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This article addresses the difficulty of local-level qualitative educational research in Amsterdam in light of changes related to contemporary political discourse on decades of immigration, especially from the 1970s onward, and increasingly critical assessments of Dutch education in the literature. It considers recent developments in the Netherlands while taking into account similar processes elsewhere in the European Union, with the aim of understanding taboos and problems associated with research on immigration, racism, and discrimination. Specifically, we utilize one researcher’s efforts to gain access to educationally based field sites to focus attention on the links between contextual political discourses and policies excluding immigrants with efforts to sociologically examine the experiences of immigrants. We conclude with a discussion of broader challenges faced by social scientists, including the benefits and disadvantages of having outsider status, attempting to utilize ethnographic methodology abroad when scrutinizing politically sensitive topics.  相似文献   

As applications of multilevel modelling in educational research increase, researchers realize that multilevel data collected in many educational settings are often not purely nested. The most common multilevel non-nested data structure is one that involves student mobility in longitudinal studies. This article provides a methodological review of three statistical methods for handling student mobility in longitudinal studies: a multilevel approach, a cross-classified approach, and a cross-classified multiple membership approach. The strengths and weaknesses of each approach and the essential differences between the three approaches are discussed. The Early Childhood Longitudinal Study Kindergarten Cohort data are analysed to demonstrate the differences in parameter estimates and statistical inference between the three approaches. Potential applications of the three approaches in educational research and beyond and directions for further methodological investigations are discussed.  相似文献   

The educational effectiveness of illustrations, visual-based instructional media, programmed learning, computer assisted learning, audio-tutorial instruction, organization of groups, and mastery learning strategies, are discussed. Attention is drawn to those aspects which produce educationally significant improvements in student performance. It is suggested that this research, which clearly indicates a variety of ways in which levels of attainment can be greatly enhanced, is being ignored in new curriculum developments. The author concludes that the improvements sought by educationists and politicians will not be achieved until the knowledge gained from many years of research is acted upon.  相似文献   

教育评估中介组织发育顺应了公共教育体制改革、政府职能转变以及社会参与公共教育治理的需要。教育评估中介组织以接受委托的方式提供评估服务,可以获取必要的收益。教育评估中介组织的运行有助于弥补政府教育管理职能调整后产生的服务空缺;有助于完善政府对公共教育的监管服务职能;有助于形成政府、市场、社会多边参与公共教育治理的格局。教育评估中介组织需要按照机构独立性、人员专业化、活动领域专门化以及价值取向中立性等目标加强自身建设,进一步提高机构的专业性、权威性和公信力。  相似文献   

若干重要诗集创作与评价上的理论问题   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
以20世纪30年代出版的六本诗集:艾青的《大堰河--我的保姆》、孙大雨的《自己的写照》、孙毓棠的《宝马》、戴望舒的《望舒草》、卞之琳的《鱼目集》以及何其芳的《预言》为"个案"研究的对象,围绕着诗歌的形式,技巧及评价等问题逐一分析,重点探讨了《大堰河》创作风格和艺术个性;《自己的写照》为"诗的格律"所作的切实努力;《宝马》"默默无闻缘底事"的原因;《望舒草》在情绪境界上的开拓;《鱼目集》由主情到主知的转变;以及《预言》集空灵幻美的诗风和追求"年轻的神"的诗歌理想等一系列的问题.作者试图在这些个案研究的基础上,发现其中贯穿的理论脉络,并理论联系实际,从而建立起"统一场论"的诗学研究模式.  相似文献   

The Comprehensive Evaluation Model is a tool which can be used for the evaluation of nontraditional programs. This Model is useful in helping an educator address issues related to program quality, cost-effectiveness and program improvement. The Model is utilization focused, that is, in applying the Model one assesses who needs evaluative information, and for what purpose. There are four levels of program effects which the evaluator can choose to evaluate. The levels are: 1) participant reaction, 2) participant learning, 3) participant transfer of learning, and 4) organizational impact of the program.  相似文献   

Using Psychological Abstracts as the source of the original sample (“first-level”), various characteristics of the literature of educational psychology are compared with the characteristics of a “second-level” literature (defined as the literature that the first level cites). In particular, the scatter (dispersion) of periodical articles over periodical titles is looked at for both levels. The journals most cited within the literature of educational psychology are identified.  相似文献   

