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1997年我国竞技体育管理体制改革全面实施,促使体育赛事在市场化和人文环境要求下被赋予了许多新内容,表现出新的特征.体育赛事研究逐渐成为体育科研的热点之一.运用内容分析法对1997~2008年我国公开发表的体育赛事科研论文分析发现:我国体育赛事研究存在发展不平衡、创新成果较少等问题.论文针对具体问题提出了相关意见与建议,以期为我国体育赛事科研发展提供参考.  相似文献   

根据目前培养体育专科学生科研能力教学出现的问题、相关的教学理论和教学的条件等情况,提出在体育专科生中开设<体育科研论文写作>课程而非<体育科研方法>课程的观点,对<体育科研论文写作>课程主要内容结构和课程开设的可行性提出了理论构想和假设分析.本研究的观点对进一步开展体育科研课程的教学改革、提高教学质量、培养体育专科学生的科学研究能力具有较大的实际应用意义.  相似文献   

本文不拟详细介绍体育科研论文撰写方法的细节,而是笔者在参加论文报告会和阅读论文等学术活动中,在启迪思维方法和增长知识的同时,感到有几个问题需要提出与大家共勉,以进一步普遍提高体育科研论文的质量。一、要客观地认识撰写论文的目的体育科研论文是创造性的研究成果的科学记录,对体育科技的进步和体育运动的发展起推动作用。这是已被历史和现实证明了的,无可怀疑。既然如此,对为什么要撰写体育科研论文,要不要撰写体育科研论文,本来已经不再是一个什么问题了。然而,现  相似文献   

我国体育科学研究作者群体状况分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料调研、调查访谈和逻辑推理等研究方法对2003-2006年在体育核心期刊发表论文的作者及其部分从事体育教研的群体进行了调研分析,讨论了我国体育科研作者群体从事科研的显性因素和隐性因素,并将作者群体划分为3大类型.在显性因素方面:现阶段我国体育科研作者群体主要以高校男性教师为主,职称、年龄结构基本合理,学历水平显著提高;体育科研论文的发表数量具有明显的地区差异.在隐性因素方面:作者群体的研究目的存在较大差异;论文发表频率比较合理;研究方向的稳定性有待于提高,而且选题主要集中于体育教育训练学和体育社会学领域,经验总结和阶段性成果较多,多领域、跨学科的合作研究偏少;作者群体的整体研究水平偏低.  相似文献   

运用文献资料、数理统计和逻辑分析等方法,对2002~2003年中文体育核心期刊上发表的硕士研究生论文进行统计与研究.认为硕士研究生的科研实力虽然不够强大,但已经在体育学术期刊上拥有一席之地;"体育人文社会学"学科论文数量最多,其他学科相对较少;硕士研究生的主要发文年龄段为26~30岁,年龄段发文量呈两头低、中间高的特点.针对现状,建议高校有关部门应重视硕士研究生的科研工作,为他们创造更多的研究机会,并提供人力、物力、财力帮助等措施,以提高硕士研究生的科研水平和体育期刊的办刊水平.  相似文献   

本文通过运用文献资料法、数理统计法和逻辑分析法对1999年以来桂林电子工业学院体育工作者在国内16种公开出版期刊上发表的86篇体育科研论文进行分析研究后认为,6年来桂林电子工业学院体育科研论文数量的变化呈现出波浪式上升的趋势;论文所涉及到的研究内容呈现出分布不均衡性特征,论文研究领域较集中在体育教学研究方面;在综合运用体育科研方法的能力方面存在不足;有些论文运用研究方法较单一,影响到论文研究的深度。  相似文献   

2002年9月24日-9月27日为期4天的第14届亚运会体育科学大会在韩国釜山DONG-A大学举行.亚运会体育科学大会代表亚洲体育科研的主题和方向,为亚洲及世界各国展示自己的研究成果提供了很好舞台.本文拟对参加此次亚运会的体育科学大会各个国家和地区的论文,从论文数量、论文级别、研究领域等方面进行比较分析,有助于了解此次论文报告会的基本情况以及目前亚洲体育科研的主流方向.  相似文献   

浙江高校体育科研特征分析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用数据调查和数理统计法.对浙江省高校教师在2002~2008年的体育科研状况进行统计分析,主要结论:浙江省高校在国内体育核心期刊发表论文数量在全国排名靠前;在高级别课题立项上不尽如人意;浙江省高校体育科研论文发表的排名情况看,有体育院系的高校排名靠前,本科院校明显强于专科院校等.  相似文献   

我国高校体育科研制度的激励效应分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
依托管理学的X、Y理论,采用问卷调查及相应的实证研究方法,对我国高校现存不同类型的体育科研制度与其相对应的科研绩效间的关系进行分析,从满意度、动机、行为等内在因素的变化分析各种类型体育科研制度的激励效应.研究表明,在以X、XY和Y人性假设为前提设计的不同的体育科研制度状态下,在著作数和经费量的科研绩效方面呈现出统计学差异,表现为宽松的制度状态下人们所获得的科研绩效较好的特征;在以X和XY人性假设为前提设计的体育科研制度状态下,人们的科研动机是在科研制度的直接刺激下引发的,其科研行为更多地是在外在动机的驱动下产生的,不能真正提高其科研能力.以Y人性假设为前提设计的科研制度为人们营造了一种宽松的学术环境,人们的科研行为是由科研工作带给人们的满意感以及由此激发的内在动机的增强引起的,也因此促使了人们科研能力的提升.  相似文献   

