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As the United States population approaches a minority majority, the need to address educational inequities is intensified, especially for Latin@ students who are among the fastest growing ethnic minority group across the United States and at four-year colleges and universities. Concerns for educational equity also demand broadening participation of domestic under-represented groups in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) fields. Informed by student-level data from six large, public, doctoral-granting, research-intensive universities located in the Midwest and Mid-Atlantic regions, we examine differences in STEM degree attainment among Latin@s at the intersections of race/ethnicity, gender, and socioeconomic status. The results support the need to target STEM intervention efforts to Latin@s by gender.  相似文献   

Abstract: The overarching goal of the Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) Education Initiative is to foster effective STEM teaching and learning throughout the educational system at the local, state, and national levels, thereby producing science literate citizens and a capable STEM workforce. To contribute to achieving this goal, we have assembled six food science demonstrations for use at all educational levels and have presented these lessons to students at the elementary through higher education levels. The focus of this article is to share these food science demonstrations and our experiences using them so that others can use them for engaging students in STEM disciplines, through food science, at any educational level. Featured demonstrations include: (1) liquid nitrogen ice cream: a matter of changing phases, (2) seeing our senses work together, (3) whipping up the cream, (4) milk versus dark: what is the difference?, (5) counting calories by burning them, and (6) culinary spherification: the wonders of cross‐linking. Overall, our experience with using these demonstrations has been very positive. Students appear engaged in the learning process and love to consume the demonstration end products. Downloadable handouts containing demonstration details for each demonstration are available as supporting information.  相似文献   

Recently, there has been an increase in the Higher Education (HE) options (in terms of both courses and institutions) available to students in the UK. Given that the choice of institution and field of study are crucial for students’ future careers, we investigated how attributes of the institutions and courses determine students’ choices, and how they interact with student characteristics. Data on graduates with a STEM background, who started a course in 2010/11 in an English HE institution, was analysed using a conditional logit model. The research demonstrated that an institution’s prestige, degree subject area and distance from home play an important role in students’ choices. Furthermore, distance from home to the HE institution is a potential barrier to fair access, as socio-economically deprived students may have less choice if they are not able to travel as far.  相似文献   

美国"科学、技术、工程和数学"(STEM)高中形成于20世纪初,它的兴起缘于工业社会对有技能劳动力的巨大需求和二战后美国教育的新构想,它的发展响应了20世纪后期美国教育的改革,强化了美国科技创新人才培养战略。STEM高中在学校招生、课程设置、学生社团活动等方面具有突出的特点,对我国拔尖创新型人才的培养以及高中阶段教育多样化发展有一定的启示。  相似文献   

The new science education reform documents call for integration of engineering into K-12 science classes. Engineering design and practices are new to most science teachers, meaning that implementing effective engineering instruction is likely to be challenging. This quasi-experimental study explored the influence of teacher-developed, engineering design-based science curriculum units on learning and achievement among grade 4–8 students of different races, gender, special education status, and limited English proficiency (LEP) status. Treatment and control students (n = 4450) completed pretest and posttest assessments in science, engineering, and mathematics as well as a state-mandated mathematics test. Single-level regression results for science outcomes favored the treatment for one science assessment (physical science, heat transfer), but multilevel analyses showed no significant treatment effect. We also found that engineering integration had different effects across race and gender and that teacher gender can reduce or exacerbate the gap in engineering achievement for student subgroups depending on the outcome. Other teacher factors such as the quality of engineering-focused science units and engineering instruction were predictive of student achievement in engineering. Implications for practice are discussed.  相似文献   

Elementary teachers often hold inaccurate beliefs about the Nature of Science (NoS) and have negative attitudes toward science and mathematics. Using a pre-post design, the current study examined beliefs about the NoS, attitudes toward science and mathematics, and beliefs about the teaching of mathematics and science in a large sample study (N = 343) of pre-service teachers receiving a curriculum-wide intervention to improve these factors in comparison with Science, Technology, Engineering, and Mathematics (STEM) and non-STEM majors in other physics courses (N = 6697) who did not receive the intervention, over a 10-year period. Pre-service teachers evidenced initially more negative attitudes about mathematics and science than STEM majors and slightly more positive attitudes than non-STEM majors. Their attitudes toward mathematics and science and beliefs about the NoS were more similar to non-STEM than STEM majors. Pre-service teachers initially evidenced more positive beliefs about the teaching of mathematics and science, and their beliefs even increased slightly over the course of the semester, while these beliefs in other groups remained the same. Beliefs about the NoS and the teaching of mathematics and science were significantly negatively correlated for STEM and non-STEM majors, but were not significantly correlated for pre-service teachers. Beliefs about the NoS and attitudes toward mathematics and science were significantly positively correlated for both pre-service teachers and STEM students pursing the most mathematically demanding STEM majors. Attitudes toward science and mathematics were significantly positively correlated with accurate beliefs about the teaching of mathematics and science for all student groups.  相似文献   

