具性支持相对较弱.在此基础上,建议加大学校领导对随班就读工作的支持力度;为教师创造更多沟通交流的平台;进一步完善随班就读任职教师职前培养和职后培训工作,提高其职业适应能力.  相似文献   

残疾儿童、少年在普通中小学随班就读(以下简称为“随班就读”)是国家发展特殊教育的主要形式。广州市的“随班就读” 工作方兴未艾。根据1997年统计,全市已入学的残疾儿童、少年中有5140名在各区、县级市的普通学校随班就读,其中有275名在委属初中就读。“随班就读”这一办学形式已成为我市特殊教育的主体。为了了解我市残疾儿童、少年在普通中小学接受教育的现状,总结我市随班就读工作的经验和存在问题,市教委中小教处于1998年5、6月组织了对城区部分中小学随班就读工作的专项调查,现将有关情况综合汇报。  相似文献   

加强教育研究 促进随班就读发展   总被引:1,自引:3,他引:1  
本文总结了我国十多年来随班就读研究的特点和取得的成绩 ,并对今后如何加强随班就读的研究 ,促进随班就读的发展提出了建议  相似文献   

采用自编的《随班就读任职教师职业适应与社会支持问卷》以及修订的《小学教师社会支持量表》对新疆地区80名小学随班就读任职教师进行调查研究,探讨融合教育背景下普通学校随班就读任职教师职业适应与社会支持之间的关系.主要得出以下结论:随班就读任职教师的职业适应水平与社会支持有较强的共变关系,社会支持高低不同的教师职业适应水平存在显著差异;整体来看,家庭支持、同事支持、情感支持对随班就读任职教师职业适应的预测力相对较强,而领导支持、家长支持相对较弱.在此基础上,建议加强家庭对随班就读任职教师的支持;为教师创造更多沟通交流的平台;完善随班就读任职教师职前培养和职后培训工作,提高其对融合教育的认同度.  相似文献   

江苏省无锡市锡山区共有178名特殊学生,100%接受义务教育,全区现有特殊教育学校1所,开展随班就读教育的学校26所,特殊教育的主要形式是随班就读。如何根据特殊学生的身心发展特点加强对随班就读工作的管理,提高随班就读的质量,我们重点抓了以下几方面的工作。  相似文献   

随班就读是富有中国特色的融合教育形式,也是当前我国适龄特殊儿童少年的主要教育安置形式,建设完善的随班就读支持保障体系是提高随班就读质量、发展融合教育的基本前提。笔者在充分调查研究的基础上,发现Z市随班就读支持保障体系建设工作面临着资源总量不足、政策体系不健全、工作机制不完善、融合教育理念得不到充分认可等困境,提出扩大融合教育资源、加强政策体系建设、畅通工作运行机制、进一步优化外部环境等建议。  相似文献   

上海市随班就读教师现状调查   总被引:2,自引:1,他引:1  
采用自编"随班就读教师现状调查问卷"对上海市410名随班就读教师对随班就读的认识、对随班就读学生的接纳态度,以及教师的工作现状进行了调查.调查显示:上海市随班就读教师的教龄、学历分布合理;教师们对随班就读有理性上的认同,对特殊学生总体接纳态度较好;教师们对特殊教育专业培训意愿较强.调查还表明,目前上海市接受过特殊教育专业培训的随班就读教师比例偏低;教师们更倾向于接纳智力残疾、肢体残疾和学习障碍的学生,而对脑瘫、情绪和行为障碍等学生的接纳度较低;教师对特殊儿童的教育需求和学习特点不够了解,对特殊学生开展的课堂教学与课外指导存在困难.  相似文献   


This study examines the influence of foreign aid and local ownership in the introduction of inclusive education in Kiribati. The data reported in this paper were collected through interviews with key local stakeholders and these data are part of a larger study. Data were analysed under the major theme of ownership, and were grouped into the four sub-themes of: local responses to inclusive education initiatives; support for inclusive education principles; local attitudes regarding the contribution of Australian Aid; and, sustainability with or without aid support. The results indicate that a positive commitment towards inclusive education is emerging and that Australian Aid provided essential advocacy for children with disabilities in Kiribati through direct management of initiatives by the expatriate administered Kiribati Education Facility. Inclusive education initiatives remain dependent on Australian Aid for direction and sustainability. Sustainability of inclusive education initiatives in Kiribati will depend on continued development of local ownership including community support and commitment by the Government of Kiribati, particularly budgetary support.  相似文献   