文章运用文献资料法、数理统计法、逻辑分析法等科研方法,以中国期刊全文数据库检索系统(CNKI)为工具,对1994年至2009年3月在国内公开期刊上发表的气排球科研论文进行分析,结果显示:论文发表量呈上升趋势,针对高校及老年人群的研究居多;多以分散型和自发性的科研为主,高校的中级和副高职称体育工作者是研究的主力军;但科研方法单一,综合性运用还有待加强。  相似文献   

There has been a recent resurgence in debate about methods for statistical inference in science. The debate addresses statistical concepts and their impact on the value and meaning of analyses’ outcomes. In contrast, philosophical underpinnings of approaches and the extent to which analytical tools match philosophical goals of the scientific method have received less attention. This short piece considers application of the scientific method to “what-is-the-influence-of x-on-y” type questions characteristic of sport and exercise science. We consider applications and interpretations of estimation versus falsification based statistical approaches and their value in addressing how much x influences y, and in measurement error and method agreement settings. We compare estimation using magnitude based inference (MBI) with falsification using null hypothesis significance testing (NHST), and highlight the limited value both of falsification and NHST to address problems in sport and exercise science. We recommend adopting an estimation approach, expressing the uncertainty of effects of x on y, and their practical/clinical value against pre-determined effect magnitudes using MBI.  相似文献   


Academics have a responsibility to ensure that their research findings are as truthful as possible. InIn every issue of a scientific journal, a large number of significance tests are reported (usually using P <0.05). Of course, most of these results will be true/correct. Unfortunately, due to the nature of sampling, researchers will occasionally make errors, often referred to as type I (probability = α) and type II (probability = β) errors. The power of a test (1-β) is the probability of correctly rejecting a false null hypothesis – that is, correctly detecting a real or true effect. Factors that are known to influence power include: (1) the level of significance (α), (2) the size of the difference or relationship in the population (the effect), (3) the sample size, and (4) unexplained error variance. As researchers, we have little control over most of these factors. The one factor that we have some influence over, however, is the ability to reduce the unexplained error variance. In the present article, we describe a range of methods that will increase the probability that a researcher has correctly identified a real effect by increasing the power of their statistical tests. Such methods will include ways of designing experiments to reduce error and uncertainty. The use of blocking and randomized block designs will reduce unexplained error, such as adopting matched or repeated-measures designs rather than using independent observations. The other method of reducing unexplained errors is to adopt more appropriate (e.g. biologically correct) models and checking the distribution assumptions associated with such models. In conclusion, researchers are responsible for maximizing the likelihood that their results are as accurate and truthful as possible. By carefully planning their experiments and adopting appropriate models, researchers are more likely to publish their findings with a greater degree of confidence, but not certainty.  相似文献   

The community size effect (or birthplace effect) suggests that high-performance athletes are less likely to emerge from regions with population sizes that are very small or very large. However, previous research on elite Canadian ice hockey players has not considered the influence of intra-national regional variation of population distributions with respect to community size effects. Therefore, the purpose of the current study was to test the heterogeneity of the community size effect between Canadian National Hockey League draftees (2000–2014: n = 1505), from 7 provincial regions within Canada (i.e., British Columbia, Alberta, Saskatchewan, Manitoba, Ontario, Quebec and the Atlantic Provinces). The proportion of athletes in the 9 census population categories were compared to the national and regional general population distributions in the census categories. Results suggest variability of community size effects between the 7 provincial regions within Canada, with only the province of Ontario demonstrating a community size effect congruent with effects reported in previous research. Using regional general population distributions as the comparator to athlete populations changed the direction, meaningfulness and magnitude of community size effects. In conclusion, elite ice hockey player community size effects may not be generalisable to all regions within Canada.  相似文献   

安徽省体育产业结构探析   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
运用文献资料法、对比分析法等研究方法,从经济学的角度对安徽省体育产业结构进行分析,发现安徽省体育产业总体规模偏小、核心产业滞后、产业结构关联效应较低、区域发展不均衡和体育消费人群比重低等问题,与体育产业发达的地区相比还存在较大差距,针对其存在的问题提出优化安徽省体育产业结构的相关对策措施。  相似文献   

