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In this contribution the results of Dutch students of grades 3 and 4 in primary education on the TIMSS mathematics and science test are discussed. Despite severe criticism from subject matter experts on the test, the Netherlands score very high in the international ranking list. The nature of the criticism and the features of Dutch mathematics and science education are described to serve as a background for interpreting these surprising results.  相似文献   

随着科学技术的发展以及对纳米科学及其相关技术的研究,越来越多的纳米技术由理论转为实践。因此,纳米科学在中小学科普教育显得越来越重要。在此,从生活中的纳米出发,简要介绍纳米科学与技术的发展历程,探讨纳米科学在中小学科普教育中的探索,进而说明近期纳米科学在中小学科普教育中的实践。  相似文献   

阐述新形势下学生管理工作如何实现科学化之观点。  相似文献   

What follows is an account which summarises a study that took 18 months to complete and which examined concept development and acquisition in a sample of Singapore primary schoolchildren. For more details the reader is to refer to Thomas, Lee, Fam, (1984a). The broad aim of the study was to obtain baseline information on children's cognitive development mainly through the application of Piagetian tasks.  相似文献   

如何抓好学生的心理素质教育,是高、中等职业院校必须认真解决的问题。培养学生健全的人格,增强学生的成人意识和责任感是此项工作的主题,培养学生自立自强、经济独立、法律等六种意识和自控自律、适应环境、心理调节等五种能力是此项工作的重要内容。  相似文献   

Nanoscale science and technology (NST) is an important new field in modern science. In the current study, we seek to answer the question: ‘What are the essential concepts of NST that should be taught in high school'? A 3-round Delphi study methodology was applied based on 2 communities of experts in nanotechnology research and science education. Eight essential concepts in NST were identified. Each concept is accompanied by its explanation, definition, importance and includes subcategories that compose it. Three concepts emerged in the Delphi study, which were not identified before: functionality, classification of nanomaterials, and the making of nanotechnology. Differences between the concepts suggested by the 2 communities of experts were found. The results of this study serve as a tool to examine different nanotechnology programs that were reported thus far and to make recommendations for designing a NST program for high school students that includes the essential concepts.  相似文献   

时代以及个人的全面发展都要求对小学生实施闲暇教育。本通过对小学闲暇教育问题的探讨,并结合本人调查结果,分析了我国小学闲暇教育的现状及存在问题,并提出了具体实施建议。  相似文献   

A huge gap in science literacy is between students who do not show the competencies that are necessary to participate effectively in life situations related to science and technology and students who have the skills which would give them the potential to create new technology. The objective of this paper is to identify, for 25 countries, distinct subgroups of students with characteristics that appear to be associated with this proficiency gap. Data were based on the answers of 46,131 PISA 2006 students with scores classified below level 2 or above level 4, as well as the answers of their principals to school questionnaire and the OECD indicators of the financial and human resources invested in education at the national level for secondary school. The dependent variable of the analysis was a dichotomous variable the values of which represent the two different groups of students. The independent variables were the OECD indicators, and the items and indices derived from the student and school questionnaires. The analysis was based on classification trees and the findings were replicated and extended by the means of a multilevel logistic regression model. The results show that very specific levels of teachers’ salaries, parental pressure on schools, school size, awareness of environmental issues, science self-efficacy and socio-economic status have a very important role in predicting whether 15 year olds in OECD countries will belong to the lower or the highest proficiency groups as regards their aptitude in the context of life situations involving problems of a scientific nature.  相似文献   

学生对科学家形象的认知反映了学生的内隐科学观,因此树立正确的科学家形象,有助于学生形成正确的科学态度,同时也会影响他们未来的职业选择。本研究选取北京某中学初一年级两个平行班,采用科学家形象绘画测验( Draw - a - Scientist Test) 和相关调查问卷,评定了学生心目中的科学家形象,同时考察了学生了解科学家形象的渠道,最终检验了作为了解渠道之一的科技场馆学习经历对学生心目中科学家形象改变的影响。结果表明: 初中学生所持有的科学家形象在外貌、性别、人格特征上存在着刻板印象; 电视、网络和书籍杂志是初中生获取科学家形象的主要渠道; 科技场馆学习经历能显著改变初中学生所持有的科学家形象刻板印象,同时也让初中学生未来选择与科学技术相关的职业更加清晰化和具体化。  相似文献   

当前,农村小学在科学课程的实施上存在诸多问题。教育管理部门和学校应深刻认识小学科学课程的重要性,加强师资队伍建设,加大教育资金投入,改革课程评价制度,以全面提高农村小学科学课程的教学质量。  相似文献   

采用问卷调查方法,抽取江西省各地区214所中学的校长及书记进行问卷调查。调查表明,目前中学生心理健康的现状不容乐观,加强心理健康教育已迫在眉睫。  相似文献   

Study for foreigners in the Federal Republic of Germany is becoming a delicate export article. Once African or Asian students have become adjusted, reintegration at home is all the more difficult. The first training programs for the return home are now being tested at the Berlin Technical University.  相似文献   

教育是实现可持续发展的关键,可持续发展教育是伴随可持续发展战略而产生的教育新模式。在基础学科教学中应努力渗透可持续发展教育,而新一轮基础教育课程改革中诞生的小学科学课程是渗透可持续发展教育的重要领域。小学科学教师应具备可持续发展教育理念,挖掘可持续发展教育的素材,并运用不同的教学方法实施可持续发展教育。  相似文献   

场馆科学教育是一种基于真实情景的教育活动,学习过程强调探究、互动,并会产生多元的学习结果。科学场馆的知识传播不是教育者向受教育者的单向传播,而是双向交流、互动影响,倡导积极互动、启发引导式的教育理念,激发公众参与的兴趣,从而深度挖掘展品背后的科学知识和科学精神。深入了解科学场馆的教育理论、影响学习效果的因素以及相关实证研究,是促进科学场馆实践效果的重要保障。  相似文献   

通过挖掘校内外农科教育课程资源、科学课程教学的渗透、丰富多彩的农科活动以及开放多元的评价机制等途径,提高学生对农业生产的认识和对农事活动的兴趣,培养学生的实践能力和创新精神,促进科学素养的提升。  相似文献   

新修订的《义务教育小学科学课程标准》表现出延展和整合两大发展特点。基于对课程标准文件的分析,依托以往的国际科学课程研究,从三个层面分别解读这两大发展特点。同时根据我国小学科学教育的现状,分析在课程实施中可能面临的挑战。  相似文献   

随着我国新课程改革的不断推进,创新教学方法、改善课堂教学效率、提升教学效果等成为各学科的改革重点,进行课程整合也成为新时期教学改革的最新方式。科学技术对教育有巨大影响,并能给未来社会带来巨大变革,本文就小学数学课程与科学课程整合的实践策略,做一些初步探讨。  相似文献   

课外阅读是扩展中小学生知识面、发展学生智力、培养学生文化素养的重要途径。运用自编的问卷,对5所农村中小学16个班级的学生进行了调查。结果发现:(1)农村中小学生普遍存在课外阅读的兴趣;(2)中小学生课外阅读量少;(3)学校图书馆提供的阅读条件不能满足学生的需要;(4)乡镇图书室或农家书屋不能为中小学生阅读提供良好条件。  相似文献   

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