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香港文学理论批评经过了1950年以前的萌芽期、50到70年代的过渡期,80年代以来逐步走向自觉。50年代以前,香港文学理论批评的主体性几乎淹没在大陆理论批评的大潮中,大陆性较强;50年代到70年代的香港文学理论批评,由于地理和政治上的边缘处境,关于大陆新文学的理论批评占主导,到70年代后期才逐步开始重视本土文学的批评和理论上的探索;80、90年代,文学理论批评的香港性已经基本成熟。  相似文献   

针对中国近百年文学理论批评呈现出的复杂内涵与面貌 ,文章从宏观的角度着重对 2 0世纪中国两岸四地的文学理论批评作了总体观照 ,概括出其总体特征是 :(一 )审美的社会价值论观念 ;(二 )注重主观选择的理论形态与批评类型 ;(三 )趋于科学化的思维方式与概念、范畴系统 ;(四 )两岸四地变之共生 ,互补交融的文学理论批评格局。  相似文献   

针对中国近百年文学理论批评呈现出的复杂内涵与面貌 ,文章从宏观的角度着重对 2 0世纪中国两岸四地的文学理论批评作了总体的观照 ,概括出其总体特征 :(一 )审美的社会价值论观念 ;(二 )注重主观选择的理论形态与批评类型 ;(三 )趋于科学化的思维方式与概念、范畴系统 ;(四 )两岸四地多元共生、互补交融的文学理论批评格局  相似文献   

文学中的知识因素,为文学理论与批评提供了可靠的前提;文学中客观以外的因素,为文学理论与批评的科学性造成了障碍。文学理论与批评的科学性之特点体现在辩证意识、语境意识等方面  相似文献   

文章主要论述了南北朝文学理论批评史料繁荣的原因、存在类型和特点.认为:南北朝文学创作的繁荣、思想的空前活跃和解放、齐梁文坛上复古新变两种思潮的斗争以及魏晋时期的文学理论批评的成就等,共同促成了南北朝文学理论批评史料的繁荣.南北朝文学理论批评史料有三种存在类型:文学理论批评专著(如<文心雕龙>和<诗品>)、文学总集中的文学理论批评史料和单篇论文形式的文学理论批评史料,并对各种存在类型的特点作了论述.  相似文献   

文学场域的裂变给文学研究和文学理论教学带来了挑战。文学理论教学改革的思路和方法是在空间场域意识中理解文学理论教学和现实生活的关系,在媒介意识中理解文学的发展和变化,在实践性意识中,培养学生的参与积极性可以使文学理论课程教学生活化,把文学理论与批评实践相结合。  相似文献   

王充是中国文学理论发展史上的重要人物,其文学理论探讨的焦点已不再停留于文学与外部世界的关系,而开始深入探讨文学的本质特征、作家创作、鉴赏批评、文学流变等内部规律,新论迭出,气象宏伟,文学理论体系已初露端倪,“文学自觉”的曙光灿然而至。  相似文献   

目前的大学语文教育秉承的是外部批评的非审美化阐释方式,不利于大学生的人文素质培养,而内部批评的批评方法回归文学自身,注重文学要素的审美阐发,因而大学语文教师应当加强内部批评的文学理论修养,实现大学语文教育的人文教育目的。  相似文献   

在现代西方文学理论的诸多流派中,也许没有一种文学理论流派的观点遭到过俄国形式主义者那样坎坷的命运。这一学派在20世纪伊始俄国大革命风暴将起的前夕,希望重建与传统文学观迥异的文学理论体系。他们从语言形式的角度入手,重新界定与阐述文学的性质、特征、功能以及文学发展的规律,“试图创立一种独立的专门研究文学材料的文学科学”,从而构成对19世纪的实证主义文学批评——如传记批评、心理批评、社会文化批评等——的全面挑战。  相似文献   

为进一步深化中国现当代文学研究,加强中国现当代文学学科建设,开拓中国现当代文学理论批评研究新路径,中国当代文学研究会与安徽师范大学文学院、中国诗学研究中心于今年4月9日在安徽芜湖主办了“中国现当代文学理论批评研讨会”。全国各重点高校、科研单位20余位著名专家、学者出席了会议。会议讨论最激烈、最集中的论题是关于中国现当代文学批评。关于现当代文学理论批评的现状杨匡汉(中国社科院文学研究所)概括了现当代文学理论批评面临的前沿话题:1.20世纪中国文学的分期问题;2.“大中国文学”或称中国现当代文学版图(两岸四地);3.现代…  相似文献   

Purpose In this article, we review the literature from the organizational sciences to develop a grounded narrative of turnaround in education. Approach The approach is a review of literature. We employ an integrated process to unpack and make sense of the turnaround literature from the organizational sciences. We rely on strategies appropriate for document analysis, and borrow analytic strategies (e.g., memoing, coding) employed with interview data. Findings We examine seven defining themes that flow from our review of empirical and theoretical work on organizational recovery in firms, non-educational public agencies, and not-for-profit organizations: (1) not all failing schools are worth saving; (2) focus on leadership; (3) act quickly; (4) diagnose first; (5) emphasize efficiency moves; (6) create a sense of hope; and (7) backward map from the customer and focus on core activities linked to valued outcomes. Implications We posit that the literature on turning around failing organizations in sectors outside of education provides blueprints for recovery activity in failing schools. The implications for turnaround leadership are particularly strong. Originality This is the first systematic effort to mine research in the corporate, not-for-profit, and public sectors to develop insights for turning around failing schools.  相似文献   

