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校本自主督导源于韩国,被认为是一种最有效的促进教师专业成长的模式,它是指由学校职员参与的、旨在改进学校教育实践的一个自主和合作的指导过程.作为一种教师专业成长模式,校本自主督导的运行由现状分析、合理分组、计划制定、实施督导、评价改进五个阶段组成.整个过程体现出主体的自主性、形式的校本性、过程的督导性等特征.  相似文献   

校本自主督导的教师教育模式起源于韩国,到目前为止被认为是一种最为有效的促进教师专业成长的教育模式。教师专业发展是校本自主督导的最基础部分,且以教师个人发展和学校组织发展为支撑,只有采用一定的策略和程序,校本自主督导才能有效地发挥作用。  相似文献   

校本评估在我国:挑战与建议   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
随着教育行政权力的逐渐下移,学校作为独立发展的主体,实施校本评估已经成为学校自主发展的必然选择,尤其在我国,校本评估的实施对于培育学校特色、促进学校自主发展、提高学校成员的责任意识等具有积极的现实意义.而在我国真正实施校本评估,却遭遇到重重挑战.建议从教育督导部门改革传统学校评估模式、提高学校自主发展意识和能力、加强校本评估相关培训、积极培育评估第三方机构、深化校本评估研究等方面加以改进,促进校本评估在我国的有效实施.  相似文献   

为有效发挥校本研修的作用,学校有必要构建实践取向的校本研修模式。实施实践取向的校本研修要求学校根据教育实际确定研修主题。以问题为基础的自主学习、以案例为支撑的情境学习和以群体为基础的合作学习是校本研修的主要方式。学校要通过建构校本研修理论、解构校本研修实践、收集校本研修成果等环节,对校本研修进行系统反思,以改进教师的教学行为;要通过转变教育观念、改进教育行为、形成教学风格等实施校本研修的"行为跟进",养成教师的实践智慧。  相似文献   

校本管理外部支持系统的架构   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
校本管理系统是一个庞大复杂的系统,校本管理效能的发挥来自于学校内部系统的有效组织以及外部环境系统的支持。学校只有按照一套既定的政策、标准和制度,与专业教育工作者和主要合作伙伴通力合作,才能使学校自由发展本身的特色和风格,从而提高学校教育效能。作为学校的亲密伙伴,政府、社会和家庭都该有所担待。政府该做什么?社会该关注什么?家庭又该如何行动?下文针对以上三个问题进行探讨。一、政府支持(一)政策与标准支持校本管理的核心是把权力从教育行政部门下放到各个学校,其根本特点就是学校自主和共同决策。学校自主主要包括财政、…  相似文献   

校本研修是为了改进学校的教育教学,提升教师的综合素养,强化校本研修的作用,对提升学校教育教学质量尤为关键。而当下很多学校现有的教师校本研修多是零散的、局部的、碎片化的,没有形成一定体系。琢玉式校本研修模式是深圳市坪山区中山中学基于学校实际而自主探寻的一条校本研修之路,能够有效地将学校的办学思想体系、教师的专业发展、学生的核心素养提升进行有机整合,形成"五匠"价值追求、"四环节八项目"操作模式、"四化"策略的校本研修模式,旨在使学校的校本研修有统一的价值追求、可行的操作模式、系统的研修策略,并为学校校本研修提供可借鉴的参考路径。  相似文献   

校本评价:理念与方法   总被引:10,自引:0,他引:10  
在校本管理理念的影响下,学校评价作为一种重要的学校管理手段也逐渐地走向了“校本”。校本评价的基本理念是发挥学校作为评价主体的自主性、积极性和创造性,最终提高学校教育的质量与效益。校本评价的方法主要有档案袋评价、讨论式评价、360度评价等多种方法。校本评价对于改革我国现行的教育评价制度有重要的参考价值。  相似文献   

学校教育创新是全面实施素质教育,促进学校教育现代发展的关键所在。在开展学校教育创新研究的实践过程中,北京市中关村第一小学重点在校本教研机制上不断创新:实施“教、学、研”同期互动,创新校本教研模式;开展伙伴互助行动计划,创新校本教研方式;搭建专家资源网络,创新校本教研途径;成立三个中心,创新校本教研制度。在此过程中,不断实现教师自主发展。  相似文献   

"互联网+"时代,诸多现代通信和科技的普及应用,不仅为学校教师的自主学习带来可能,也为教师教育校本模式创新提供了有效的路径。本文分析了基于"互联网+"的校本培训模式,希望借此为教师继续教育的更快更好发展拓宽路径。  相似文献   

传统的学校评价模式是由教育主管部门制定统一标准进行定性评价,客观上造成了学校自主发展的能动性不强,并影响了学校个性与特色的形成。本文从构建校本自主督导评价机制的实践操作及发挥的作用等方面进行论述,探讨如何能让评价走向"校本",让评价走向"自主",凸显学校的特色与个性。  相似文献   

We present an elemental model of associative learning that describes interactions between stimulus elements as a process of competitive normalization. Building on the assumptions laid out in Harris (2006), stimuli are represented as an array of elements that compete for attention according to the strength of their input. Elements form associations among each other according to temporal correlations in their activation but restricted by their connectivity. The model moves beyond its predecessor by specifying excitatory, inhibitory, and attention processes for each element in real time and describing their interaction as a form of suppressive gain control. Attention is formalized in this model as a network of mutually inhibitory units that moderate the activation of stimulus elements by controlling the level to which the elements are suppressed by their own inhibitory processes. The model is applied to a range of complex discriminations and related phenomena that have been taken as evidence for configural-learning processes.  相似文献   