现代教育技术对于提升教育、教学的质量与效益,促进教育、教学改革有着十分重要的意义和作用.在简要阐述现代教育技术在高校实验教学中的作用的基础上,结合化学和生物课程的相关实验教学案例,归纳和分析了现代教育技术应用于实验教学的若干方法及应注意的问题.  相似文献   

OBJECTIVE: To compare the effectiveness of three different examination methods in their ability to help the examiner detect both acute and non-acute genital injuries in prepubertal and pubertal girls suspected of having been sexually abused. METHODS: Forty-six prepubertal and 74 pubertal girls, whose ages ranged from 4 months to 18 years, were evaluated to determine the relative effectiveness of three different examination methods. RESULTS: All the girls had sustained a recent genital injury from various causes. The mean time between an injury and the first examination was 24h for the prepubertal girls and 27h for the pubertal girls. The three "multimethod" examination approaches used were the supine labial separation method; the supine labial traction technique; and the prone knee-chest position. The supine labial separation method was useful in identifying an injury on the external portion of the genitalia in both groups of girls. Injuries within the vestibule, on the hymenal surface, or in the fossa navicularis required greater separation of the labia. This was accomplished through the use of either the supine labial traction technique or the prone knee-chest position. The prone knee-chest position was the most successful method for identifying hymenal lacerations in both groups of girls. Of the 10 hymenal lacerations detected in the prepubertal girls 20% were identified during the use of the supine labial separation method, 60% with the supine labial traction technique, and 100% with the prone knee-chest position approach. Of the 49 hymenal lacerations detected in the pubertal girls 24% were identified with the supine labial separation method, 65% with the supine labial traction technique, and 90% with the prone knee-chest position approach. The data from this study has shown that the results of a medical examination will vary by the method employed. CONCLUSIONS: While no single technique detected all the injuries, the use of the multimethod examination approach did prove to be a valuable adjunct in the evaluation of both the prepubertal and the pubertal girl's genitalia, particularly in the identification of a hymenal laceration. PRACTICE IMPLICATIONS: This approach uses three different examination methods: the supine labial separation method, the supine labial traction technique, and the prone knee-chest position. According to the results of this study, without the combined use of these three methods a significant number of injuries, particularly hymenal lacerations, could be missed in both the child and the adolescent.  相似文献   

This article reports data from children aged about 5 years in their 1st year of schooling. Scores on tests of both literacy and numeracy at the start and end of the year were used to derive value-added measures of progress using both residual gain analysis and multilevel (ML) modelling. Results indicated that the school was more effective in explaining pupil progress than the class; that the schools and/or classes which add the greatest value in literacy tended also to be those which added the greatest value in numeracy; and that the numbers of classes and schools which were significantly different from the sample mean depended greatly on which method was used. It is concluded that while ML modelling is preferable to residual gain analysis for research, it may not be as suitable for feedback purposes.  相似文献   

教育研究的文献检索不仅能够促进信息资源的迅速开发和利用,而且能够帮助科研人员继承和借鉴前人的成果,避免重复研究,少走弯路,节省查找文献的时间,从而加速研究工作的进程。教育研究文献检索的价值在于寻找教育问题研究的逻辑起点、探究教育问题解决最佳策略、掌握教育研究的科学方法等。传统文献检索是一种手工检索,是由检索者通过卡片式或书本式的目录、题录、文摘、索引等检索工具查找文献线索的过程。现代文献检索方法是一种机器检索,是由计算机将输入的检索策略与系统中存贮的文献特征标识及其逻辑组配关系进行类比、匹配的过程。在教育研究过程中,两种检索方法各有利弊,要结合使用。  相似文献   

国内教育叙事研究的问题、原因及对策   总被引:4,自引:0,他引:4  
国内教育叙事研究存在研究模式化、叙事文本表达形式单一、缺乏深度描述和深度解释、研究者的主观性太强和研究具有封闭性等问题。究其原因,既有传统思维方式的束缚,又有叙事研究方法本身因素和研究者个人因素的影响。解决问题的关键在于叙事研究者要具有跨学科视野,并对叙事研究方法本身进行反思。  相似文献   

