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负性群体思维危害严重,预防负性群体思维的产生。对于减少决策失误,提高决策的科学性具有重要意义。  相似文献   

论述了:(1)学生群体思维的特点;(2)数学教学中群体思维的引导与调控;(3)如何正确处理群体思维活动中"个体"与"群体"之间的关系.  相似文献   

在社会中,人总是作为群体形式而存在的。人的思维表面上是在个人头脑中进行的,但是从本质上来说它并不是个人的,它仅仅作为无数亿过去、现在和未来的个人思维而存在。人的思维是社会思维。所谓社会思维,是指人作为集体主体对客观现实的反映,是在人类社会实践和社会关系的基础上,个体思维之间、个体思维与群体思维之间以及群体思维之间交互作用,多元复合的观念运动体系。 民主集中规律是社会群体思维运动的普遍规律。民主——集中——民主的规律是关于个体思维和群体思维相互作用、相互转化的规律。任何社会组织、群体或学术研究群体…  相似文献   

单位领导在经济改革的大潮中,要想能做出更准确、更合理的决策,增强在市场经济条件下的竞争能力,必须注意防止群体思维现象的出现.教育工作领导者也应注意这个问题.  相似文献   

任何一份期刊的成功编辑、出版、发行都是集体智慧的结晶,为了进一步提高办刊质量,编辑部必须充分发挥编辑个体和编辑群体的优势。本文从编辑个体思维和群体思维的特点入手,论述了提高编辑个体思维和群体思维能力的途径以及两者相结合的形式,以期为调动办刊力量,提高办刊水平提供有益的启示。  相似文献   

新媒介技术、网络文化、深层次社会心理等因素交织作用,引发大学生网络群体的极化效应.新媒体传播语境下大学生网络群体极化呈现出盲从群体意见、群体观点偏执和集体无意识行为等表征,其背后凸显了群体思维缺陷和个体自我的迷失,严重地危及高校网络安全与校园稳定.以网络文化为视角,采取培养高度的网络文化自觉、参与构建清朗的网络空间、培育与网络受众相符的行为、校园媒体协同社会媒体形成约束合力等相应措施加以引导,可以规避大学生网络群体极化这一非常态校园网络现象.  相似文献   

在高校中普遍存在的学生学习动力不足的情况,与大学生所加入的非正式群体有重要联系.非正式群体具有自发性、群体思维突出、常以寝室形式出现、有典型的意见领袖等特点,经历形成、震荡、规范和执行四个阶段,对大学生的思想和行为形成强约束,从而造成在学习动力方面的不同表现.应从新生入学教育、课堂管理、学生管理制度建设、对于典型学生的教育和引导、开展学生间互助帮扶活动等方式对大学生非正式群体进行管理.  相似文献   

曾杰 《成才之路》2013,(18):I0005-I0005
第十八讲社会思维场与社会思维力社会思维场是个体思维场和群体思维场的综合场。每个个体思维主体由于主体和客体、个体思维和群体思维的相对相关、相互作用而形成不同场性的个体思维场。每一个别群体思维主体,由于其中各个个体思维场的相对相关、相互作用,以及群体思维与整个社会思维场的相对相关、相互作用,便形成具有特定场性的群体思维场。每个个体思维场和每个群体思维场都有内场和外场,它  相似文献   

职中生是有别于普高生的“特殊群体”。其基本趋向成型的文化、思想、能力和心理等素质,制约了这一特殊群体的思维态势,主客体关系上的特殊矛盾性,常常导致这一特殊群体思维态势的震荡和分合。  相似文献   

本文根据2009年高考政治(上海卷)考试结果,对试题进行功能偏差分析.分析对象包括两类,男女生子群体和市区、郊区考生子群体.分析结果显示,试题对市区、郊区考生子群体没有显著的功能差异.有两道试题存在功能偏差,对男生子群体有利,偏差效应总计不超过0.5分.两道试题的功能偏差来源各不相同,一是源自男、女生子群体思维品质差异,另一则受到与学科无关的背景知识的影响.政治考试(上海卷)对研究的子群体没有产生显著的不公平.但偏差来源分析揭示的信息,值得命题者反思和汲取教训.  相似文献   

青年是社会的未来和希望。毛泽东、邓小平、江泽民作为我们党的三代领导人的核心 ,都十分重视青年 ,关注青年问题 ,在青年问题上提出了许多重要的思想。从价值观、教育观、学习观、政治观、干部观等方面分析和研究他们青年思想的共性特征 ,对于我们今天认识青年问题 ,制定正确的青年培养政策 ,具有重要的理论意义和现实意义  相似文献   

课程领导问题探析   总被引:13,自引:0,他引:13  
课程领导是课程与领导两范畴的结合,并且它与管理有着十分紧密的联系。课程领导中领导者必须运用领导的理论、方法与策略来完成课程设计、课程实施、课程评价等任务;课程领导必须打破指令型的管理思维模式,将课程活动视为一种课程领导者与所属成员共同探究课程问题的互动过程。课程领导是一项复杂的组织活动,它所承担的主要职能是决策、组织与引导。成功的课程领导者会认真考虑所属成员的需求与教育的实际情况,设计出完善的课程计划,促进教育行政人员、教师、学生与家长共同参与课程改革。  相似文献   