Research on understanding the full extent that an authentic science research experience engages students in how scientists think and act is sparse. ‘Learning-science-by-doing-science’ (LSDS) is an emerging self-guided process-learning model in postsecondary science education. It offers authentic science research opportunities that drive students to think and act like scientists. This study investigates the LSDS approach as a potential model for science learning at postsecondary level and aims to answer a main research inquiry – what are the students’ and teaching staff’s perceptions of students’ learning gains and the quality of their learning experiences in an authentic research environment within the LSDS model? To answer this question, data were collected from the students, alumni, instructors, teaching assistants and the program director via questionnaires, focus groups and interviews. Students’ and staff’s lived experiences and their perceptions on their authentic research experiences within the LSDS model were used to articulate the key attributes and stages of the LSDS model. The outcomes of this study can be used to help other science programs implement similar authentic research process learning approaches in their own contexts.  相似文献   

思想政治教育必须以人为本,注重对人的精神世界的研究。大学生个性发展与其成长成才密切相关,个性塑造是思想政治教育的重要内容,思想政治教育对人的个性形成、发展和矫正有促进作用。通过马克思主义关于人的基本观点为基础,研究思想政治教育是有关个性化理论及其实施的途径。  相似文献   

法国启蒙思想家狄德罗的戏剧表演观从其理性主义的哲学、美学思想出发,提出演员在表演时应冷静理智地将事先塑造好的“理想的范本”扮演出来,使观众信以为真。演员塑造的“理想的范本”高于自然和诗人所塑造的“范本”,它虽然是推理、想象出来的虚构形象,却符合人物和现实生活的内在逻辑。优秀的演员在表演之前已经塑造出这样一个“范本”,然后在表演中不动感情地扮演这一“范本”。但理性主义戏剧表演观强调艺术的模仿性而忽视情感体验性,唯物却缺乏辩证。  相似文献   

论证的图尔敏模式--兼评国内若干论著的误释   总被引:2,自引:0,他引:2  
图尔敏模式是非形式逻辑刻画日常论证的一种重要方式。它包括主张、根据、正当理由、支援性陈述、模态限定和反驳6部分。随着非形式逻辑研究在我国的兴起,国内学人有不少论陆续介绍图尔敏模式。但他们对这一模式的解释存在不少问题,其原因在于没有对它进行细致的研究。  相似文献   

本研究以自主学习理论为框架,设计了网络环境下的听力自主学习模式,选定实验组和对照组,进行对比教学实验,通过问卷调查和听力测试成绩对比分析,得出结论:新的教学模式不仅能激发学习者的听说兴趣,增强学习者通过情感策略以及协作学习进行意义建构的能力,而且能有效提高学习者的听力水平和口语表达能力,教学效果优于传统的听力教学模式。  相似文献   

阅读是语言输入的主要途径之一,也是提高学生英语与知识面的法宝之一。根据Kolb体验学习四个阶段理论模式以及体验的亲历性、个人性和缄默性,再结合初中生实际生理心理出发,设计初中英语文学阅读“体验一分享一总结一评价一应用”教学模式,并应用于教学实践。通过一个真实的实验,发现本文学阅读模式能让学生通过自我主动实践,自我反思并与他人分享体验,获得知识和技能,转变学习态度,成为英语阅读的真正主人。  相似文献   

We report a case study of model‐based reasoning in which a small group of fourth‐grade students analyzes the energy flow when a solar panel is used to power an electric motor that spins a propeller. In developing their explanation of energy flow, the students draw on a general model of energy developed collectively by their class in the course of an experimental classroom curriculum led by a trained teacher. They also construct a model‐based representation of the specific system under study. Their investigation and reasoning process exhibit all the features of authentic scientific model‐based inquiry, including the revision of their models to incorporate new information. In the course of their work the students recruit and seamlessly integrate nearly all of the practices of science designated in the Next Generation Science Standards. This case study provides an example of what modeling‐based teaching and learning can look like in an elementary school classroom. It also suggests that the study of energy offers a particularly promising context for developing students' use of science practices, especially the practice of developing and using models.  相似文献   

This study explored the schooling experiences of secondary-aged pupils with and without SEND attending three mainstream schools in England . Thirty-seven young adolescents with SEND and eight without agreed to be interviewed. Thematic analysis revealed the challenges these young adolescents with SEND encountered to feel included in their schools and light is shed on their perspectives of what an inclusive school should be. Of significance contributing to pupils' positive or negative feelings about school and their feelings of being included or excluded were: their perceptions of the implementation of approaches to behaviour management; their perceptions of the equitable allocation of teacher support and/or teacher attention; relations with their teachers; whether they found their lessons engaging or ‘boring’; and the extent to which they perceived their voices were heard and subsequently, acted upon. The findings of the study are discussed with reference to Farrell's model of inclusion and an elaboration of the model is proposed as a self-review tool to be used by educational practitioners as an aid to facilitate their inclusion in mainstream provision.  相似文献   

近一段时间以来,怀化学院在人才培养模式方面进行改革,提出了“三位一体”育人模式。我把该校提出的“三位一体”育人模式改革和教学紧密结合起来,使学生长知识,强能力,提素质,教学取得明显成效。实践证明,我校提出的“三位一体”育人模式是科学的可行的。  相似文献   

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