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I. Significance of Right of Priority The doctrine of right of priority, originating from the Paris Convention for the Protection of Industrial Property, and purporting to facilitate application for patents and trademarks in different countries, means that when an applicant files, within a given time limit after filing an application in a member state of the Paris Convention, another application in respect of the same subject matter in another member state, he/it may take the date of filing of the first application as the date of filing of the later application (referred to as the date of priority). The basis on which a foreign right of priority is established lies in that most countries adopt the first-to-file doctrine in patent grant. That is, it is presumed under the law that a person who first files an application is one who first accomplishes the in-  相似文献   

To mark the 30th anniversary of China's reform and opening-up and the lOthanniversary of the CAS Knowledge Innovation Program, a forum was held under the auspices of CAS from 11 to 14 November, 2008, in Beijing. Leaders of State science institutions from 16 countries across the world were present at the meeting to address the roles of their organizations in a national innovation system.  相似文献   

The August of 2007 is a busy month for the China-Australia Center on Water Resources Research affiliated to the CAS Institute of Geographical Sciences and Natural Resources Research (IGSNRR) in Beijing. Acting as a bridge between scholars of the two countries in the field, it brought together Chinese researchers and their Australian colleagues to take part in various academic activities ranging from workshops to field studies.  相似文献   

The research value of the right of resistance in the administrative law has been highlighted gradually in recent years with the enhancement of legal awareness and the increase of administrative cases in our country.In this paper,based on the concept and characteristics of the administrative counterpart’s right of resistance and the present situation of its development in our country,a conception of system of administrative counterpart’s right of resistance is proposed with the use of the regulations concerning the right of resistance in other countries for reference.  相似文献   

<正>The dramatic advancement of artificial intelligence(AI)technology in recent years has captured the attention of governments in various countries,many interested in its prospects for industrialization.With the support of the CAS Academic Divisions(CASAD),a task force headed by Prof.ZHANG Bo,a CAS Member from Tsinghua University.carried out studies on the development strategy of the academic discipline of AI and its industrialization with a focus on subjects such as state-of-the-art advances of AI,its industrial possibilities,and ways to develop the AI industry in China.  相似文献   

Today mankind is in a transition period to a new knowledge age. Both China and Germany entered the knowledge society at different times and under quite different circumstances. At the start of the 21st century, however, both countries are faced with similar challenges and are well equipped not the least due to the steadfast and trusting ties that have linked the Max Planck Society for the Advancement of Science and the Chinese Academy of Sciences. When the first steps in this cooperative endeavor were taken in 1974, the prospects were more than vague. But it only took a few years until solid cooperative initiatives took shape based on  相似文献   

<正>With the rapid economic growth and the increasing pressures on land resources,energy and space,the ocean will become one of the main areas of social and economic activities in future.Coastal countries and regions have attached great importance to the development of marine economy,and many countries are developing strategies to build themselves into sea powers through the research and development of marine science and technology.The Chinese government has also made up a strategic decision to build strong marine power through independent technological breakthroughs and to boost the rapid development of its marine industry.  相似文献   

正Over the past half century,a warming trend,the fastest seen so far,emerged in the arid and semi-arid regions in mid-latitudes of the Northern Hemisphere featuring fragile ecological systems.As predicted by scientists,the arid area will continue to expand,due to dual influence from both climate change and human activities;and about three-quarters of the drought expansion will happen in developing countries.  相似文献   

<正>Pooling together more than 40 renowned Chinese and U.S.experts in the field of glaciers and snow cover from a variety of institutions of the two countries,the CAS-NASA Workshop on the Use of Earth Observations to Address Glacier Change and Associated Hazards in the Hindu Kush Himalayas was convened from January 20 to 23 in Kathmandu,the capital of Nepal.Initiated against the milestone China-US Joint Announcement on Climate Change,which was released in November 2014,the meeting was sponsored by the Chinese  相似文献   

China is one of the countries that are often badly hit by climate-related disasters. To address the ever greater frequency of such disasters, a result of the unequivocal trend of global warming, the Chinese government should step up efforts and take strategic measures, suggests a panel of the CAS Academic Divisions in a consultative report concerning the impact of climatic change on China.  相似文献   

Editorial   总被引:12,自引:0,他引:12  
<正>Drastic changes are taking place worldwide in productivity,growth modes,lifestyles and socioeconomic development patterns.With the strong demands of modernization and globalization,a new round of ST revolution is gaining momentum and is expected to give birth to signifi cant breakthroughs.ST innovation,the most active and revolutionary factor in today’s world,clearly characterizes our times and makes it different from any other times in the past.It has become a strategic option for various countries to cultivate new economic growth points and compete to take favorite positions for ST advancement.In the wake of the international fi nancial  相似文献   

