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BackgroundMemecylon species are commonly used in Indian ethnomedical practices. The accurate identification is vital to enhance the drug's efficacy and biosafety. In the present study, PCR based techniques like RAPD, ISSR and DNA barcoding regions, such as 5s, psbA-trnH, rpoC1, ndh and atpF-atpH, were used to authenticate and analyze the diversity of five Memecylon species collected from Western Ghats of India.ResultsPhylogenetic analysis clearly distinguished Memecylon malabaricum from Memecylon wightii and Memecylon umbellatum from Memecylon edule and clades formed are in accordance with morphological keys. In the RAPD and ISSR analyses, 27 accessions representing five Memecylon species were distinctly separated into three different clades. M. malabaricum and M. wightii grouped together and M. umbellatum, M. edule and Memecylon talbotianum grouped in the same clade with high Jaccard dissimilarity coefficient and bootstrap support between each node, indicating that these grouped species are phylogenetically similar.ConclusionData from the present study reveals that chloroplast psbA-trnH region could be used as a potential candidate region for identifying Memecylon species, and ISSR marker system could be used for estimating genetic diversity since it has high percent polymorphism compared to RAPD marker.  相似文献   

BackgroundGenetic diversity and genetic variation of 10 populations and subpopulations of Magnolia wufengensis, a new and endangered endemic species, were examined by inter simple sequence repeat (ISSR) and sequence-related amplified polymorphism (SRAP) molecular markers. Compared with other endangered endemic Magnolia taxa, M. wufengensis holds a relatively high level of genetic variation.ResultTotal genetic diversity was found to be 87.7% for ISSR and 88.0% for SRAP markers. For polymorphic loci (P), the effective mean number of alleles (Ae) was 1.414 for ISSR markers and 1.458 for SRAP markers, while the mean expected heterozygosity (H) was 0.256 using ISSR and 0.291 for SRAP markers. Within-population variation was estimated for P as 74.9% using ISSR and 74.6% with SRAP markers; the number of alleles Ae was 1.379 with ISSR and 1.397 for SRAP and H 0.235 with ISSR and 0.247 for SRAP markers.ConclusionThe analysis of molecular variation of both ISSR and SRAP marker systems indicated that most genetic variation is within populations, with values of 90.64% and 82.92% respectively. Mantel tests indicated a moderate association between the two marker systems and a low correlation between genetic and geographic distances. High levels of genetic diversity and low levels of population divergence suggest that genetic drift is not currently of great concern for this species. Severe habitat loss and fragmentation, predominantly ascribed to anthropogenic pressures, caused in-situ developing restriction of this species. Action for conserving this rare species for its long-term survival should be taken immediately.  相似文献   

从满江红Azolla Lam.萍-藻共生体中提取DNA进行的RAPD系统分析通常忽视了满江红样品的异质性。本研究通过获得无藻的满江红,比较有藻萍、无藻萍和离体藻之间的RAPD指纹图谱。发现从有藻萍中提取DNA的扩增反应来源于萍藻双方DNA的共同影响。依引物和植物样本的不同,共生双方对扩增产物的贡献结果不同,说明了用无藻萍进行RAPD检测的重要性。对满江红三膘组5个种的11个无藻萍样本进行了RAPD分析,由9个引物产生的127个DNA多态片段用于计算样本间的Jaccard相似系数和UPGMA树状聚类图。结果  相似文献   

BackgroundWeedy rice (Oryza sativa L.) is a noxious form of cultivated rice (O. sativa L.) associated with intensive rice production and dry seeding. A cost-efficient strategy to control this weed is the Clearfield rice production system, which combines imidazolinone herbicides with mutant imidazolinone-resistant rice varieties. However, imidazolinone resistance mutations can be introgressed in weedy rice populations by natural outcrossing, reducing the life span of the Clearfield technology. Timely and accurate detection of imidazolinone resistance mutations in weedy rice may contribute to avoiding the multiplication and dispersion of resistant weeds and to protect the Clearfield system. Thus, highly sensitive and specific methods with high throughput and low cost are needed. KBioscience’s Allele Specific PCR (KASP) is a codominant, competitive allele-specific PCR-based genotyping method. KASP enables both alleles to be detected in a single reaction in a closed-tube format. The aim of this work is to assess the suitability and validity of the KASP method for detection in weedy rice of the three imidazolinone resistance mutations reported to date in rice.ResultsValidation was carried out by determining the analytical performance of the new method and comparing it with conventional allele-specific PCR, when genotyping sets of cultivated and weedy rice samples. The conventional technique had a specificity of 0.97 and a sensibility of 0.95, whereas for the KASP method, both parameters were 1.00.ConclusionsThe new method has equal accuracy while being more informative and saving time and resources compared with conventional methods, which make it suitable for monitoring imidazolinone-resistant weedy rice in Clearfield rice fields.  相似文献   