In the methodological discussion of recent years it has become apparent that many research problems, including problems relating to the theory of educational science, cannot be solved by using quantitative methods. The multifaceted aspects of human behaviour and all its environment-bound subtle nuances, especially the process of education or the development of identity, cannot fully be taken into account within a rigid neopositivist approach. In employing the paradigm of symbolic interactionism as a suitable model for the analysis of processes of education and formation, the research has generally to start out from complex reciprocal social interactions instead of unambigious connections of causes. In analysing several particular methodological problems, the article demonstrates some weaknesses of quantitative approaches and then shows the advantages in and the necessity for using qualitative research tools.
Zusammenfassung In der methodologischen Diskussion der letzten Jahre hat sich gezeigt, auch im Hinblick auf Theorieprobleme der Erziehungswissenschaft, daß eine ganze Reihe von Forschungsproblemen nicht mit quantitativen Methoden in den Griff zu bekommen sind. Die facettenreichen Aspekte menschlichen Verhaltens, einschließlich seiner situationsbedingten Nuancen, insbesondere der Erziehungsprozeß oder die Entwicklung der Identität, sind mit einem rigiden neopositivistischen konzeptionellen Rahmen nicht angemessen zu begreifen. Wenn dagegen das Paradigma der symbolischen Interaktion als adäquates Modell für die Analyse der Erziehungs- und Bildungsprozesse genommen wird, muß die Methodologie generell von komplexen sozialen Wechselbeziehungen anstatt von eindeutigen Kausalbeziehungen ausgehen. Indem einige methodologische Probleme exemplarisch diskutiert werden, sollen in dem Artikel einige Schwachpunkte quantitativer Methoden demonstriert werden. Darüberhinaus sollen Vorteile und Notwendigkeit des Gebrauchs von qualitativen Forschungsverfahren dargelegt werden.

Résumé Il est apparu évident dans le débat méthodologique de ces dernières années que de nombreux problèmes liés à la recherche, y compris ceux relatifs à la théorie des sciences de l'éducation, ne pouvaient être résolus au moyen de méthodes quantitatives. Les aspects aux facettes multiples du comportement humain et toutes ses nuances subtiles liées à l'environnement, notamment le processus d'éducation ou le développement de l'identité, ne peuvent être retenus pour une approche néopositiviste rigide. En considérant le paradigme de l'interaction symbolique en tant que modèle convenable pour l'analyse des processus d'éducation et de formation, la recherche est généralement partie d'interactions sociales réciproques complexes plutôt que de relations de causes non équivoques. En analysant quelques problèmes méthodologiques particuliers, cet article révèle quelques faiblesses des approches quantitatives et montre les avantages et la nécessité de l'utilisation d'instruments de recherche qualitatifs.

This paper is a revised version of a lecture given on the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the Institute for Pedagogical Research at the University of Oslo in August, 1986. The paper is dedicated to the Institute and to Günther Patzig who celebrated his 60th birthday on 28 September, 1986.  相似文献   

BBC Education provides educational broadcasts for people of all ages‐‐ for young children, for pupils and for students in educational institutions including the Open University, as well as for adult learners in more informal groups and for those who are listening or viewing at home. All these broadcasts are supported by printed materials of various kinds and, in many cases, by back‐up services such as telephone referral facilities. BBC Education's services are provided as part of the BBC's public service remit. This paper outlines the contextual factors which BBC Education seeks to take into account and the research measures it takes to ensure the continued relevance of its output.  相似文献   

This review of research analyzed topics, conceptual models and research methods employed in 62 EDLM studies from Arab societies published between 2000 and 2016. Systematic review methods were used to identify relevant studies published in nine core international EDLM journals. Quantitative analyses identified patterns within this set of Arab studies and benchmarked them against trends in the broader EDLM literature. The review characterised these Arab studies as an ‘emerging literature’, largely of recent vintage. Consistent with other literatures from developing societies, topical coverage was diffuse, disconnected and lacking in programmatic inquiry. Recommendations are offered for strengthening future EDLM research in Arab societies.  相似文献   

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