This case study considered the syllabus of the first and second year studies in computer science. The aim of the study was to reveal which topics covered in the syllabi were really needed during the following years of study or in working life. The program that was assessed in the study was a Masters program in computer science and engineering at a university of technology in Finland. The necessity of different subjects for the advanced studies (years 3?–?5) and for working life was assessed using four content analyses: (a) the course catalog of the institution where this study was carried out, (b) employment reports that were attached to the applications for internship credits, (c) masters theses, and (d) job advertisements in a newspaper. The results of the study imply that the necessity of physics for the advanced study and work was very low compared to the extent to which it was studied. On the other hand, the necessity for mathematics was moderate, and it had remained quite steady during the period 1989?–?2002. The most necessary computer science topic was programming. Also telecommunications and networking was needed often, whereas theoretical computer science was needed quite rarely.  相似文献   

Graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) have a large impact on undergraduate instruction but are often poorly prepared to teach. Teaching self-efficacy, an instructor’s belief in his or her ability to teach specific student populations a specific subject, is an important predictor of teaching skill and student achievement. A model of sources of teaching self-efficacy is developed from the GTA literature. This model indicates that teaching experience, departmental teaching climate (including peer and supervisor relationships), and GTA professional development (PD) can act as sources of teaching self-efficacy. The model is pilot tested with 128 GTAs from nine different STEM departments at a midsized research university. Structural equation modeling reveals that K–12 teaching experience, hours and perceived quality of GTA PD, and perception of the departmental facilitating environment are significant factors that explain 32% of the variance in the teaching self-efficacy of STEM GTAs. This model highlights the important contributions of the departmental environment and GTA PD in the development of teaching self-efficacy for STEM GTAs.Science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) graduate teaching assistants (GTAs) play a significant role in the learning environment of undergraduate students. They are heavily involved in the instruction of undergraduate students at master’s- and doctoral-granting universities (Nyquist et al., 1991 ; Johnson and McCarthy, 2000 ; Sundberg et al., 2005 ; Gardner and Jones, 2011 ). GTAs are commonly in charge of laboratory or recitation sections, in which they often have more contact and interaction with the students than the professor who is teaching the course (Abraham et al., 1997 ; Sundberg et al., 2005 ; Prieto and Scheel, 2008 ; Gardner and Jones, 2011 ).Despite the heavy reliance on GTAs for instruction and the large potential for them to influence student learning, there is evidence that many GTAs are completely unprepared or at best poorly prepared for their role as instructors (Abraham et al., 1997 ; Rushin et al., 1997 ; Shannon et al., 1998 ; Golde and Dore, 2001 ; Fagen and Wells, 2004 ; Luft et al., 2004 ; Sundberg et al., 2005 ; Prieto and Scheel, 2008 ). For example, in molecular biology, 71% of doctoral students are GTAs, but only 30% have had an opportunity to take a GTA professional development (PD) course that lasted at least one semester (Golde and Dore, 2001 ). GTAs often teach in a primarily directive manner and have intuitive notions about student learning, motivation, and abilities (Luft et al., 2004 ). For those who experience PD, university-wide PD is often too general (e.g., covering university policies and procedures, resources for students), and departmental PD does not address GTAs’ specific teaching needs; instead departmental PD repeats the university PD (Jones, 1993 ; Golde and Dore, 2001 ; Luft et al., 2004 ). Nor do graduate experiences prepare GTAs to become faculty and teach lecture courses (Golde and Dore, 2001 ).While there is ample evidence that many GTAs are poorly prepared, as well as studies of effective GTA PD programs (biology examples include Schussler