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This paper focuses on how wise humanising creativity (WHC) is manifested within early years interdisciplinary arts education. It draws on Arts Council-funded participatory research by Devon Carousel Project and University of Exeter’s Graduate School of Education. It is grounded in previous AHRC-funded research, which conceptualised WHC in the face of educational creativity/performativity tensions. WHC articulates the dialogic embodied inter-relationship of creativity and identity – creators are ‘making and being made’; they are ‘becoming’. The research used a qualitative methodology to create open-ended spaces of dialogue or ‘Living Dialogic Spaces’ framed by an ecological model to situate the team’s different positionings. Data collection included traditional qualitative techniques and arts-based techniques. Data analysis involved inductive/deductive conversations between existing theory and emergent themes. Analysis indicated that ‘making and being made’, and other key WHC features were manifested. We conclude by suggesting that WHC can help develop understanding of how creative arts practice supports the breadth of young children’s development, and the role of the creativity-identity dialogue within that, as well as indicating what the practice and research has to offer beyond the Early Years.  相似文献   

基于现在高职数学教育的实际情况,从高职数学教育与中学数学教育的区别和衔接,针对知识点和学习方法两个方面进行了探讨。并根据一线教师多年的实际经验,给出了一定的解决方案。  相似文献   

There is a strong need in the United States to increase the number of students from underrepresented groups who pursue careers in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics. Drawing from sociocultural theory, we present approaches to establishing collaborations between computer engineering and mathematics/bilingual education faculty to address this need. We describe our work through the Advancing Out-of-School Learning in Mathematics and Engineering project by illustrating how an integrated curriculum that is based on mathematics with applications in image and video processing can be designed and how it can be implemented with middle school students from underrepresented groups.  相似文献   

数学建模教育就是指在数学教学过程中将生产、生活中一些实际的问题用简单、逻辑的数学语言或符号表达出来,然后用我们熟悉的数学方法解决这些问题。  相似文献   

After improving enrolment rates significantly, many developing countries such as Peru are facing the challenge to increase learning levels among students. Over the past few years, many researchers have turned to teacher-related variables as a way to better understand classroom processes that may help increase learning levels among students. In this study, we analyze one of these, that falls under what Shulman (Educational Researcher, 15 (2), 4–14, 1986) called pedagogical content knowledge (PCK). Specifically, in this study, we analyze one of the areas of PCK which is knowledge of content and students. This was measured through a test where teachers were asked to explain students’ mistakes and predict responses in similar mathematics exercises. We explore if PCK is associated with the socioeconomic status of children and if it has an effect on children’s achievement. Additionally, we analyze which teacher characteristics are associated with higher scores in PCK. The analysis uses the Young Lives longitudinal survey for Peru. We found that students’ socioeconomic status at age 1 and maternal education were positively associated with their teachers’ PCK by the time students were enrolled in fourth grade, thus depicting a very unequal education system. Furthermore, teachers’ PCK was positively associated with student achievement, but only when a threshold for the PCK test was established. For our sample, male teachers, who were younger, and Spanish speakers had higher PCK scores.  相似文献   

数学是一种文化,是人类文化的重要组成部分。将数学文化渗透到高职数学的教学过程中,有利于培养学生的应用意识、创新精神和探索精神,以及提高学生的人文素养和审美修养。将数学文化的思想和内容融入高职数学教学中,是对原来的高职数学课程教学目标的重新确定,适应于高职人才培养目标和学生的全面发展,会使高职数学教育功能更趋于完善。  相似文献   

历史上每一次重大的数学教育改革 ,无不关涉到数学教育价值的抉择与建构 ;数学教育的“训练价值”与“实用价值”、“知识价值”与“能力价值”一直处在“钟摆”与“嬗变”之中 ;新世纪的数学教育、尤其是数学课程改革 ,应该把握住数学的本质特征和根本特点 ,在提高学生的数学素质 (数学知识、技能和思想、方法 ,数学概括、抽象和推理、证明能力等 )的基础之上 ,促进学生理性和非理性充分、和谐地发展。  相似文献   

