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This article reports a case study describing how the principles of a cognitive apprenticeship (CA) model developed by Collins, Brown, and Holum (1991) were applied to a graduate course on performance systems analysis (PSA), and the differences this application made in student performance and evaluation of the course compared to the previous semester. I analyzed the requirements for the CA learning environment and identified the contributions of instructor, students, and the course based on those requirments. I then applied the findings to create an authentic learning environment based on CA principles. In this case the students became performance consultants, immersed in practical application of the PSA content and methodology to authentic organizational performance issues provided by real clients. Finally, I compare student evaluation of the course to student evaluations in the previous semester, and report their responses to a set of open-ended questions concerning the application of CA principles.  相似文献   

In this article we describe a longitudinal study with secondary school pupils which focuses on the relationship between pupils’ cognitive development and understanding dynamics. Two classes of pupils the first between 12–14 and the second between 14 and 16, together with a sub-sample from each of these classes were followed for three years. The main sample completed two tests composed of standard dynamics items and a Piagetian cognitive task. The subsample were interviewed on some of the dynamics items tested and carried out additional cognitive tasks. The results showed that the majority of younger pupils, and the sub-sample reflect the tendency, make very little or no cognitive progress during the three years whereas the older pupils of the main sample and sub-sample make reasonable propgress mainly in the fourth year. The study showed that the relationship between cognitive scores and results on dynamics items is variable with both samples and sub-samples. Further different domains within dynamics related in different ways to cognitive development. An analysis of dynamics concepts suggested that some are more accessible to pupils than others. Three different types of relations are proposed between pupils’ understanding of dynamics concepts and the use of these in the real world.  相似文献   

Eighty pupils of different academic levels (i.e. strong vs weak) were asked to make estimations about the different subjects taught at school. Gathered post-experimentally, the data allow specification of the relation to intelligence in which each school subject stands for the two different types of subjects. Evaluations of the significations accorded to performances in the different disciplines were also obtained. In accordance with expectations, analysis of these estimations reveals that pupils in a failure situation have an “original” conception of the field of academic comparison. However, the data obtained show that this originality (i.e. this social differentiation) stays within the dominant value system which sets the confines of the field of academic comparison. Taken in conjunction with more experimental results reported elsewhere, these estimations suggest that the cognitive attitude adopted by subjects towards an object of knowledge (here academic) can, in certain conditions, be formed independently of the social significations associated with this object but not independently of the nature of the social insertion which subjects undergo at the time of this interaction.  相似文献   

Modeling critical performance elements can assist the human performance technology practitioner in better understanding the often complex, messy, and fuzzy real world of human performance. As illustrated in the embedded case study, generically developed models that, in turn, can be adapted to context‐specific applications often have the greatest practical value. The key in developing any good model is to first identify those key variables—the critical few—that truly account for the greatest variance in performance.  相似文献   

This study assessed the explanatory power of the intellectual competence (IC) model for understanding the relationship among the main ability and non-ability determinants of academic performance (AP) in a sample of Spanish undergraduates. Thus it attempted to replicate the preliminary evidence for this model provided in a recent UK study and expand on it by including more comprehensive measures of intelligence and AP. Results showed mixed support for individual paths, but good support for the overall model. The expanded IC model showed that some individual difference factors explain AP variance that is common to high school, university entry, and university exam grades, whereas other individual differences explained AP variance specific to university. Inconsistencies, limitations, and implications are discussed.  相似文献   

This meta-analysis examined the relationship between prenatal maternal stress and/or anxiety and the outcomes of children aged 3 months to 9 years. Of the 8754 studies published before June 2021 that were synthesized, 17 conducted in Western countries were included in the meta-analysis (Ntotal = 23,307; Mmales 54%; Methnicity White 77%, Pacific 15%, African American/Black 10%, Middle Eastern 7%, Eastern 8%). Effect sizes ranged from −0.41 to 0.15. A weak negative association was found between prenatal stress and/or anxiety exposure and children's general intellectual development. Associations varied based on the type of exposure. Findings are limited to developed counties and cannot be generalized to low- and middle-income countries. Directions for maternal prenatal intervention and future studies are discussed.  相似文献   

The Woodcock-Johnson Psycho-Educational Battery has become a popular instrument for assessing students with learning problems. Previous research has indicated a possible discrepancy between overall scores on the WISC-R and the congnitive portion of the Woodcock-Johnson with samples of learning disabled (LD) students. The current study, conducted with samples of students not designated as LD, also found significant differences in the mean scores between the two measures. The hypothesis that the difference between measures is a function of grade level was not supported. Other findings of the current study, coupled with previous research, suggest that the congnitive portion of the Woodcock-Johnson may be loaded with verbal factors.  相似文献   