et al., 2008 ; Miller et al., 2014 ; Wyse et al., 2014 ), the preparation of a graduate student as an instructor does not occur in a vacuum. GTAs are also integral members of their departments and are interacting with faculty and other GTAs in many different ways, including around teaching (Bomotti, 1994 ; Notarianni-Girard, 1999 ; Belnap, 2005 ; Calkins and Kelly, 2005 ). It is important to build good working relationships among the GTAs and between the GTAs and their supervisors (Gardner and Jones, 2011 ). However, there are few studies that examine the development of GTAs as integral members of their departments and determine how departmental teaching climate, GTA PD, and prior teaching experiences can impact GTAs.To guide our understanding of the development of GTAs as instructors, a theoretical framework is important. Social cognitive theory is a well-developed theoretical framework for describing behavior and can be applied specifically to teaching (Bandura, 1977 , 1986 , 1997 , 2001 ). A key concept in social cognitive theory is self-efficacy, which is a person’s belief in his or her ability to perform a specific task in a specific context (Bandura, 1997 ). High self-efficacy correlates with strong performance in a task such teaching (Bandura, 1997 ; Tschannen-Moran and Hoy, 2007 ). Teaching self-efficacy focuses on teachers’ perceptions of their ability to “organize and execute courses of action required to successfully accomplish a specific teaching task in a particular context” (Tschannen-Moran et al., 1998 , p. 233). High teaching self-efficacy has been shown to predict a variety of types of student achievement among K–12 teachers (Ashton and Webb, 1986 ; Anderson et al., 1988 ; Ross, 1992 ; Dellinger et al., 2008 ; Klassen et al., 2011 ). In GTAs, teaching self-efficacy has been shown to be related to persistence in academia (Elkins, 2005 ) and student achievement in mathematics (Johnson, 1998 ). High teaching self-efficacy is evidenced by classroom behaviors such as efficient classroom management, organization and planning, and enthusiasm (Guskey, 1984 ; Allinder, 1994 ; Dellinger et al., 2008 ). Instructors with high teaching self-efficacy work continually with students to help them in learning the material (Gibson and Dembo, 1984 ). These instructors are also willing to try a variety of teaching methods to improve their teaching (Stein and Wang, 1988 ; Allinder, 1994 ). Instructors with high teaching self-efficacy perform better as teachers, are persistent in difficult teaching tasks, and can positively affect their student’s achievement.These behaviors of successful instructors, which can contribute to student success, are important to foster in STEM GTAs. Understanding of what influences the development of teaching self-efficacy in STEM GTAs can be used to improve their teaching self-efficacy and ultimately their teaching. Therefore, it is important to understand what impacts teaching self-efficacy in STEM GTAs. Current research into factors that influence GTA teaching self-efficacy are generally limited to one or two factors in a study (Heppner, 1994 ; Prieto and Altmaier, 1994 ; Prieto and Meyers, 1999 ; Prieto et al., 2007 ; Liaw, 2004 ; Meyers et al., 2007 ). Studying these factors in isolation does not allow us to understand how they work together to influence GTA teaching self-efficacy. Additionally, most studies of GTA teaching self-efficacy are not conducted with STEM GTAs. STEM instructors teach in a different environment and with different responsibilities than instructors in the social sciences and liberal arts (Lindbloom-Ylanne et al., 2006 ). These differences could impact the development of teaching self-efficacy of STEM GTAs compared with social science and liberal arts GTAs. To further our understanding of the development of STEM GTA teaching self-efficacy, this paper aims to 1) describe a model of factors that could influence GTA teaching self-efficacy, and 2) pilot test the model using structural equation modeling (SEM) on data gathered from STEM GTAs. The model is developed from social cognitive theory and GTA teaching literature, with support from the K–12 teaching self-efficacy literature. This study is an essential first step in improving our understanding of the important factors impacting STEM GTA teaching self-efficacy, which can then be used to inform and support the preparation of effective STEM GTAs.  相似文献   