I. Background The intellectual property-related legislation has been substantially in place in China. Compared with the national laws that are not clearly discussed in theory and from which no basic, sectorial laws are made, the laws in the field of intellectual property right is more sophistic, and the legislation in this regard in China is more developed than that in most developing countries. All the successive Directors General of the World Intellectual Property Organisation of the United Nations say that "China has set a good example for the developing countries in intellectual property legislation". By the end of 2001, when China acceded to the WTO, its intellectual property legislation had reached the standard of protection under the Agreement on the Trade- related Aspects of Intellectual Property Rights (the TRIPS Agreement) of the WTO. This is beyond any doubt, or China would not have been accepted by the WTO. Some laws even exceed the WTO re-  相似文献   

A research project of the Association of Academies of Sciences in Asia (AASA) on the sustainable development in Asia has been launched. The first meeting of its expert panel was held on 25 February in Beijing, bringing together more than 20 experts from 10 Asian countries, including Russia, ROK, Turkey, Israel, India, Mongolia, Iran, Azerbaijan, and the Philippines. In the capacity of AASA vice president, CAS Vice President LI Jinghai attended the meeting and delivered a speech.  相似文献   

While enhancing the world kiwifruit production by developing new cultivars, CAS researchers are gaining a firm foothold in international kiwifruit market as they prolong their control over the propagation rights of a recently developed novel yellow-fleshed cultivar, Jin Tao, in European countries.Kiwifruit is one of the few fruits that have made a great impact on the global fruit market over the past century. Its origin and development  相似文献   

<正>China has made great progresses in space technologies since the launch of its fi rst artifi cial satellite and prepared itself for the rapid development of space science.By using foreign observation data for many years,a large number of space scientists have been cultivated in China[1].However,except for a few space science experiments conducted on several satellites and the Double Star mission,China is obviously short of its own science satellite plans and fi rst hand data.China has yet to give full play to the driving and leading role of space science satellite programs in the development of space technologies.To ensure the sustainable development of space science,narrow the gap between China and developed countries in cutting edge scientifi c discoveries and application-oriented innovation,and inject new vitality into the development of  相似文献   

浅谈网络资源的组织   总被引:1,自引:0,他引:1  
The rapid growth of Intemet resources has brought great inconvenience to users in searching for useful information. How to organize Internet resources effectively has become a problem of concern to information organizers and users. This article analyzes the essential impact of Intemet resources on information organization, and discusses the difficulties of Intemet resources organization. Finally, it introduces some research examples of Intemet resources organization in foreign countries.  相似文献   

The nations of tropical Asia should expand the number and size of protected areas within their borders, especially for forest types and ecoregions that are poorly protected in existing reserves,and for the increasingly rare areas that still retain their highly vulnerable megafauna, urges a declaration of more than 300 biologists from about 40 countries and regions.  相似文献   

At all times and in all countries of the world, people have been fascinated by obtaining deeper insights into life and have eagerly absorbed new knowledge from around the globe. Thus in addition to trade, the sciences early on became one of the most fruitful areas of worldwide exchange and international communication. Today, it is still often the sciences that bridge national and cultural differences between countries. The Chinese Academy of Sciences and the Max Planck Society can proudly look back on  相似文献   

The Inter-Academy Council (IAC) is an association of the world’s academies of sciences, located in Amsterdam, the Netherlands, and governed by a Board of 15 Academy Presidents (chosen by 100 academies of sciences), representing countries of all regions and levels of  相似文献   

<正>1.The global pharmaceutical market has entered a new round of adjustment The global pharmaceutical market keeps growing,but it faces problems like a decreasing ratio of RD investment to new drug output and the expiration of patented drugs.It is shifting to emerging countries with an increasing proportion of biotech drugs,and a new round of adjustment has been kicked off.Over the years,the pharmaceutical industry has been developing rapidly and persistently to become the fastest growing high-tech sector.However,the whole industry is facing a decreasing ratio of RD investment to new drug output.The RD spending of AstraZeneca,GlaxoSmithKline,Sanof i,Roche and Pf izer kept rising in the past 15 years but bore few fruits,and the output is signif icantly disproportional to the input.Besides,the expiration of a large number of  相似文献   

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