Research into knots, splices and other methods of forming an eye termination has been limited, despite the fact that they are essential and strongly affect the performance of a rope. The aim of this study was to carry out a comprehensive initial assessment of the breaking strength of eye terminations commonly used in a sailing environment, thereby providing direction for further work in the field. Supports for use in a regular tensile testing machine were specially developed to allow individual testing of each sample and a realistic spread of statistical data to be obtained. Over 180 break tests were carried out on four knots (the bowline, double bowline, figure-of-eight loop and perfection loop) and two splices (three-strand eye splice and braid-on-braid splice). The factors affecting their strength were investigated. A statistical approach to the analysis of the results was adopted. The type of knot was found to have a significant effect on the strength. This same effect was seen in both types of rope construction (three-strand and braid-on-braid). Conclusions were also drawn as to the effect of splice length, eye size, manufacturer and rope diameter on the breaking strength of splices. Areas of development and further investigation were identified.  相似文献   

Monte Carlo methods can be used in data analytic situations (e.g., validity studies) to make decisions about sample size and to estimate power. The purpose of using Monte Carlo methods in a validity study is to improve the methodological approach within a study where the primary focus is on construct validity issues and not on advancing statistical theory. The purpose of this study is to demonstrate how Monte Carlo methods can be used to determine sample size and to estimate power for a confirmatory factor analytic model under model-data conditions commonly encountered in exercise and sport. Because the purpose is pursued by way of demonstration with the Coaching Efficacy Scale II-High School Teams, related sample size recommendations are provided: N > or = 200 for the theoretical model; N > or = 300 for the population model. Technical terms (e.g., coverage) are defined when necessary.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis (k = 48) investigated two relationships in competitive sport: (1) state cognitive anxiety with performance and (2) state self-confidence with performance. The cognitive anxiety mean effect size was r = -0.10 (P < 0.05). The self-confidence mean effect size was r = 0.24 (P < 0.001). A paired-samples t-test revealed that the magnitude of the self-confidence mean effect size was significantly greater than that of the cognitive anxiety mean effect size. The moderator variables for the cognitive anxiety-performance relationship were sex and standard of competition. The mean effect size for men (r = -0.22) was significantly greater than the mean effect size for women (r = -0.03). The mean effect size for high-standard competition (r = -0.27) was significantly greater than that for comparatively low-standard competition (r = -0.06). The significant moderator variables for the self-confidence-performance relationship were sex, standard of competition and measurement. The mean effect size for men (r = 0.29) was significantly greater than that for women (r = 0.04) and the mean effect size for high-standard competition (r = 0.33) was significantly greater than that for low-standard competition (r = 0.16). The mean effect size derived from studies employing the Competitive State Anxiety Inventory-2 (r = 0.19) was significantly smaller than the mean effect size derived from studies using other measures of self-confidence (r = 0.38). Measurement issues are discussed and future research directions are offered in light of the results.  相似文献   

介绍了体育人体科学研究中要求实验精度条件下确定样本量应注意的问题,利用实例说明了一些常用的样本含量的估计方法及多指标抽样中样本含量的确定原则,并讨论了实际应用中关于样本量问题的两种倾向。  相似文献   

Biomechanics and motor control researchers measure how the body moves and interacts with its environment. The aim of this review paper is to consider some key issues in research methods in biomechanics and motor control. The review is organized into four sections: proposing, conducting, analysing and reporting research. In the first of these, we emphasize the importance of defining a worthy research question and of planning the study before its implementation to prevent later difficulties in the analysis and interpretation of data. In the second section, we cover selection of trial sizes and suggest that using three trials or more may be beneficial to provide more ‘representative’ and valid data. The third section on analysis of data concentrates on effect size statistics, qualitative and numerical trend analysis and cross-correlations. As sample sizes are often small, the use of effect size is recommended to support the results of statistical significance testing. In using cross-correlations, we recommend that scatterplots of one variable against the other, with the identified time lag included, be inspected to confirm that the linear relationship assumption underpinning this statistic is met and, if appropriate, that a linearity transformation be applied. Finally, we consider important information related to the issues above that should be included when reporting research. We recommend reporting checks or corrections for violations of underpinning assumptions, and the effect of these checks or corrections, to assist in advancing knowledge in biomechanics and motor control.  相似文献   

This study compared reactive agility between higher-standard (n = 14) and lower-standard (n = 14) Australian footballers using a reactive agility test incorporating a life-size video image of another player changing direction, including and excluding a feint. Mean agility time in the feint trials was 34% (509 ± 243 ms; p < 0.001; effect size 3.06) longer than non-feint trials. In higher-standard players, agility time was shorter than for lower-standard players in both feint (114 ± 140 ms; p = 0.18; effect size 0.52; likely beneficial) and non-feint (32 ± 44 ms; p = 0.22; effect size 0.47; possibly beneficial) trials. Additionally, the inclusion of a feint resulted in movement time increasing over three times more in the lower-standard group (197 ± 91 ms; p = 0.001; effect size 1.07; almost certainly detrimental) than the higher-standard group (62 ± 86 ms; p = 0.23; effect size 0.66; likely detrimental). There were weak correlations between the feint and non-feint trials (r = -0.13-0.14; p > 0.05), suggesting that reactive agility involving a feint is a unique skill. Also, higher-standard players are more agile than their lower-standard peers, whose movement speed deteriorates more as task complexity increases with the inclusion of a feint. These results support the need for specific training in multi-turn reactive agility tasks.  相似文献   

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