Despite years of research, there remains serious concern regarding the engagement of students in science, mathematics and technology education. In this paper, the authors explore how narrative pedagogies are used in science, mathematics and technology in order to make the subjects meaningful. The paper focuses specifically on the role and aesthetic nature of narrative as a pedagogical approach in these school subjects and between school sectors. Case study methodology was used to compare the findings of two independent studies investigating the role of narrative-based pedagogies in mathematics and science (first author) and technology (second author). Based on this comparison, this paper proposes two perspectives on narrative-based pedagogies that deal with the connection of students with the subject: inward-looking that situated the learner within the story generated around artefact creation, and outward-looking that situated the stories of the content into students’ lifeworlds. The use of this comparative lens enabled a higher level of analysis that could not have been achieved by each research programme, generating a broader narrative that provided deeper insight into the teaching and learning experience.  相似文献   

学生综合素质的培养是现代教育的重要目标之一。本文以“植物标本制作”为主题,设计并实施了以生命科学为主、其他学科为辅的综合主题活动课,通过创设情境、设计活动等进行跨学科融合的STEAM教学,引导学生综合运用各学科知识解决实际问题,在此过程中培养学生认知能力、实践能力和探究能力。  相似文献   

BIO2010 advocates enhancing the interdisciplinary, mathematics, and physical science components of the undergraduate biology curriculum. The Department of Chemistry and Life Science at West Point responded by developing a required physical chemistry course tailored to the interests of life science majors. To overcome student resistance to physical chemistry, students were enabled as long-term stakeholders who would shape the syllabus by selecting life science topics of interest to them. The initial 2 yr of assessment indicates that students have a positive view of the course, feel they have succeeded in achieving course outcome goals, and that the course is relevant to their professional future. Instructor assessment of student outcome goal achievement via performance on exams and labs is comparable to that of students in traditional physical chemistry courses. Perhaps more noteworthy, both student and instructor assessment indicate positive trends from year 1 to year 2, presumably due to the student stakeholder effect.  相似文献   

根据目前理工类院校教育技术学本科专业所面临的挑战与机遇,本文从自身人才培养类型的总体目标、自身培养类型的确定、自身培养方向的明确、自身课程设置的规划以及学位的授予五个方面阐述了理工类院校教育技术学本科专业的发展定位与思路。  相似文献   

We investigated the effects of our Bio-ITEST teacher professional development model and bioinformatics curricula on cognitive traits (awareness, engagement, self-efficacy, and relevance) in high school teachers and students that are known to accompany a developing interest in science, technology, engineering, and mathematics (STEM) careers. The program included best practices in adult education and diverse resources to empower teachers to integrate STEM career information into their classrooms. The introductory unit, Using Bioinformatics: Genetic Testing, uses bioinformatics to teach basic concepts in genetics and molecular biology, and the advanced unit, Using Bioinformatics: Genetic Research, utilizes bioinformatics to study evolution and support student research with DNA barcoding. Pre–post surveys demonstrated significant growth (n = 24) among teachers in their preparation to teach the curricula and infuse career awareness into their classes, and these gains were sustained through the end of the academic year. Introductory unit students (n = 289) showed significant gains in awareness, relevance, and self-efficacy. While these students did not show significant gains in engagement, advanced unit students (n = 41) showed gains in all four cognitive areas. Lessons learned during Bio-ITEST are explored in the context of recommendations for other programs that wish to increase student interest in STEM careers.  相似文献   

Recent national reports have highlighted the contribution that the sciences make to the Australian economy. Many developed economies report perceived shortages of STEM qualified workers, and at the same time, many science graduates have difficulty in finding work, especially work in their discipline. Rational education design dictates that science curricula at all levels should be based on a realistic representation of the actual practice of science graduates. So where do Australian science graduates go postgraduation? Using the Australian national census data set, we present a focussed investigation into the occupational status of Australian science bachelor graduates, how this status varies with graduate age and gender, how this status varies between science degree specialisms and how this status compares to a range of other disciplines. We consider the implications of these findings for undergraduate science degree curriculum design. We find that Australian science bachelor graduates work in a wide range of occupations, and even immediately postgraduation, only a minority of science bachelor graduates are working in traditional science occupations. Occupational outcomes vary significantly between science degree specialisms. For a contemporary undergraduate science curriculum to reflect the occupational outcomes of science bachelor graduates, there is a balance required to ensure adequate technical preparation for those students who pursue a career in their discipline as science professionals and to also address the broader knowledge, skills and attitudes that will equip the majority of graduates from Australian science programs for successful employment, further education and active participation in their communities, using their science knowledge.  相似文献   

Journal of Science Education and Technology - Low retention rates of undergraduate students in Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM) fields are a persistent problem in the USA....  相似文献   

中国观众在很长时期内,都习惯于在文艺作品中看到对科学技术及科学家"崇高形象"的塑造,这种状态可能在大部分公众中至今仍是如此.但在当代以好莱坞为主的西方科幻影片中,则大异于是--更多见的是对科学技术的质疑,以及对科学技术飞速发展的忧虑.在这个问题上,"反乌托邦"似乎仍然是西方科幻影片中最有活力的思想纲领.  相似文献   

美国和欧洲的材料科学与工程教育(一)   总被引:9,自引:0,他引:9  
本文是基于材料科学与工程(MSE)领域世界顶尖级的两所大学麻省理工学院和剑桥大学的世界著名材料科学家和教育家M.C.Flemings教授和R.W.Cahn教授近期发表的关于美国和欧洲材料科学与工程教育的文章编译整理的,全文共分两部分,本部分内容包括:(1)材料科学与工程的内涵;(2)在美国的多学科材料教育;(3)欧洲的MSE教育;(4)美国和欧洲以材料为基础的系与教育计划;(5)合作与远程教育。编译者期望这对于我国材料科学与工程学科的教学改革与课程体系建设有所裨益。  相似文献   

分析了当前应用型本科工科数学教学现状,联系当前应用型本科新的特点,提出了工科数学在新形势下的改革趋势和思路,并对应用型本科工科数学的课程设置与教学方法改革提出了建议。  相似文献   

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