Faced with the prospect of engaging nearly two thousand employees before the situation became urgent, this case study shares why the best interests of employees, customers, and shareholders are neither disparate nor a zero‐sum game. It also shows how it takes passionate leadership coupled with proven HPT principles to unlock synergies. Its hallmarks are high employee engagement, quality customer interaction, and improved profitability.  相似文献   

运用认知语言学进行跨文化交际的研究是一种行之有效的、科学的方法.提高跨文化交际能力的根本途径在于提高跨文化交际者的语言文化认知能力和认知水平.  相似文献   

A critical issue facing a number of colleges and universities is how to allocate first year places to incoming students. The decision to admit students is often based on a number of factors, but a key statistic is a student's high school grades. This paper reports on a case study of the subsequent performance at the University of Winnipeg of high school students from 84 Manitoba high schools. By tracking the university performance of students admitted for the years 1997–2002, we are able to estimate the likelihood of success of subsequent students based on their characteristics as well as their high school grades. In doing so, we use a number of alternative estimators including a Least Squares Dummy Variable Model and a Hierarchical Linear Model. The methodology should be of interest to admissions officers at other universities as an input into estimating the subsequent performance of first year students.  相似文献   

教师个体的教学认识论是教师有关教学的个人看法与实践理念。教学认识论支配着教学决策,教学决策过程的各种反馈性信息又催生着教学认识论的不断解构和建构,二者是互动的关系。教师教学决策实践中存在的主要问题包括教学决策的固化.异化和决策依赖。优化课堂教学行为需要教师反思目前的执行者角色意识,成为自主、自觉的教学决策者。  相似文献   

对英汉双关语的认知研究   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
传统修辞学家总是围绕双关语做种种抽象努力,但所抽象出的结果总是不能令人满意地概括纷繁复杂的音义组合关系。兰姆的层次语法体系意在总括语言使用中的音、形、义关系。借用兰姆的分类办法,可以避免许多无谓的分歧。本文还指出了双关所包含的语用因素。笔者认为,运用语言学的方法能从另一角度考察双关这一传统的修辞格。  相似文献   

隐喻不仅是一种语言修辞现象,也是一种认知方式。隐喻性思维模式是人脑认知能力发展完善的产物,是认知发展的更高阶段和重要方式。从认知的视角对英、汉语隐喻现象作比较性分析旨在验证其跨文化存在性,增加人们对英、汉隐喻的进一步认识和理解,促进双语学习和跨文化交流的顺利进行。  相似文献   

This study reports correlations between the High School Personality Questionnaire and various indices of school achievement and compares the validities with prior studies. Three achievement scores are utilized: a self-report of high-school grades, a parental report of high-school grades several years after the testing, and actual college grades several years after the testing. In all cases, the results were similar and substantial, and consonant with typical values from earlier, nonlongitudinal studies.  相似文献   

The long term aim of this study is to document changes in the nature and level of conceptual understanding revealed by a cohort of undergraduate nursing students. The outcome of such a study may be used in future review and redesign processes by curriculum planners. Conceptual understanding of physiology and pharmacology, areas which are central to nursing studies depends, in turn, on an understanding of certain chemical concepts. This paper describes the group cognitive structure of 60 first year preservice nursing students, with respect to 21 basic chemistry concepts. Group cognitive structure is represented by non-metric multidimensional scaling of data obtained from individual concept maps prepared by students. The impact of prior studies in chemistry on the level of understanding revealed is discussed. Specializations: Cognition and science education, behavioural ecology and ethology.  相似文献   

Multilevel covariance structure analysis was used to compare two theoretical models that have been proposed to explain the relation between job demand and job control on nursing performance. A key feature of both models is that high job demand and low job control influences the nurses mood state (or state of stress), and this results in reduced nursing performance. Objective measures of job demand and level of control were collected at the level of the hospital ward; measures of perceived job demand, job control, mood state, and nursing performance related to individual nurses within each ward. The modeling provided evidence that both perceived job demand and perceived job control influenced both anxiety and emotional exhaustion, enabling us to reject 1 of the proposed models.  相似文献   

A model for predicting student performance on introductory programming modules is presented. The model uses attributes identified in a study carried out at four third-level institutions in the Republic of Ireland. Four instruments were used to collect the data and over 25 attributes were examined. A data reduction technique was applied and a logistic regression model using 10-fold stratified cross validation was developed. The model used three attributes: Leaving Certificate Mathematics result (final mathematics examination at second level), number of hours playing computer games while taking the module and programming self-esteem. Prediction success was significant with 80% of students correctly classified. The model also works well on a per-institution level. A discussion on the implications of the model is provided and future work is outlined.  相似文献   

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