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Conjoint behavioral consultation (CBC) is an indirect form KEYW ORDS of service delivery in which parents and teachers collaborate to meet the academic, social, and behavioral needs of children. The purpose of this study was to evaluate CBC as a method of providing behavioral support for two students with emotional and behavioral difficulties (EBD) in mainstream classrooms. A nonconcurrent multiple baseline across participants' design and a follow-up phase were employed to assess an evidence-based intervention (self-management) delivered in the context of the CBC model. Results indicated a significant increase in teacher ratings of behavioral control from baseline to treatment. Positive treatment effects were maintained at a 4 week follow-up. Norm referenced measures produced statistically significant and clinically meaningful changes in teachers' perceptions of disruptive behavior following treatment. Parents and teachers indicated satisfaction with consultation services and viewed CBC as acceptable and effective. The findings are discussed in relation to the limitations of the study, and to future research directions and implications for practice.  相似文献   

When attempting to consult with school personnel, psychologists frequently encounter various forms of resistance. This paper conceptualizes resistance to consultation services within a behavioral/cognitive behavioral framework, and discusses how resistance can result from contingencies operating at both the system and the building levels.  相似文献   

This study reports the findings of a pilot demonstration project called Together for Kids, which used a mental health consultation model to address the needs of young children with challenging behaviors who are identified in preschool classrooms. The study was conducted in four preschool programs and one Head Start program serving children ages 3–5, including both private-pay families and those using public subsidies. Rates of significant behavior problems as assessed by preschool teachers using a standardized scale were high, with 34% of all children enrolled in preschool classrooms in these sites over a 3-year period identified at-risk of externalizing or internalizing problems. Classroom teachers, as well as individual children and families identified as at-risk, were provided services, including, classroom observation and teacher training, individual child assessment and therapy, family assessment and support, and referrals for other family needs. Analysis of outcomes for 47 children and families with externalizing behavior problems who received individualized consultation, compared to 89 control children, and analysis of outcomes of a matched group of 19 intervention and 19 control children, revealed that the intervention was associated with significant improvements in classroom aggressive and maladaptive behavior, and growth in adaptive behavior. Improvements in child behavior were associated with total hours of individual child services provided, and with improvements in child developmental skills. Significant reductions in the rate of children suspended or terminated from child care programs were also found. Implications for further development of models of early childhood mental health consultation are discussed.  相似文献   

<正>武汉具有特殊的地理特征。武汉有两条河,长江和汉江。他们把武汉分成了三个部分。这种地理特征非常罕见。它还决定了过河的最有效的方式是修桥。所以,武汉有很多桥。武汉长江大桥是武汉最著名的大桥。它也是长江上的第一座桥,迄今已经有62年的历史了。武汉长江大桥坐落于蛇山和龟山之间。它是新中国成立后在长江上修建的第一座公铁  相似文献   

Four questions are presented: What are the historical roots of motor development; How can motor development be characterized; How should motor development be conceptualized; and How should motor development be organized? A brief history presents the psychological roots of motor development and emphasizes the individual researchers who have created the area of motor development since the 1960s. Motor development is characterized as a composite of the researchers, knowledge, application of knowledge, systems for delivering knowledge, and graduate programs in motor development. Motor development should be a perspective rather than a structure or subdiscipline. All courses in human movement should be taught from a developmental perspective, research should be done within the appropriate subdiscipline, and some of that research should be developmental. Motor development will be best served if researchers align with scientists within the subdisciplines and share developmental information in cross-disciplinary groups.  相似文献   