The aim of this article is to review the current state of inclusive education in the world and to suggest a few relevant considerations. The first section “Two parallel concerns” retraces the inescapable connections between the educational aspects of inclusive education and more general concerns regarding inequality. The second section “Inclusive education in academic publications” scrutinizes academic publications and identifies two major themes among their contents: at first sight the internal transformations occurring in schools attract attention, but subsequently the territorial environment also gives rise to some concern. The third section “Inclusive education in the publications of international organizations” notes our search criteria for sifting through the documentation of the World Bank, OECD and UNESCO. The IBE/UNESCO workshops reflect varied, though converging interpretations of the concept of inclusive education in different parts of the world. All the official publications, however, tend to concentrate on the internal dynamics of schools, and there are not many that take a look at relations between inclusive education and public policy. Our last section “The geographical dimension of inclusive education” puts forward a few arguments in favour of paying more attention to inclusive education at the local and national levels. The main reasons for highlighting the local dimension arise from the combined factors of social deprivation, the need to co-ordinate measures taken in schools and the possibility of allowing a significant opening for community participation. The main reasons for paying attention to the national dimension relate to possible synergies between inclusive education and the expansion of education (for example, is schooling progressing at the same pace at different educational levels?), as well as between inclusive education and social protection (for example, do the many educational conditions applied to cash transfers have consistent pedagogic implications?).  相似文献   

随着融合教育理念的深入,中国和澳大利亚高等教育中的融合教育思想和实践也得到一定的发展。但不同文化和政策背景为两国高等融合教育的发展提供了不同的土壤,进而造成了差异。从高等融合教育的准入与安置、专业和课程设置以及资源支持三个方面入手,分析澳大利亚高等融合教育的实践发展路径和策略后发现,中澳两国的高等融合教育实践存在一定差异。为推进我国融合教育发展,应从转变残疾观念、构建本土化政策保障体系、建立残障大学生服务中心、调整课程设置、加强职前和职后师资培养以及搭建高校支持体系六个方面予以改进。  相似文献   

This study reports the outcomes of focus group discussions reflected in presentations of concept maps relating to the implementation of inclusive education in the Pacific based on the views of 39 stakeholders from four countries (Fiji, Samoa, Solomon Islands, and Vanuatu). Five themes emerged, with one of the strongest being that of culture, community, and religion. This, amongst other ideas, is central to Pacific Islanders’ understandings of inclusive education implementation, and results in some tensions between western educational ideas and the local context. The implications of this paper clearly show that local culture and context must be accounted for, if inclusive education is to be successfully implemented in the region.  相似文献   


The Salamanca Statement is held as a high-water mark in the history of the global development of inclusive education. It represented agreements bringing together representatives from 92 governments and 25 international organisations to advocate for a more inclusive education for students with disabilities. Since 1994 the Salamanca Statement has been referred to by international education organisations, national education jurisdictions, and disability advocacy organisations as a foundation for progressing inclusive education. In this respect the Salamanca Statement has been important for the inclusive education and Education for All [UNESCO 1998. From Special Needs Education to Education for All: Discussion Paper for the International Consultative Forum on Education for All. Paris: UNESCO] movements. However, international agreements and conventions are fragile in the face of local contingencies and become difficult to apply. We examine the case of inclusive education in Greece to reflect on this complex relationship between international aspirations and the real politic of individual nation states. Greece, like other nations, has embraced the discourse of inclusive education and its successive governments can demonstrate policy activity and public expenditure on the education of disabled students. This is remarkable in a climate of ‘crisis’ and ‘austerity’ where the only investment in the teaching workforce is in the area of inclusive education. However, is Greek education more inclusive in practice as well as rhetoric?  相似文献   