Educational reform in Australia recognizes the need for an effective teacher evaluation system but has fallen short of actually prescribing one. Current practice does not align to policy intent, with teacher evaluation largely an exercise in compliance around performance management as opposed to a process that promotes evaluative thinking, continuous improvement and connection to student outcomes. The recent introduction of the Australian Professional Standards for Teaching has gone some way to providing a common language and the idea of a nationally acceptable pathway for teacher development and performance. Nonetheless, two things are missing in the Australian context: the privileging of developing evaluative mindsets in teachers and school leaders and the tools and methods that provide the ‘how’ of evaluation and support this thinking. Situated against a period of reform in Australia’s diverse federal and multi-sectoral education system, this article first provides an analytical review of the Australian approach to teacher evaluation. It then presents two innovative approaches that support the process of evaluation and the broader information needs of an evaluation system while developing teachers’ and school leaders’ evaluative thinking which engages evidence-informed change and ultimately more sustainable outcomes for the education system.  相似文献   

Studies have shown that school leaders are important in work with large-scale policy reforms in schools. However, the issue of how school leaders and teachers discuss and enact policy is under-studied. This article explores the discursive processes in school leaders’ and teachers’ policy enactment as they construct responses to policy. The data consists of video recordings and observation of leadership meetings and teacher-team meetings. A critical discourse analytical approach combined with perspectives of policy enactment as a process of interpretation serve as analytical concepts. The findings indicate the school leaders act more as narrators and enthusiasts, while the deputy managers and teacher-team leaders are more messengers and enforcers. The teachers mostly keep the discursive role as critics and preventers of ‘overburdening.’ A main argument is that the policy expectation of using national test results as a tool to develop school quality and student learning seems to be lost in translation.  相似文献   

Policy implementation at school level is often recognised as transformative enactment. Positioning school leaders as gatekeepers in this enactment is limiting. This study of one Australian school explores the complex contextualised agency of school leaders showing that their role, far more than gatekeeping, can be enabling and transformative. Identifying the agency of school leaders in enacting policy imperatives to ‘know Asia’ creates space to imagine localised narrative possibilities that negotiate and potentially challenge policy agendas. Accounts of policy work by school leaders are heteroglossic and densely intertextual in their mobilisation and collocation of discourses. A metaphor of a frog in a well is taken up to translate policy in locally specific ways that make it much more than a template of externally devised policy. Deep contextual knowledge empowers school leaders to imagine policy in innovative ways; however, it is paired with a cautionary note on risks inherent to shaping policy for ‘like-minded’ futures.  相似文献   

领导者的战略思维既是一个理论问题,也是一个实践问题。它关系到领导者能否顺应时代潮流,担负时代责任,驾驭复杂环境,抓住机遇,取得比较优势,从而获得发展的的主动权。领导者战略思维中的全局观要求领导者要把注意力放在照顾工作的全局上,以便总揽全局,要学会抓重点,要重视研究全局问题,只有这样,才能驾驭全局,争取全局工作的主动和胜利。  相似文献   

This study explores reflective experience during transformative, group-based learning among university leaders following a natural disaster such as a typhoon in two Philippine universities. Natural disasters are recurrent phenomena in many parts of the world, but the literature largely ignores their impact on lifelong human learning, for instance regarding preparing the university setting for future natural disasters. The study used interviews and document analysis, drawing on a body of interrelated works in transformative learning theory, critical educational theory and conceptions about group processes and reflective practice to understand university leaders’ lifelong learning from natural disasters as experiential, transformative, reflective and group oriented. The findings document that university leaders’ reflective, transformative learning depends on individuals’ experience of natural disasters as disorienting dilemmas, and that reflection is facilitated by decisive group dynamics rather than only personal reflection. Facilitating a learning space for transformative, reflective learning in university settings might assist university leaders to enhance disaster risk preparedness, for instance through local policy change.  相似文献   


Senior executives who completed the two-year distance education program of the United States Army War College showed significant development of their strategic-level cognitive skills. The Modified Career Path Appreciation (MCPA) survey was administered to seventy participants at the beginning of their graduate program in strategic studies and at the completion of the program. These senior officer leaders showed a significant increase in their appreciation for strategic-level thinking as measured by the MCPA survey, focus group, and individual interviews. Focus group and individual interviews showed that senior officer leaders increase their ability to synthesize information by using online information networks, threaded discussions, and the application of course material to their current leadership experiences.  相似文献   

秘书在工作实践中,语言、行为上丝毫都不能越位,而在思维上却可以而且应该越位。越位思维是协调领导思维和秘书思维的重要桥梁,也是实现秘书参谋助手职能的重要途径。秘书的越位思维可以通过跟踪领导的思想活动,实行换位思考等方法来实现,同时要注意越位的均衡点的把握。  相似文献   

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