数学情感、意志与数学学习成绩关系的研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
以测试材料为基础,运用教育统计方法分析和探讨数学情感、意志与数学学习成绩的关系。研究结果表明:数学情感和意志与数学学习成绩存在密切关系,对数学学习成绩有着重要的影响。  相似文献   

创新力培养是职业教育的重要内容   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
创新力,是创造新成果的能力.新成果,不仅包括新技术、新产品,还包括新思想、新观念、新理论、新方案等.由于长期的计划经济体制下传统教育模式的影响,在我国职业教育中,创新教育没有受到应有的重视,一直处在"没计划、没教材,教师不懂、学生不修"的状况.在当今靠创新能力拼搏、竞争的知识经济时代,绝不能让创新力教育再延误下去了.  相似文献   

Increasingly, students are expected to write about mathematics. Mathematics writing may be informal (e.g., journals, exit slips) or formal (e.g., writing prompts on high-stakes mathematics assessments). In order to develop an effective mathematics-writing intervention, research needs to be conducted on how students organize mathematics writing and use writing features to convey mathematics knowledge. We collected mathematics-writing samples from 155 4th-grade students in 2 states. Each student wrote about a computation word problem and fraction representations. We compared mathematics-writing samples to a norm-referenced measure of essay writing to examine similarities in how students use writing features such as introductions, conclusions, paragraphs, and transition words. We also analyzed the mathematics vocabulary terms that students incorporated within their writing and whether mathematics computation skills were related to the mathematics vocabulary students used in writing. Finally, we coded and described how students used mathematics representations in their writing. Findings indicate that students use organizational features of writing differently across the norm-referenced measure of essay writing and their mathematics writing. Students also use mathematics vocabulary and representations with different levels of success. Implications for assessment, practice, and intervention development are discussed.  相似文献   


In higher education, engineering students have to be prepared for their future jobs, with knowledge but also with several soft skills, among them creativity. In this paper, we present a study carried on with 128 engineering undergraduate students on their understanding of mathematical creativity. The students were in the first year of different engineering first degrees in a north-eastern Portuguese university and we analysed the content of their texts for the question ‘What do you understand by mathematical creativity?’. Data collection was done in the first semester of the academic years 2014/2015 and 2016/2017 in a Linear Algebra course. The results showed that ‘problem solving’ category had the majority of the references in 2014/2015, but not in the academic year 2016/2017 were ‘involving mathematics’ category had the majority. This exploratory study pointed out for ‘problem solving’ and ‘involving mathematics’ categories and gave us hints for teaching mathematics courses in engineering degrees.  相似文献   

Educational Studies in Mathematics - Before the pandemic (2019), we asked: On what themes should research in mathematics education focus in the coming decade? The 229 responses from 44...  相似文献   

In this paper we study the mathematical body as an assemblage of human and non-human mathematical concepts. We argue that learners’ bodies are always in the process of becoming assemblages of diverse and dynamic materialities. Following the work of the historian of science Karen Barad, we argue that mathematical concepts must be considered dynamic material, and we suggest a “pedagogy of the concept” that animates concepts as both logical and ontological. We draw on the philosopher of mathematics Gilles Châtelet in order to pursue this argument, elaborating on the way that mathematical concepts partake of the mobility of the virtual, while learners, in engaging with this mobility, enter a material process of becoming. We show how the concept of virtuality allows us to look at mathematical concepts in school curriculum in new ways.  相似文献   

This article summarises what we can learn from research into workplace practice and vocational preparation to inform the design of mathematics education curricula for learners in general education undertaking compulsory schooling. Key findings about workplace practices are identified and explicated through the report of a case study from research in which researchers, students, teachers and workers explored workplace and mathematical practices together. Further to this, issues of learning and personal development are considered and explored from a point of view that sees learning as practice (doing) and identity development (becoming). This leads to a proposal for principles that provide a strategic vision for curriculum design. A potential approach to tactical design that facilitates curriculum structuring is illustrated in the particular instance of understanding developing measures as a modelling activity. Overall, the exercise, whilst providing some insight into possible ways forward in curriculum development, also suggests areas that require further research and development.  相似文献   

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