江苏融合教育发展始终走在全国前列。在30年的融合教育实践中,江苏逐渐形成了自己的一些做法、认识和经验。这些经验既是江苏融合教育的独特实践和积极探索,也是我国融合教育本土特色的体现。总结这些经验,对于明确我国融合教育发展方向,探索具有中国特色的融合教育发展道路,办好特殊教育,具有重要的意义。  相似文献   


This paper considers the challenges of promoting inclusive education in geographically isolated rural communities in Bangladesh. Inclusion is explored from both government and non-government (NGO) providers, and identifies challenges and opportunities for implementing inclusive practices. Challenges for implementing inclusion are linked to poverty, gender inequality, ethnicity, remoteness, language barriers, issues for children with disabilities, and the negative impact of climate (e.g. monsoonal flooding, landslides, and other natural calamities that beset Bangladesh on a regular basis) as well as the current humanitarian crisis with the Rohingya children now in Bangladesh. While there is sometimes a mismatch between government policy and the literature on inclusion in relation to practical implementation at the local level, opportunities for inclusion come with the dedication and passion of educators who provide teacher training about inclusive education, assistive technologies (Braille materials, hearing aids, etc.), multi-lingual education (MLE) materials, and advocacy by reaching out to parents and community members. Findings indicate that characteristics such as culture, the development of local resources, and the climate of the local context need to be considered in developing relevant inclusive policy to enact effective geographical inclusive practices in rural Bangladeshi communities.  相似文献   

Relying on Bronfenbrenner’s ecological model, this paper attempts to identify school-level factors that contribute to effective implementation of inclusive education. We also explored how government policy, with emphasis on individual education plans, school teams, Roma assistants and inter-sectorial committees, is implemented at the school level. Qualitative data were collected from various informants (students, parents, teachers, school associates, Roma assistants and local community representatives) in five schools selected on the basis of regional distribution and success in supporting diverse student needs. Two core categories of school-level facilitators were generated: inclusive practices and inclusive culture. Within the first category, which refers to concrete actions and relationships in the school and local community, five themes emerged: individualisation and use of individual education plans; cooperation between teachers and school inclusive education expert team; cooperation with internal and external specialists; cooperation with parents, and cooperation with the local community. The second category, which reflects beliefs, values and implicit school norms, was further divided into five subcategories: willingness for life-long learning; proactive stance; sense of teamwork; sophisticated personal philosophies of development and learning; and acceptance of difference. We concluded that successful schools have developed into professional learning communities. Finally, recommendations for improving relevant practices were provided.  相似文献   

In both the literature on inclusive education and in international policy development, there has been considerable interest in the use of sets of indicators for the implementation of inclusive education at national and local levels. Drawing on sets of indicators developed in Europe and the Pacific Islands, this study proposes a set of such indicators for Kuwait. These indicators are then presented in a survey of 161 special education teachers working in public elementary mainstream schools across Kuwait. Analysis of the results is used to explore how such indicators could play a role in promoting policy implementation for inclusive education in Kuwait and more widely in Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC) countries.  相似文献   


Countries of the Pacific region are currently undergoing significant reforms. While disability inclusive education has been identified as a regional priority by all member nations, implementing inclusive education in the countries of the region can be quite challenging as many barriers continue to hamper the progress of the countries. Unless the barriers are identified and systematically addressed, it is unlikely that the countries will be able to implement a robust and holistic inclusive education strategy. In this paper, we present possible ways in which the countries of the Pacific could make significant progress in implementing a sustainable inclusive education strategy. We used a collaborative approach of co-examining potential barriers that are likely to impede the growth of countries in implementing a comprehensive inclusive education plan of action. We then identified possible strategies that are likely to result in an improved and perhaps more culturally responsive implementation of inclusive education in the Pacific. The most significant barriers identified by the members included: inadequate teacher preparation, stigma and negative attitudes towards people with disabilities, and limited engagement with the local leaders and key stakeholders. Possible strategies for addressing the barriers are outlined and discussed with possible implications for local, regional, and international researchers and policy makers.  相似文献   

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