BackgroundProcambarus clarkii produces high-quality, delicious meat that is high in protein, low in fat, and rich in calcium and phosphorus. It has become an important aquatic resource in China. Our objectives are (i) to analyze the level of genetic diversity of P. clarkii populations; (ii) to explore the genetic differentiation (Gst); and (iii) to propose appropriate strategies for the conservation.ResultsIn this study, Shannon's index (I) and Nei's gene diversity index (H) for P. clarkii were high (I = 0.3462 and H = 0.2325 on average and I = 0.6264, H = 0.4377 at the species level) based on the SSR markers. The expected heterozygosity value of 17 microsatellite loci in 25 crayfish populations was 0.9317, the observed heterozygosity value was 0.9121, and the observed number of alleles per locus was 2.000; and the effective number of alleles per locus was 1.8075. Among the P. clarkii populations, the inbreeding coefficient within populations (Fis) was 0.2315, overall inbreeding coefficient (Fit) was 0.4438, genetic differentiation coefficient among populations (Fst) was 0.3145 and gene differentiation (Gst) was 0.4785 based on SSR analyses. The cluster analysis results obtained by unweighted pair-group method with arithmetic mean (UPGMA) analysis, principal coordinate analysis (PCoA) and STRUCTURE analysis were similar. A mantel test showed that the isolation-by-distance pattern was not significant.ConclusionsThe high Gst among P. clarkii populations is attributed to genetic drift and geographic isolation. The results indicated that more P. clarkii populations should be collected when formulating conservation and aquaculture strategies.How to citeLiu F, Qu Y-K, Geng C, et al. Analysis of the population structure and genetic diversity of the red swamp crayfish (Procambarus clarkii) in China using SSR markers. Electron J Biotechnol 2020;47. https://doi.org/10.1016/j.ejbt.2020.06.007.  相似文献   

This paper compares the development of genetic testing for breast cancer (BRCA testing) in the USA and the UK. It argues that national political cultures played an important role in how these genetic testing technologies were shaped, and that the shapes of these technologies had important implications for the users of these systems. In order to demonstrate the roles of national social and political elements in the development of new genetic testing technologies, I introduce the concept of a technology's architecture, which is made up of components and the specific ways in which these components are assembled to fulfill particular functions. In the USA, four very different BRCA testing systems initially emerged. However, one biotechnology company, Myriad Genetics, eventually used its legal and economic position to become the sole provider of testing. It offered BRCA testing the way many other laboratory tests were provided in the USA, available to anyone through any physician. The shape of this testing service had important implications for its participants, defining the client as a consumer who could demand access to any of Myriad's laboratory services, but could not choose among testing systems. In the UK, the government-run National Health Service provided testing through regional genetics clinics, using family history information to assess risk and triage care. Clients in the UK were defined as citizens and patients, who had the right to equal access to the testing system but could not demand any specific services.  相似文献   

试验比较了“河姆渡”双季茭在孕茭前和膨大期植株叶片和叶鞘中营养成分的变化。结果表明:(1)膨大期茭白叶鞘和叶片内的总糖含量分别比孕茭前显著增加99.07%和123.79%(P<0.05);(2)膨大期,叶鞘内总糖的含量显著大于叶片中总糖的含量,增加达18.1%(P<0.05);(3)孕茭前和膨大期相比.茭白叶片内游离氨基酸的组成和含量无显著差异;但叶鞘内游离氨基酸的组成和含量却差异显著(P<0.05),氨基酸总量提高了127.8%;(4)膨大期与孕茭前相比,叶鞘中有6种氨基酸的含量增幅最大,依次是:谷氨酸(Glu;610.0%)>甘氨酸(Gly;303.6%)>丙氨酸(Ala;228.7%)>赖氨酸(Lys;207.2%)>丝氨酸(Ser;203.7%)>天门冬氨酸(Asp;172.0%);其中,丝氨酸含量最高,孕茭前和膨大期分别占氨基酸总量的34.81%和46.42%;(5)膨大期与孕茭前相比,叶片和叶鞘中脯氨酸(Pro)、精氨酸(Arg)和亮氨酸(Leu)含量均有明显降低。  相似文献   

本文使用DEA-Malmquist方法测度了2004-2009年期间江苏省13个城市的配置效率与技术创新增长率.本文发现,总的来看,苏南各个城市的创新型经济指标相对较高,而苏北较低.具体来看,技术效率和规模效率,无锡和镇江相对高于其他城市;南京、扬州、常州、徐州尽管资本深化程度较高,但是资源配置效率相对较低,南通和宿迁则存在明显资本深化不足的问题;而连云港、淮阴、盐城的资源配置效率和规模效率水平都相对较低.从技术创新增长率来看,南京、无锡、苏州遥遥领先于其它城市,并基本符合从苏南、苏中、苏北递减的趋势.  相似文献   