清末民初的翻译文学,显示了中国人渐由被动接受转向主动接受的文化姿态,有力地促进了近代文学的发展。清末民初翻译文学的主要特点:其一,重视意译;其二,多译小说;其三,转译与改译突出;其四,精粗杂陈,译态各异;其五,翻译与评介同步。翻译文学对当时文学创作及有关的文学活动产生了多方面的影响。  相似文献   

中国现代家庭文学文化意蕴阐释   总被引:3,自引:0,他引:3  
长期以来,学界往往比较注重从“社会”而忽略从“家庭”视角来探讨中国现代文学,这不能不说是个遗憾,因为“家庭”在中国文化及其文学中有着举足轻重的地位和作用。文章将“中国现代家庭文学”作为研究对象,力求发掘其中所隐含的文化意蕴,尤其是对中国传统文化的批判意识。这包括四个方面:一是家庭网罟与中国文化的凝固力;二是高尚的淑女与中国文化的惰性;三是寡妇道德与中国文化的变态母爱;四是少者形象与中国文化的老化。  相似文献   

地域文学史研究视野中的明清文学史研究具有以下特点和价值:一是以区域文学发展演变为线索,以"横剖"式的解构、建构,与文学通史、断代史、文体史构成互补;二是以呈现区域"文学生态"的方式,考察文学史的特质,从而发掘文学深刻的内涵与意蕴;三是以区域作家作品、文学风气为研究对象,微观分析与宏观考察相结合,以"多元"的形式弥补文学通史、断代史、文体史粗线条描述的不足.明清区域文学史研究的问题与误区主要有:缺乏创新意识,转抄旧的文学史;局限于旧的文学史观,沿袭旧的书写模式;缺乏宏观的文学史意识,描述或杂乱无章,或"失实"、"空疏";文献发掘不深,流于表面.在未来的一段时期内,有关研究将在以下几方面取得长足的发展:填补一些地域文学史的空白;从大的区域到小的区域;从地域文学通史到地域断代史、文体史.  相似文献   

Margaret Meek (1988) has described how children borrow ideas from literature through ‘unteachable’ lessons. In this article I explore how children's written work might be enhanced through ‘teachable’ lessons, where the teacher draws attention explicitly to aspects of literature and the literary devices used by authors, and where children explore and evaluate literature through group reading and discussion. The interrelationship between children's knowledge and understanding of literature and their writing development is examined. The way that critical reading and group discussion can develop children's metalanguage and metacognitive understanding is illustrated.  相似文献   


The effects of ninth graders' culture-specific schemata on their responses to multicultural literature were investigated. Data collected from students (N = 76) in 4 ninth-grade English honors classes included written responses to prompts on participants' (a) self-identified culture(s), (b) self-selected level of cultural development, and (c) responses to 3 multicultural stories. J. A. Banks's (1981, 1997) Typology of Ethnic Identity was adapted for use as a response measure. Findings revealed that students' self-ratings of cultural awareness were often accurate, that their awareness of their own cultural backgrounds sometimes aided in entering a literary text and sometimes did not, and that the students benefited from using typologies to analyze their own development and their responses to literature.  相似文献   

本文从十个方面论述了中国古代文学教材中现有的问题,并对某些问题提出了自己的一些设想。这十个问题是:1、中国古代文学的名实不符;2、对古代文化的评价落后;3、把文学作品当作信史看待;4、情理分析的尺度欠妥;5、教材的结构杂乱;6、成就与特点混淆;7、对文学自身规律认识不够;8、对社会人生重视不够;9、教材的观点太死;10、文学史与作品选不配套。  相似文献   

Despite the popularity of peer assessment (PA), gaps in the literature make it difficult to describe exactly what constitutes effective PA. In a literature review, we divided PA into variables and then investigated their interrelatedness. We found that (a) PA's psychometric qualities are improved by the training and experience of peer assessors; (b) the development of domain-specific skills benefits from PA-based revision; (c) the development of PA skills benefits from training and is related to students' thinking style and academic achievement, and (d) student attitudes towards PA are positively influenced by training and experience. We conclude with recommendations for future research.  相似文献   


Much of the professional development school (PDS) literature to date has centered on (a) how best to define professional development schools; (b) the benefits of PDSs for teacher preparation programs; (c) identifying the obstacles encountered when working with a PDS; and (d) the lessons learned from early PDS experiences. Only recently has the effectiveness of the PDS taken center stage as a primary issue. This article describes four broad criterion themes that emerged from our literature review—issues of marginality, changing roles, reward structure, and ongoing inquiry. These four measures are then applied to ongoing PDS projects in an effort to assess progress toward fully developed professional sites.  相似文献   

LGBTQ themes are often neglected in many schools' curriculum. Currently, an LGBTQ-inclusive curriculum framework is not required in most school districts across the county. Therefore, it is important to understand how teachers regard LGBTQ issues; how they address the needs of students in the middle school and high school English classroom who identify on this spectrum or who come from LGBTQ families; and how they incorporate literature that may be considered “controversial” in their future school districts. In this study, English/Language Arts preservice teachers (PSTs) (certification 7–12) were invited to participate in a book club and self-select young adult (YA) literature centering on characters who identify on the LGBTQ spectrum. During two book club meetings, three themes emerged that embody how literature can become a mirror as well as a window for students and assist youth in identity formation and confirmation. Moreover, literature has the potential to empower readers to take action on controversial issues, especially when readers are in positions to make change (no matter how subtle). Although the data collected were from PSTs, our aim with this article is to expand these three themes as overarching messages for practicing educators today, urging the importance of a more inclusive curricula involving LGBTQ literature.  相似文献   

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