Jeff Bridges     

An investigation of the teachability of 11 consultation-related skills was conducted. Thirty-two subjects, all students in graduate reading courses at The Ohio State University, participated in the study—16 in a control group and 16 in an experimental group. A Solomon Design (Solomon, 1949) was employed. Experimental group subjects participated in a six-session workshop that provided training in the 11 consultation skills. The control group received no such training. A factor analysis of the data yielded two significant factors. One factor loaded highest on the verbal consultation variables, and the second factor loaded highest on the nonverbal consultation variables. Therefore, Factor I was named “Verbal Consultation,” while Factor II was named “Nonverbal Consultation.” Four analyses of variance were completed, using the two factors. The primary conclusions of the analyses of variance were that the experimental group subjects significantly outperformed the control group subjects in Verbal Consultation on the posttest (p<.05), but the experimental and control groups did not differ significantly in Nonverbal Consultation on the posttest. Suggestions for further research in the area of consultation are given.  相似文献   

本文在广义上使用心理咨询一词,并以此从心理咨询特别是社会心理咨询的角度来分析1983年在美国发起的自由软件运动与社会精神健康的关系.自由软件运动本身具有一种把公众作为操作对象的社会心理咨询活动的性质,这尤其体现在自由软件运动创始人理查德*斯多尔曼在世界各地进行的大量演讲和他撰写的大量网络文章中.通过这些作品,他揭示信息技术发展过程中的"心理疾病",这种心理疾病不能通过专业技术化的心理咨询来克服,而需要通过揭示这种心理疾病的社会根源来加以解决.  相似文献   

古桥作为古建筑的典型代表,既是宝贵的历史遗存也是不可再生的历史资源。泰州现存的许多古桥已历经百年风雨洗礼,或多或少存在一定的病害。为了更好地有效保护泰州地区的古桥,很有必要对泰州城区及周边古桥的种类和分布、历史、文化特色等展开详细的调查与研究,以为古桥的进一步保护修缮提供参考依据。  相似文献   

This paper reports on a case study of two teachers teaching reading in the child's first year of school. The researcher analysed the largely spontaneous, literacy related responses made by teachers to children and the comments these teachers made about their thoughts and actions in interviews after the teaching sessions. Very little direct teaching was observed and teachers seemed to be reacting more often than working in a proactive way. This has been termed ‘crisis management’ by some, but it is argued here that this ‘reaction’ was, in reality, purposeful interaction.

These teachers worked at building bridges between children's experience and their literacy learning. Analysis of the interactions suggested ways in which teachers may adopt procedures that go some way towards compensating for the differences between home and school learning. The writer argues that demands for an organisational structure that reduces individualisation could be counter‐productive for the youngest children in school.  相似文献   

基于相关文献回顾,认为在数字技术背景下,大学生学习行为泛化趋势明显,带来了促进学习内容多样化的正面影响以及割裂学习连续性,减低学习内容深度的负面影响。通过问卷调查,得出“当前学习行为数据壁垒是阻碍潜在数据利益实现”的结论,并提出从“打破数据割据、连通数据孤岛和规范合理使用数据”三个方面整合数据的建议。  相似文献   

章对如何提高少儿心理咨询的效果,促进其心理健康,从咨访关系的定位、咨询的技巧、咨询的模式等方面进行了探讨,并提出了相关的建议。  相似文献   

The role of school psychologists with training in neuropsychology is examined within the context of multitiered models of service delivery and educational reform policies. An expanded role is suggested that builds on expertise in the assessment of neurodevelopmental disorders and extends to broader tiers through consultation practice. Changes in federal legislation to allow more flexible approaches toward assessment are viewed as a catalyst toward the integration of neuropsychological practice in school‐based practice. As a set of priorities, recommendations are made for reforming assessment practice in schools, linking neuropsychological test results to academic treatment outcomes, and developing consultation practice with parents and teachers for early identification purposes and to integrate school‐based services with community mental health services. © 2008 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.  相似文献   

高校图书馆与读者心理咨询   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
高校大学生读者心理健康状况令人担忧。高校图书馆多渠道开展学生心理咨询服务工作,具备十分有利的条件。对大学生进行心理咨询服务,不仅可以深化图书馆的教育职能,而且能进一步激发图书馆员爱岗敬业的工作热情。  相似文献   

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