技术进步、技术效率与中国渔业增长分析   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
本文运用DEA的马姆奎斯特指数法,测定了我国1999—2007年29个省(市、自治区、直辖市)渔业的全要素生产率及其分解的技术效率、纯技术效率、技术进步指数、规模效率,并且对省际间渔业的经济趋同效应进行分析。结论表明:渔业全要素生产率增长显著,沿海地区和内陆地区TFP的增长模式不同,沿海地区以技术进步为主,忽视了技术效率,内陆地区技术进步和技术效率同时发展。TFP促使沿海和内陆各省渔业出现趋同趋势,而TFP的分解指数在全国、沿海和内陆省际间对趋同效应的影响各不相同。  相似文献   

分类学是认识生物体的一种工具,对生物体间系统关系的理解,种质资源利用的指南,也是一种交流用的普通语言。因此,分类处理需要反映这些关系的近期认识。在自然界,生物体只有两个绝对的单位:个体与种。一个种是一群个体被不可缺少的生殖关系相互联系成为的一个绝对单位。生殖隔离是种与种间的基本界限,同时也是生物演化过程中形成独立基因库(gene pools)的惟一因素。既然在种以上的分类群没有绝对界线,在种以上的任一分类处理都不可能避免人为性。虽然如此,仍然必须作出某些分类适应它们的描述、利用与(或)研究。这篇文章对小麦族分类群间生物系统关系的划分是基于遗传学的研究。我们分类处理的原则是:(1)反映这些种系统演化现今的理解;(2)便于种质资源的利用;(3)避免与传统处理有不必要的剧烈改变。  相似文献   

鱼类干扰素系统基因的克隆鉴定及其特征分析   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
干扰素 (IFN)系统是脊椎动物抵抗病毒入侵的第一道防御系统 .除了哺乳类 ,有关低等脊椎动物的IFN系统基因知之甚少 .在鱼类 ,近 40年来能证明IFN系统存在的证据主要有两个 :一是检测经病毒诱导后的多种鱼类机体和细胞 ,证明能产生类似哺乳类IFN的抗病毒活性物质 ;二是近年来 ,已经证明在少数几种鱼类中存在与哺乳类IFN系统基因Mx同源的基因 .以前的研究结果表明 ,紫外线灭活的草鱼出血病病毒 (GCHV)能够诱导鲤科鱼类培养细胞 ,如鲫鱼囊胚细胞 (CAB)产生类IFN活性物质 ,并建立宿主细胞的抗病毒状态 .为了揭示鱼类培养细胞抗病毒免疫的分子机制 ,首先建立了一个研究鱼类抗病毒免疫相关基因的细胞模型系统 ,通过用灭活GCHV诱导CABIFN并进行理化、生物学特性鉴定的基础上 ,成功建立了一个囊括鱼类细胞抗病毒基因在内的差减cDNA文库 .其次 ,筛选文库揭示了一批与哺乳类IFN系统基因同源以及找不到同源性的EST ,表达分析证实它们也是IFN刺激基因 .再次 ,根据哺乳类IFN系统研究的最新进展 ,从该细胞模型系统中克隆、鉴定了 1 9个IFN系统基因的全长cDNA序列 ,包括鲫鱼IFN基因 ,IFN信号传导通路基因STAT1 ,IFN诱导表达调控基因IRF7,IFN行使抗病毒作用的效应基因Mx1、Mx2、PKR、Viperin、IFI5 6,以及一些功能未知的  相似文献   

"家蚕基因组框架图和家鸡基因组多态性图谱的绘制"是于2003年启动的两个重要物种的基因组学计划。主要包括"家蚕基因组框架图的绘制"及"家鸡基因组多态性  相似文献   

分类学是认识生物体的一种工具,对生物体间系统关系的理解,种质资源利用的指南,也是一种交流用的普通语言。因此,分类处理需要反映这些关系的近期认识。在自然界,生物体只有两个绝对的单位:个体与种。一个种是一群个体被不可缺少的生殖关系相互联系成为的一个绝对单位。生殖隔离是种与种间的基本界限,同时也是生物演化过程中形成独立基因库(gene pools)的惟一因素。既然在种以上的分类群没有绝对界线,在种以上的任一分类处理都不可能避免人为性。虽然如此,仍然必须作出某些分类适应它们的描述、利用与(或)研究。这篇文章对小麦族分类群间生物系统关系的划分是基于遗传学的研究。我们分类处理的原则是:(1)反映这些种系统演化现今的理解;(2)便于种质资源的利用;(3)避免与传统处理有不必要的剧烈改变。  相似文献   

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